Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
As a newbie, I just shared on some other chat on this site. This is most confusing for me since I am nearing 80 years old. So tech stuff is quite daunting and adds to my fears about taking on and finishing projects! But I decided i would just jump in here and tell you what I am going to do today. With one caveat. I write a to do list every day. It does not help when I am in procrastination mode. Except for things I don't procrastinate on like cooking, shopping, putting things away, answering calls and emails (mostly). What I do procrastinate on is things that are "hard" like writing a report that others will read, anything that will be up for scrutiny by others, Here goes anyway abut those things which are "hard" my program morning routine-writing reading prayer and meditation not hard but procrastinate anyway).
2. spend time on updating a meetings list (which is my service in another fellowship)
3. Make calls to contacts of meetings that may have closed or changed.
4. Spend an hour on preparing for a Bahasa Indonesian lesson
I am in isolation from Covid in Sydney Australia so nowhere to go, no kids around, no job (retired) plenty of time to procrastinate OR to get things done.
Hope to hear from someone out there is Procrastinationland.
you are in good company here - I am 67 years old and have procrastinated for much of my adult life, especially on writing reports or tasks that stress me. I have just got my bike serviced and the puncture repaired 2 years after the puncture happened - that's my achievement of the month!
You've got the right idea about using this forum - post your list of the things you plan to do, and then the key point is to report back by editing your post. You'll see people do this in different ways. I just put an x in the box in front of the task - sometimes I get quite a few x's, sometimes I have a lot of blanks, but being able to see how much I have achieved often spurs me to do more.
One word of warning, don't do what I've just done and reply to someone else's todo list - for some reason the forum software then prevents th preivous person from editing their post. You can always reply to the starter post (just don't put your own todo list in a starter post)
You probably haven't realised but you've posted in a thread dated Apr 14, 2012. Don't worry about it - i happily made my posts in the day before's thread for a week before I got the hang of it! Just look in the forum for a thread with today's date; if there isn't one you'll need to start one, or wait until someone else has started one. Unfortunately being in Australia you are 9 hours ahead of the UK and 14 hours ahead of New York time, so there is a high chance you'll be first online each day!
Welcome to the very supportive world of Procrastinators Anonymous
I am very new here, fisrt of all, I want to say, I LOVE the site :) Second, I admit I am an addict to procrastination, and it is ruining my life. All it takes is for one bad habit to emerge, and suddenly it happens again, and again, and before long, days turn into weeks and months flying by of being stuck in a depressing pattern. Than follow all the to do lists, and the vision boards, and goals written of rigid structure to make up for all the time wasted.. I started a new commision based job with an internet consulting company booking appointments 3 months ago, and on my second day of work I earned $150 in less than 2 hours. I was lucky to even get the job in the first place, and now 3 months have passed and I have not made a penny. Not because I cant, but because I give up too soon when I got on the phone with a rude person, and I am scared shitless of following the script. Yet, i KNOW that if I read the script often enough, the numbers WILL work out and I WILL book an appointment. Now, my trainer is pressuring me to work harder and get an appointment booked or I will lose the job. When I started out, I had such huge dreams of how much money I would make, now I cant even make my rent. I have no social life, I am so sick of beating myself up, and escaping from reality all the time. I am 2 hours away from all the people I know, with no car, and I have 2 weeks to smarten up. I am not looking for pity, I am just rying to understand this horrible addiction I have to giving up. My trainer has spent tons of hours with me, trying to figuire out whats wrong, and help me, I feel like i have let him down, and I hate lying to him. I just want a magic answer that will work, and I can gain control over my mind again, and be the person I am meant to be. Not hiding away, watching movies for the rest of my life.
You have taken a big step in joining us here. I wish I could tell you that there is a magic answer, but I find it's just mostly just taking one small step after another, keeping going and picking myself up after I fall down.
Yesterday? I didn't do so well at dealing with reality. I intend to do better today.
I choose to make progress toward the life I want, today.
I affirm that small steps now are more useful than big steps vaguely imagined in the future.
I find ways to enjoy the process of making progress in modest amounts.
CONCERN: What can I look forward to, today, besides the satisfaction that comes from accomplishing and making progress? What might I like, that could be more nourishing to my heart/mind/soul than solitary games or stories?
(Ideas: photography @ a botanical garden or a creekside? song progress? call C? draft email to K? Lolg reading? something from Fluent Self?)
Question to work with: What would be a good amount and mixture of things to do, today?
inital look/note-taking: cor. parent.
:-) scope/set today's self-expectations
:-) think re some look-fwd
:-) take action toward making a look-fwd happen (texted C re poss. call)
brush teeth & splint
:-) bookending and check-in at P.A.
:-) check personal email and reply to selected items
shower, wash hair
bandage, tape, shevel
eat a good breakfast (missed breakfast)
load dw/minor dishwashing
put away lt load laundry
take compost out, incl frm fr
mk shopping lists, decide when shop
ck $ in wallet
:-) pay bills (found and paid one)
:-) farmer's market (got there late but in time to grab two cool foods not likely to be available elsewhere)
:-) mail bill payments at post office (mailed the one I found and paid)
get bread frm TJ's
get Rx
more groc shopping?
eat lunch
10 min neatening in any room
call B? Re cp Qs, poss. indiv. session
assess/schedule next laundry
incl zip fleecies?
cook rice
:-) do at least 1 5-minute burst on a project from my list of projects(did some photo sorting/deleting--resume at 07/23/10 folder)
use balancer (left this too late and couldn't balance well, but did try, briefly)
15 min. Qi Gong
Carol W's check-in
Hi All,
As a newbie, I just shared on some other chat on this site. This is most confusing for me since I am nearing 80 years old. So tech stuff is quite daunting and adds to my fears about taking on and finishing projects! But I decided i would just jump in here and tell you what I am going to do today. With one caveat. I write a to do list every day. It does not help when I am in procrastination mode. Except for things I don't procrastinate on like cooking, shopping, putting things away, answering calls and emails (mostly). What I do procrastinate on is things that are "hard" like writing a report that others will read, anything that will be up for scrutiny by others, Here goes anyway abut those things which are "hard" my program morning routine-writing reading prayer and meditation not hard but procrastinate anyway).
2. spend time on updating a meetings list (which is my service in another fellowship)
3. Make calls to contacts of meetings that may have closed or changed.
4. Spend an hour on preparing for a Bahasa Indonesian lesson
I am in isolation from Covid in Sydney Australia so nowhere to go, no kids around, no job (retired) plenty of time to procrastinate OR to get things done.
Hope to hear from someone out there is Procrastinationland.
Carol W.
To Carol W.
Welcome Carol!
you are in good company here - I am 67 years old and have procrastinated for much of my adult life, especially on writing reports or tasks that stress me. I have just got my bike serviced and the puncture repaired 2 years after the puncture happened - that's my achievement of the month!
You've got the right idea about using this forum - post your list of the things you plan to do, and then the key point is to report back by editing your post. You'll see people do this in different ways. I just put an x in the box in front of the task - sometimes I get quite a few x's, sometimes I have a lot of blanks, but being able to see how much I have achieved often spurs me to do more.
One word of warning, don't do what I've just done and reply to someone else's todo list - for some reason the forum software then prevents th preivous person from editing their post. You can always reply to the starter post (just don't put your own todo list in a starter post)
You probably haven't realised but you've posted in a thread dated Apr 14, 2012. Don't worry about it - i happily made my posts in the day before's thread for a week before I got the hang of it! Just look in the forum for a thread with today's date; if there isn't one you'll need to start one, or wait until someone else has started one. Unfortunately being in Australia you are 9 hours ahead of the UK and 14 hours ahead of New York time, so there is a high chance you'll be first online each day!
Welcome to the very supportive world of Procrastinators Anonymous
Random Thoughts of Sat Apr 14
I am very new here, fisrt of all, I want to say, I LOVE the site :) Second, I admit I am an addict to procrastination, and it is ruining my life. All it takes is for one bad habit to emerge, and suddenly it happens again, and again, and before long, days turn into weeks and months flying by of being stuck in a depressing pattern. Than follow all the to do lists, and the vision boards, and goals written of rigid structure to make up for all the time wasted.. I started a new commision based job with an internet consulting company booking appointments 3 months ago, and on my second day of work I earned $150 in less than 2 hours. I was lucky to even get the job in the first place, and now 3 months have passed and I have not made a penny. Not because I cant, but because I give up too soon when I got on the phone with a rude person, and I am scared shitless of following the script. Yet, i KNOW that if I read the script often enough, the numbers WILL work out and I WILL book an appointment. Now, my trainer is pressuring me to work harder and get an appointment booked or I will lose the job. When I started out, I had such huge dreams of how much money I would make, now I cant even make my rent. I have no social life, I am so sick of beating myself up, and escaping from reality all the time. I am 2 hours away from all the people I know, with no car, and I have 2 weeks to smarten up. I am not looking for pity, I am just rying to understand this horrible addiction I have to giving up. My trainer has spent tons of hours with me, trying to figuire out whats wrong, and help me, I feel like i have let him down, and I hate lying to him. I just want a magic answer that will work, and I can gain control over my mind again, and be the person I am meant to be. Not hiding away, watching movies for the rest of my life.
Welcome Shirley123!
You have taken a big step in joining us here. I wish I could tell you that there is a magic answer, but I find it's just mostly just taking one small step after another, keeping going and picking myself up after I fall down.
Many of us find that being part of PA gives support and a sense of solidarity with others who have similar problems to ourselves - hope that can be true for you too. Have you checked out the tools -, and the daily forum -
Keep coming back! :)
A good Saturday for me.
Today was better in many ways.
I am grateful!
Vic 4/14/12
Show up (done) more productive day than yesterday - thank you hp.
wrkinprogrss: 04/14/12
Yesterday? I didn't do so well at dealing with reality. I intend to do better today.
CONCERN: What can I look forward to, today, besides the satisfaction that comes from accomplishing and making progress? What might I like, that could be more nourishing to my heart/mind/soul than solitary games or stories?
(Ideas: photography @ a botanical garden or a creekside? song progress? call C? draft email to K? Lolg reading? something from Fluent Self?)
Question to work with: What would be a good amount and mixture of things to do, today?
inital look/note-taking: cor. parent.
:-) scope/set today's self-expectations
:-) think re some look-fwd
:-) take action toward making a look-fwd happen (texted C re poss. call)
brush teeth & splint
:-) bookending and check-in at P.A.
:-) check personal email and reply to selected items
shower, wash hair
bandage, tape, shevel
eat a good breakfast (missed breakfast)
load dw/minor dishwashing
put away lt load laundry
take compost out, incl frm fr
mk shopping lists, decide when shop
ck $ in wallet
:-) pay bills (found and paid one)
:-) farmer's market (got there late but in time to grab two cool foods not likely to be available elsewhere)
:-) mail bill payments at post office (mailed the one I found and paid)
get bread frm TJ's
get Rx
more groc shopping?
eat lunch
10 min neatening in any room
call B? Re cp Qs, poss. indiv. session
assess/schedule next laundry
incl zip fleecies?
cook rice
:-) do at least 1 5-minute burst on a project from my list of projects (did some photo sorting/deleting--resume at 07/23/10 folder)
use balancer (left this too late and couldn't balance well, but did try, briefly)
15 min. Qi Gong
bedtime Rx
bed by 23:00
Kim 14 April Plans
-Research paper for one class (due Wed so I need to finish this weekend)
-Reply to prospective client
-Begin decluttering my office space
-Practicing SR + C = 30 min. each
-Run a couple of errands
online meeting PSA
Hi friends! As of right now, there is no one signed up to anchor the meeting Sunday 15 April.
The meeting sign-up can be found here:
Scroll down that page to April 15 to sign up.
- "A procrastinator's work is never done."
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Test blood sugar after fasting4. Take shower5. Get dressed6. Eat breakfast7. Go to church for a retreat at 9 a.m.8. Eat lunch9. Test blood sugar two hours after lunch10. Warm up and eat dinner
11. Go to the 7:30 p.m. face to face NA meeting
12. Get tomorrow's forum ready
13. Test blood sugar at bedtime
14. Inject insullin
15. Go to the 10 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share