Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Gratitude Journal Nov. 8, 2006


Today I am grateful for family

1. I am grateful for my niece who gave 70 dollars to have my hair done friday.

2. I am grateful for my sister #1(older) who got me out of my funk

3. I am grateful for my sister#2 (younger) who sent me money and brought me 2 beautiful coats and a pair of shoes.(I lost 35 pound and old coat to big.) Yeah me!

4. While I still walk with some pain and`Dr. says I need to strengthen my legs, I stand and I walk and I am grateful.

5. I am grate that my insurance denied my for top partial dentures insisting that I ge fixed bridges which will be entirely free.

Bonus : grateful that wake up with breath and joy one day at a time.
(MAJOR: life had wiped the smile off my soul)there is nothing like renewal.