Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 2nd November 2006

scarlett CI 12:25 am

Bedtime goal - changed from midnight to 1:30 am

Already done:
feed cats
burned cd
fix/eat dinner
tv (while doing other things)
mapquest to wkshp

scoop pan
pack - started
find jewelry - am looking

okay, make that

2:30 am. Oh well. I can sleep in a little tomorrow. Have a good weekend, y'all.

pro's last check-in - 10:15pm

I don't know when I'll get to sleep, but at least I'm ready for bed. I'll read in bed for a while, or watch TV.

scarlett CI 9:55 pm

Bedtime goal - midnight

Already done:
feed cats
burned cd

fix/eat dinner
scoop pan
find jewelry
mapquest to wkshp
if time - tv

pro's CI - 9:15pm

My main goal at this point is to get to bed at a reasonable hour. With that in mind, I will start my bedtime routine now, early as it is. I always dawdle through it anyway.

I went out to dinner with two friends after the meeting tonight, and one of them suggested that I work temp. That's the second time this possibility has come up recently, and I'm starting to think it's an excellent idea. I think I will look into that tomorrow.

Ta Da..............

  • Shower and dress.
  • Make bed.
  • Contacts.
  • Layout pills for the day.
  • Buy food.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Wash dishes.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
  • Call AA Intergroup in NYC to ask about volunteering to answer phones. (Their orientation session is nearby - in time and space - to the NY Cares orientation I'm attending tomorrow night, so I'll probably do both. I'm into volunteering. :) )
  • Resolve customer problem (forgot I promised to do that today).
  • Meeting.

To Do..............

  • Bedtime routine.

Housereclaimer 8:00Pm check in

Just for accountibility
I goofed off all day very depressed because the new job didn't contact me. I am overwhelmed by the condition of my life and having a pity party.

But I promised myself to log in even on days I procrastinate.

I have had the rain, waiting on the sunshine.
tonight I hope to do the following

download quickbooks course
Print out lesson 1
print out lesson 2
make copy of program
install program
wash dishes
take night drugs
go to bed


pity party

>I goofed off all day very depressed because the new job didn't contact me. I am overwhelmed by the condition of my life and having a pity party.

I totally relate. That's been just where I'm at. Let's see... We could have a pity party together, which is better than one alone but still not that great. Or we could cheer each other up so we feel some hope.

No matter what problems we have, there are always others who have it worse and it's good for me to remember that - stay grateful for what I do have! How 'bout we both make gratitude lists?

scarlett CI 8:20 pm

Already done:
feed cats

practice - started
fix/eat dinner
scoop pan
find jewelry
mapquest to wkshp
if time - tv

pro's CI - 6:10pm

I'm going to leave for the meeting now.

Ta Da..............

  • Shower and dress.
  • Make bed.
  • Contacts.
  • Layout pills for the day.
  • Buy food.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Wash dishes.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
  • Call AA Intergroup in NYC to ask about volunteering to answer phones. (Their orientation session is nearby - in time and space - to the NY Cares orientation I'm attending tomorrow night, so I'll probably do both. I'm into volunteering. :) )
  • Resolve customer problem (forgot I promised to do that today).

To Do..............

  • Meeting.

pro's CI - 5:45pm

Ta Da..............

  • Shower and dress.
  • Make bed.
  • Contacts.
  • Layout pills for the day.
  • Buy food.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Wash dishes.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
  • Call AA Intergroup in NYC to ask about volunteering to answer phones. (Their orientation session is nearby - in time and space - to the NY Cares orientation I'm attending tomorrow night, so I'll probably do both. I'm into volunteering. :) )

To Do..............

  • Resolve customer problem (forgot I promised to do that today).
  • Meeting.

scarlett CI 5:43 pm

Got the most urgent stuff done, yay. Leaving later than I'd like, but oh well. May check in tonight - won't be here tomorrow.

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
deal w/ notification sitch
pay for auction
call PS re: film
look up recyclers
deal w/ MP wood sitch
set up strat rev meeting
Frog 1 - type and enter comments
paragraph on stats

set up wca meeting
sort through stuff from conference
do I have a swmp for ss?
process emails (15 min)
sort mail
catch up on reading (10 min)
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER

fix/eat dinner
feed cats/scoop pan
find jewelry
mapquest to wkshp
if time - tv

Ditto Pro scarlette

Your setting your plan
and working your plan


there's always more

The list of things to-do is endless. It's so easy to focus on what we didn't do rather than what we did do. You did the highest priority stuff, and that's what's important. So congratulations!

yep yep.

Pretty happy with my achievements today - thanks for the encouragement.

pro's CI - 5:30pm

Ta Da..............

  • Shower and dress.
  • Make bed.
  • Contacts.
  • Layout pills for the day.
  • Buy food.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Wash dishes.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3).

To Do..............

  • Resolve customer problem (forgot I promised to do that today).
  • Meeting.

pro's CI - 4:45pm

Ta Da..............

  • Shower and dress.
  • Make bed.
  • Contacts.
  • Layout pills for the day.
  • Buy food.
  • Pick up mail.

To Do..............

  • Wash breakfast dishes.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
  • Meeting.

todayfirst 4:25 PM

The afternoon was slow but I perked up a tad towards the end.

Things I chose to do so far today
- Estimate time (for a task I don't want to do). I'll make it long
- Work breakdown for task (they thought my estimate was too long)
- Call to get dumpster picked up
- Send document updates
- Programming task #2 (the one I started at the beginning of week)
- Talk to credit union

Things I'd like to do today:
- Document user input needed
- start programming new report

pro's CI - 4:20pm

I'm hungry - can't do anything else until I go out and get something to eat. I would like to go outside anyway. I haven't been out much lately.

Ta Da..............

  • Shower and dress.
  • Make bed.
  • Contacts.
  • Layout pills for the day.

To Do..............

  • Wash breakfast dishes.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3).


up and moving, well done. hope you got some good food in you. we had a really pretty day here today.

better late than never?

I'm finally moving, but SO LATE. I forgot I promised a customer to resolve her technical problem today. I also made a promise that I'm breaking to the people who hired me to so some technical writing. I was supposed to have started on it last Friday. I'm pretty sure that breaking commitments does not follow the ethical guidelines of ANY religious tradition. :(

pro's Ci - 3:45pm

Ta Da..............

  • Shower and dress.
  • Make bed.

To Do..............

  • Wash breakfast dishes.
  • Contacts.
  • Layout pills for the day.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3).

pro's CI - 3:30pm

Finally, I'm dressed! The to-do list is preliminary - I'm adding just a few things at a time so as not to get overwhelmed.

Ta Da..............

  • Shower and dress.

To Do..............

  • Make bed.
  • Wash breakfast dishes.
  • Layout pills for the day.
  • Take pills (dose 1 of 3).

scarlett CI 3:10 pm

Movin' right along (dugga dun dugga dun)

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
deal w/ notification sitch
pay for auction
call PS re: film
look up recyclers
deal w/ MP wood sitch
set up strat rev meeting

To do:
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
Frog 1 - type and enter comments - started
paragraph on stats - started
set up wca meeting
sort through stuff from conference
do I have a swmp for ss?
process emails (15 min)
sort mail
catch up on reading (10 min)

fix/eat dinner
feed cats/scoop pan
find jewelry
if time - tv

pro's (FIRST!) check-in - 2:15pm

I don't know what to do with myself. Breakfast started off okay, but then after I finished eating I just continued to sit here, surfing the Web for books and information about Buddhism.

You can restart your day at any point, right? I'm restarting now. I lost five hours or so, but it's time to get back on the beam (starting with getting dressed).


I don't see any reason why you can't restart the day at any time... or even restart several times a day!

inquiring minds want to know...

how's it going? are you dressed? what's next on your list?

JUST got dressed

I was about to check in - finally dressed. Next on my list... Make the bed, wash breakfast dishes, pick up the apartment.

todayfirst 11:15 AM

I am tired out today! Gotta keep myself moving on this stuff.

Things I chose to do so far today
- Estimate time (for a task I don't want to do). I'll make it long
- Work breakdown for task (they thought my estimate was too long)
- Call to get dumpster picked up
- Send document updates

Things I'd like to do today:
- Programming task #2 (the one I started at the beginning of week)
- Document user input needed
- Talk to credit union


It occurs to me that if I could take a one hour nap and work for 3 hours afterwards, I might get more done than if I spent the next 4 hours trying to work in a complete daze. Too bad the nap isn't really an option.

scarlett CI 10:51 am

Last day of the work week for me - off to a workshop tomorrow.

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
deal w/ notification sitch
pay for auction

To do:
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
Frog 1 - type and enter comments
paragraph on stats
set up strat rev meeting
set up wca meeting
look up recyclers
sort through stuff from conference
do I have a swmp for ss
process emails (15 min)
sort mail
catch up on reading (10 min)

fix/eat dinner
feed cats/scoop pan
find jewelry
if time - tv

almost deletable folder

I thought I was the only one that did that! I have a corner on my desk for papers I am done with but not ready to get rid of yet. It's getting pretty deep... probably time to deal with it.

comes in handy!

For me it's a folder in my work and personal email. It's good for the "I probably don't need this but I should wait a couple of days" stuff.

todayfirst 8:50 AM

Feel like I've been running in place all week. I'm working hard and I'm getting tired but not going anywhere. At least I'm getting a workout :P

Things I'd like to do today:
- Estimate time (for a task I don't want to do). I'll make it long ;)
- Programming task #2 (the one I started at the beginning of week)
- Document user input needed
- Call to get dumpster picked up