Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday 16 March 2012
best way out is always through.
Robert Frost
will ever be attempted if all possible objections must
first be overcome.
Samuel Johnson
greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising
every time we fall.
inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant,
they is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with
Johann Gottfried Von Herder
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Vic 3-16-12
Show up (done), program first.
Today is a new day and a new start to change the things I can.
Keep coming back.
wrkinprogrss: 03/16/12
Another beautiful thread-starter! Thanks, chickadee!
do for sure:
brush teeth & splint
ck email, update wikis as requested (no requests)
10:00 meeting
check for rcts, call rvwr if notby noon
shower, wash hair, etc.
any laundry?
eat something w/ vegies
D checklist wk
warm up incl 15 minutes Qi Gong
make up!
pack (including $ for shopping) & aim to leave by 18:30: perf
wash out choli
bed & alarm for picking up glasses!
chosen positive effort for good:
:-) prioritize
lead-the-V requests!
:-) check-in and bookending at P.A.
sometimes, we need to "do the dishes:"
submit timecard
do a next act toward backups
see planned list on status report
load dishwasher
I'll be glad to have done these:
cook artichokes
microstep toward washing bathroom sink
use balancer!
worth a try for more joy in the future:
tapping or journaling or Shiva Nata
get Express or similar
could clear-out goal be a fun game?
knitting progress
done or done enough
:-) made/making progress
Innertruth's check-in
Priority #1
Get my apartment cleaned up for Sunday evening. I figure I can spend about 4 hours on work and then start cleaning.
Work until noon
Check all three emails.Review email blast and send to Pat.Wash bathroom sink and bathtub.See if I can change overhead light myself. If not, complete work order along with work order for kitchen light.Complete and deliver work order to fix dripping taps in bathroom.noon to 4:00 pm - Work on buzz piece.
Hardboil eggs for egg salad. Make and eat lunch. (will do in evening)
Take a walk sometime in the day.Evening until 10 pm
Clean table lampDust living room furnitureTake paint cans down from boxes.Sort through mail for bills to be paid in next 2 weeks.Count and throw bags and boxes in storage containers.Throw out all garbage.Put shoes in bedroom (except 3 pairs I wear regularly).Dust bedroom furniture.Put duvet cover on duvet.Put laundry and stuff to do laundry in hamper.Sort out hand washing and do it.Put away all clothes in my bedroom.Damp mop bedroom floor.clean kitchen and wash dishes.Write "to do" list for Saturday.Agnus ci
Thanks for the lovely starter, chickadee. I've been buried in that dreaded voicework project for several days, with my laptop stuck in the studio so never even logged on here. Anyway that bit of sidework is finished but for the invoice, yay!
The sidework couldn't have come at a better time: my hours at main job were cut yesterday effective immediately through about 50%, yikes. It's a corporate thing, not personal to me this time (thank you, God and PA!).
In a way I'm relieved: I've been feeling very tired and bored by my regular work lately. Although I'll have some ugly financial figuring to do things right, I'm looking forward to the break. Biggest risk is that without the pressure routine, I'll just slack into fullblown procrastination relapse. So with my HP's help I want to keep my PA routines: daily check-ins, chatting when stuck, applying the Steps and Tools daily. So for today:
Invoice for sidework
Expense report (past due!)
File ins claims
Clear out one category of backlogged emails (this task got alot simpler when my hours got cut! No one will expect me to complete all this in the tiny billable time remaining)
Walk dog
Make a nice dinner-in with J and watch a movie together (wow, I can relax!)
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16
Sam , Thursday 16 March 2012
Regular Work day
check out which country they are fromReading
Priority Read: try to finish "Coming out Strt"
To do
Vaskaat 16 March
- "A procrastinator's work is never done."
(oops posted wrong place)
Rexroth Check In 13.16
Things do not feel good today. I've had a bad night's sleep and last night established that a relationship is not going to happen so I am sad. I need to get on and don't feel like doing so.
Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails, posts and post
Washed up cleaned and sorted a little
Emailed and phoned and spoke to friend - various including making arrangements to move furniture which I don't want to do
Phoned by psychological service with appointment for CBT treatment starting next Tuesday - they could not have chosed a better day to tell me
x Study French - I think what is the use but that is my depression speaking
Read and note on travel book
Not sure what else
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out 23.12
There is a party next door so I am going to be awake for a time yet and it does not bother me. I feel a lot better this evening.
Work on travel book
Preparation work for seeing psychologist next week - I can't find all my notes and it probably does not matter that much
Got kitchen clean, rubbish out, things washed up and wiped down.
Written journal
Long prayerful reflection on friend I met yesterday
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
However I can't do that for the moment so I'll do a bit of web surfing and maybe make a list/plan for next week which is going to be busy.
Night for now Rexroth
@ Rexroth
hugs to my brother Rexroth from your sister Movingalong
Thank you Movingalong
Thank you Movingalong
Regards Rexroth
kromer 9 CI
Yet another busy day:
*Youth grp + planning mtg
*Work 1 hr on write-up (at home after youth group)
*Dose animals
*Finish staging
*Finish hyb
*Find correspondences, if possible
*Image each stage (24ish total) (I did this, but I don't think the experiment worked so well. will need to regroup and figure out what's up)
Microburst matlab stuffrowyourboat- first check in ever- 2:48pm (Thailand time)
3:00pm Write/call V
3:45pm Write to c. L. (optional, if in conversation with V)
4:30pm Meet L for store & yoga
r7:30pm Home/dinne
Tonight: Write back to T
Lucky's Playlist
STUNNING threadstarter - thanks, chick!
Email self tomorrow's list
Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.
Frog_Princess Day Two
Wake up at 645 - 15 minutes early! This will help get the day started off well.
GIve notes out
3 groups before lunch
1 group at lunch - talk to DP first
1 group after lunch.
After work
clean kitchen
living room
grocery, cook
-just do one small thing you've been putting off and see how it feels-
Hazyjane Friday 16th
Thanks Chickadee for the inspiring starter :)
HP and yogatake dogs outdecide what delights I'll bake for my tea commitment :)dogs againFriday
calm focus on MIT
household chores
Thanks for thread-starter, chickadee!
Love that quote:
"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome."
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank chickadee for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting4. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting5. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in6. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line7. Test my blood sugar after fasting8. Take shower9. Get dressed10. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
11. Sweep floor
12. Clear Tables
13. Go to the study session at 3 p.m.14. Eat breakfast15. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting16. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line17. Work on emptying the closets
18. Wash dishes
19. Eat lunch20. Test blood sugar two hours after lunch
21. Go to the 4 p.m. telephone DA meeting
22. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.23. Eat dinner24. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting25. Test my blood sugar at bedtime
26. Inject insullin
27. Read my assignmentThanks for letting me share