Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 10th September 2012
I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I love to keep it by me. The idea of getting rid of it nearly breaks my heart.
Jerome K Jerome
Welcome to another week. Go well, dear friends.
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fudoshin: checkin: 1016pm
Please do not leave advice or feedback. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
I waited until the last minute to add classes tonight, because I really want to see if this research opportunity will pan out, plus I know it will be more expensive this way if worst case scenario I can only take one class, but I know it will ultimately be best for me. I just think that Dr Mena might be a lot more willing to work with me if I have more time in the afternoons. Gonna brush teeth, and go on a walk now.
elvira's evening
Still very tired after the weekend - mustn't be tempted to do too much
Exerciseget foodphone Mumeattidy the papers off the floor round the stoolhoover the carpet exposed so farCheck in 09.10.12
I should never pick a book up to read if I don't have the time to finish it. I didn't get to bed until 6am, and am now running late. :( I have a few things I want to do, and several I need to do today. I need to not pull out any excuses. Off I go!
Get paper for dogsClean bathroom (vent/cobwebs/clutter under sink)Sew gussets in tunicSew sleeves in tunicEdge necklineHem tunic/doneThe will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to
reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the
door to personal excellence.
Had an odd morning that threw me off schedule, but couldn't be helped. Here's the rest of the day:
1:10-2:00 write
2-3:30 downtown paperwork
3:30-5:00 teach
5-6 shopping, library
6-10 follow evening routine
Keep pushing, everyone!
Kodos--7:15 update
Well, got home at 6:30, and have been wasting a little time since then. So, now I will double-down with my evening routine, a little truncated now.
7:15 shower
7:30 clean and prep for tomorrow
8:00-9:00 make and eat dinner
9:00 call Barb
9:20 journal (4 things)
9:40 read
10:00 news
10:15 good night!
Innertruth's check-in
Check invoice for VerOrder food for WednesdayLook at ESL coursesInvestigate new therapyBed at 1 am
monday 10th september
got up at 8
went gym, got shopping and have had a snack
now i must
start dinner cooking
return phone call to mm, no text him say call later, need to make most of light
3x 45 minutes of cleaning and tidying
1 kitchen
2 living room
3 hallway and bathroom
check on line selling by 8, send bills
make phone call to mm, k, and mum DO THESE EARLY EVENING SO DON'T PUT THEM OFF
going away for weekend- CHECK FINANCES ECT???
bath 10.30
kromer 10 CI
What I need to do today is:
Check on expts (didn't happen)Make a good start on poster (try to get 1/4 done)
Finish introEmail DR about looking at slides
Start conjugation
Make a schedule for the week
Do dishes, clean room, do a load of laundry
Vic 9/10/12
Show up (done), calender, exercise.
Changes x 100 going on today. Program frst and thenpray for willingness to be willing.
"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall never be bent out of shape."
AuntieBear 's Check in Monday
Thanks Mole for starting this. This is my first check -in.
Go into office by 2pm Done
Be back by 4pm Done
Load dishwasher Next
Have light snack
Clear space for Project 1
Go back to work by 5.30
Get back by 9 latest light snack
Unwind and early bed
Hypatia's check-in
Departmental meetings all morning. Now an afternoon of paperwork. Let's see how far I can get.
finish morning minutesdo e-mails from morning meetingcheck LAC typingAH formssadly underestimated how much time all that was going to take!
Salamander's check in - Mon 10 Sep '12
First of all, my thanks to mole for starting this thread. Secondly, I would like to say that I skim through the tasks other people are setting themselves each day because some of them come with useful comments I might learn from. So I share the happiness of someone who has just completed a goal on which s/he has been procrastinating before - I just don't say so because I don't want to make it impossible for you to edit your task lists.
I appear not to have a migraine lurking today, so will resume work towards my own overall goals.
Starting at 1205:
breakfastwash and dress myselfI will finish the third of these before sleeping tonight. Needless to say I hoped to do more than this. I had a bad night and have spent much of the day trying to catch up on sleep. Fingers crossed I can sleep tonight.
Tomorrow is another day, my lovelies!
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
Hamlet's Check In for Monday
My goal is not to identify and schedule every task to be attended to today, must just list those, big or small, that I want to be sure i complete:
1. resume doing fountain of youth exercise(done)
2. 20 minutes of MBSR meditation(done, although poor quality meditation)
3. e-mail Gene(done)
4. e-mail Ursula5(done)
5. Cook extra vegetables in the fridge (they all rotted. Nothing to cook. So much for procrastination)
6. Continue with gardening blog (am developing a detailed outline to get arms around it. Won't be able to finish for another 2 days)
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank mole for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Go to my advisor's office with the form to get my degree4. Go to get my medicine5. Eat breakfast6. Prayer and meditation
7. Read the meditations
8. Do my 10th and 11th Step for OA
7. Do the EA reflection for today
8. Do the Sixth Step for NA
9. Wash dishes
10. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
11. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
12. Cook and eat dinner13. Fix dinner
14. Take shower15. Get dressed16. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.17. Do numbersThanks for letting me share
Mole's Monday Check In
7.30 cafe done
Review A & Mrs H scenes done
8.30 deliver c to L if desired n/a
9-12.30 write done
J letter why do I keep procrastinating this.? Do it at cafe? YES. YES, YES, DONE. :)
Wash up
Banking - bills and S
Check buses for Wed
Prepare for S's birthday( find letters)
Develop proper plan ( break tis down and start master plan on site)
Practice pbm
6.50 K pick up
7-9 Lead ringing & S b'day
9-10 H
11 BED