Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
End of the Semester List, Spring version!
Another end of the semester list! I am happy to say there isn't quite as much overdue stuff as usual :)
I know you are probably thinking "oh here we go again this chick makes a bunch of posts but only gets some of the stuff done" But that's why we are here, right?
This really helps me keep things organized.
- Login to post comments
-Fill out forms for transfer credit!
-Hand them in!
-Talk to Dr. B about Labs
-Call BS about Fin Aid-Networking
-Sign up for business thing
-return physics textbook
-return ILL book
physics exam things
studying for physics. . .
Office hours- A- R 3:30-4:30, B- W-1:45-2:45
Things to go over
-HW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-Rec1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-Midterms 1 2
-Do homework 7
-Read textbook? lol
-Review slides from SHOs
-Review Slides from waves
-Review slides from geometrical optics
-Review slides from wave optics
-Review slides from quantum mechanics
-get help for quantum mechanics
While reviewing slides
-Fill in missing notes into notebook (he went through really fast)
-Work on "cheat sheet"I am pretty confidant about this exam! :)
Ok I didn't really study for this exam. But I think I did alright.
optics things
overdue optics hw and studying
V-avail TR 11-12
G-available most afternoons
Homeworks that need to be finished!
-Hw #2HA!-Hw #3
-Hw #4
-Hw #6
-Hw #7
-Hw #8
-Hw #9
-Read Hecht (specify chapters later)
-Study!math exam things
things to do to prepare for math. not sure if ill do all the problems though.
G- MW 12-1, MC- T night, R 11-12, T 1-1:50
Sections to do problems from/study from
-Section 1.1 -Section 4.3
-Section 1.2 -Section 4.4
-Section 1.3 -Section 4.5
-Section 1.4 -Section 4.6
-Section 1.6 -Section 4.8
-Section 1.7 -Section 4.9
-Section 2.1 -Section 5.1
-Section 2.2 -Section 5.3
-Section 2.3 -Section 5.6
-Section 2.4 -Section 5.7
-Section 2.5 -Section 6.1
-Section 2.6 -Section 6.2
-Section 3.1 -Section 6.3
-Section 3.2 -Section 6.5
-Section 4.1 -Section 6.6
-Section 4.2
-Sample final 1
-Sample final 2
-meet up with friends to study?
Research Paper things
whatever is left to do for the research paper. to be added to later.
W- 11-12 TR
Tutors- M-R 7-12pm
-Read Miller-Find something to add to paper-Self Assessment-Primary Research-Play guitar hero (I swear it's for science!)-Record Black Sabbath-Analyze results-Write that into paper-Integrate sources into paragraphs-Meet with writing tutor-Revise Conclusion-Make separate works cited-Annotations!!! make sure there are 6There is probably more. Mostly keep revising and revisiting! Due May 1st.
Woohoo! In on time (ok I got an extension, but it was on time for that) I told my professor- I don't even care what grade I actually get because I already feel like I got an A++ :D
On to other courses to study for!