Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
This is not a lost day. This is not a lost day. I think I needed to stay in my house and think about the money I'm making and do some accounting and set up automatic stuff with the bank, and pat myself on the back for rising out of debt in a serious way in the last year, and try to dream a little about what's next, whether it be to actually save, or to retire someday like a normal person -- all new concepts to me. I deserve a day to think about those things now that it's looking possible.
I have a date with a friend and her daughter to eat and go to a gallery opening in about 2 hours, maybe less.
I'd feel better if I could do these things...
Vacuum living room
Clean all dishes in sink
Empty garbage
Handle my laundry
Wash kitchen floor
up prayer and reflection
wash up and tidy up in kitchen
empty wardrobe sort and repack/relocate stuff
bath and wash hair
phone brother and arrange meetup tomorrow
sort stuff to take to him and family things to discuss
return call to friend and arrange meetup
more sorting and tidying
catch up reading this site
prayer and reflection
bed early as up early tomorrow
call niece
call sister 2
download quickbooks course
make copy of program
install program
Pick up q10
See car garage owner
Fax IRS transcript 1995-1999 request
Major focus bathroom
clear floor
swiffer floor
clean toilet inside
clear out tub
Steamer clean spots
wash tub
clean wall tile right side of tub
clean wall tile left side of tub
clean wall tile behind tub
clean wall tile behind wall stand
clean wall tile behind door
Woke at 2:00 stayed up most of the night. Talked to big sis last night she's pushing me onward. Feeling better today pity party over. So today I am going to clean for an hour and download quick book lesson pages for an hour. I will start with kitchen maintenance and move on to the bath.
I just came back from a major grocery shopping excursion - to a store a good walk from my apartment, and bought a week's worth of food. I want to start cooking at home more. The rest of this afternoon I will spend prepping food for the week.
Cooking will save you money and allow you to eat better. You said you don't have a stove do you have a toaster oven or small convection oven and freezer? HOUSERECLAIMER
I have miniature versions of everything - professional hotplate that is an adequate stove, microwave-convection oven combo with broiling capability, and an under-the-counter refrigerator with a true freezer rather than a cooler (only one or two manufacturers make these). I have everything I need to eat home-cooked meals - I just haven't been doing it.
So for once I have managed to finish what I listed on my to do list of the day! I really feel tired. Going for a break and a pizza.
If I feel the strength then I 'll come and see if I can get all the website1 finished before leaving the office.
Step5 done. Now going for step6. Would be really nice to do step6 and
may be do the next phase ( reference pages, some misc, loading all and final check).
I committed to answer phones tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, and next Friday afternoon. This coming Wednesday I have an orientation for a different volunteer organization.
Went browsing the internet for 3 hours????!!!!!
F@@@ and F@@@!!!!!
I am really pissed off. Actually I was interrupted non stop and
at the end I felt like starting to browse, so I browsed.
I could be finished with this work or at least be dealing with
few things to do on it after these steps. My habits annoy me.
Now back to work.
Pro, it is really great you are volunteering again. Human contacts...
Any thoughts about working in a call center?
First opening the first file, then reading it, the comparing it with the original.
Ta Da
To Do
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
My apartment needs to be cleaned soon - dusted, vacuumed, and rug washed. I'm not sure if I'm going to do it today, though - might put it off a week. Or I might do it today...
As usual, I stayed sitting at the computer long after I finished breakfast instead of getting dressed. Tomorrow I really am going to try getting dressed first, before breakfast, so extending breakfast into work isn't such a problem.
Right now I need to get dressed. I want to go out for a while. I don't know if the farmer's market in Union Square is still there, now that it's November. I should look on the Web.
So finally managed to do part3!!!???? few files, but part1-2-3 were similar to criminal law. Now I need to do part4-5-6 which are a completely different legal area. I am really tired of this work to be honest. Not the work itself but the conditions : too much in one go.
I am starting to like week-ends : nice time to catch up, get work to go ahead and get things cleared up. I really feel that when all my backlog is cleared up, I will feel much much better. Already my home is tidier, my stuff at work are slightly better organised, ...
Would be nice to have all sorted by mid-december, so that my holidays in the sun can be a real reward. Need to buy plug ears for the long flight plane.
Now I need to find the courage to start ONE FILE for part4. ONE file.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
- part2 website1
- part3 website1
To Do
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
Oh well, I said not to let myself be distracted!!!! AND I GOT MYSELF DISTRACTED
I need to get back to this translation.
So back to part3, I 'll start with ONE file only.
Just one file, only one file.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
- part2 website1
To Do
- part3 website1
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
Part2 done. I have to keep the momentum and not let myself
be distracted or driven to feel like not continuing.
Now starting part3. I shouldn't think about the other parts or additional things to check at the moment. Just part3, the first file.
Paper method is also useful.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
- part2 website1
To Do
- part3 website1
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
Part2: one of the steps with smalles number of files.
Managed to do 4 files. I have 21 other files to do.
I suppose progress is progress. I will get there at the end by getting each bit done one by one.
So I am starting file5.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
- part2 website1 : 4 files done
To Do
- part2 website1 : 21 files left
- part3 website1
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
So I have passed 1.5 hours on the site now!!!!
Website1 is getting there. So the aim is to finish it.
I understand now the procrastination: this project was very very
long and hard ( too many special legal cases to consider, too many changes while translating). We should have never taken on this work
or at least waited their legal team had completely finished, but the sales guy wanted to tie them in. I am now at my last bit. It would be really really nice to finish it today - yeah, may be I am dreaming but who knows :wink: may be I'll just work with minimal procrastination today. I just feel sorry for the next person taking it over.
After this backlog dealt with, my next thing will be to do a wea bit of every project EVERYDAY as I do not work well by 'blocks'.
I am using the paper method as well. Everything helps.
I am going to start reading the book 'eat that frog'.
Gwen D Checkin In 3:45 PM
This is not a lost day. This is not a lost day. I think I needed to stay in my house and think about the money I'm making and do some accounting and set up automatic stuff with the bank, and pat myself on the back for rising out of debt in a serious way in the last year, and try to dream a little about what's next, whether it be to actually save, or to retire someday like a normal person -- all new concepts to me. I deserve a day to think about those things now that it's looking possible.
I have a date with a friend and her daughter to eat and go to a gallery opening in about 2 hours, maybe less.
I'd feel better if I could do these things...
Vacuum living room
Clean all dishes in sink
Empty garbage
Handle my laundry
Wash kitchen floor
Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself
Rexroth 21.36 GMT
Well it's a bit late but for today
up prayer and reflection
wash up and tidy up in kitchen
empty wardrobe sort and repack/relocate stuff
bath and wash hair
phone brother and arrange meetup tomorrow
sort stuff to take to him and family things to discuss
return call to friend and arrange meetup
more sorting and tidying
catch up reading this site
prayer and reflection
bed early as up early tomorrow
Regards Rexroth
Housereclaimer 1st Checkin
Meds and vitamins[done]
wash dishes[done]
wash breakfast dishes[done]
1 hour quick books downloads[done]
call niece
call sister 2
download quickbooks course
make copy of program
install program
Pick up q10
See car garage owner
Fax IRS transcript 1995-1999 request
Major focus bathroom
clear floor
swiffer floor
clean toilet inside
clear out tub
Steamer clean spots
wash tub
clean wall tile right side of tub
clean wall tile left side of tub
clean wall tile behind tub
clean wall tile behind wall stand
clean wall tile behind door
Woke at 2:00 stayed up most of the night. Talked to big sis last night she's pushing me onward. Feeling better today pity party over. So today I am going to clean for an hour and download quick book lesson pages for an hour. I will start with kitchen maintenance and move on to the bath.
missing graphic (typo in URL)
You had a typo in the image name of your "good afternoon" graphic, so it wasn't showing. I fixed it.
I put back the preview requirement so this problem is less likely to recur. With a preview, you'll see typos in image URLs before clicking Post.
pro's CI - 4:10pm
I just came back from a major grocery shopping excursion - to a store a good walk from my apartment, and bought a week's worth of food. I want to start cooking at home more. The rest of this afternoon I will spend prepping food for the week.
Cooking will save you money and allow you to eat better. You said you don't have a stove do you have a toaster oven or small convection oven and freezer?

I have miniature versions of everything - professional hotplate that is an adequate stove, microwave-convection oven combo with broiling capability, and an under-the-counter refrigerator with a true freezer rather than a cooler (only one or two manufacturers make these). I have everything I need to eat home-cooked meals - I just haven't been doing it.
iwant2workharder - CI 21:50
So for once I have managed to finish what I listed on my to do list of the day! I really feel tired. Going for a break and a pizza.
If I feel the strength then I 'll come and see if I can get all the website1 finished before leaving the office.
Ta Da
To Do
iwant2workharder - CI 21:37
Now go to the next file. Open the file. Go through it. Open the corresponding original file. Compare and do any required modifications.
Ta Da
- step6 : 3 files
To Do
- part6 website1 - 18 files left
iwant2workharder - CI 21:13
Step5 done. Now going for step6. Would be really nice to do step6 and
may be do the next phase ( reference pages, some misc, loading all and final check).
Ta Da
To Do
- part6 website1
pro's CI - 2:20pm
No volunteering today?
I committed to answer phones tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, and next Friday afternoon. This coming Wednesday I have an orientation for a different volunteer organization.
Today, I have things to do for myself.
iwant2workharder - CI 19:22
step4 finished! I simply can't believe it!
Ta Da
-step4: 46 files done
To Do
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
congratulations, iw2wh!
You are on a roll!! :)
iwant2workharder - CI 18:49
Now one more file: open the file, go through it, open original file and compare.
Ta Da
-step4: 1 file done
-step4: 3 files done
-step4: 3 more files done
To Do
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
iwant2workharder - CI 18:32
Now second file : open, go through it and compare with original
Ta Da
-step4: 1 file done
-step4: 3 files done
To Do
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
iwant2workharde - CI 18:20
Now second file : open, go through it and compare with original
Ta Da
-step4: 1 file done
To Do
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
iwant2workharder - CI 18:10
Went browsing the internet for 3 hours????!!!!!
F@@@ and F@@@!!!!!
I am really pissed off. Actually I was interrupted non stop and
at the end I felt like starting to browse, so I browsed.
I could be finished with this work or at least be dealing with
few things to do on it after these steps. My habits annoy me.
Now back to work.
Pro, it is really great you are volunteering again. Human contacts...
Any thoughts about working in a call center?
First opening the first file, then reading it, the comparing it with the original.
Ta Da
To Do
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
pro's CI - 11:20am
My apartment needs to be cleaned soon - dusted, vacuumed, and rug washed. I'm not sure if I'm going to do it today, though - might put it off a week. Or I might do it today...
pro's CI - 11am
pro's first check-in - 10:30am
As usual, I stayed sitting at the computer long after I finished breakfast instead of getting dressed. Tomorrow I really am going to try getting dressed first, before breakfast, so extending breakfast into work isn't such a problem.
Right now I need to get dressed. I want to go out for a while. I don't know if the farmer's market in Union Square is still there, now that it's November. I should look on the Web.
iwant2workharder - CI 14:58
So finally managed to do part3!!!???? few files, but part1-2-3 were similar to criminal law. Now I need to do part4-5-6 which are a completely different legal area. I am really tired of this work to be honest. Not the work itself but the conditions : too much in one go.
I am starting to like week-ends : nice time to catch up, get work to go ahead and get things cleared up. I really feel that when all my backlog is cleared up, I will feel much much better. Already my home is tidier, my stuff at work are slightly better organised, ...
Would be nice to have all sorted by mid-december, so that my holidays in the sun can be a real reward. Need to buy plug ears for the long flight plane.
Now I need to find the courage to start ONE FILE for part4.
ONE file.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
- part2 website1
- part3 website1
To Do
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
iwant2workharder - CI 13:08
Oh well, I said not to let myself be distracted!!!!
I need to get back to this translation.
So back to part3, I 'll start with ONE file only.
Just one file, only one file.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
- part2 website1
To Do
- part3 website1
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
iwant2workharder - CI 12:19
Part2 done. I have to keep the momentum and not let myself
be distracted or driven to feel like not continuing.
Now starting part3. I shouldn't think about the other parts or additional things to check at the moment. Just part3, the first file.
Paper method is also useful.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
- part2 website1
To Do
- part3 website1
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
iwant2workharder - 11:19
Part2: one of the steps with smalles number of files.
Managed to do 4 files. I have 21 other files to do.
I suppose progress is progress. I will get there at the end by getting each bit done one by one.
So I am starting file5.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
- part2 website1 : 4 files done
To Do
- part2 website1 : 21 files left
- part3 website1
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
iwant2workharder - CI 11:03
I went for a break and it became a longer break...
I am now back to website1 to do step2.
First with the first file.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
To Do
- part2 website1
- part3 website1
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
iwant2workharder - CI 09:03
Taking a break. God I am happy part1 is now done.
Eventually this work will be finished, the aerliest the better.
After the break, I 'll go for part2.
Ta Da
- part1 website1
To Do
- part2 website1
- part3 website1
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1
iwant2workharder - CI 06:30-07:51
Good morning to you all,
So I have passed 1.5 hours on the site now!!!!
Website1 is getting there. So the aim is to finish it.
I understand now the procrastination: this project was very very
long and hard ( too many special legal cases to consider, too many changes while translating). We should have never taken on this work
or at least waited their legal team had completely finished, but the sales guy wanted to tie them in. I am now at my last bit. It would be really really nice to finish it today - yeah, may be I am dreaming but who knows :wink: may be I'll just work with minimal procrastination today. I just feel sorry for the next person taking it over.
After this backlog dealt with, my next thing will be to do a wea bit of every project EVERYDAY as I do not work well by 'blocks'.
I am using the paper method as well. Everything helps.
I am going to start reading the book 'eat that frog'.
So here I start
To Do
- part1 website1 : 3 files
- part2 website1
- part3 website1
- part4 website1
- part5 website1
- part6 website1