Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
PA July Habit of the Month: Get Ready to Start Day within 15 Min of Waking Up
So I finally mastered waking up on time via last month's goal. But it's been less useful because I don't force myself to get showered and dressed to the shoes (thx flylady!) right away. My new goal: shower within 15 min of waking up. Alternately, if I'm going to go to the gym in the AM (which might happen SOME DAY... oh SOME DAY!) I must go within 15 min of waking up. Gotta get rid of all the morning wasted time sitting around in pajamas. Momentum is the key for me!
As always, feel free to join me (on the board, not in the shower HAHAHAHA) if this goal appeals to you! :)
Off I go to the shower now! Yay for yummy smelling bodywashes!
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July Habit of the month
Good idea to get to exercise w/in 15 mins of waking up! I have no wake up deadline for August so I must make my own, which is hard for me to do...For August, I hope to do the LFYlady am steps! Ready or not, here I go!
the flylady way
good luck to ya hjf2bme! i seriously can't imagine how depressed i would be without the bit of stuff i've actually learned to do regularly from flylady. i have learned that routines are really my only hope. but of course, i still struggle massively.
Last day in the month
I am happy to say I am doing much better on this goal, as of the last few days. I got up and went running within 15 min of waking up. On non-run days, I am at least brushing my teeth and washing my face asap even when I am being procra about hopping into the shower. I seem to do better in the last week of these monthly goals... how... typical? Ha! I guess I will take the progress anyway :)
August's goal is even harder and requires this July one as a babystep, so here is hoping for a fab August...
P.S. Good luck Sam with your journey on the wakeup & go train!
i can relate to the struggle with getting up and running. i keep getting up from bed and "thinking about it" and end up not doing it
Looking forward to the august goal!
follow up
Even though they are barely 5 days left i want to follow up on this commitmment and promise to post everyday, 1. what time i got up and 2. how long i stayed in bed.
I will just post in this thread.
31st July 2011- Sunday
woke up : 3pm!!!
got out of bed : 3:15
30th July 2011
got up- 7:30 am
out of bed: 8:45 am
28th July 2011
6:15 : woke up
8:40 am : out of bed!!!!!!!!!!!
have a doctors appointment at 9:45!!
I shoudl have been up, gotten ready and reading something or atleast gotten out of bed adn gotten ready!
27th july
I did not follow through yesterday and had a full blown a/o procra day
today :27th july
got up - 5:25 am,
out of bed : 5:40 am
heading to the gym:5:57am
tough one
This is a tough one for me as i am slowly making some progress into brining routine into my life, including waking up at a set time.
one thing i have started doing is usually i feel very tired when i wake up so before going to bed, i put my phone on charge and set a timer on it, to see how long i sleep so when i wake up atleast i have some idea of how long i was sleeping
i could start getting into the habbit of resetting the timer or setting a 15 mt alarm again to make sure i get out of bed within 15 mts.!
I missed out on the June though of the moment so still struggling with a regular schedule to go to bed and get up early. because of my procra habbits, I tend to sleep during the day and wake up all night and feel tired the next day and not get anything done and stressed out thorught out this whole process!!
i need to get out of this zone iby committing to sleeping at a regular hour @ 9:30 pm and get up by 5:30 and begin my day.
tough one
This is a tough one for me as i am slowly making some progress into brining routine into my life, including waking up at a set time.
one thing i have started doing is usually i feel very tired when i wake up so before going to bed, i put my phone on charge and set a timer on it, to see how long i sleep so when i wake up atleast i have some idea of how long i was sleeping
i could start getting into the habbit of resetting the timer or setting a 15 mt alarm again to make sure i get out of bed within 15 mts.!
I missed out on the June though of the moment so still struggling with a regular schedule to go to bed and get up early. because of my procra habbits, I tend to sleep during the day and wake up all night and feel tired the next day and not get anything done and stressed out thorught out this whole process!!
i need to get out of this zone iby committing to sleeping at a regular hour @ 9:30 pm and get up by 5:30 and begin my day.
goal of the month update
sigh. i am really struggling with this goal. i wonder why i have so much resistance about it. it really is quite lovely to hop in the bath and use nice soaps. once im in the tub its almost hard to get out. darnit inertia!! the month ain't over yet i guess. here is to a better tomorrow.
Hang ing there with getting up and getting a shower with-in the first 15 minutes. good for you.
15 Minutes
YES! I'm pretty good at getting up and getting out of bed but then I can't seem to get started. I'm not a morning person so I'm very groggy in the ams and I don't think clearly, so everything has to be habit and no decisions.
Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr
exactly. i cant be trusted to have good judgement in the morning. better just to put myself on autopilot and get the essentials taken care of while i am in the fog of grog.
i have now met the goal 2x in a row! :)