Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday, 11 December 2006

scarlett CI 4:38 pm

Looks like I'm going to be here a little late tonight, but that's okay.

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Schedule visit
Email D
Process emails 10 min
Call movers
Review 1
Review 2
Licenses (10 min)
Article - reread email; brainstorm; outline; started writing
Visit V & K

To do:
Do dishes
Get a snack
Work order for V/K
Article - finish rough draft; email to D

Update grid
review R tix

Thomas C.--mid-list check-in

I just finished with the job application situation for today. Here's how:

I talked to a person in the other discipline (to which I am applying), and got some advice that made me re-think the whole issue of applying outside my discipline.

Then I went back and read the job advertisement more carefully, and checked out the university's website. It looks like the position itself might be pretty interdisciplinary, so I called the contact I had, who gave me another name, and I sent an email to that other name, asking whether I should apply. I was pretty honest; I might get a "no, you shouldn't bother to reply." But then if I get a "yes," I know that I have a reasonable shot at it.

I also confirmed that I can send the job application by email, so now I have until Friday, which is the deadline.

Now to make that mass of phone calls.

Well done

Well done mate you sound like you're serious. Wish you all the best with it all. Rexroth


Sounds like you're making good progress!


pro's CI - 1:20pm

I'm ready to leave now. I did something different this time - I packed my computer into my suitcase. I hope it's safe in there.

I have an awful headache. I am soooo sick of these daily migraines. I wish they'd stop.

I'm going to stop by to pick up my mail on the way to my car. I'll check in again tonight if I have internet access. Sometimes I do, sometimes not.

Have a good day, everybody!

  • Get dressed.
  • Empty dish drain.
  • Make bed.
  • Make and eat breakfast.
  • Lay out two days of pills (for trip).
  • Wash dishes.
  • Put in contacts.
  • Install list software.
  • Write to someone who owes me money.
  • Pull out suitcases.
  • Fill travel bottles.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3) - plus migraine meds (headache again).
  • Pack computer.
  • Make and pack food for trip.
  • Pack suitcase for trip.

Thomas C.--check-in

Good morning, all.

I came to my office for good reasons, but got sucked in again. Reviewed most of the newspapers, blogs, etc., that I have bookmarked.

But before I read too many, I actually went to this site.

Here's my to-do list:

- meditate
- visit professor for advice on job application letter
- revise and send that letter
- contact whole list of people (phone version of running errands)
- work on theory section of article
- office hours for students--one of whom is taking an early final
- more on the article

You know, if it weren't for this site, I'd probably be searching for MORE newspapers to read online. Just a place to talk about procrastination, and have accountability, is great, and I'm thankful.

Also, I think meditation is a problem. I do it every day (and I'm surprised and glad that other people here do, too, and discuss it), but our mornings make it impossible for me to do it at home, and it's difficult on campus. But once I do it I get more done. So that's a thing to focus on.


I'd like to build meditation into my daily routine, and I too struggle on how to do so. But yeah, I think that it's a key strategy for me - I procrastinate when I'm not in touch with what's going on, and when I don't *want* to be in touch. So if I have scheduled times where I intentionally stop and focus on "what is," I think it will help me stay calmer and focused.

pro's CI - 12:45pm

  • Get dressed.
  • Empty dish drain.
  • Make bed.
  • Make and eat breakfast.
  • Lay out two days of pills (for trip).
  • Wash dishes.
  • Put in contacts.
  • Install list software.
  • Write to someone who owes me money.
  • Pull out suitcases.
  • Fill travel bottles.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3) - plus migraine meds (headache again).
  • Pack computer.

  • Make and pack food for trip.
  • Pack suitcase for trip.

scarlett CI 12:10 pm

Doing pretty well for a Monday. Trying to do things in little pieces. Next I'm going to heat up my lunch and try to tackle this article thing.

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Schedule visit
Email D
Process emails 10 min
Call movers
Review 1
Review 2
Licenses (10 min)

To do:
Article - reread email; confirm w/ D; brainstorm; outline
Update grid
review R tix
Visit V & K

writers and procrastination

Writers and students are the two biggests groups of procrastinators. So good for you for tackling the article. I'm cheering you on!


Gotta get a rough draft finished before I leave...

pro's CI - 12:10pm

I just checked the weather where I'm going. It's raining up north - I'll be driving into rain. And it will be raining all tomorrow, too. I hate when that happens - my whole trip it will be raining.

I moved over to my Mac so I can pack my PC.

pro's CI - 11:50am

  • Get dressed.
  • Empty dish drain.
  • Make bed.
  • Make and eat breakfast.
  • Lay out two days of pills (for trip).
  • Wash dishes.
  • Put in contacts.
  • Install list software.
  • Write to someone who owes me money.
  • Pull out suitcases.

  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
  • Make food for trip.
  • Pack for trip.

pro's CI - 10:40am

I'm done with breakfast - and then some, actually. I was reading. But I put down the book. It's time to pack up and leave.

scarlett CI 10:15 am

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Schedule visit
Email D
Process emails 10 min
Call movers

To do:
Review 1
Review 2
review R tix
Visit V & K

Rexroth 15.02 GMT

Hi folks

Todo today

up prayer and reflection (my foot hurts)
sort flat for friend to work
deal with emails, post, phone messages
make sure all bits of wardrobe are together for removers
make sure all bits of wardrobe are taken by removers
put sewing machine outside for tomorrows removers
work on legal/admin project
email landlords over accident yesterday
respond to landlords phonecall over my repair request!! keep temper and point out that my foot needs repair as well as their heater which needs throwing out.
lie down with foot in air and grump
rearrange furniture a bit
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 22.47 GMT

A good day in terms of what I've accomplished. I did particularly well at lying down with foot in air and grumping. Thank you for being here everyone. And so to bed. Rexroth

I deperately need help

Hi my name is mila and I am from Pennsylvania. I don't beleive that God can alleviate the procrastination. I am a chronic procrastinator and my life has beome unmanagable, but I don't know how to fiX it. Can someone help me? Please!

help for procrastination

You don't need to believe in God to find help here for procrastination (or to get help in any 12-step program - seriously). Check-ins are the single most powerful tool of P.A. I'm out of town now and can't write a lot (need to log off), but take a look at this post about how the check-ins work.

Help on its way

Hi Mila welcome

Suggestions and everything you find in anonymous fellowships are suggestions, don't worry too much about belief,(in God or anything else) relax, take it easy, be kind to yourself, read this site, check in when you are ready, and wishing you well.

Kind regards Rexroth


Glad you are here. We're all like you, so you're at home here. Take a little time to read the articles, along with the daily posts, etc. Ask questions whenever you wish. A month or so ago, I wrote an entry just like your's, and while I'm still doing alot of procrastinating, the little things in my day are a bit better. Big things are just alot of little things clumped together.

hi rexroth

sorry about your foot! i hope your landlords respond promptly to your complaint.

Thanks Scarlett

Hi Scarlett,

Landlords are coming to see me on Thursday about the damage to the night storage heater. I said 'How about the damage to me?' They seemed less interested in that. It hurts, I'm badtempered and didn't sleep well last night, and can't walk far so can't get out. For an injury it's trivial and I so wish it had not happened.


pro's CI - 9:30am

I'm dressed and the bed is made. I'm going to have breakfast now, then try to zoom through the rest of it so I can leave at a reasonable hour. I have a packing list that helps.

Hi pro

Hi pro,

Wishing you a good trip.


thanks, Rexroth

How are you doing lately? Okay?

OK pro

I'm doing OK in the great scheme of things. My friend is working on my legal/admin problem and the whole thing makes sense. She has put all the files in one place and in order. It is not perfect but it makes sense. Yesterday I injured my foot and it might be that I broke a bone but I don't think I have. Today an old wardrobe has been taken away leaving me with more space and tomorrow an old sewing machine is due to go on its way to Africa. I'm beginning to get clear in my living space. Still thinking of my mother and her will and behaviour. I need to forgive her and move on. There is nothing I can do about it now.

Regards Rexroth

hi pro.

i wish you speedy packing and a pleasant drive.

I wish you a good day, too!


Lark's CI at 9:00 am

Good morning. I'm doing a project to day that's been dormant here for months, but with a little luck,it could be easily finished within a few days. Why do I do that? It's almost like I have a battle going with the client, and I don't even know him.
1. Morning routine (in the midst now)
2. Try to meditate and reflect today
3. Focus on this project
4. Check over yesterday's
5. Maybe if I put down "Don't clean any in house" I'll do it
6. Errands: bank, store, supplies
All for now. Good luck to everyone today!

Lark's 11:50 PM CI

I did fairly well, except for ordering items on the phone. Work went okay. No reverse psychology by saying NOT to clean house. I didn't. Need to get rid of some projects this week. Good night.

I totally relate!!!!

>I'm doing a project to day that's been dormant here for months, but with a little luck,it could be easily finished within a few days. Why do I do that? It's almost like I have a battle going with the client, and I don't even know him.

Classic Demand Resistance - the story of my life. Did you read the stuff about Demand Resistance on the site? There's a book recommended in there somewhere called "Too Perfect" which has an excellent discussion of this. I related so closely to the book it was spooky.


I'll get hold of that book. Thank you. While my shop is gettng warmer, I decided to have another cup of coffee, and I'm glad I logged on. Maybe a good thing to do would be to look around for loose ends. While I AM procrastinating now, getting something positive is great, and limiting the time I do really helps. I was thinking about getting more storage for stuff, but merely finishing some things would eliminate the need.

pro's first check-in - 8:55am

I managed to get to bed fairly early (used ear plugs to block out all the noise in the building), and I got up at 8:30, which isn't early but could be worse.

I want to start off with getting dressed because I get out quicker that way, and I'm driving north today. I'll be away overnight.