Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Saturday, 16 December 2006
Good morning, everyone!
Get lots done today!!
This is Beethoven's birthday, I think. I don't know why that date sticks in my mind.
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pro's last check-in - 1:30am (SUNDAY!)
This isn't exactly an early-to-bed night. Oh well.
I took a shower before bed. I have clean sheets, clean towels, and clean jammies, so I wanted a clean body to match.
I'm tired.
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Blown Off~~~~~~~~~~~~
Good night!
pro's CI - 12:10am (SUNDAY!)
I keep saying I going to get to bed earlier, and then I keep staying up late. But tonight I was doing something important - applying for jobs. I sent in three job applications.
I forgot to take my pills again. I have to take at least the second dose, which requires drinking a lot of water - not that good a thing to do before bed. But it's worse to not take my medication.
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Blown Off~~~~~~~~~~~~
ugh - forgot about sheets
My bed has no sheets because I washed them today. Ugh.
pro's CI - 7:30pm
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
pro's CI - 5pm
I made some tea and I've been watching TV. I'm so tired, I don't feel able to do anything. When I stand up, I feel like I'm 100 years old. But I don't want to blow this day, just because of laundry problems. Even if I'm tired, I should at least be able to look at some magazines, and I need to take my pills (now there is something I really don't want to do)
pro's CI - 3:20pm
The laundry is done, but that took a lot more time, energy, and money than I anticipated. I needed to wash the sheets and towels, though - this wasn't just procrastination on back accounting. They hadn't been washed in a while, and the sheets give me an allergic reaction when they aren't clean (dust mites).
I'm tired - my legs are tired and my feet hurt. I'm going to make some tea, sit on the couch, put up my feet, and look at the magazines I bought - research for a job application.
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I see public personalities and celebrities a lot walking around New York. On the way to the storage room, I passed Anderson Cooper on the street (he has a news show on CNN). He's a lot smaller and shorter than I realized. So many times, when I see people in person, they are either much taller or much shorter than they appear on TV or movie screens.
pro's CI - 2:40pm
Much to my extreme fury and annoyance, the third time through the wash, the load was still soaked. So I brought the soaking wet sheets and towels to a laudromat a few blocks away, and washed them there. I'm going to call the company that provides the washer and drier in the basement and ask that my money be refunded. And I'll NEVER try to wash sheets and towels down there again.
While waiting for the drier to finish, I walked to my storage room with the cart and brought back some stuff I needed (hour walk - half hour each way). That was tiring, but the exercise was good for me. The drier will be done shortly.
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Rexroth 13.54 GMT
Todo today
up prayer and reflection
deal with post emails phone messages
email friend
clean up in kitchen
clean and sort elsewhere
time on computer
think and plan I'm moving forward fast and feel out of control
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
time on computer?
Hi. I hope you're doing well today. Your "to do" of time on the computer really stuck out to me. Do you schedule general time on the computer, or do you mean for work, etc? For me, it's a nice break in my day, but I sometimes spend too much time on mine, going into "procrastinating mode". To actually schedule time sounds pretty neat to me. So much of my schedule consists of things I would rather not, but must do. Thanks for the idea, in any event!
Computer time
I don't schedule specific amounts of time for anything other than what time is needed to complete the task.
What I found with the time I spent on my computer was that some was work and some research and some messing about and I needed and need to be aware of that.
Finally 'must' or what is the consequence? I ask this because I have so many musts in my life that I don't or won't do and wonder what will happen to me.
Regards Rexroth
jj's evening CI
To Do Today:
brush and wash
get dressed
eat breakfast
make bed
water house plants
set up and decorate xmas tree
call window cleaners again
go for walk
Done today:
brush and wash
get dressed
eat breakfast
make bed
pay cell phone bill
call window cleaners and leave message
set up xmas tree
go uptown to buy lights for tree (found hostess present for parents) go for coffee/read
decorate tree
vacuum tree debris
put out few more xmas decorations
eat supper (hubby made supper & did dishes!)
clean Brio's litter box
To do Tonight:
watch movie and enjoy xmas tree
bath, wash, brush
put blanket in closet for Brio to sleep on so she doesn't interrupt my night so much
Today I'm thankful for: happy memories attached to special xmas ornaments, hubby's xmas bonus and monthly raise.
pro's CI - 12:10pm
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The laundry came out soaked the second time, too. I should have taken it out and brought it to the laundry down the street, but it was too much to carry. I'd have had to go upstairs and get my cart, then back down and... I just balanced the load again, took out one thing, and put in another $1.25. I've wasted $2.50 so far. I'm feeling extremely frustrated and bad tempered.
next time
When I go to check the laundry next time, I'm bringing the cart with me. If it comes out soaking wet again, I'm going to the laundry down the street.
This seems to happen most often with sheets and towels. Maybe it can't handle the weight.
pro's CI - 11am
I'm going out to do my errands now (laundry, groceries, mail, etc.).
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lark's 10:00 CI "G'morning"
Ta Da:
Morning routine, except for meditation and reflection. I just haven't been in an easy space lately to do it. I'll try again today.
To Do:
1. Add up bill and call customer
2. Go check on storage
3. Focus on main project in workshop as much as possible
4. Do about ten minutes' of house cleaning
5. Work an hour on second work project (no more, no less)
6. Call brother
7. Clean out my car
8. Get can of insulation foam
One tough task yet. 9:45 PM
I thought this one would be a cinch, but... I don't want to have to do it in the morning. If anyone reads this, please send me some positive thoughts. The only one left on today's list. Argh.
You can do it!
No worries. Just one thing on your list not done? You're doing great!
meditation and reflection
I haven't been doing my morning meditation and reflection, either. It can be argued that the more I feel unable to do it, the more I need to do it. But I feel too time urgent to sit quietly.
Meditate and reflect
I can identify with that, especially since joining this group. Meditation is a very positive thing to do, yet it's sometimes a procrastinating tool. There should be a happy medium, but I've not found it. When I start to relax, all these things to do start flying through my mind. I suppose it's best to keep trying and not force things.
pro's CI - 10:15am
I'm being very efficient this morning. Seems I can do it if I really want to.
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
pro's first check-in - 9:10am
I got up at 8:30am - not too bad, considering that I got to bed late because of something that came up late night.
I need to get my back accounting done - no kidding around about this, and no more dawdling. If it takes not getting dressed and time bingeing for a week, then that's what I need to do. I'm out of time, I need to find work, and I have to take care of this while I still have lots of free time to do it. Also, I need to know how much I need to live, and I can't know that without entering all these unentered receipts. That's today's main task.
The other task for today is to apply for some jobs I found online last night. One requires some research, and (related to this) I need to buy a magazine. I might wash my sheets - the washer is in the basement and shouldn't take away from other things I'm doing.
I'm serious today - I really am!