Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday November 11, 2011
For those in the United States, Happy Veterans Day!
Have a great proactive day!
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wrkinprogrss: 11/11/11
Hi, All, and good wishes for your day!
To do today:
x make this list and email it to check-in buddy
x attend 10:00 meeting
make good progress on job assignments
wip research and settle venue for tomorrow's lunch with K
x do delicate load of laundry
run dishwasher
x~ assess rest of laundry situation, decide if need to do more today
x~ check on-hand supply of pills, etc, obtained from acupuncturist
5:30 acupuncturist appointment
find/write up Qs for K for tomorrow's lunch
15+ minutes of Qi Gong
be in bed with lights out by midnight
Bonus items:
get flu shot
make progress on any kind of household cleanup
cook french toast
cook rice, artichokes, sausage
pick, deploy, and seal away a new password for Leechblock and Chronager
Pyrotecher Check-in 11 Nov 2011
Happy 11-11-11 everyone and a special word of thanks to any Veterans - and their loved ones - reading this.
Check-In 9:00 am PT
I've been spinning gears recently so taking a broad view of what I need to be spending my days on.
My (broad view) tasklist today revolves around
- Basic tasks in prep for a rainy weekend.
- Rebooting a messed up organizer so that I can get a handle on my task priorities
(been operating in post-it note reminder mode for a bit too long)
- Action plan for a new-business search that has been poorly organized.
I'm making a more specific list of what I intend to do about these today. Will check to see how far I get before Friday dinner (hard deadline - specific plans).
Best to all
kromer 8:50 CI
Today has lots of mtgs:
*Meet w/ GD about P9 project (we haven't fixed a time, but we have agreed to talk sometime in the morning for about 30 min) (bah, this didn't happen) (ok, we can do this now)*Meet w/EA about paper (we are going to talk on Skype at noon, probably talk about 30 min) (bah, this didn't happen either)
*Meet w/ DP at 3 (give research progress update, ask about visiting)*Shop for youth group, go to youth group, go to planning mtg after youth group. (working on this now)
That doesn't leave a huge amount of time to do other stuff, but I want to:
Finish staining*Clean my bench (or at least make progress on this) (have made a lot of progress on this, will finish tomorrow)
*Check on VAD
*Do deacon stuffkromer 4:10 CO
Going to store/youth group/mtg now, but otherwise I've made pretty good progress on my lists.
Journey 9 am
Today is a holiday from work for me yay! I really need a day off of work, my brain is tired lol.
I still want to get some stuff done today, and I have my todo list made. Right now I'm going to get up off the couch and figure out what I can make for dinner, then exercise.
See you later! Have a productive and enjoyable day everyone.
I value my time and use it wisely - Journey
tracy-la check in 11-11-11
READING #1 (A great one for those thinking about birthdays or having those thoughts (like me at times) that "gee, I'm ___ years old and how can I still be facing these issues???)
We shall not cease from exploration,
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive from where we started
And know the place for the first time.
—T. S. Eliot
We spend much of our lives looking forward to milestones we hope will mark our passage into wisdom - that time and place when once and for all we will know all there is to know.
When I am 13, I'll be grown up, we say. When I am 16, 18, 21, drive a car, graduate, marry, write a book, own a house, find a job, or retire; then I'll be grown up.
When we seek complete transformation, mere insight is disappointing. We find we don't know all there is to know - not at thirteen or 35 or 80. We are still growing up.
The baby, the child, the younger person each of us was yesterday is still with us; we continue to love, hate, hurt, grieve, startle, delight, feel.
There is no magic moment of lasting enlightenment; simply a series of fleeting moments lived one at a time each day. They bring us home to who we've always been.
What small thing have I learned today?
From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families
Children need discipline to feel secure; so do adults.
Discipline means understanding there are logical consequences to our behavior. Discipline means taking responsibility for our behavior and the consequences.
Discipline means learning to wait for what we want.
Discipline means being willing to work for and toward what we want.
Discipline means learning and practicing new behaviors.
Discipline means being where we need to be, when we need to be there, despite our feelings.
Discipline is the day to day performing of tasks, whether these are recovery behaviors or washing the dishes.
Discipline involves trusting that our goals will be reached though we cannot see them.
Discipline can be grueling. We may feel afraid, confused, and uncertain. Later, we will see the purpose. But this clarity of sight usually does not come during the time of discipline. We may not even believe we're moving forward.
But we are.
The task at hand during times of discipline is simple: listen, trust, and obey.
Higher Power, help me learn to surrender to discipline. Help me be grateful that You care enough about me to allow these times of discipline and learning in my life. Help me know that as a result of discipline and learning, something important will have been worked out in me.
From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990
Getting better & late check-in
I couldn't check-in and edit my Thursday post yet I could still edit Wednesday's and Thursday's posts.
I'm feeling more positive now. I know tomorrow will be much better for me. Have another job interview on Monday.
Didn't get much accomplished on Thursday because of my depression over being turned down for a job and my issues with my sister.
Finished my volunteer work and made a few phone calls and that's it on Thursday but tomorrow is a brand new day! I'll check in after my Friday job interview at around noon or 1 pm.
Check-in at 3 pm
Had interview this morning and accepted part-time job that will help pay my bils and will give me the freedom to look for a new job and/or build up my business.
After the interview they sent me to a government office because I don't have proper ID as my driver's license is invalid as I don't drive and I have an old-style health card without my picture. After running around a mall looking for the government office, I found it was closed. Silly me! Then I had to do some banking and redeem some of my retirement account because I don't have any money. And that was closed!
I ran a few errands and came home to finsh the long application process for a work from home job.
Work for rest of day:
Look at internet sites for jobs
Meet friend for dinner.
Wash 1 load dishes.
Clean bedroom for 1/2 hour.
Check in for Saturday.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting4. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting
5. Take a shower
6. Eat brunch7. Prayer and meditation
8. Do my Third Step in DA
9. Finish my Third Step in NA
10. Read out of the Big Book
11. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting12. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting13. Clear couch
14. Shred papers15. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting16. Go to the 8 p.m. online EA meeting17. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting18. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meetingThanks for letting me share