Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Lavida's New Focus
I had an interesting moment Sunday night while sleeping and not feeling
well, where I heard my Higher Power tell me that I was "dying" (not literally) and
then would be restored in a few days. This was very powerful after
everything I've been through (hell pretty much)
The next day I got a second wind and finally did my Goals Pages for my other recovery program, only the most important ones, with a few action steps. It gave me focus and direction and a vision for where I want to go in the next few weeks. Then I did a full hour workout doing the exercises I really need to do that I've neglected for ages. It felt great. Three days worth of exercising is already seeing me lose some weight.
Then last night a new idea came over me that I could pray to my Higher Power for the wilingness, motivation and desire to do my work, as much of it as I could, to earn as much money as possible to finally be free! I told HP of my Expectation of a breakthrough with this willingness desire motivation. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
This new focus may have also come about from doing 4th step work related to my fears and resentments. I'll write about what I discovered later, but essentially it was a severe codependency that had me thinking I could not be successful in life without them.
But I'm an adult now and I have the right to be successful through myself and God and I don't need them for that. I don't have to be afraid of failure because I don't need their approval or to compare myself to them, and I don't have to be afraid of success because I am allowed to shine and if they want to be #1 that's their issue and I don't have to keep myself down to please them. I am dependent on my HIGHER POWER FOR ALL LOVE AND APPROVAL AND SUPPORT.
So, I expect that the Holy Spirit will work through me today, breaking through all blocks and letting me succeed as an adult so I can enjoy prosperity!
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Comment for Lavida
Sounds like some powerful stuff going on here for you, lavida. I can see you've found something you needed to help you move forward in your recovery. I hope you continue to feel good, knowing that with your HP, many things you could not do alone are possible.
Warm good wishes!
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
re: thank you Salamander!
Thank you so much for acknowledging my experience and for the good wishes, Salamander. Best wishes for you too! :)