Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 13th August 2012

                 Happy Monday!


tracy-la check in 8-13

Reading for Day - "Be Prepared"

We need to be prepared for times when we will be tempted to procrastinate or spend our time doing something other than our most important tasks at work or home. This may mean closing Internet browsers, not answering the phone call or email from a friend, turning down someone for lunch or drink, or letting calls go to voicemail or the receptionist for an hour while we work on a project.  

In the past, we may have used the excuse of not hurting someone's feelings in order to rationalize a deviation from our work plan. No real friend or truly supportive famly member would want us to fail to complete work on time in order to answer a social phone call or email.

We alone are responsible how we spend out time. If we are faced with distractions, which will activate our procrastination, it is better to be perceived as "selfish" or "rude" or not available all the time for our friends or family than to engage in procrastination that make us feel worse at the end of the day.  

When we are willing to go to any lengths to maintain abstinence from procrastination and reach our goals, we can find a way to deal with dangerous distractions that take us from our plans. "No, thank you" or "No, thank you I have conflicting plans" are very useful tools.

May I be prepared for times of temptation.

Adapted From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations by Elisabeth L. ©1980, 1992 by Hazelden Foundation.



With this reading, here are a list of things I can do and say to be prepared in times of temptation:

-- close out internet browser

-- close out email for a specific period of time

-- not answer phone for a specific time or ask if I can call them back in an hour

-- not take any last minute social invitations from family or friends

-- don't feel the obligation to go to every kid event or game 

Today was off to a slow start, so am going to work on getting things done the next 3 hours at least: 

6:40 - 6:45 - get water and walk around office for 5 min

6:45 - 9:45 pm Tasks to be done

-- prep for meeting tomorrow

-- 6:45 - 7:55 pm -- got off track with kid  organizational stuff (my way of procrastinating) 

 - 7:55 pm - 8:25 pm -- conference call with new client





Vic 8/13/12

Show up (done), calender

Elvira back to work

I've had a nice holiday, visiting my Mum, and now I've got to get my finger out again. The feelings of stress are already building up, and I just want to sit on my computer and play all evening, but instead I'm going to


  • get food in
  • eat 
  • plan my itinerary for Wednesday and Thursday and let J and M know
  • unpack PROPERLY and either put away or put for washing
  • be in bed by 10.30 with a view to being at work for 8am, hm, not going to make both of these - I'm choosing the early night. I don't think I've wasted time unduly, I just over-estmated what I could do.
oh, this is so good, I would still be sitting here playing Age of Empires with no food in the house if it wasn't for this wonderful site


Innertruth's check-in


  1. Answer emails
  2. Spend 1 hour on updating database (have more names to add) Spent about 2 hrs updating databases.
  3. Call Laurie
  4. Organize client files
  5. Develop call script
  6. Evening - 1 hour social media
  7. Visit job boards. Print and organize job leads and contract prospects. Visited 5 job boards, only 3 suitable jobs.


  1. Buy milk
  2. Cut out discount coupons and pick up groceries
  3. Buy produce at green grocers (buy when coming home from work tomorrow)
  4. Run
  5. Wash dishes
  6. Wash blouse for work
  7. Call Sheryl (postphoned)
  8. Put away clothes
  9. Read newspaper and put in recycling
  10. Get ready for Tuesday (work, medication and questionaire)

Keep time log and update PA.(partially done)

tila - Mon

Excited and stressed for upcoming week. Plan for today:

  • LR - 2 1 days (+ chapters in-between)
  • Vac/Pharma - L/Q
  • vaccum/dust/dinner/meal plan
  • prep DD's clothes
  • PO, library, RA CS  

Lavida Checkin Mon. 8/13


I'll copy what I just wrote in chatbox to save some typing. 

My Testimony: 

11:03:42 lavida hello. I am having quite a morning.

11:03:58 lavida I had a complete emotional breakdown last night, and prayed.
11:04:18 lavida This morning, I was trying to stay calm, focus, do next right thing
11:04:29 lavida Got my electric bill together ready to call them to make small payment
11:04:36 lavida Less than what's past due
11:04:47 lavida and I checked my checking account to see how much I had
11:04:53 lavida did my calculations, wrote it down
11:05:00 lavida Then there was a knock on my front door
11:05:18 lavida I looked through peephole and saw a guy, but not a sheriff (was expecting sheriff for eviction notice)
11:05:34 lavida I opened door just after guy leaves, and see disconnect notice for my electric
11:05:49 lavida I run out and talk to him, just before he's ready to flip the switch on my service
11:06:15 lavida I offer him $50, he says the very least I can pay that it says in his automated system is $86.
11:06:32 lavida I light up inside knowing I have $88 and change in my account.
11:06:36 lavida Unbelievable!
11:06:45 lavida So I paid him and kept my service on
11:06:53 lavida Now there's a miracle ...
11:07:09 lavida God told me last night during my breakdown that I would see miracles today, so I got my proof
11:07:35 lavida And I have just enough coming in tomorrow that I can pay phone bill, and bought personal item
11:07:46 lavida But I have nothing left for gas, water or food
11:07:50 lavida oh well
11:08:12 lavida That's my story. I need to spend the next hour eating and regrouping to figure out my next move
For the record, I was visited by my HP last night during this breakdown. My HP is Jesus. I heard very clearly what he said to me, and wrote it down. I needed for him to prove to me that I can really trust him because my whole life I only learned to trust my family, who refuse to help me now. Well Jesus did. I am not sitting here in heat and darkness without power. I have 2 receipts as proof -- one is the disconnect notice that says 114.xx is required to keep service, yet the other receipt shows I only had to actually pay 86 for the guy to not turn it off, with 88 left in my checking account. That is a miracle. Praise Jesus for saving my little butt today. Amen. 



"If you feel you're about to drown, remember Tool 1 and Break .. It .. Down"


  • get ready
  • readings
  • ring sponsor
  • email landlord
  • accounts
  • text landlord
  • drop computers to computer centre
  • buy new harddrive
  • drop harddrive to computer centre
  • grocery shopping
  •  meetg m amd e
  • put shopping away
  • clean fridge
  • dinner
  • print OMR
  • go to computer class 
  • pay final fee
  • get schedule for course next two weeks
  • pool and rehab 
  • chapter 1
  • chapter 2
  • put in info from GB
  • bed early

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank Hypatia for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Take shower

3. Get dressed

4. Eat breakfast

5. Go to my appointment to get my mammogram at 8 a.m.

6. Purchase my medicine

7. Go to my nurse appointment at 1 p.m.

8. Eat lunch

9. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

10. Eat dinner

11. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

12. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

13. Finish my Eleventh Step

Thanks for letting me share

Hypatia's check-in

Start of a new week, and I've got a paperwork morning and a review meeting with my boss this afternoon.  Nice to have a Monday morning where I don't have to hit the ground running and see clients.

  • prescription
  • check typing 
  • print and review job planning papers
  • LAC waiting list analysis
  • panel reports
  • P's reports and blood test
  • e-mails
  • lunch
  • in-tray
  • action tray
  • meeting with boss


Hypatia's check-in

  • prescription
  • check typing 
  • print and review job planning papers
  • LAC waiting list analysis
  • J's prescription and forms 
  • panel reports
  • P's reports and blood test
  • e-mails
  • lunch
  • in-tray
  • action tray
  • meeting with boss

Good luck! Good to see you

Good luck! Good to see you strike off 3 things already!