Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday 18th October 2012
The distance doesn't matter;
it is only the first step that is difficult.
Marquise du Deffand
Nurture the foot that takes the step, bathe it in oil, speak to it softly, and set it on its way.
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ms friday (early!)
Late check in. Not very organized today, but I've gotten the necessary things done. The rest of the day:
3:10-4:45 work (as many for sci as possible)
4:45-5:15 pick up drawings
5:15-5:30 relax
6:30-7:30 dinner, cleaning, call Rachelle
7:30-8:30 e-mail, prep notes for tomorrow, prep for tomorrow
8:30-9 shower/vit
9-10 lang, read
Piqued CI
Fell off the productivity wagon due to vacation, work deadlines, funeral, and general bleh. Climbing on again now...
Goal: Make a fearless inventory of everything I'm behind on at work. Take the document in question to my upcoming (tomorrow!) review at work so that my manager and I can sort through what needs to be done when.
Results: Combed through the 700+ emails in my inbox, creating a list of all to-do items that were lurking there. My to-do list references the email title, and the emails that made it onto the to-do list were moved into a storage directory so that I could find them later. Still need to go through my sent mail, which also has at least 700 messages in it. Also, I know that I have several to-do lists scattered around here and there. All in all, it was a good start.
Making discomfort a daily goal is the key to making progress. Robert Leahy
Hamlet's checkin
found mysel in a new state of grace today. Thank you, lord.
1. Contact Wes(DONE)
2. study up on OR organization
3. tel conf
4. declutter entry way (2 bursts)
5. eat 3 healthy snack
6. target mail (link to snack)
7. gardening blog
8. Procrustean blog (DONE)
9. mastercard (link to snack)
10. meditate
11. Water plants
InnerTruth's check-in
I got off track a few weeks ago and need to refocus.
Here's what I'm going to do before my class:
After class
Lavida Thurs. CI task list
Write 6 articles - DONE (including 4 from yesterday):

Drink 8 glasses water - DONE:
_ _ _
6:30 wake up, bfast, Bible, get ready
7:30-8-30 Write article 1
8:30-9:30 UA mtg (job related)
9:45-10:45 Write article 2
11-12 Job search
12-2 lunch/workout/shower/errands
2-3 Write article 3
3-4 Job search
4-5 Write article 4
5-6 Job search
6-7 Dinner/Bible
7-8 Write article 5
8-9 Job search
9-10 Write article 6
10:30-11:30 Stretch, prayer, get ready for bed
11:30 pm bedtime
Take blood testCall in results to nurseCall post officeGo to gym just to find out where it is, etc. (workout today is optional)
break it down!!! >>> then Make each job contact
"I would like to learn how to get specific, but not be perfectionistic about it so it's more of a guideline than an absolute rule" ... "I think it will help me feel more secure knowing
that tonight I will spend some time making a job search list so I can
identify the exact actions to take"
MUST pay partial phone bill (prayer: stay connected and let me pay rest on Tues)
MUST get PO Box
MUST call friend
MUST finish laundry
MUST workout at park or gym
MUST start 4th step
MUST start sharing in meetings & seek sponsor
tila - Thur
Health issues yesterday, feeling much better today.
Plan for today:
37and 38 (35/35/2 hrs),also did the dreaded tasksw,j, mtdinner,mop floors, whites +1 , also cleaned the car, washed misc, paid a bill, planned a shopping tripPhoebe's list for 10/18/12
Thank you Mole for the starter.
I don't tend to write here often or to be in the chatbox but I still visit this site almost everyday. You guys are just inspiration to me, so thank you all for that! :)
Probably need to intract more, so here's the list of things.
Need to do:
-look through E's presentation
-download LL
-search for the matiral about ms
-find last lecture
-finish the report (Please do this! It's getting really embarrassing..)
-copy the lecture notes
-go to bed before midnight!
Vic October 18,2012 Thursday
Show up (done), calender, exer
Feel like I took a wrong turn since last week, my "recovery road" in PA is full of potholes, had lots of flat tires,patched, but am still on the road, and know there are others on this road as well, hope to see the highway soon.
kromer 10:30 CI
Today my main task is to be phone-accessible, so I can answer the phone when a friend calls. I have asked to have a difficult conversation, so I need to not make the friend pay phone tag. (Had the converstation! Yay! It went as well as could have been expected!)
So, I'm going to accept that, first, I'm not necessarily gonna be super productive today, and that's fine. But, there are a bunch of tasks I can work on without leaving my computer. I may not be at peak concentration, because I'm nervous, but I can still make progress.
I will do any of the following tasks that seem appealling and that I can get through:
*Write up review comments (will do this soon)
Finish getting section headings*Get outline together and email to Mu and EA
*Write 2 pages (working on this now)
*Write 2 more pages
*Genotype (will do this soon)
*Make heat maps
*Work on career plan
*Make pub-qual image
Chattydo - Daily Check In
Dr. ApptRenew prescription onlineMake appt with FallonBill 8 hoursOverdid this - billed like 13 hours.Have J clean kitchenHave J wash his sheetsHave J clean his roomHave J do PSAT questionsPut something out for dinnerMake dinnerdelegated to G to pick up fried chicken and potato salad at marketbrd's Thursday check in
Lavida CI Thurs. 10/18
Updated post:
Just read 2 Thessalonians, and this part really struck me:
"For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat." and "work in quietness and eat their own bread."
These are the values I did not learn growing up. I am grateful I have this new faith to follow to get my life back on track.
Will start doing my work now.
Good morning, PA.
Woke up later than planned ... had a nightmare and I think it threw me off.
Feeling scared.
I supposed this means I need to take some sort of new action towards getting a real job.
My goal is to write a minimum of 6 articles daily so I can get out of my homelessness hell. Yesterday (I think) was the first day ever that I was finally able to complete the bare minimum of 4! :D
But I really need to start applying for jobs. That thought feels overwhelming. Once again, I need to break this down. I need to start writing down lists in my notebook and just go one by one, because a job search has many roads that can be taken and it scares me!!!!! :confused:
Help me God, to know where to go, what to do. Lift me up out of this, and restore me. Amen. Lavida
Thank you Jack for a new addition to my vocabulary - this is the positive concept to counteract the negativeness of pro-crastination. And yes, I have this problem about going to bed too!
Jack's check-in for the day
1. breakfast
2. check email
4. work on FT for 4 hours - 8 x 'pomodoros' (8 down, wow!)
6. lunch at 12:30pm
Amal's check-in
Thank you Mole for the lovely thread starter :-)
Alarm set 7:00amPro check-indriving lesson
log calories (diet)
walk (30 min)
next day's list +
Pro check-outMakingithappens daily check in
I missed a couple if days of check-ins since I decided to take off due to having a cold and a cough that I'm still at the tail end of. Here is my check in for today.
1. make a healthy breakfast
2. Do laundry
3. Mop floors in apartment
4. Write termination report for an employee
5. Go to work
6. Hold staff meeting
7. Finish off work day
8. Go home
9. Shower
10. Rest
Hypatia's check-in
Just got informed my morning appt has been cancelled - that's great! I've got a clear morning for paperwork - good and yet not so good as I still hate paperwork.
clear deskI's dictationthat took 3 hours so nothing else done!verificationObs paperswash soup bowllunchobservationH.
ms thursday
today I am making a pitch/interviewing. I need to work consistantly until I leave to meet the client. I hae prepared somewhat for this and by the time I leave will have prepared a reasonable amout. I need to remember that getting this isn't just in my hands, it's about what best suits the client and what others pitch.
work on points in 10 min bursts for 1 on points for 15 min bursts for 1 hr.shower.ironing.print docs.check on transport napping.when I get home plan next week at work & reply to emails from s and LLMy Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Cook and eat breakfast4. Take shower5. Get dressed6. Go to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.7. Go to the grocery store8. Test blood sugar twice
9. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting10. Eat snack11. Prayer and meditation
12. Read the EA reflection13. Go to get bank statements
14. Wash dishes15. Call Goodwill about proof of income16. Eat dinner17. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
18. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meetingThanks for letting me share
up earlytidyreadingsring tring d b sec re apptring d h for apptgo to gympool and rehabo to c apptring sponsoremail mdinnerget giftgo to meetingvisit vrehab excercisesEleanorBE's Thursday List
Thanks for the starter Mole - and thaks for your lovely comment yesterday!
Get up early, go in to work
- photocopy L speech
- go through class
- teach class
- run extra office hour
- get up p's email and reply to it
- write to JN re CB's question
- plan Friday's class
- get M readings onto ta reading iist
- decide when you're going to plan next week's training and put in diary
- read 15 pgs of J's work- totally unrealistic again! It's not like I'm putting this off, it's really enjoyable. My days are just too long right now. Will do it on train journies this weekend. Much quieter than at work!
- pack f reading for train- oh dear...I can't actually remember what I meant by this!I took Pro's point about staying anoymous but sometimes I can't remember what my own letters stand for!
- Unplanned - respond to M's pa stuff;
- add emp, ret, pg to Friday list
find DVD
pack books and DVD for tomorrow's classSalamander's check in - Thurs 18 Oct '12
Thank you, O Mole, for starting the thread for us.
I'd prefer people not to offer comments here so that I can continue to edit the day as I go through my list. But if anyone has constructive feedback or encouragement to offer, please feel free to get in touch by private message.
Clear up catsick!Take out rubbish for bin menToday has gone to hell in a handcart. I've been procrastinating badly all week, and hardly done anything. I wish I knew how to get around it. I suppose I have to go to the chatbox and do things in real time there...
2154 - another go at it! Use the advert breaks!
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
Mole's check in
Note to Neon - I often don't get all the things done that are one my lists - but I definitely get more done having made the list and put it up here. The only thing that consistently works for me is to have certain things I do every day including weekends. It somehow reduces the likelihood that I will put it off til tomorrow or the next day. Good luck with your endeavours.
Now, my plan
blue line
7.30 cafe - D?
9-12.30 write with pom - consolidate
healthy lunch
1.30-2 declutter back room
filing/admin ( go through tray ) 1 pom
3.30- 6.30 LTLW
blue line
Go to bed by 11