Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Ugh. I was doing really, really well...and then just blew two and a half hours watching TV. Not even anything I wanted to watch. So I figure I have six 20-minute segments left in my day. I'm putting myself on a timer.
The day is over, and it is evening. I have done many of the things I needed to do today, but this evening I am wanting to prepare the talk I am going to give Monday, so I can oractise it tomorrow in front of my friend, want to have it ready for her tomorrow. So fo this evening:
1)make yummy dinner
2) step work
3) most importantly, spend the time I need to spend on planning the talk for tomorrow. (minimum of 2 pomodoros)
1) Apply correct version of SQL client 2) Do yesterday's initial setup again, this time making sure share is created
3) Confirm problem exists in current version and log defect
4) Try automatic upgrade and fresh install of client
Major life changes triggering my avoidance. Seems like all can be traced back to my "fears" . Lo and behold, this page fell out of my papers that I was sorting. It helped yesterday. BB page 68:
"we think fear ought to be classed with stealing. It seems to cause more trouble. We reviewed our fears
thoroughly. We put them on paper, even though we had no resentment in
connection with them. We asked ourselves why we had them. Wasn't it
because self-reliance failed us? Self-reliance was good as far as it
went, but it didn't go far enough. Some of us once had great
self-confidence, but it didn't fully solve the fear problem, or any other. When it made us cocky, it was worse.
Perhaps there is a better way-we think so. For we are now on a
different basis of trusting and relying upon God. We trust infinite God
rather than our finite selves. We are in the world to play the role He
assigns. Just to the extent that we do as we think He would have us, and
humbly rely on Him, does He enable us to match calamity with serenity.
We never apologize to anyone for depending upon our Creator. We can
laugh at those who think spirituality the way of weakness.
Paradoxically, it is the way of strength. The verdict of the ages is
that faith means courage. All men of faith have courage. They trust
their God. We never apologize for God. Instead we let Him demonstrate,
through us, what He can do. We ask Him to remove our fear and direct our attention to what He would have us be. At once, we commence to outgrow fear. "
I am SO late today. Just can't get over my jet-lag!
But if I focus, I can get in a full day of work. I need to:
Email about committee Finish R. comments Check on R8 rederivation Email mom
Prep for mini-symposium (working on this now) Reserve room
Finish freezing samples (working on this now)
Coat slides (working on this now)
Get haircut (will do this soon)
Do 1.5 hrs of counts (will do this soon)
Assemble comments, brainstorm title
Email paper comments to R Go to friend's goodbye party
I am so appreciative of this website, and I've only been exploring in earnest for the past few days. Thank you to pro and all other members for making this informative and supportive.
I've been so afraid to make my check-in list because I doubt that I'll be able to account for it. BUT, I've gotta start somewhere, right?
In 15 minute bursts (cuz that's the only way I think they'll get done):
practice/back exercises
process inbox - email, physical
sort out makeup lessons for 11/30
write intro on PA boards
reply to 6 emails
(more if I do this and have time)
make bread
buy some sweaters at Marshalls?
Feel free to comment on my posting, because I'm looking for encouragement!
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?" -- Pema Chodron, Comfortable with Uncertainty
In 15 minute bursts (cuz that's the only way I think they'll get done): dishes - 1, 2
tidying/filing massage - 1
practice/back exercises
process inbox - email, physical sort out makeup lessons for 11/30:
--- call Cohn
--- call Blackwood write intro on PA boards
reply to 6 emails - replied to 2 as of 1:26 ET
(more if I do this and have time)
Other: feed sourdoughs make bread
buy some sweaters at Marshalls?
...and, thank you for the hello journey!
Evening update:
WELL, I didn't get a lot done. I'll carry over the uncompleted tasks to tomorrow. I want to learn how to be more realistic with my time estimations.
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?" -- Pema Chodron, Comfortable with Uncertainty
wake up / clean up
prep food
drive to work
punch in
check in w pa
breakfast route
read St
fill in T, A, p date, I#, etc on e-fles Gs BCs Cs let J know about appointment
meeting lunch
car reg
1. Emails
2. Prep for meeting w/L
3. Meeting w/L
4. Accept delivery (where is that darn truck! I want to get on with my day)
5. Deposit Check
6. Drive to office
7. Pick more tasks
8. Billing for Q and M
9. Invoice I
Ended up getting a headache and not finishing everything I wanted to, but with the help of HP and you all I'm heading in the right direction.
However, you cannot edit a post that's been replied to.
(regardless of whether you or someone else replied to your post).
So therefore, you can take your original list,
and copy it,
and then re-post it as a reply to your first post,
(by clicking on 'reply' at bottom of your original list).
Then you can edit your NEW post by clicking on 'edit' at bottom of that.
[for example, see gotmusikk's post on this page]
To do cross-out or strike-through,
highlight the text you want,
and then click on ABC
I'm pretty happy with myself. I got a job that I thought I wouldn't get yesterday simply by going to an open interview. Before I would have procrastinated and would have never gone. i also would have declared defeat. I'm becoming more focused just by simply using this site as a tool. Thank you.
This is a life experiment at abstinence from procrastination. To my knowledge, there's no definition of what abstinence from procrastination means, and several have been suggested on this board. I am trying : abstinence from unplanned time. I have a tendency to jump on bandwagons and so I will only know how this experiment is going when I can look back after 1 month, 3 months, 9 months, 1 year. The idea that every minute of my life will be planned seems suffocatingly restrictive to me. But Step 3 is "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God." and that step will return us to sanity ( Step 2 ). I have come to believe that subjecting all my time and tasks to a plan is subjecting them to God's will. I intend to always ask, what does God want me to do today? What does god want me to do next? And whatever that answer is, I intend to do nothing other. At this point in my faith journey, I accept a life entirely submitted to God's will.
8:25am : it's been 12 hours or so since i last went off plan. Ie last night. I have caught up on this site which took 10 min. That's not too bad, but it should be a choice. It was, but without counting the cost. I should know the time before i start it.
Dedicate each task to God as i start it.
:) 8:30am pa phone mtg
:) rty
:) quiet time
- did unplanned tasks
:) mtg prep
:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) mtg prep
:) 12pm bible study
:) prep
:) 1pm mtg
:) wk tasks
:) 430pm mtg
:) re-plan
:) MITs, various
:) wko
:) more MITs, various
9:12am : i found this intriguing. AA says EGO, selfishness, self-centeredness are at the core of our problem. I would like to be less self-centered. God pls help me do that. Now, was that on plan? i dont think so :=( That means now is a new beginning.
10:50am : i guess i did my tasks in the wrong order. Was this off plan? i guess so. I did not realize. going back to plan now. new beginning.
3:40pm : need Wisdom to know the difference - one of my MITs took longer than expected. Should i have stopped? But i DID go off plan cuz i planned to use InstanBoss and chat to keep track of time, and i binged instead. That's ok. New beginning right now. It's been 1 min since i last went off plan. Now onto smaller, also v.imp tasks. --Oh and my mtg got delayed by 1/2 hr, givng more time. THANK YOU GOD!
6:05pm : was hanging out with family. That was nice, and did not last to long, but it was unplanned. I can plan that if i want it. Cuz not having a plan is dangerous for me. This time i was ok. But most of the times it does not turn out well for me, and i dont follow God's will.
9:48pm : it's been 26 min since i last went off plan. And i had a GREAT 9pm EST chat mtg. I feel God inside me strengthening me. I am going to turn to my tasks.
Working from home today . . . and so far I have done nada. going right now to exercise, then come back here and make todo list.
Update 11 am - slow start today but I've gotten a few things done. Now I need to call HR and get that out of the way ugh. Other things to do today:
Review share parameters and ddn for major project
schedule another test shot for major project
documentation project - due tomorrow, work on it at least an hour today
Monday's meeting agenda
begin speech outline - 15 minutes
Pick up doggy meds
These are the important things. If I get these done I can consider working on some lower priority items.
Update 4:30 doing well today, but of course I have successful postponed the most onerous task to the last minute. I'll work on the documentation for 30 minutes, put dinner in the over, then work on it 30 more minutes, and call it a day.
Update 5pm: OK, in 30 minutes of focused work I completed the editing of 21 of 119 articles. So that's good, I'll try to get 20 more done tonight and then I should be able to finish up in a couple of hours tomorrow. Now that I finally got started, it's really not that bad. Right now I'm going to put my chicken and rice casserole in the oven.
I'm new here and this is my first check-in. I'm very grateful that I found this site and hope that with it I can get back control of my life. I've been living with the procrastinator monster my whole life.
Here's my list for today, in order of priority:
1. Finish and send minutes. 45 min.
2. Send invoices. 45 min.
3. Update calendar. 30 min.
4. Do first draft of translation. 60 min.
5. Grocery shopping. 60 min.
6. Holiday shopping. 90 min.
Here I go...
2:20 pm: Well, I've run out of time but I'm going to celebrate what I did accomplish and not dwell on what I didn't. Tomorrow's another day, and this is a great accomplishment. Good luck to everyone!
God that quote hits home. Yesterday a friend asked "what's going on with you apart from career stuff". and I had no answer. something to think about, thanks eleanor
join in with work. listen but don't be passive.
go to event tonight, even if skipping it would feel more comfortable.
make sure to see friend on way home.
eat with self care and whilst listening to your body
Woke early at 4.30 after a nightmare where I was running away without many clothes on. Decided not to try to go back to sleep so:
Prayer and reflection - decided to abandon several trivial arguments
Deleted all letters emails etc. prayed for the people and for myself
Spent some time feeling relaxed and free again
Reflected on the things in my life that I really want to do
Checked other emails and posts
Landlord file - there are two areas of work - those I can deal with and finish on my own and those I need to wait for other tenants imput - my problem was that I was putting of the things I could do because I could not do everything
x I can write two letters, post them with a completed letter from yesterday, list possible other things that can be done to resolve problems and file these - done and I've posted the letters and it is not 08.00 yet!
I need to wait until I have imput for a third letter and when this come write it, get it signed by everyone and posted and filed
x Clean kitchen, wash up etc. so I'm ready for food delivery in early afternoon.
x Put food away in a better organised way - done, not perfect but done
x Have a look at my lists of the things I really want to do - and can't find the timetable which I am not keeping to anyway.
Started sorting and cleaning books and bookcase
Collected duplicate and excess books for charity shop
Sorted all book info onto one shelf
Dealt with difficult phone message and email over a business matter and got help to resolve it
Received and had a brief look at new book on camera controls
Loaded washing machine
Write journal how did I forget?
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
It's 8 PM. I'm tired of myself and my excuses. I've been too intimidated by my looming deadlines to even make a list of things that I need to do each day. Sigh.
Apparently, I'm not willing to do more than make a "list of one." So, here goes:
1) Test automatic upgrade
EOD update:
Was able to set up the test, but didn't run it. Bleah.
Thank you, pro, for maintaining these boards for the fellowship. Thank you also to EleanorBE for starting the thread.
Major thanks to the Mole for kindly suggesting a "Not allowed to touch kitchen floor day", which may be just what is needed to get the entire floor made spotless!
I would appreciate it if anyone who feels moved to comment on my post here would write to me privately rather than post in reply to this post - so I can still edit this post here. Thank you!
Follow Morning Routine
Put washing in, take it out, put it around to dry
Sweep kitchen floor (5 mins)
Scrub the 2nd quarter of kitchen floor (10 mins)
Scoop cat trays (15 mins)
Washing up (30 mins)
Phone MH (1 hour)
Living Room: Clear altar and coffee table (15 mins)
Make nutritious meal & freeze excess (45 mins)
Clear bedroom hotspot (15 mins)
Clear bedroom nightstand (10 mins)
Clean up Lily's bedroom floor (30 mins)
NHS job application (deadline: Thu 6 Dec)
Tidy up inside car/bring in rubbish (15 mins)
Admin at table inc bus pass & update diary (1 hour)
Follow Bedtime Routine
Best wishes to my fellow procrastinators with your day ahead.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
Online Meeting Anchors Needed for December 2
Online Meeting Anchors Needed for December 2
To lead our chatbox 12step meeting we need people to anchor --start the
meeting, beginners are welcome. And here is link to the calendar
Please scroll down at the bottom of the page, locate the date and simply sign up by commenting to movingalong's post.
Our Step of the Week is Step Six and Tool of the Week is Tool #2 -- Visualization.
Ugh. I was doing really, really well...and then just blew two and a half hours watching TV. Not even anything I wanted to watch. So I figure I have six 20-minute segments left in my day. I'm putting myself on a timer.
Here's what I need to do:
1. Go through paperwork
2. Prep for tomorrow
3. Clean (fold laundry/clean kitchen)
4. Shower
5. Lang
6. Read
EleanorBE's Thursday List
Here we go -
- plan class, inc essay section
- teach class
- copy stuff for training session
- attend sm meeting
- meet with C
- run training session
tila - Thur
A busy day already, just had time to sit down. Plan for the rest of the day:
library, pick up castile soap, Tacontinue on Dad's o, fix another one, fix lambCalypso checks in
The day is over, and it is evening. I have done many of the things I needed to do today, but this evening I am wanting to prepare the talk I am going to give Monday, so I can oractise it tomorrow in front of my friend, want to have it ready for her tomorrow. So fo this evening:
1)make yummy dinner
2) step work
3) most importantly, spend the time I need to spend on planning the talk for tomorrow. (minimum of 2 pomodoros)
4) be mindful to bring in hp in my activities
Piqued CI
1) Apply correct version of SQL client
2) Do yesterday's initial setup again, this time making sure share is created3) Confirm problem exists in current version and log defect
4) Try automatic upgrade and fresh install of client
Vic 11/29/12 Thursday
Show up (done) , cal, exer.
Major life changes triggering my avoidance. Seems like all can be traced back to my "fears" . Lo and behold, this page fell out of my papers that I was sorting. It helped yesterday. BB page 68:
"we think fear ought to be classed with stealing. It seems to cause more trouble. We reviewed our fears
thoroughly. We put them on paper, even though we had no resentment in
connection with them. We asked ourselves why we had them. Wasn't it
because self-reliance failed us? Self-reliance was good as far as it
went, but it didn't go far enough. Some of us once had great
self-confidence, but it didn't fully solve the fear problem, or any other. When it made us cocky, it was worse.
Perhaps there is a better way-we think so. For we are now on a
different basis of trusting and relying upon God. We trust infinite God
rather than our finite selves. We are in the world to play the role He
assigns. Just to the extent that we do as we think He would have us, and
humbly rely on Him, does He enable us to match calamity with serenity.
We never apologize to anyone for depending upon our Creator. We can
laugh at those who think spirituality the way of weakness.
Paradoxically, it is the way of strength. The verdict of the ages is
that faith means courage. All men of faith have courage. They trust
their God. We never apologize for God. Instead we let Him demonstrate,
through us, what He can do. We ask Him to remove our fear and direct our attention to what He would have us be. At once, we commence to outgrow fear. "
kromer 10:40 CI
I am SO late today. Just can't get over my jet-lag!
But if I focus, I can get in a full day of work. I need to:
Email about committee
Finish R. commentsCheck on R8 rederivationEmail momPrep for mini-symposium (working on this now)
Reserve roomFinish freezing samples (working on this now)
Coat slides (working on this now)
Get haircut (will do this soon)
Do 1.5 hrs of counts (will do this soon)
Assemble comments, brainstorm title
Email paper comments to R
Go to friend's goodbye partygotmusikk's FIRST check-in!
Hello everyone!
I am so appreciative of this website, and I've only been exploring in earnest for the past few days. Thank you to pro and all other members for making this informative and supportive.
I've been so afraid to make my check-in list because I doubt that I'll be able to account for it. BUT, I've gotta start somewhere, right?
In 15 minute bursts (cuz that's the only way I think they'll get done):
practice/back exercises
process inbox - email, physical
sort out makeup lessons for 11/30
write intro on PA boards
reply to 6 emails
(more if I do this and have time)
make bread
buy some sweaters at Marshalls?
Feel free to comment on my posting, because I'm looking for encouragement!
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?" -- Pema Chodron, Comfortable with Uncertainty
This is the one that I'll
This is the one that I'll update:
In 15 minute bursts (cuz that's the only way I think they'll get done):
dishes - 1, 2clean
massage - 1practice/back exercises
process inbox -
email,physicalsort out makeup lessons for 11/30:--- call Cohn
--- call Blackwood
write intro on PA boardsreply to 6 emails - replied to 2 as of 1:26 ET
(more if I do this and have time)
feed sourdoughsmake breadbuy some sweaters at Marshalls?
...and, thank you for the hello journey!
Evening update:
WELL, I didn't get a lot done. I'll carry over the uncompleted tasks to tomorrow. I want to learn how to be more realistic with my time estimations.
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?" -- Pema Chodron, Comfortable with Uncertainty
Welcome gotmusikk
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
hi and welcome ms.
hi and welcome
ms. x
andy b daily check in 11/29
wake up / clean upprep food
drive to work
punch in
check in w pa
routeread St
fill in T, A, p date, I#, etc on e-fles
GsBCsCslet J know about appointmentappointment
lunchcar reg
Tabula Rasa - 6:32AM
1. Emails
2. Prep for meeting w/L
3. Meeting w/L
4. Accept delivery (where is that darn truck! I want to get on with my day)
5. Deposit Check
6. Drive to office
7. Pick more tasks
M8. Billing for Q and
9. Invoice I
Ended up getting a headache and not finishing everything I wanted to, but with the help of HP and you all I'm heading in the right direction.
Heruk 11-29-12 9am 1st post
Call school counselor set appointment
complete 3 speech
book daughters plane tickets
pay fine
find out if a lawyer can help
all done by 4pm
1st post edit
Call school counselor set appointmentcomplete 3 speech rescheduled for weekend
book daughters plane tickets baby mama drama prolonged
pay fine rescheduled for tommorrow
find out if a lawyer can helpall done by 4pm
1 ted talkfinish at least 1 tomorow and the other saturdayWelcome Heruk
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
how do I put strikes through my finished tasks?
how to cross out (strike-through) tasks
You can do this by editing your post.
However, you cannot edit a post that's been replied to.
(regardless of whether you or someone else replied to your post).
So therefore, you can take your original list,
and copy it,
and then re-post it as a reply to your first post,
(by clicking on 'reply' at bottom of your original list).
Then you can edit your NEW post by clicking on 'edit' at bottom of that.
[for example, see gotmusikk's post on this page]
To do cross-out or strike-through,
highlight the text you want,
and then click on
tidylunchreadygo to c apptgym and poolaccountsCheck in for today
I'm pretty happy with myself. I got a job that I thought I wouldn't get yesterday simply by going to an open interview. Before I would have procrastinated and would have never gone. i also would have declared defeat. I'm becoming more focused just by simply using this site as a tool. Thank you.
1. Go to courthouse
2. Call DOL for another follow up
3. Do laundry
4. Do research on personal projects
5. Schedule interview with hospitality director
6. Go to interview for promotion
7. Cook dinner
Congrats MIH
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
clement ci - day 22 attempting abstinence
This is a life experiment at abstinence from procrastination. To my knowledge, there's no definition of what abstinence from procrastination means, and several have been suggested on this board. I am trying : abstinence from unplanned time. I have a tendency to jump on bandwagons and so I will only know how this experiment is going when I can look back after 1 month, 3 months, 9 months, 1 year. The idea that every minute of my life will be planned seems suffocatingly restrictive to me. But Step 3 is "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God." and that step will return us to sanity ( Step 2 ). I have come to believe that subjecting all my time and tasks to a plan is subjecting them to God's will. I intend to always ask, what does God want me to do today? What does god want me to do next? And whatever that answer is, I intend to do nothing other. At this point in my faith journey, I accept a life entirely submitted to God's will.
8:25am : it's been 12 hours or so since i last went off plan. Ie last night. I have caught up on this site which took 10 min. That's not too bad, but it should be a choice. It was, but without counting the cost. I should know the time before i start it.
Dedicate each task to God as i start it.
:) 8:30am pa phone mtg
:) rty
:) quiet time
- did unplanned tasks
:) mtg prep
:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) mtg prep
:) 12pm bible study
:) prep
:) 1pm mtg
:) wk tasks
:) 430pm mtg
:) re-plan
:) MITs, various
:) wko
:) more MITs, various
9:12am : i found this intriguing. AA says EGO, selfishness, self-centeredness are at the core of our problem. I would like to be less self-centered. God pls help me do that. Now, was that on plan? i dont think so :=( That means now is a new beginning.
10:50am : i guess i did my tasks in the wrong order. Was this off plan? i guess so. I did not realize. going back to plan now. new beginning.
3:40pm : need Wisdom to know the difference - one of my MITs took longer than expected. Should i have stopped? But i DID go off plan cuz i planned to use InstanBoss and chat to keep track of time, and i binged instead. That's ok. New beginning right now. It's been 1 min since i last went off plan. Now onto smaller, also v.imp tasks. --Oh and my mtg got delayed by 1/2 hr, givng more time. THANK YOU GOD!
6:05pm : was hanging out with family. That was nice, and did not last to long, but it was unplanned. I can plan that if i want it. Cuz not having a plan is dangerous for me. This time i was ok. But most of the times it does not turn out well for me, and i dont follow God's will.
9:48pm : it's been 26 min since i last went off plan. And i had a GREAT 9pm EST chat mtg. I feel God inside me strengthening me. I am going to turn to my tasks.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Journey 8 am
Working from home today . . . and so far I have done nada. going right now to exercise, then come back here and make todo list.
Update 11 am - slow start today but I've gotten a few things done. Now I need to call HR and get that out of the way ugh. Other things to do today:
Review share parameters and ddn for major projectschedule another test shot for major projectMonday's meeting agendabegin speech outline - 15 minutesPick up doggy medsThese are the important things. If I get these done I can consider working on some lower priority items.
Update 4:30 doing well today, but of course I have successful postponed the most onerous task to the last minute. I'll work on the documentation for 30 minutes, put dinner in the over, then work on it 30 more minutes, and call it a day.
Update 5pm: OK, in 30 minutes of focused work I completed the editing of 21 of 119 articles. So that's good, I'll try to get 20 more done tonight and then I should be able to finish up in a couple of hours tomorrow. Now that I finally got started, it's really not that bad. Right now I'm going to put my chicken and rice casserole in the oven.
Have a productive and enjoyable day y'all.
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
Nevermind's First Thursday (11PM GMT)
Not go alot of time today but Let's see if i can get things done outside of Univercity and work today,
1. Hand in finallised Essay
Done 35 minutes, Better then expected.2. Start Algibra Revision (20 minutes minimum)
3. Continue my drawing Practice.
Not a busy day outside of Uni and Work but best to start of slowly so i can build up to doing other things.
Blue-eyes' check-in 9:30 am (European time)
Hi everyone,
I'm new here and this is my first check-in. I'm very grateful that I found this site and hope that with it I can get back control of my life. I've been living with the procrastinator monster my whole life.
Here's my list for today, in order of priority:
Finish and send minutes. 45 min.
2. Send invoices. 45 min.
Update calendar. 30 min.4.
Do first draft of translation. 60 min.5. Grocery shopping. 60 min.
6. Holiday shopping. 90 min.
Here I go...
2:20 pm: Well, I've run out of time but I'm going to celebrate what I did accomplish and not dwell on what I didn't. Tomorrow's another day, and this is a great accomplishment. Good luck to everyone!
ms thursday
God that quote hits home. Yesterday a friend asked "what's going on with you apart from career stuff". and I had no answer. something to think about, thanks eleanor
join in with work. listen but don't be passive.make sure to see friend on way home.constants
eat with self care and whilst listening to your bodybe careful around moneyno nappingRexroth Check In 06.10
Woke early at 4.30 after a nightmare where I was running away without many clothes on. Decided not to try to go back to sleep so:
Prayer and reflection - decided to abandon several trivial arguments
Deleted all letters emails etc. prayed for the people and for myself
Spent some time feeling relaxed and free again
Reflected on the things in my life that I really want to do
Checked other emails and posts
Landlord file - there are two areas of work - those I can deal with and finish on my own and those I need to wait for other tenants imput - my problem was that I was putting of the things I could do because I could not do everything
x I can write two letters, post them with a completed letter from yesterday, list possible other things that can be done to resolve problems and file these - done and I've posted the letters and it is not 08.00 yet!
I need to wait until I have imput for a third letter and when this come write it, get it signed by everyone and posted and filed
x Clean kitchen, wash up etc. so I'm ready for food delivery in early afternoon.
x Put food away in a better organised way - done, not perfect but done
x Have a look at my lists of the things I really want to do - and can't find the timetable which I am not keeping to anyway.
Started sorting and cleaning books and bookcase
Collected duplicate and excess books for charity shop
Sorted all book info onto one shelf
Dealt with difficult phone message and email over a business matter and got help to resolve it
Received and had a brief look at new book on camera controls
Loaded washing machine
Write journal how did I forget?
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
Night Rexroth 21.32
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Eleanor for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Fix and eat breakfast3. Go to the 7 a.m, telephone DA meeting4. Take shower5. Get dressed6. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.7. Go to individual therapy at 10:30 a.m.8. Go to the grocery store9. Go to the state place to give my papers10. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting11. Eat lunch
12. Go to the see my Voc Rehab worker at 2 p.m.13. Prayer and meditation
14. Read the meditations
15. Cook and eat dinner16. Wash dishes
17. Go to the 9 p.m. online PA meeting18. Go to the online EA meeting at 9:30Thanks for letting me share
Piqued CI
It's 8 PM. I'm tired of myself and my excuses. I've been too intimidated by my looming deadlines to even make a list of things that I need to do each day. Sigh.
Apparently, I'm not willing to do more than make a "list of one." So, here goes:
1) Test automatic upgrade
EOD update:
Was able to set up the test, but didn't run it. Bleah.
T's checkin
It's 12.35pm now.
Get in to work by 1.30 pm
Work - 9X10 by 3.20 pm- Finish Intro n c1
Get Lunch
3.50 - 5.50 - 10x10 Finish c2
Salamander's check in - Thurs 29 Nov 2012
Thank you, pro, for maintaining these boards for the fellowship. Thank you also to EleanorBE for starting the thread.
Major thanks to the Mole for kindly suggesting a "Not allowed to touch kitchen floor day", which may be just what is needed to get the entire floor made spotless!
I would appreciate it if anyone who feels moved to comment on my post here would write to me privately rather than post in reply to this post - so I can still edit this post here. Thank you!
Follow Morning RoutinePut washing in,take it out, put it around to dryWashing up (30 mins)
Make nutritious meal & freeze excess (45 mins)Best wishes to my fellow procrastinators with your day ahead.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
EleanorBE's Thursday List
Here we go -
- plan class, inc essay section
- teach class
- copy stuff for training session
- attend sm meeting
- meet with C
- run training session
Welcome Tamtam
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler