Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday, 21 January, 2012

When the going gets tough, grab yourself a cup of

coffee and get going at Procrastinators Anonymous. 

fudoshin: day 3 : 6:52pm

Please do not leave advice or feedback.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 



I started this no stalking thing on 1/19.  I have a lit of people to avoid.  I reserve the right to add someone at any time. What this means is, I avoid
*looking at their dating profile, social networking profile (facebook, myspace, tutoring site, etc.),
*messaging them, entering their names in any search engine,
*adding them as a buddy on a messaging system,
*phone calling,
*walking by that person’s house,
*showing up there,
*looking up address information for the person,
*looking up contact information.

people are just not promising and I need to focus on myself right now.
When I feel the urge to stalk I need to think about what I hope to


agnus ci

Checking in, because it's the right thing for me to do - even on Saturdays. 

Morning routine
12 Step meeting
Sponsee calls
Outreach call
Yard sales :-)
Program reading and reflection, nap, prayer
checking in here

Enter a few debits
Check hours for dry cleaner
Range with J
Pick up Rx
Sort 1 pile of personal paperwork on desk
File 5 pieces of paper
Pay 2 overdue bills

"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16

Steppin check in

Slept for a looong time this morning, due to severe procrastinating last night.

But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, even though she wakes up late.


To do:

Library books DONE

Clear livingroom DONE

Do the dishes DONE

Send emails Mostly DONE, the one I miss is not too urgent

Order tickets DONE

Look up cameras online DONE, but need more info before I can make a decision

Transfer money DONE

 Could have done better with the daily practice. Only practiced the piano fugue. That's a bit disapointing. Must do better! I know what to do, I just gotta do it.

1.21.12 Babarino CI

finish stack on project.

Clean office two chunks of 15.

Starting 15 miinutes on stack right now.

did 15 minutes of stack. Got through a little.

finished 2nd 15 minute chunk. Making some progress.

finished 3rd chunk. Sheesh. making headway but slow.

finished fourth chunk. have over 30 calls left to make. will see how many get done in 15 minutes, then will have better idea of how much getting done.

very sick of this. 26 calls left

only ten left

got all those done. doing new stack

Edge's CI - 12:35pm

Good morning (or noon, as the case may be).

x merge PR and submit (1:15pm)

- shower

- hg1

x do dishes (1:50pm)

- do laundry

- bh:l

- wash litter box

- go shoppong (promod + dress)

- go to gym (for the love of God, pleeease go to gym :( ) 

- hg2


~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson


I am laughing at "for the love of god pleease go to gym.." I am doing same thing about yoga!