Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Well, I had limited success today. I got up fairly early and got dressed right away (good). I did my laundry (very good). I bought holiday presents for my sister's family. But mostly, I read my book, which I finally finished at 6:40pm. I then went out to pick up my mail (wasn't in the boxes when I went before), and retrieve my dry laundry.
I'm feeling sleepy - perhaps from so many trips up and down the stairs (I'm on the 5th floor of a walk-up). My clothes still aren't try, so I had to put in more quarters. I'm thinking about taking a short nap now.
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
Take migraine meds.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon into couch).
Make breakfast.
Eat breakfast and read book.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Lay out pills for day.
Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
Break time: read book.
Clear off table, and open it up in preparation for paper sorting.
Check email, delete spam.
Sort through and discard magazines.
Set up computer (unpack after trip).
Sweep up dust bunnies from underneath office furniture.
Collect quarters in preparation for doing laundry.
Pull out laundry basket.
Collect receipts floating around and put in a single pile.
Check email.
Break time: read book.
Call garage manager's boss about destruction of property. Productive conversation - need to send him a letter documenting the incident.
Wash clothes.
Take walk during wash cycle (20 minutes).
Pick up mail.
Buy holiday presents for sister and her children.
Buy padded envelope for mailing presents.
Retrieve first load from dryer (high heat), and put in second load (low heat).
I'm close to the end of the book I'm reading, and I'd like to just finish it. This isn't exactly what my plan was for today. I'll read while the clothes are in the dryer. If I'm not done by the time the clothes are, then back to work.
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
Take migraine meds.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon into couch).
Make breakfast.
Eat breakfast and read book.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Lay out pills for day.
Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
Break time: read book.
Clear off table, and open it up in preparation for paper sorting.
Check email, delete spam.
Sort through and discard magazines.
Set up computer (unpack after trip).
Sweep up dust bunnies from underneath office furniture.
Collect quarters in preparation for doing laundry.
Pull out laundry basket.
Collect receipts floating around and put in a single pile.
Check email.
Break time: read book.
Call garage manager's boss about destruction of property. Productive conversation - need to send him a letter documenting the incident.
Wash clothes.
Take walk during wash cycle (20 minutes).
Pick up mail.
Buy holiday presents for sister and her children.
Buy padded envelope for mailing presents.
Retrieve first load from dryer (high heat), and put in second load (low heat).
My last work cycle was 2.5 hours, but half an hour or so was spent taking a walk, so really it was two hours. That earns me 45 minutes of reading time. But I won't take that much now because I'll soon need to retrieve the second load from the dryer.
I really need to clear out my spam folder. I know stuff I want is getting lost in there.
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
Take migraine meds.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon into couch).
Make breakfast.
Eat breakfast and read book.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Lay out pills for day.
Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
Break time: read book.
Clear off table, and open it up in preparation for paper sorting.
Check email, delete spam.
Sort through and discard magazines.
Set up computer (unpack after trip).
Sweep up dust bunnies from underneath office furniture.
Collect quarters in preparation for doing laundry.
Pull out laundry basket.
Collect receipts floating around and put in a single pile.
Check email.
Break time: read book.
Call garage manager's boss about destruction of property. Productive conversation - need to send him a letter documenting the incident.
Wash clothes.
Take walk during wash cycle (20 minutes).
Pick up mail.
Buy holiday presents for sister and her children.
Buy padded envelope for mailing presents.
Retrieve first load from dryer (high heat), and put in second load (low heat).
Up at 7:45(aimed for 7:20)
Got ready to go to work including lunch
Made breakfast to eat on the way
No time to make bed
Left for work at 8:50 (aimed for 8:40)
Work today from 9:30 - 5:00
Plan to do Xmas shopping tonight after work
I read a little longer than I'd earned in work time. I wanted to get to a natural stopping point like the end of a section or chapter. (Weak excuse, I know.)
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
Take migraine meds.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon into couch).
Make breakfast.
Eat breakfast and read book.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Lay out pills for day.
Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
Break time: read book.
Clear off table, and open it up in preparation for paper sorting.
Check email, delete spam.
Sort through and discard magazines.
Set up computer (unpack after trip).
Sweep up dust bunnies from underneath office furniture.
Collect quarters in preparation for doing laundry.
Pull out laundry basket.
Collect receipts floating around and put in a single pile.
My goal today is 3 units of work per 1 unit break. So 45 minutes of work earns 15 minutes break. 15 minutes work earns 5 minutes. 30 minutes work earns 10 minutes. I just worked for 45 minutes, so I get to read my book for 15 minutes.
My goal today is 3 units of work per 1 unit break. So 45 minutes of work earns 15 minutes break. 15 minutes work earns 5 minutes. 30 minutes work earns 10 minutes. I just worked for 45 minutes, so I get to read my book for 15 minutes.
I want to keep reading my book instead of doing the things in my life that need doing. So I'm going to try to use the book as a reward. After I do something productive (for example, put in a load of laundry, vacuum, handle my mail pile, work on my accounting), I can read some more of my book.
up prayer and reflection
bath and wash hair
hit foot on furniture (not really a todo)
prepare work for friend
wash up and tidy a bit
wash whites
sort out work with friend
look at work friend has done only I can't because she has saved it on her memory stick and not on my computer (keep temper)
post this
post elsewhere
email landlords over key which friend has lost
give shopping list to friend to do, I can't walk out with bad foot
sort out shopping and quite possibly friend
sort date to start work again with friend for after Christmas
relax with large glass(es) red wine and whine
complain and grump some more
clean craft machine and put delicate bit away, its been exposed and if someone had broken it I could not really blame them
email and/or phone friends 2 and 3 and maybe 4
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
that's it folks
I find it very hard to have someone else in my room particularly when I can't get out. It is also difficult for me to give clear instructions. She is also one who finds instructions hard to hear. Anyway we have moved a massive amount forward with the legal/admin project and I would never have done it alone.
Hello all. Yesterday here was totally controlled my others, but everything turned out well. Most of the time when that happens I get "kidnapped" to do the intentions of others.
To Do:
1. God to Bank
2. Get work project ready for 3rd party to pick up. Client will pay after work. (I've heard THAT before, but since I put the project off since before joining this group, a dose of my own medicine may be in the cards. I'm going to post this topic later for feedback.)
3. Order fabric.
4. Begin the next project, and do as much as I can
5. Go to meeting tonight.
Hello everyone. I got everything done okay today, plus a couple of old things I forgot from previous attempts. I've only been doing this for a month or so, and I'm still not doing as well as I hoped. But, there are times where I see I'm able to get some things done quicker than I used to.
One more To Do: clean house for ten minutes.
pro's last check-in - midnight
I'm ready for bed - now I just have to make myself GO to bed.
pro's CI - 10pm
I'm just back from the meeting. Great meeting tonight. I didn't do the entire "next tasks" list. Here's what I did:
Getting ready for bed now. I'm still trying to get to bed early so I get up early.
pro's CI - 6:50pm
Well, I had limited success today. I got up fairly early and got dressed right away (good). I did my laundry (very good). I bought holiday presents for my sister's family. But mostly, I read my book, which I finally finished at 6:40pm. I then went out to pick up my mail (wasn't in the boxes when I went before), and retrieve my dry laundry.
Next tasks:
pro's CI - 4:50pm
I'm feeling sleepy - perhaps from so many trips up and down the stairs (I'm on the 5th floor of a walk-up). My clothes still aren't try, so I had to put in more quarters. I'm thinking about taking a short nap now.
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
pro's time log - 4pm
I'm close to the end of the book I'm reading, and I'd like to just finish it. This isn't exactly what my plan was for today. I'll read while the clothes are in the dryer. If I'm not done by the time the clothes are, then back to work.
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
pro's time log - 3:30pm
My last work cycle was 2.5 hours, but half an hour or so was spent taking a walk, so really it was two hours. That earns me 45 minutes of reading time. But I won't take that much now because I'll soon need to retrieve the second load from the dryer.
I really need to clear out my spam folder. I know stuff I want is getting lost in there.
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
jj's CI 11:35 am
Up at 7:45(aimed for 7:20)
Got ready to go to work including lunch
Made breakfast to eat on the way
No time to make bed
Left for work at 8:50 (aimed for 8:40)
Work today from 9:30 - 5:00
Plan to do Xmas shopping tonight after work
pro's time log - 1pm
I read a little longer than I'd earned in work time. I wanted to get to a natural stopping point like the end of a section or chapter. (Weak excuse, I know.)
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
pro's time log - 12:20pm
Finished 45 minutes of work (50, actually). Will take 15 minute break (read book).
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
pro's time log - 11:30am
My goal today is 3 units of work per 1 unit break. So 45 minutes of work earns 15 minutes break. 15 minutes work earns 5 minutes. 30 minutes work earns 10 minutes. I just worked for 45 minutes, so I get to read my book for 15 minutes.
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
pro's time log - 11:15am
My goal today is 3 units of work per 1 unit break. So 45 minutes of work earns 15 minutes break. 15 minutes work earns 5 minutes. 30 minutes work earns 10 minutes. I just worked for 45 minutes, so I get to read my book for 15 minutes.
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
pro's time log - 10:30am
I want to keep reading my book instead of doing the things in my life that need doing. So I'm going to try to use the book as a reward. After I do something productive (for example, put in a load of laundry, vacuum, handle my mail pile, work on my accounting), I can read some more of my book.
Time Log
Wake-up: 8:40am
pro's time log - 9:30am
Instead of a to-do and ta-da list, today I'm going to post a time log.
Wake-up: 8:40am
Rexroth 14.30 GMT
Friend on computer so late posting.
up prayer and reflection
bath and wash hair
hit foot on furniture (not really a todo)
prepare work for friend
wash up and tidy a bit
wash whites
sort out work with friend
look at work friend has done only I can't because she has saved it on her memory stick and not on my computer (keep temper)
post this
post elsewhere
email landlords over key which friend has lost
give shopping list to friend to do, I can't walk out with bad foot
sort out shopping and quite possibly friend
sort date to start work again with friend for after Christmas
relax with large glass(es) red wine and whine
complain and grump some more
clean craft machine and put delicate bit away, its been exposed and if someone had broken it I could not really blame them
email and/or phone friends 2 and 3 and maybe 4
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
that's it folks
I find it very hard to have someone else in my room particularly when I can't get out. It is also difficult for me to give clear instructions. She is also one who finds instructions hard to hear. Anyway we have moved a massive amount forward with the legal/admin project and I would never have done it alone.
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 23.07 GMT
Much done, night folks, Rexroth
scarlett CI 9 am
Morning, y'all. Feeling pretty good this morning, despite full plate and not enough sleep.
Last night: bedtime 1 am (target 11 pm)
This morning: wakeup 7:24 am (target 7 am)
Already done:
eat breakfast
take pills
prep meeting
attend meeting
To do:
send out forms
set up meeting
enter comments
article by 2 pm
update grid
review R tix
Meditate 10 min.
Call airline
Social time?
pro's first check-in - 8:45am
Head hurts - migraine. Getting in shower first thing, massage head.
Lark's 8:15 CI
Hello all. Yesterday here was totally controlled my others, but everything turned out well. Most of the time when that happens I get "kidnapped" to do the intentions of others.
To Do:
1. God to Bank
2. Get work project ready for 3rd party to pick up. Client will pay after work. (I've heard THAT before, but since I put the project off since before joining this group, a dose of my own medicine may be in the cards. I'm going to post this topic later for feedback.)
3. Order fabric.
4. Begin the next project, and do as much as I can
5. Go to meeting tonight.
Lark's 10:30 CI
Hello everyone. I got everything done okay today, plus a couple of old things I forgot from previous attempts. I've only been doing this for a month or so, and I'm still not doing as well as I hoped. But, there are times where I see I'm able to get some things done quicker than I used to.
One more To Do: clean house for ten minutes.
Housereclaimer 7:00am checkin
Goodmorning all,
Computer was down for a few days,but I'm back on now. Hope you all have been getting lots done.
add appointment
pay bill
post december master list
Good to see you're back
Always nice to have you help start the day! Take care.