Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.


First of all thank you for providing this enlightening site. I feel scared to admit that I play solitaire and surf the web for hours on end when I should be working on a project. It was during mindless surfing that I came across this site and I am glad I did, although I am technically procrastinating. I am an horrendous procrastinator and need to get on top of it before it destroys the rest of my life.

I am in my forties and embarking on a career I should have had years ago. I have assignments which need writing and I am ignoring them completely.

Finding this site and reading about others who avoid important stuff like I do is a revelation. I can never understand why I do such a thing, especially putting my new career on the line. Not only that I am so bad with wasting time, I have recently been neglecting friends with the excuse I am too busy. The thing is I am not achieving anything and it is so frustrating.

I am hoping by writing down on here what I am going to do will help focus my mind.

Ok it is now 2.50pm UK. Before 11pm I will write 500 words and list references.

hi qwerty

>I feel scared to admit that I play solitaire and surf the web for hours on end when I should be working on a project.

Been there, done that. I played so much Tetris on my cell phone that I got my score up to over 67,000. I'm also an expert at Freecell. I'm more embarrassed by these "accomplishments" than proud.

>Not only that I am so bad with wasting time, I have recently been neglecting friends with the excuse I am too busy. The thing is I am not achieving anything and it is so frustrating.

Been there, done that, too. I've lost friendships this way. It's very sad.

Please do use the check-in board, as iwant2workharder recommended. That's where we all make our day-to-day commitments and then report on our progress. It's good to post even if it's only to tell on yourself (e.g. "I've been playing Solitaire"). It's when we don't post that we go completely off-track. We all have our good days and bad days, so you never have to be embarrassed about slipping into old habits. I'm a lot better, but I still struggle.

There is a message at the top of the Bookending board that explains how the check-ins work.

try the checking-board...

why don't you try the checking board on Sunday Dec.3rd link?

Nice you are in the UK: this is a country I'd like to visit. :)

Hi qwerty

You're in the right place. I don't know how this works, but it does. I've been here for only a month or so, and I'm not rich and famous yet. Don't think I could handle it yet anyway. By doing what we're doing on this site, life will begin to get better. Sometimes the "fruits" of your procrastination will come back and bite you on your rear end, but keep going. Read the posts and articles here. They'll help. And, write whenever you feel the need. Don't feel like you're too bad or ashamed of what you've procrastinated away. Most of us have probably done worse. Keep coming back.