Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday March 8, 2012


Have a great proactive day!


Smile Laughing Smile Laughing

Hi all, I'm checking in a

Hi all,

I'm checking in a little late today, but I was mostly out of the house at a long meeting this morning and then running errands, picking up kids from school, etc.

Right now I need to:

( ) write a summary of this morning's meeting and email it to all participants

I feel resistance, but this needs to be done NOW. So, on to it.

Best wishes to all,

kaoba 8pm check out


(X) write a summary of this morning's meeting and email it to all participants


AllOfTheAbove, thu. march 8th, 12:42 pm

Hello to every comrade:

Today I will:

- Finish breakfast.

- Work 4 pomodoros in online course.

- Work 4 pomodoros in face that monster.

- Work 4 pomodoros in writing that other monster.

- Work 4 pomodoros in Pd - eneaphonic scale.

- Wash few dishes

- At night, before sleep, I will answer to the proper people in the social net.

I pray this will result me in something doable and useful for me and others.


Fear is only a thought and as a thought you can ignore it.

wrkinprogrss: 03/08/12

**Waves hello to all, with good wishes but a weary and frightened spirit**

Minimalist To-Do List for Today:
:-) lead the V request
Laughing shower & show up
:-) finish cklist work to best of my ability
Laughing mk nxt audiobook purchases
Laughing update spreadsheet by noon (1 hour late)
Laughing report status (email & wiki) by 17:00
:-) consider possible date activities
use balancer
10min clearout progress (made only a half-hearted and rather ineffective stab at this, sigh)
Laughing pack & dance class

Laughing 15min Qi Gong

Gwish re internet/audio/books usage, today:
:-) job work
Laughing audible shopping
:-) personal email checking
:-) researching date possibilities
:-) P.A. / other recovery
:-) Havi Brooks
:-) music

(BUT I didn't limit myself to these ways of using the net and audio, which was a lot of the point)

:-) in progress
Laughing done or done enough

Ag ci

I have a trip tomorrow and SO much to do before I leave.  My ability to estimate how long things take is quite dismal, so I'll be grateful to get just the MITs done today:
CoolMIT1 - Prj R call with KC @ 11, follow-up
MIT2 -  voicework - urgh, I dont wanna!  God please help me be brave and just do it.
CoolMIT3 - 11:45 Leadership homework, then call; eat lunch during, and transfer to cell @ 12:45 so I can leave on time for my next appt
CoolMIT4 - be on time for 1pm massage therapy
MIT5 - print materials for trip and Coolpack
MIT6 - Write report for ProjB to trigger payment (make sure DM is clear on invoice)

NonMITs but don't want to lose:
Begin KC report (microburst with finding the folder, opening a template, etc)
Proj R Fl report
Email microburst incomings + one category
File expenses for last Proj R&C trips
File expenses for any other ODCs

"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16

Journey 10:45

Hello everyone.  IN the office today.   Good day so far, got up on time, went to gym, got to work on time and had an early morning meeting.   I have my todo list, and I'm off . . .I'll check back if I get stuck.


"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.  Try again.  Fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Beckett

Vaskaat 8 March

-1 Exercise 30 reps

-2 Haircut

-3 Shower

-4 Brush teeth

-5 Check news 

-6 Job search (not done for long enough period)

-7 Volunteer search

-8 Coding study ~10 minutes

-9 See about returning rack

-10 Pet care

-11 Meet JM (bring goods)

-12 F Oil 

-13 Shave 

-14 Put out bins 

-15 Lock all doors 


i. Gym

ii. Visit jobs meeting in D after gym 

- "A procrastinator's work is never done."

marcelor check-in at 7.20

Feeling positive today. This week I have made progress on some things that I had procrastinated on for months. I am grateful for finding this place to show up every day.

To do:

Shower, breakfast, get dressed by 8

OF call at 8

6*20 research th outline

20 min admin burst: stug

meet w architect at 2pm

3*20 writing

Write to M

Plant list

Check to PG

CFC: print and sign; find envelope and stamp

No ID or C sites before 6 pm


If I get stuck on the big tasks, I will make shorter bursts and use breaks to:

Another 10 min sorting out papers

K appointment

Add air miles



kromer 9 CI

I actually got up on time today and was at work at a reasonable hour. Yay! It's been a little while since I'd managed that.

This week I've had a tough time, so I'll try to keep my list manageable. (I've gotten through about 1 day's worth of work in the last 3 days, yikes.)

Luckily, I have a whole day to focus today, no meetings or anything.

Top priority is to finish this stupid control thing. If that's all I get done today, the day is a success.
(Yay! today is a success!)

Next priority is checking on expts (working on this now), doing geno (working on this now), and organizing slides/doing photo (will do this soon).

I also want to do some small admin tasks (donation, credit card, letter (did my part on the letter, admin needs to get back to me so this won't get done until tmrw), deposit check, cook zucchini and onions).

If by some miracle I get through all that, I can always add more, but I think that's more than enough to start.

Rexroth Check In 11.16

Peace to you lennon and to everyone
Started a bit late, tired but in good heart and getting on
Emotionally I am getting used to the fact that I don't need an operation that I can start training again and that I am better from an URTI and though I am tired I can gradually get my life in order again.

Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails, posts and phone messages
Some work on finance admin

x Continuue work on finance admin - I thought it was in disorder and it is not but I need to keep records up to date which I am doing - much is now in good order and I should have no unexpected bills and I know where most things are
x Check a few bits from above - I had returned some trainers and need to find the response as it is a long time since I sent them - found and email sent
Contact friend regarding fitting table in his car - I have contact with other friend with info on times for delivery
Finish PM reply
x Post if any and keep checking emails - all done
As it is International Women's Day spend some time reflection on all the positive relations I have had with women and what I have learned.
x Take sufficient rest - I am not being lazy I am very tired - I fell down for no reason I know, a bit like a faint, so I am taking it easy

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out 22.49

Done above as * and a little of the others. Also
Phoned and had chat with friend to sort out meeings
Read local paper
Phoned up over prawns
Cleaned up and washed up and thrown out rotten prawns
Prayed and reflected
Gone to bed

Night Rexroth

hazyjane thurs 8th Happy International Women's Day!!!!

  1. Get to Uni reasonably on time
  2. Apply myself, focus, commit, be brave
  3. Make some phone calls
  4. Get to meeting on time
  5. Take dogs for a nice long walk
  6. Make a healthy dinner
  7. Go to theatre (again! Two nights running!)
  8. Aim to be in bed by 11pm.

Lucky's Playlist


Shiva NataSmile  

Prayer time  
Take 1 rice out of freezer, 1 sandwich to work
Before work - Switch off bathroom light, put mug/glass in dishwasher
Contact agencies
3 months' bank statements to Link
Write down money spent
Work on email catchup
Work on gas charity app (put correct electricity amount)
Work on post backlog  
Work on looking for tax papers  
Clear table
Move bins
Set date for R
Look in chest of drawers for Vista CD
Email mum, ask advice re dad present
Go through birthdays & set reminders
MAKE PEOPLE TEA (shh - it's a proxy)  
Tomorrow's list
Email self tomorrow's list  

Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

4. Call my therapist

5. Test my blood sugar after fasting

6. Eat breakfast

7. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

8. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity session

9. Eat lunch

10. Test my blood sugar two hours after lunch

11. Cut onions

12. Cook dinner

13. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone OA meeting

14. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

15. Do numbers

16. Empty more storage boxes

17. Put stuff in storage boxes

18. Clear tables

19. Test blood sugar at bedtime

20. Inject Insullin

21. Wash dishes

22. Read assignment

23. Go through my mail

Thanks for letting me share

Thursday Thriving

asking higherpower to help me do whatever is most useful in service.


Thank you for reminding me what comes first if I have any  hopes of recovery. V