Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Met hubby after work and had supper at small cafe on the way home. Had salad and 1/2 sandwich, but topped it off with large latte and baked good! Too much coffee today and not enough water.
arrived home
long bath (I do too much thinking in the tub - not all of it helpful)
read and commented here
tidied up book bag and recycling
washed and brushed
ready to go to bed and read a bit
I'm not going to do anything more today except try to finish my bedtime routine early and get to sleep early. It took me a long time to go through my overflowing spam folder, and I found more than 20 misfiled messages - some important. I have a lot backed up in my Inbox - I'll take care of it tomorrow.
Rising time: 8:50am.
Empty dish drain.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Make and eat breakfast.
Wash breakfast dishes.
Lay out pills for day, and take pills (dose 1 of 3).
Find and print out some ball exercise routines.
Shower and dress.
Put in contacts.
Check ink cartridges prices online (decided to buy in store to avoiding shipping charge).
Take pills - dose 2 of 3. (Gagged on them, as I often do, which is why I procrastinate on taking them.)
Bring glass recycling downstairs.
Mail presents to sister.
Get mail.
Clear out overflowing spam folder.
Go to mother's apartment to light Channukah candles, dinner afterwards.
Overflow (for tomorrow):
Handle pile of mail containing (among other things) important insurance papers.
What a day, I spent the day in spinal clinic they put an 8 inch needle in my hip. No it didn't hurt that bad because they sprayed it and put litacane in with the meds. When it wears off I may have a problem but I took hydrocodone as soon as I got home and am feeling better now. In january I will go back for 3 spinal procedures and more physical therapy.
I completed my morning routine before I left and was going to crash now but my computer is making loud humming noise so I think I am going to back it up before I crash. I have a new computer [brought in march 06] that I have not set up yet in case things go south. Also would like to clean the area behind my desk if the pain med lasts.
I often find that when I'm stuck on something, having trouble getting started, "geographic cures" can work. Often if I simply move to another part of my home, I can get started.
That's what I'm going to do now with the spam folder and email Inbox. After that, I'll move back to my desk to handle the pile.
I often get stuck when I try to exercise because I don't know ball exercises, and I end up searching for them on the internet. I printed out a bunch of exercises (spent too much time doing it), and so next time I try to exercise, that part is at least done. I ordered a book of ball exercises, but it's delayed until January, for some reason.
Rising time: 8:50am.
Empty dish drain.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Make and eat breakfast.
Wash breakfast dishes.
Lay out pills for day, and take pills (dose 1 of 3).
Find and print out some ball exercise routines.
Take pills (dose 2 of 3).
Shower and dress.
Put in contacts.
Get mail.
Order ink cartridges for printer.
Mail presents to sister.
Bring recycling downstairs.
Clear out overflowing spam folder.
Answer messages in Inbox.
Handle pile of mail containing (among other things) important insurance papers.
Work on back accounting.
Go to mother's apartment to light Channukah candles, dinner afterwards.
I have a great series for tubes and weights I find the ball a bit of a challenge for me but the same company sells the ballbook 8.95 called "The great bodyball the quick reference guide to bodyball exercises and stretches and the bodyball exercise charts 'four full color 12" X 18" posters for 22.95. I got the weights and tube sets half off on amazon but their website is
My I also recommend "Yourself fitness software" 29.99 from fye. It is a personal trainer in a box with demos of over 5000 exercises. Very good program. You tell it your goals and it develops a program. check it out.
As I said, and I'm all set with exercise routines. It's just that collecting them this morning took more time than I intended to spend.
I like the exercise ball. I'm in pretty good shape, so I need exercises that challenge, yet are fun. The ball is good for that. I like doing exercises that require balance. They're really good for strengthening your core.
I've used the exercise ball before, and I used to have a routine that I worked out for myself, I just forgot the exercises. Some of the ones I found on the internet were exercises I used to do, some were new. I did the internet search because the very excellent book I ordered will not arrive until January. Here is the link, if you're interested.
Have you tried your local library? I know the library I use has lots of ball exercise books. In fact, they have most of the books mentioned on this website. I highly recommend using libraries - saves a major amount of money considering the price of books these days, and it cuts down on clutter because you must return them; you don't accumulate stacks of books that you don't know what to do with.
I keep meaning to make better use of libraries, but somehow I always end up ordering books from Either it's something very obscure, or it's something like the ball book that I want to keep and refer to repeatedly. The only kind of books I borrow from libraries are novels, because those I almost never keep.
And of course, ball exercises are now a non-issue because not only did I find a whole bunch of them on the Web and print them out, I have a very good book on order.
Good morning, all, from the West Coast of the USA. Sorry about your foot legal case, Rexroth, but yes, you still have a foot, and it will heal.
In the meantime, every Friday I'm really tired and burned out, so I have a strong tendency to procrastinate all day. Today is no different, and my wife and I had a small spat this morning. Since I'm tired and still a little peeved at her, I'm not in a good mood. All good reasons to procrastinate.
This site is really helping me--I played one game of Mini-Putt, and then came here, instead of wasting my entire day playing more online games and reading online newspapers.
Here's the to-do list:
- meditate and brush teeth (doesn't happen at home)
- send email about where to have phone interview next week
- finish bibliography for article
- convert and send the article as a writing sample
- balance checkbook, pay bills, withdraw cash, call reimbursement company about health account (I hate doing this--excellent opportunity to procrastinate)
- if there's time, phone a university to find out if it's worth applying to their job
"Overwhelmed and underpaid"--I heard it on tv. I need to take advantage of fair weather today. Several work items are finished, but the clients are procrastinating in paying and getting them. Imagine that!
1. Pay electric bill
2. Check on storage somehow
3. When the supplies arrive, finish that job, call client
4. Call about getting hair cut
5. Focus all extra time on present project in workshop
6. Check in with client for next project, but DO NOT schedule it till the present one is nearly finished.
7. Order supplies for today and weekend.
8. Call other client with his list of things to get. (Let them buy it, instead of me "robbing Peter to pay Paul").
Ta Da:
Paid electric bill (good for another month)
Finished one job, but didn't call them. Going to a meeting later, and would rather call them in the morning.
Did okay on present job in shop, but wish it was further along.
Called next client, and set tentative time next week
Gave order info to other client, and let them take care of it
Ordered and received supplies, but thought of some more things later
Not Done:
Check on storage (I will next)
Call about hair cut. (I didn't because if she said she'd take me today, I'd probably drop everything and go, and I've been looking for a reason to procrastinate today!)
See you all later.
I've been working hard at this. I have a very hard time prioritizing, and knowing what things simply don't need doing - are not worth the time they take to do. For years now, I've had unrealistic goals - unrealistically long to-do lists - that have just left me frustrated and exhausted. Life is short. What a shame to spend it in this mindset!
In a vile mood so keeping my mouth shut and posting here.
Todo today
up prayer and reflection
deal with phone messages, emails, post
do accounts including spending record for last month!
also note spending from bills for this month I'm getting in a muddle.
phone lawyers re claim for personal injury (my foot)
rest I was awake at 4.45 this morning and feel rough
find other lawyers from house insurance info
email friend
clean up kitchen and pack meat in deep freeze
phone church re volunteering Christmas etc. really I want their support and am finding it hard to ask
some other things which I can't think of
prayer and relfection
bed and sleep
My affamation (sp) for today is that I will keep my temper and speak softly.
jj's goodnight at 11:50
Met hubby after work and had supper at small cafe on the way home. Had salad and 1/2 sandwich, but topped it off with large latte and baked good! Too much coffee today and not enough water.
arrived home
long bath (I do too much thinking in the tub - not all of it helpful)
read and commented here
tidied up book bag and recycling
washed and brushed
ready to go to bed and read a bit
Thomas C.--results
Got almost all of it done, and didn't bother applying to the job.
"See" you all tomorrow.
pro's CI - 9pm
I'm not going to do anything more today except try to finish my bedtime routine early and get to sleep early. It took me a long time to go through my overflowing spam folder, and I found more than 20 misfiled messages - some important. I have a lot backed up in my Inbox - I'll take care of it tomorrow.
Overflow (for tomorrow):
Housereclaimer 1st/last checkin
Hey ALL!
What a day, I spent the day in spinal clinic they put an 8 inch needle in my hip. No it didn't hurt that bad because they sprayed it and put litacane in with the meds. When it wears off I may have a problem but I took hydrocodone as soon as I got home and am feeling better now. In january I will go back for 3 spinal procedures and more physical therapy.
I completed my morning routine before I left and was going to crash now but my computer is making loud humming noise so I think I am going to back it up before I crash. I have a new computer [brought in march 06] that I have not set up yet in case things go south. Also would like to clean the area behind my desk if the pain med lasts.
you sound cheerful
Congratulations on keeping such a good frame of mind, despite health difficulties, which can be so hard to take.
pro's CI - 3:40pm
I went to the PO to mail the presents. There was a long line, but it moved fast.
I took "back accounting" off the to-do list because I'm going to my mother's apartment soon for Channukah.
geographic cures - shifting location
I often find that when I'm stuck on something, having trouble getting started, "geographic cures" can work. Often if I simply move to another part of my home, I can get started.
That's what I'm going to do now with the spam folder and email Inbox. After that, I'll move back to my desk to handle the pile.
jj 1:10 pm CI
Set alarm for 7:15 but didn't surface till after 8:00 - not feeling well still - don't know if it's the flu or the pills I'm taking to fight the flu.
Left for work 10 min. late, but was only 5 min. late arriving - yes, I did some speeding I'll admit it.
Work 9:30-5:00
No plans for this evening - see how I'm feeling. Maybe do a bit more xmas shopping, although mall will be packed. Maybe a quiet evening at home.
pro's CI - 2:50pm
I'm going to go to the post office now to mail presents to my sister. I expect a long line, so I'll bring a book.
Alternatively, I could mail it at the Mailboxes, Etc. around the corner. They charge a surcharge, but my time is worth something...
pro's CI - 1:40pm
I often get stuck when I try to exercise because I don't know ball exercises, and I end up searching for them on the internet. I printed out a bunch of exercises (spent too much time doing it), and so next time I try to exercise, that part is at least done. I ordered a book of ball exercises, but it's delayed until January, for some reason.
ball recommendations
I have a great series for tubes and weights I find the ball a bit of a challenge for me but the same company sells the ballbook 8.95 called "The great bodyball the quick reference guide to bodyball exercises and stretches and the bodyball exercise charts 'four full color 12" X 18" posters for 22.95. I got the weights and tube sets half off on amazon but their website is
My I also recommend "Yourself fitness software" 29.99 from fye. It is a personal trainer in a box with demos of over 5000 exercises. Very good program. You tell it your goals and it develops a program. check it out.
Hope this helps
exercise ball routines
As I said, and I'm all set with exercise routines. It's just that collecting them this morning took more time than I intended to spend.
I like the exercise ball. I'm in pretty good shape, so I need exercises that challenge, yet are fun. The ball is good for that. I like doing exercises that require balance. They're really good for strengthening your core.
I've used the exercise ball before, and I used to have a routine that I worked out for myself, I just forgot the exercises. Some of the ones I found on the internet were exercises I used to do, some were new. I did the internet search because the very excellent book I ordered will not arrive until January. Here is the link, if you're interested.
Ultimate Core Ball Workout
I don't like exercise videos (can't watch and do the motion at the same time), and I prefer to make up my own routines.
Where to get ball exercises
Have you tried your local library? I know the library I use has lots of ball exercise books. In fact, they have most of the books mentioned on this website. I highly recommend using libraries - saves a major amount of money considering the price of books these days, and it cuts down on clutter because you must return them; you don't accumulate stacks of books that you don't know what to do with.
I keep meaning to make better use of libraries, but somehow I always end up ordering books from Either it's something very obscure, or it's something like the ball book that I want to keep and refer to repeatedly. The only kind of books I borrow from libraries are novels, because those I almost never keep.
And of course, ball exercises are now a non-issue because not only did I find a whole bunch of them on the Web and print them out, I have a very good book on order.
Thomas C.--Friday
Good morning, all, from the West Coast of the USA. Sorry about your foot legal case, Rexroth, but yes, you still have a foot, and it will heal.
In the meantime, every Friday I'm really tired and burned out, so I have a strong tendency to procrastinate all day. Today is no different, and my wife and I had a small spat this morning. Since I'm tired and still a little peeved at her, I'm not in a good mood. All good reasons to procrastinate.
This site is really helping me--I played one game of Mini-Putt, and then came here, instead of wasting my entire day playing more online games and reading online newspapers.
Here's the to-do list:
- meditate and brush teeth (doesn't happen at home)
- send email about where to have phone interview next week
- finish bibliography for article
- convert and send the article as a writing sample
- balance checkbook, pay bills, withdraw cash, call reimbursement company about health account (I hate doing this--excellent opportunity to procrastinate)
- if there's time, phone a university to find out if it's worth applying to their job
I'll post later about how it went.
pro's CI - 11:15am
9:20 AM CI for Lark
"Overwhelmed and underpaid"--I heard it on tv. I need to take advantage of fair weather today. Several work items are finished, but the clients are procrastinating in paying and getting them. Imagine that!
1. Pay electric bill
2. Check on storage somehow
3. When the supplies arrive, finish that job, call client
4. Call about getting hair cut
5. Focus all extra time on present project in workshop
6. Check in with client for next project, but DO NOT schedule it till the present one is nearly finished.
7. Order supplies for today and weekend.
8. Call other client with his list of things to get. (Let them buy it, instead of me "robbing Peter to pay Paul").
4:50 PM CI for Lark
Ta Da:
Paid electric bill (good for another month)
Finished one job, but didn't call them. Going to a meeting later, and would rather call them in the morning.
Did okay on present job in shop, but wish it was further along.
Called next client, and set tentative time next week
Gave order info to other client, and let them take care of it
Ordered and received supplies, but thought of some more things later
Not Done:
Check on storage (I will next)
Call about hair cut. (I didn't because if she said she'd take me today, I'd probably drop everything and go, and I've been looking for a reason to procrastinate today!)
See you all later.
overwhelmed and underpaid
I've been working hard at this. I have a very hard time prioritizing, and knowing what things simply don't need doing - are not worth the time they take to do. For years now, I've had unrealistic goals - unrealistically long to-do lists - that have just left me frustrated and exhausted. Life is short. What a shame to spend it in this mindset!
Rexroth 14.12 GMT
In a vile mood so keeping my mouth shut and posting here.
Todo today
up prayer and reflection
deal with phone messages, emails, post
do accounts including spending record for last month!
also note spending from bills for this month I'm getting in a muddle.
phone lawyers re claim for personal injury (my foot)
rest I was awake at 4.45 this morning and feel rough
find other lawyers from house insurance info
email friend
clean up kitchen and pack meat in deep freeze
phone church re volunteering Christmas etc. really I want their support and am finding it hard to ask
some other things which I can't think of
prayer and relfection
bed and sleep
My affamation (sp) for today is that I will keep my temper and speak softly.
Regards a grumpy Rexroth
Rexroth 15.30 GMT
Lawyers say I almost certainly don't have a case. I do though have a foot so I might be grateful.
Otherwise slowly getting on with things.
Regards Rexroth