Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
The route you take depends a good deal upon where you want to go. —Lewis Carroll
Day after day, the father drove to work along the same dreary highway to the same dreary job. Sometimes his daughter went to his office with him. On one of these occasions she noticed a winding road running parallel to the highway. "Oh, Daddy, let's take that road today," she suggested. After some grumbling and mumbling, the father agreed and turned off to take the side road.
To their delight, the road was lined with full trees and a rainbow of flowers. They came upon a quaint little village in which there was an office with a sign in the window, which said, "Clerk Wanted. Inquire Within." The job seemed perfect and the man accepted it with excitement he hadn't felt in many years.
Sometimes we have to risk taking a different path in order to arrive at a different place. How else can we change things in our lives that need to be changed? And how easy to do it, once we're willing to risk something out of the ordinary.
I'm ending a little early because my computer battery is almost finished, but I am so grateful for this site. I am down to only 15 e-mails and I feel like I have the momentum to look at the mountain of paperwork on my dining room table now.
Good luck to everyone and thanks for your quiet support!
Today I have the following list of small tasks I'd like to get through
1)Work on W18 project. Specifically, this means:"
1a)Assess slides that I stained yesterday (working on this now)
1b)Identify slides for looking at normal 1st wave timing (working on thsi now)
1c)PAS stain necessary slides
2)Work on SMF project, by updating the probe design wiki
3)Work on R8 project, by figuring out genotyping protocol and ordering primers
4)Work on merge paper, by
4a)Going through all refs I have so far, updating annot. bib (will do this soon)
4b)Adding all references so far to endnote
4c)Microbursting intro figures
5)Run gel for genotyping (almost done with this)
6)Go dancing
7)Do TTC task
This is lot (11 things) and I think it may not be realistic to get through all of it. So I'll say:
bottomline...get through 5 things from this list
goal...get through 8 things from this list
stretch goal...get through 11 things from this list
Show up (done), calender, walk
Thanks MA for starter.
"What we don't recognize is that holding on resentment is like holding onto your breath. You'll soon start to suffocate." Depak Chopra
I feel like I am holding onto resentment of myself. Gratitude is always good for change of attitude. Redirect my thoughts/feelings- they are not who I am. I want to start breathing by living in the solution.
Thanks movingalong, and pro for keeping this site going.
I cannot believe how much I have to do now to fix my life. I basically must do EVERYTHING all at the same time thanks to months of procrastination with the job search. Need to find a real job, possibly a new place to move to, movers, storage, still attempt to make money with my current job to pay for all this, deal with a pending lawsuit to evict ... honestly, I've really set a record for myself like never before.
But the energies turned around yesterday when I started to take action, mostly thanks to this new agency I'm interviewing with today. So happy they called me and praying something comes through them immediately for work.
All I can do now is turn this over to God -- he can fix this mess. All I can do is break it down and take each step one at a time. I can only do so much!
Call bills to extend payment due dates
Get refund + email to cancel tonight
Be ready to leave by 2pm for interview
Try to get pix to post for sale
Retype dispute letter + review/type notes
"If you feel you're about to drown, remember Tool 1 and Break .. It .. Down"
Findingaway CI
Wednesday 10.15 am local time.
Thanks to movingalong for the starter.
Essential today is to do as many hours as possible on my report (due in 2 days). I will give myself a smiley here:
and a half!
for every 30 mins of work - writing but also planning and making maps.
Also must
ring Dr S.Also if possible
phone call 1,phone call 2, phone call 3, phone call 4,mending 1, mending 2, mending 3. Andpractice p.Late Vien checkin 28-8-12
- "A procrastinator's work is never done."
tuesday, 28th august 2012
before i go to bed i must eat
a decent mealhave a bath as i have a medical appointment tomorrow and not being bathed may stop me going
go to bed before midnight as long day tomorrow and will be faint if i don't eat and sleep
will have to extend bedtime now as my time management is awful and i won't have time for bath and hair before 12, new bedtime deadline 1am
elvira's evening
Oh dear ... 20 to 9 and done nothing at all! Oh no, I did put my white jeans in to wash, though, so not a complete waste of time.
Tonight I must
take my jeans out of the washing machine and hang them upgo and buy foodput the stuff I took out of the car boot back in3 out of 4 without too much effort! Now it's nearly 10 and I must unpackinghaven't unpacked very much, but I've started at least!tracy-la check in 8-28
The route you take depends a good deal upon where you want to go.
—Lewis Carroll
Day after day, the father drove to work along the same dreary highway to the same dreary job. Sometimes his daughter went to his office with him. On one of these occasions she noticed a winding road running parallel to the highway. "Oh, Daddy, let's take that road today," she suggested. After some grumbling and mumbling, the father agreed and turned off to take the side road.
To their delight, the road was lined with full trees and a rainbow of flowers. They came upon a quaint little village in which there was an office with a sign in the window, which said, "Clerk Wanted. Inquire Within." The job seemed perfect and the man accepted it with excitement he hadn't felt in many years.
Sometimes we have to risk taking a different path in order to arrive at a different place. How else can we change things in our lives that need to be changed? And how easy to do it, once we're willing to risk something out of the ordinary.
What can I do that's out of the ordinary today?
From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families
Lavida CI Tues. 8/28
Please do not reply to check-off list, thanks
Call bills to extend payment due dates(SUCCESS: two bills extended)Get refund + email to cancel tonightBe ready toleave by 2pm for interview(SUCCESS:good interview, possible job opps)InnerTruth's check-in
Very tired from medication today.
I will take my medication between 8 pm to 8:30 pm so I can go to bed at a decent time. it takes about 3 hours to kick in.
Tasks for today:
10:35 Check-in
Thanks everybody for the motivation.
I'm going to start three 25-min sessions dealing with my monster e-mail backlog, stop at noon and assess.
Kodos--12:00 Update
This is my first day on PA. I'm shocked at how fast I can get things done when I set a specific goal. Thank you PA just for being here!
Down to 50 or so e-mails. I'm going to have lunch and work on them until 2:00. Another update then.
Hope everyone is checking things off.
Kodos--2:00 update
I'm ending a little early because my computer battery is almost finished, but I am so grateful for this site. I am down to only 15 e-mails and I feel like I have the momentum to look at the mountain of paperwork on my dining room table now.
Good luck to everyone and thanks for your quiet support!
Haven't done much in two hours time. BUT the day is still with us, and I'm going to write until 5:15 with only a small break in the middle.
Kodos--5:20 update
I really limped through that writing with many distractions. But I'm going to push the reset button and follow my evening schedule from here on out.
Good night and good luck!
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend.
Things I have done today
1. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting3. Went to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity lineThings I will do today
1. Cook and eat breakfast
2. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
3. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line and business meeting
4. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone DA meeting
5. Cook and eat dinner
6. Go to the 6 p.m. telephone OA meeting
7. Go to the 7 p.m. telephone OA meeting
8. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
9. Go to part of the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting
10. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
11. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
12. Take shower
13. Call my OA sponsor
13. Test my blood sugar twice
Thanks for letting me share
hello lennon
i like the way you break things down to the most basic steps, i also have to do this, lists and post it's every where
i've just joined, good luck
kromer 10:25 CI
Yesterday was reasonably productive.
Today I have the following list of small tasks I'd like to get through
1)Work on W18 project. Specifically, this means:"
1a)Assess slides that I stained yesterday (working on this now)
1b)Identify slides for looking at normal 1st wave timing (working on thsi now)
1c)PAS stain necessary slides
2)Work on SMF project, by updating the probe design wiki
3)Work on R8 project, by figuring out genotyping protocol and ordering primers
4)Work on merge paper, by4a)Going through all refs I have so far, updating annot. bib (will do this soon)
4b)Adding all references so far to endnote
4c)Microbursting intro figures
5)Run gel for genotyping (almost done with this)
6)Go dancing
7)Do TTC task
This is lot (11 things) and I think it may not be realistic to get through all of it. So I'll say:
bottomline...get through 5 things from this list
goal...get through 8 things from this list
stretch goal...get through 11 things from this list
tila - Tues
DD is getting worse, hopefully all the treatments will make her feel better.
Plan for today - mostly catch-up from yesterday.
laundry (white t,blacks,l-b)Hypatia's check-in
got a bit of time to get some work done today.
in-trayprepare for CSA meetingprepare for audit meetingaudit meetingEvening:
Vic 8/28/12
Show up (done), calender, walk
Thanks MA for starter.
"What we don't recognize is that holding on resentment is like holding onto your breath. You'll soon start to suffocate." Depak Chopra
I feel like I am holding onto resentment of myself. Gratitude is always good for change of attitude. Redirect my thoughts/feelings- they are not who I am. I want to start breathing by living in the solution.
Lavida CI Tues. 8/28
Thanks movingalong, and pro for keeping this site going.
I cannot believe how much I have to do now to fix my life. I basically must do EVERYTHING all at the same time thanks to months of procrastination with the job search. Need to find a real job, possibly a new place to move to, movers, storage, still attempt to make money with my current job to pay for all this, deal with a pending lawsuit to evict ... honestly, I've really set a record for myself like never before.
But the energies turned around yesterday when I started to take action, mostly thanks to this new agency I'm interviewing with today. So happy they called me and praying something comes through them immediately for work.
All I can do now is turn this over to God -- he can fix this mess. All I can do is break it down and take each step one at a time. I can only do so much!
"If you feel you're about to drown, remember Tool 1 and Break .. It .. Down"
Good luck with the interview
Good luck with the interview Lavida!
re: Good luck with the interview
Thanks Thesis! It's with an agency, so not really high pressure so it should be tolerable enough :)