Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday March 9, 2012
Have a great proactive day
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wrkinprogrss: 03/09/12
Hi, All, and good wishes for your day and your weekend!
Minimalist To-Do List for Today:
9:00 meetingg
shower (& wash hair)
:-) show up
:-) lead the V request
:-) finish checklist work as best I can
use balancer
be ready to leave by 17:00 for Dr. F appointment
unload/load dishwasher (maybe listening to Silent Speaker or LNow or new purchases?)
10 minutes clearout progress
15 minutes Qi Gong
Maybe Also:
see link from D and reply to her email
think re weekend priorities
consider more possible date activities?
Gwish re consuming internet/audio/books, today:
If I feel tempted to flee from a to-do item, I'll do 10 minutes of timed writing or inner refuge work, before making a decision about what to do next.
in progress
done or done enough
Journey 11:30 arrghh
Super stressed . . .my daughter's car is broken down and she's very upset, which is of course stressful for me; new very stressful project at work just got dumped in my lap; worried about critical stuff I have to do over the weekend for time change - I don't think I'll screw it up but if I did it would be a disaster of major proportions; new VP just hired at my company who is very pro-outsourcing, so worried about the future of my job.
I was late to work due to the above car problems and spent the whole morning in a staff meeting, so I'm feeling behind in my work as well. Oh well, nothing to do but regroup and try to spend the afternoon as productively as possible.
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Beckett
marcelor checking in at 8.10
Up, showered, dressed and at my desk by 8.10 :-)
Yesterday I did not make progress on my MITs, but I did still manage to get a few admin things done and we had a good meeting with the architect.
I think that I rewarded myself for having worked well Mon-Wed by allowing myself to slack off. There are better ways, and today is another day to try out what might work for me. Perhaps I tried to do too much too soon. Today I have scheduled much shorter writing sessions, just to get started.
To do today:
Write to M
Write to Board about recruitment strategy
Mail letter x2being accountable!Research th 3*20OK, pulling myself together today. Inspired by Zen Habits not to get off track two days in a row. Off to the gym now. Bring letters!Write 2*10 min
No ID or C sites until 6 pm
Clean up my desk
One load of laundry
Plant the remaining rosemary
Schedule for next week
Reward: 1hr fiction reading - bought some plants instead :-)
Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a snowflake. - Francis Bacon
Vaskaat 9 March
-1 Breakfast
-2 F oil
-3 Shower
-4 30 ab exercises
-1 Job search (>10 Minutes)
-2 Volunteer search (>10 minutes)
-3 Bring in bins
-4 See about returning item
-5 Coding study (>10 minutes)
-6 Pet care
-7 Get out for 30 minutes
-8 TBD
-9 Lock up
- "A procrastinator's work is never done."
Innertruth check-in
After much thought on the way I've been feeling, I've decided to fire my psychotherapist. He thinks I should accept my state in life and find a low-paying meniable job to pay the bills and that will make me happy. I need a job to pay my bills but I must get some intellectual challenge out of the job and interact with stimulating colleagues.
He has also suggested that I move into seniors' housing in the suburbs to save money. I'm 59 years old and don't want to live with a bunch of 80 year olds. That would mean I would be an hour away from my sister and friends and live in a little box in a crappy area.
I'm reluctant to tell him and will go to my session next week and tell him. I may ne without a therapist for some time but right now I feel he's not doing me any good.
Work for today:
Call WayneEmail SalinaTake steps to get new therapistVic 3-9-12 fri
Show up (done), program first.
Today is a new day and a new start to change the things I can.
Chapter 6 , AA Big BOOK
page 85:
"What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of
our spiritual condition. Every day is a day when we must carry the
vision of God’s will into all of our activities. “How can I best serve
Thee-Thy will (not mine) be
done.” These are thoughts which must go with us constantly. We can
exercise our will power along this line all we wish. It is the proper
use of the will. "
page 88
"We are then in much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry,
self-pity, or foolish decisions. We become much more efficient. We do
not tire so easily, for we are not burning up energy foolishly as we did
when we were trying to arrange life to suit ourselves. It works - it really does."
kromer 9:50 CI
For today:
Check on exptsR8 mouse request
Print deacon stuff, email about mtg (working on this now)
Organize slides and photo 2
Stage 2
Resuspend and ro
(done, but it's not clear there's anything useful for me to work on over the weekend)Ask G about P9 so I can work on it over the weekend
Youth group shopping and cookingShopping list/meal plan
Finish script(working on this now)
Geno and slide org. 1st
Recycler CI Mar 9 7:10am
Thanks for the threadstarter, Lennon!
5:45am Up, walk puppy, feed puppy. Check email & Internet. Took caffeine tablet. Moved boxes from entry way to guest room. Unloaded clean dishes from dishwasher. Loaded dishwasher & started it. Started clothes washer.
This morning's goals: When it's time, dry the clothes & the dishes, and put away when finished. Then do at least one more load in the dishwasher.
Friend is coming over this morning to help me move mattress.
Monday and Tuesday when I had more energy, I made strategic progress in cleaning up for this weekend's company. So even though company is coming this Saturday, I don't need to significantly panic. There are still some things to do before today & tomorrow before they arrive, but generally speaking, the big stuff is done.
Mini CI for Wednesday and Thursday: Wed had a midterm exam. Thurs had my taxes done. And I wonder why I am tired!!! lol
Have a great day, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Hazyjane check-in fri 9th
oh dear, I thought I was doing so well til I checked the list I made last night on my phone: top of the list was 'get daughter to sign passport form'!!!!!!!!! And no I forgot... the clock is really ticking on this one!!!!!!!
On the plus side, I have arisen, prayed, done my mini yoga session and walked the dogs.
get daughter to sign passport formwalk dogsgo to passport officeget milk etc for meeting, get to meetingOsteopath!!!! (5pm)now I just have to hope that the school will let me track my daughter down and get this all-important signature (which she should have done the other day when she got the teacher to confirm her id!!!!)
Hope everyone has a good day today, thanks for being here :)
Rexroth Check In 08.29
Up prayer and reflection
Check emails, posts, and post
Finish up from yesterday
Washing whites
Clean kitchen floor
Work on friend's benefits work with intention of finishing it
That's it for now
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Update 13.56
I've done my list except friend's benefits and I am not sure what to do on it. I need to make my mind up and get on with it.
Also I've listened to a sponsee in another programme on the phone for quite a while.
I need to start moving things to give me a workspace when the table goes which means a lot of cleaning and sorting and I can start that this afternoon.
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Update 18.17
Friends benefits finished and so am I
Online meeting PSA
Hello friends!
So far, nobody has signed up to "anchor"
this Sunday's PA 12step meeting in the chatbox,
... which is at NEW TIME for USA-Canada timezones!!
meeting is Sunday March 11th 3:30 pm
New York Time (daylight savings time).
Click here to see what time that is in YOUR timezone ..
What is a "Meeting Anchor"? The "anchor of the day" shows up on time (in the MeetingTab of the chatbox) and makes sure the meeting gets started. The anchor doesn't have to lead the meeting. You just need to show up on time -- and then direct whoever wishes to lead on where to find the format. (More info at the top of the sign-up sheet.)
We need someone to volunteer for this Sunday March 11th.
Sign up by replying to the March 11th post
on the sign-up sheet here:
The meeting format is here:
If you could be of service, it would be much appreciated.
It is a very easy way to give back.
Hope everyone's been having a great week!
Thanks moving- oops
I had a huge midterm today and forgot to check :(
Thanks for making such a thorough post :)
You're welcome, katia!
I just copied one of your old
"please sign up" PSA's
and added info about the time change.
Note: I'll be at a special workshop elsewhere
for the next 7 Sundays -- at the same time of day,
so I won't be able to lead the meeting until that's completed.
I have faith that others will step up!
I'll be with you all in spirit!
finding a way CI
12.20 pm Friday
Thanks for the starter, lennon.
I am late checking in today so thought I would be first on Friday rather than last on Thursday!
Have done very little work today as I made time to see a friend who wanted to visit. We did go for a bike ride together so at least I got some exercise. Sometimes working from home it's difficult to say no to social things, but socialising is something I need to do more of anyway, and she had been overseas for a long time.
Very happy to deliver a report yesterday for a big project - I did have to ask for an extension on this one but it was well received. Now need to look at next steps and pick up the pieces of other tasks that were put on hold.
Have a great day everyone, and thanks for being here :)
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Test my blood sugar after fasting2. Eat breakfast3. Take shower4. Get dressed5. Go to my nutritionist appointment at 9 a.m.6. Call my ride7. Go to the Post Office and get my package8. Go to the library to update my library card9. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting10. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line11. Fix dinner12. Go to the 3 p.m. study session
13. Eat lunch14. Test my blood sugar two hours after lunch
15. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.16. Eat dinner17. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meetingThanks for letting me share