Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I'm feeling tired and my back hurts from all the carrying, walking around with heavy stuff, and going up and down the stairs. So I'm done for today except for making dinner. I don't feel like doing that and my urge is to order in, but I'm trying to cook at home now for nutrition as well as money reasons. I bought myself an ice cream bar as a reward for making myself a nice dinner - an after dinner treat.
My reward for going to bed early last night, getting up fairly early this morning, and sticking to plan all day is an evening of watching movies and reading the NY Times and a book I'm into.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake-up routine.
Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
Water plants.
Gather together stuff for laundry (strip bed, etc.).
Laundry. (Two loads washed. First load waiting for the dryer - someone is using it.)
Email recruiter about next week's availability.
Send dental hygenist the info she wanted.
Hang up drip dry (missed rinse cycle, so no fabric softener in second load), and put other clothes in dryer.
Grocery shopping.
Make copy of regional schedule to send to person who requested it. Now need to dig up his address - it's in the pile.
Send regional schedule I made to person who requested it.
Go to drug store.
Retrieve laundry from dryer.
Take pills (dose 2 of 3).
Fold and put away clean clothes.
Take recycling downstairs.
Pick up mail.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Make and eat dinner.
Wash dishes.
Take pills (dose 3 of 3).
Bedtime Routine.
Send my resume some place (apply for something).
Back accounting.
Go through pile (involves handling various things).
I couldn't start cooking after that - I was too hungry. So I compromised. I bought some prepared chicken at a deli, and made the vegetables here. Actually, there wasn't much cooking involved. I just steamed some asparagus in the microwave, and cut up some raw veggies (carrots, bell pepper, mushroom).
What is a "thumb" anyway? :? Whatever it is, I'm cheering you on to back it up!
Also, what's "Khoong"?
Is reading political news and writing a waste of time? Maybe it's not your highest priority item, but I wouldn't say these are time wasters. Now playing Freecell or Tetris - those are time wasters. Watching mindless television - time waster. Keeping informed? Not a time waster.
I think we procrastinators have a tendency to put ourselves down, and we need to resist it. The more we yell at ourselves, the less we do.
Pro, I would choose politics over sex. It's my main passion in life, and I fight it like a heroin addict fighting his addiction. I am a good performer, but a great rabblerouser. Unfortunately, rabblerousing just doesnt pay these days. Now, some would say, find a way to do what you love and make it pay - okay, sure. But that's the age-old quandary actors find themselves in. There are things that we love to do, but that not all of us will earn a steady living at. St. Paul had his tentmaking, and Harrison Ford his carpentry. I DO appreciate your concern, and if I find I am being demand-resistant, it might be time to change occupations. But I don't think that's it. I've been on what I'm supposed to be doing for an hour and a half now, so I don't think it's demand resistance. I think it's just escaping to something more fun, like a horse unhitched from the plow, running into an open pasture.
And that being the case. it may well be that a game of tatris would be less harmful. Pointless, to be sure, but it might be fast. And good writing, about touchy subjects, is not fast.
I guess it's a teris or dr. mario-like problem: what activities can we fit into our productive hours? I need to keep shoving non-paying items out, and returning my nose to the grindstone, until I'm self-sutaining.
btw, a thumb is what i call one of those small portable super-large-capacity disk-backup things. they're small enough to dangle from a keychain, and fit into a USB port. your computer views them like another hard disk drive, so you can just move files onto them. it's a way to move files from one computer to another without emailing yourself, or burning a CD, or trying to fit big files onto a stack of diskettes.
oh yeah, khoong is armenian for "sap". we don't have a separate word for incense, which of course is just sap. anyway, we burn blessed khoong in our homes to release a holy presence or blessing. it seems to help when i'm nervous, lonely, etc. kind of "grounding."
LOL you wouldnt know I went to princeton would you?
As for reading about politics being procrastination (I think you said you were reading - can't remember)... You know best what's procrastination and what's not, within the context of your life.
As for what you should be doing for a living... If you're a working actor and supporting yourself, then cool. If you're not, then you need to supplement somehow. A lot of the people in DA in New York are actors or wannabee actors. They resist getting regular jobs, but prolonged poverty and financial insecurity finally wears them down.
I used to burn incense when I was a teenager - mainly because everybody was burning incense back then. But now I don't like strong smells - incense, perfumes. They give me a headache. I guess I'm an old fuddy-duddy now.
years ago, i burned sage once in a home i had shared with my ex-wife. a new gf came over and felt the bad vibes, so i went over the house with burning sage. i'm not sure if it had an effect or not. it turned out that the gf was also not a healthy relationship, in the long run!
salt, i think, is also used to purify a place, and i did use that years ago.
but khoong is something we use whenever we feel under spiritual assault, not just when we move into a place. whether it actually drives out evil spirits, or just reminds me of a power greater than myself, it helps. i've shared it with non-armenian friends a couple of times. in both cases they asked me for it, and in both cases, they were dealing with loved ones wo used drugs, and pushers were visiting their home, and they could feel the evil.
sorry to sound spooky, anyway its a nice ritual, and i do it right in my home. i'm always interested in the kind of support that is available in the home office, not just what i can find in Sedona, or Vegas, or church. I need what i can use "in the trenches."
Gather together stuff for laundry (strip bed, etc.).
Laundry. (Two loads washed. First load waiting for the dryer - someone is using it.)
Email recruiter about next week's availability.
Send dental hygenist the info she wanted.
Hang up drip dry (missed rinse cycle, so no fabric softener in second load), and put other clothes in dryer.
Grocery shopping.
Make copy of regional schedule to send to person who requested it. Now need to dig up his address - it's in the pile.
Send regional schedule I made to person who requested it.
Go to drug store.
Retrieve laundry from dryer.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Take pills (dose 2 of 3).
Fold and put away clean clothes.
Go through pile (involves handling various things).
Sign up for some kind of volunteer work.
Send my resume some place (apply for something). I want to start sending my resume to one place every day. As a freelancer, this has to be part of my daily routine.
Gather together stuff for laundry (strip bed, etc.).
Laundry. (Two loads washed. First load waiting for the dryer - someone is using it.)
Email recruiter about next week's availability.
Send dental hygenist the info she wanted.
Hang up drip dry (missed rinse cycle, so no fabric softener in second load), and put other clothes in dryer.
Grocery shopping.
Make copy of regional schedule to send to person who requested it. Now need to dig up his address - it's in the pile.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Send regional schedule I made to person who requested it.
Go through pile (involves handling various things).
Sign up for some kind of volunteer work.
Send my resume some place (apply for something). I want to start sending my resume to one place every day. As a freelancer, this has to be part of my daily routine.
Jester - I recall that "backup from thumb onto laptop" was on your to-do list a couple days ago. I'm cheering you on to do it today!!
>Like Pro's resume-a-day idea. Can't believe she's adding in volunteer work to everything else she does, but I'm sure it will be fun.
Still insisting on no gender commitment - maybe I'm a man, maybe I'm a woman. 8)
I'm doing the volunteer work because it does wonderful things for my head. The two freelance gigs I got (one possible, one I've already started) came through after I did some volunteer work. My tone in applying was different after the volunteer work - I didn't feel so useless. I highly recommend volunteering. Helping other people is the best therapy on the planet for whatever ails you.
Gather together stuff for laundry (strip bed, etc.).
Laundry. (Two loads washed. First load waiting for the dryer - someone is using it.)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Email recruiter about next week's availability.
Send regional schedule I made to person who requested it.
Go through pile (involves handling various things).
Contact dental hygienist with info she wanted.
Sign up for some kind of volunteer work.
Send me resume some place (apply for something). I want to start sending my resume to one place every day. As a freelancer, this has to be part of my daily routine.
Gather together stuff for laundry (strip bed, etc.).
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Email recruiter about next week's availability.
Send regional schedule I made to person who requested it.
Go through pile (involves handling various things).
Contact dental hygienist with info she wanted.
Sign up for some kind of volunteer work.
Send me resume some place (apply for something). I want to start sending my resume to one place every day. As a freelancer, this has to be part of my daily routine.
I made myself do my morning routine PRIOR to breakfast - first shower, dress, make the bed, and THEN sit down to breakfast. I resist doing this, but it works out a lot better for me. When I eat breakfast first, I draw it out for hours, avoiding the tedious task of getting dressed. If I'm ready to go when the meal is done, I'm more likely to move on.
The server-side spam filter I turned on yesterday is doing a good job of stemming the tide of spam I've been getting. It increased four-fold recently, and I couldn't keep up. Going through my spam folder was starting to take an absurd amount of time. I put a low-level server-side spam filter and the two most spam-prone accounts, and it drastically reduced the amount I get when I download my mail.
I need to get back to my back accounting today. I started on it, then let it slide again.
And the gym tonight, maybe? I know I won't do it, but I wish I could get back into the habit...
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake-up routine.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
Water plants.
Email recruiter about next week's availability.
Send regional schedule I made to person who requested it.
Go through pile (involves handling various things).
Contact dental hygienist with info she wanted.
Sign up for some kind of volunteer work.
Send me resume some place (apply for something). I want to start sending my resume to one place every day. As a freelancer, this has to be part of my daily routine.
Today I'm not starting anything new, but rather working on things that are here.
1. Straighten out glitches in the project I did yesterday in the shop.
2. Set aside about 3 ten minute cleaning marathons. I must fill at
at least one grocery bag with clutter.
3. Get my light bulbs and finish the light.
4. I just noticed a new electrical outlet on the bathroom cabinet.
It's been there for a few days (partially invisible), so I'm going
install it and throw the old one away.
5. If I can't figure out my kitchen mouldings, I'll call someone for
help today.
6. Do something to all the small projects in the workshop. Some could
be finished in minutes, now that they're dry.
2:00 AM
Can't sleep, so I'm going over my day. Each of my goals got some attention, but I need to focus on completing and "scratching off" individual goals. I'm still battling clutter, so I picked up a catalogue of storage items (which can be nearly as bad as the initial clutter). I'm not going to plan tomorrow's list till tomorrow. Good night all.
That's a good topic in itself. The reason I need to be here is excessive rewarding over the years! Probably my individual task rewards lately have been taking a break, getting coffee, and going online for a short time. Beyond that I'll have to do some thinking. What does everyone use as rewards? Thanks.
>The reason I need to be here is excessive rewarding over the years!
I know what you mean, but you still need to reward yourself when you do well. It gives you incentive to keep doing well. If you make work a total punishment, what incentive do you have to do it?
>What does everyone use as rewards?
I use the things I like to do when I procrastinate as rewards. For example, I hate showering and getting dressed in the morning, and linger over breakfast for hours. So it works well for me to only eat breakfast AFTER I'm dressed and the bed is made - breakfast is my reward.
In the evening, if I've worked well all day, it's the same thing - I'll do the stuff I do when I'm procrastinating, but I'm doing it GUILT-FREE, and that's a big difference. I might sit and watch a movie, or read a book I like, or whatever. The main thing is to not let myself do these things unless I've earned them by doing some work. I don't do this perfectly, but I often do it and it helps a lot.
So I have been ... procrastinating. Whenever you do not see me here,
please remember I am simply procrastinating. Finishing website1, actually finished me off.
Website2 started to look strange, frightening, unfamiliar... I could imagine myself searching through legal cases....for it taking as long as website1, being as tough as website1... a new website1...
so I started to wonder on other things . Not even getting the wea easy details done ( other kid's tomorrow birthday present- she'll get it next week,...).
So yesterday, pulled myself back on it with the help of a nice bottle of wine. The website2 just seemed obvious and was able to work through it. Went to the library this morning to get background information.
Now things are clearer and look easier.
Part2: decomposed in 14 steps.
Starting now with the first step : open the files and read them...
I am happy the week-end is coming as I will be able to catch up without any new thing coming in.
>So I have been ... procrastinating. Whenever you do not see me here, please remember I am simply procrastinating.
This is generally true for me, too. When I'm procrastinating and I can get myself to post here and tell on myself, it can often get me out of it.
>Finishing website1, actually finished me off.
I think this may be because of what long hours you were working - time bingeing. People usually procrastinate after a time binge. In fact, research shows that non-procrastinators don't time binge - only procrastinators do.
I've noticed a similar pattern in myself. I'll put something off, then work at it without rest, then once it's done I think I deserve to not work and I go overboard with it and start procrastinating again.
Not time bingeing is the solution. If you work in sane blocks of time instead of making it torture for yourself, you are less likely to procrastinate.
pro's last check-in - 10:20pm
I managed to get ready for bed at a reasonable hour again tonight. That's good, because I'll be able to get up early tomorrow morning.
JestRight CI 648pm
--1 hr 15 minutes on political news and writing
--organize accounting courses into notebooks
--booked a voiceover
--booked a TV interview
--performed voiceover
--backup from thumb onto laptop (still there…)
Sweats, Coffee, Khoong, Bed, AlarmOff, CheckIn
Vits, Breakfast
Calendar, Schedule, Messages
Trash, Vacuum
Drive to TrailRun
Bathe, Shave
--organize accounting courses into notebooks
--booked a voiceover
--booked a TV interview
--performed voiceover
--backup from thumb onto laptop (still there…)
Sweats, Coffee, Khoong, Bed, AlarmOff, CheckIn
Vits, Breakfast
Calendar, Schedule, Messages
Trash, Vacuum
Drive to TrailRun
Bathe, Shave
pro's CI - 8pm
JestRight 346pm CI
--1 hr 15 minutes on political news and writing
--organize accounting courses into notebooks
--booked a voiceover
--booked a TV interview
--backup from thumb onto laptop (still there…)
Sweats, Coffee, Khoong, Bed, AlarmOff, CheckIn
Vits, Breakfast
Calendar, Schedule, Messages,
how's the backup?
Did you back up your USB drive yet??
not yet
but just got a dinner party invite, so i'm off
see u en la manana
see ya
I hope you have a good evening.
I'd really like to get some accounting done this weekend and I have a better chance of doing it if others are here, so I hope I see you tomorrow!!
pro's CI - 6:40pm
pro's CI - 5:20pm
I'm feeling tired and my back hurts from all the carrying, walking around with heavy stuff, and going up and down the stairs. So I'm done for today except for making dinner. I don't feel like doing that and my urge is to order in, but I'm trying to cook at home now for nutrition as well as money reasons. I bought myself an ice cream bar as a reward for making myself a nice dinner - an after dinner treat.
My reward for going to bed early last night, getting up fairly early this morning, and sticking to plan all day is an evening of watching movies and reading the NY Times and a book I'm into.
The chicken I bought TODAY is already bad. This is very annoying. I'm going to bring it back.
I couldn't start cooking after that - I was too hungry. So I compromised. I bought some prepared chicken at a deli, and made the vegetables here. Actually, there wasn't much cooking involved. I just steamed some asparagus in the microwave, and cut up some raw veggies (carrots, bell pepper, mushroom).
NY Times
PLEASE watch a movie and enjoy the NY Times. I havent really enjoyed that paper in years. I need the vicarious fun.
I don't want to be sitting at the computer anyway. I'll take this as my cue...
inquiring minds want toknow
ok did u relax?
Yup - I watched a movie, and read the paper (part of the paper). I'll read the rest during breakfast tomorrow.
gold star for pro
knowing you followed through gives me a sense of peace. i'm serious.
JestRight 1:58pm CI
--1 hr 15 minutes on political news and writing
--backup from thumb onto laptop
0700am Sweats, Coffee, Khoong, Bed, AlarmOff, CheckIn
0730am Vits, Breakfast
thumb backup
What is a "thumb" anyway? :? Whatever it is, I'm cheering you on to back it up!
Also, what's "Khoong"?
Is reading political news and writing a waste of time? Maybe it's not your highest priority item, but I wouldn't say these are time wasters. Now playing Freecell or Tetris - those are time wasters. Watching mindless television - time waster. Keeping informed? Not a time waster.
I think we procrastinators have a tendency to put ourselves down, and we need to resist it. The more we yell at ourselves, the less we do.
thumb in the soup
Pro, I would choose politics over sex. It's my main passion in life, and I fight it like a heroin addict fighting his addiction. I am a good performer, but a great rabblerouser. Unfortunately, rabblerousing just doesnt pay these days. Now, some would say, find a way to do what you love and make it pay - okay, sure. But that's the age-old quandary actors find themselves in. There are things that we love to do, but that not all of us will earn a steady living at. St. Paul had his tentmaking, and Harrison Ford his carpentry. I DO appreciate your concern, and if I find I am being demand-resistant, it might be time to change occupations. But I don't think that's it. I've been on what I'm supposed to be doing for an hour and a half now, so I don't think it's demand resistance. I think it's just escaping to something more fun, like a horse unhitched from the plow, running into an open pasture.
And that being the case. it may well be that a game of tatris would be less harmful. Pointless, to be sure, but it might be fast. And good writing, about touchy subjects, is not fast.
I guess it's a teris or dr. mario-like problem: what activities can we fit into our productive hours? I need to keep shoving non-paying items out, and returning my nose to the grindstone, until I'm self-sutaining.
btw, a thumb is what i call one of those small portable super-large-capacity disk-backup things. they're small enough to dangle from a keychain, and fit into a USB port. your computer views them like another hard disk drive, so you can just move files onto them. it's a way to move files from one computer to another without emailing yourself, or burning a CD, or trying to fit big files onto a stack of diskettes.
signing off before i start feeling guilty....
khoong is NOT the sound of me clearing my throat
oh yeah, khoong is armenian for "sap". we don't have a separate word for incense, which of course is just sap. anyway, we burn blessed khoong in our homes to release a holy presence or blessing. it seems to help when i'm nervous, lonely, etc. kind of "grounding."
LOL you wouldnt know I went to princeton would you?
You went to Princeton? What was your major?
As for reading about politics being procrastination (I think you said you were reading - can't remember)... You know best what's procrastination and what's not, within the context of your life.
As for what you should be doing for a living... If you're a working actor and supporting yourself, then cool. If you're not, then you need to supplement somehow. A lot of the people in DA in New York are actors or wannabee actors. They resist getting regular jobs, but prolonged poverty and financial insecurity finally wears them down.
I used to burn incense when I was a teenager - mainly because everybody was burning incense back then. But now I don't like strong smells - incense, perfumes. They give me a headache. I guess I'm an old fuddy-duddy now.
a sage i'm not
out here sometimes the new-agers burn sage, same idea.
new place?
I've heard of people burning sage when they move into a new home to clear out previous vibes. Did you just move?
sage wisdom with a pinch of salt
years ago, i burned sage once in a home i had shared with my ex-wife. a new gf came over and felt the bad vibes, so i went over the house with burning sage. i'm not sure if it had an effect or not. it turned out that the gf was also not a healthy relationship, in the long run!
salt, i think, is also used to purify a place, and i did use that years ago.
but khoong is something we use whenever we feel under spiritual assault, not just when we move into a place. whether it actually drives out evil spirits, or just reminds me of a power greater than myself, it helps. i've shared it with non-armenian friends a couple of times. in both cases they asked me for it, and in both cases, they were dealing with loved ones wo used drugs, and pushers were visiting their home, and they could feel the evil.
sorry to sound spooky, anyway its a nice ritual, and i do it right in my home. i'm always interested in the kind of support that is available in the home office, not just what i can find in Sedona, or Vegas, or church. I need what i can use "in the trenches."
pro's CI - 4:45pm
I knew I wasn't going to get everything on that list done, and I won't. But I got a lot of it done, and I'll still do a few more things.
pro's CI - 4pm
pro's CI - 2:30pm
JestRight's CI - 10:38am
--backup from thumb onto laptop
0700am Sweats, Coffee, Khoong, Bed, AlarmOff, CheckIn
--clear desk
Like Pro's resume-a-day idea. Can't believe she's adding in volunteer work to everything else she does, but I'm sure it will be fun.
volunteer work and other stuff
Jester - I recall that "backup from thumb onto laptop" was on your to-do list a couple days ago. I'm cheering you on to do it today!!
>Like Pro's resume-a-day idea. Can't believe she's adding in volunteer work to everything else she does, but I'm sure it will be fun.
Still insisting on no gender commitment - maybe I'm a man, maybe I'm a woman. 8)
I'm doing the volunteer work because it does wonderful things for my head. The two freelance gigs I got (one possible, one I've already started) came through after I did some volunteer work. My tone in applying was different after the volunteer work - I didn't feel so useless. I highly recommend volunteering. Helping other people is the best therapy on the planet for whatever ails you.
Shades and trenchcoat
I stand corrected on the gender. Shades and trenchcoat it is, friend.
On the thumb, glad you're onto me. Keep watching.
On volunteering, interesting. Will keep it in mind.
pro's CI - 12:55pm
pro's CI - 11:50am
pro's first check-in - 10:40am
I made myself do my morning routine PRIOR to breakfast - first shower, dress, make the bed, and THEN sit down to breakfast. I resist doing this, but it works out a lot better for me. When I eat breakfast first, I draw it out for hours, avoiding the tedious task of getting dressed. If I'm ready to go when the meal is done, I'm more likely to move on.
The server-side spam filter I turned on yesterday is doing a good job of stemming the tide of spam I've been getting. It increased four-fold recently, and I couldn't keep up. Going through my spam folder was starting to take an absurd amount of time. I put a low-level server-side spam filter and the two most spam-prone accounts, and it drastically reduced the amount I get when I download my mail.
I need to get back to my back accounting today. I started on it, then let it slide again.
And the gym tonight, maybe? I know I won't do it, but I wish I could get back into the habit...
loose end day and more
Today I'm not starting anything new, but rather working on things that are here.
1. Straighten out glitches in the project I did yesterday in the shop.
2. Set aside about 3 ten minute cleaning marathons. I must fill at
at least one grocery bag with clutter.
3. Get my light bulbs and finish the light.
4. I just noticed a new electrical outlet on the bathroom cabinet.
It's been there for a few days (partially invisible), so I'm going
install it and throw the old one away.
5. If I can't figure out my kitchen mouldings, I'll call someone for
help today.
6. Do something to all the small projects in the workshop. Some could
be finished in minutes, now that they're dry.
Not a banner day, I didn't go backward
2:00 AM
Can't sleep, so I'm going over my day. Each of my goals got some attention, but I need to focus on completing and "scratching off" individual goals. I'm still battling clutter, so I picked up a catalogue of storage items (which can be nearly as bad as the initial clutter). I'm not going to plan tomorrow's list till tomorrow. Good night all.
and your reward?
I think it's good to plan some fun things into your day as well. How will you reward yourself at the end of the day if you work well?
That's a good topic in itself. The reason I need to be here is excessive rewarding over the years! Probably my individual task rewards lately have been taking a break, getting coffee, and going online for a short time. Beyond that I'll have to do some thinking. What does everyone use as rewards? Thanks.
rewarding yourself
>The reason I need to be here is excessive rewarding over the years!
I know what you mean, but you still need to reward yourself when you do well. It gives you incentive to keep doing well. If you make work a total punishment, what incentive do you have to do it?
>What does everyone use as rewards?
I use the things I like to do when I procrastinate as rewards. For example, I hate showering and getting dressed in the morning, and linger over breakfast for hours. So it works well for me to only eat breakfast AFTER I'm dressed and the bed is made - breakfast is my reward.
In the evening, if I've worked well all day, it's the same thing - I'll do the stuff I do when I'm procrastinating, but I'm doing it GUILT-FREE, and that's a big difference. I might sit and watch a movie, or read a book I like, or whatever. The main thing is to not let myself do these things unless I've earned them by doing some work. I don't do this perfectly, but I often do it and it helps a lot.
iwant2workharder - CI 15:40
Hi all,
So I have been ... procrastinating. Whenever you do not see me here,
please remember I am simply procrastinating. Finishing website1, actually finished me off.
Website2 started to look strange, frightening, unfamiliar... I could imagine myself searching through legal cases....for it taking as long as website1, being as tough as website1... a new website1...
so I started to wonder on other things . Not even getting the wea easy details done ( other kid's tomorrow birthday present- she'll get it next week,...).
So yesterday, pulled myself back on it with the help of a nice bottle of wine. The website2 just seemed obvious and was able to work through it. Went to the library this morning to get background information.
Now things are clearer and look easier.
Part2: decomposed in 14 steps.
Starting now with the first step : open the files and read them...
I am happy the week-end is coming as I will be able to catch up without any new thing coming in.
Ta Da
To Do
website2: 14 steps.
finishing the job "finished me off"
>So I have been ... procrastinating. Whenever you do not see me here, please remember I am simply procrastinating.
This is generally true for me, too. When I'm procrastinating and I can get myself to post here and tell on myself, it can often get me out of it.
>Finishing website1, actually finished me off.
I think this may be because of what long hours you were working - time bingeing. People usually procrastinate after a time binge. In fact, research shows that non-procrastinators don't time binge - only procrastinators do.
I've noticed a similar pattern in myself. I'll put something off, then work at it without rest, then once it's done I think I deserve to not work and I go overboard with it and start procrastinating again.
Not time bingeing is the solution. If you work in sane blocks of time instead of making it torture for yourself, you are less likely to procrastinate.