Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Work from Home

I need to commit to the following.

Monday to Friday i have to commit to doing a daily/weekly/monthly check up of atleast 1 instruments this

 month(july) and then  2 from august on.  adn my check up i mean a through analysis.  this is from 8 to 9.

or 8:30 to 9:30

half an hour before the markets open i need to prepare a stratergy of how i am going to trade. what levels

so if i long the markets, i need to define my target but ALSO , most imp. figure out retracement levels!!! most imp.

if i am trying to  take a long position, i need to know what levels to hold before stop loss triggers in!!

 and i need to do this DAILY BEFORE the markets open.

also,  when the market closes I need to, every trading day, make a trading log of my trades. everyday

i need to follow up on this everyday here


29 July 2011

I need to change my stratergy

  • make a trading stratergy log instead of a trading log, and place information in it before i place a trade and see if i achieved my goals, for each trade. also it will help me see patterns
  • make a trading Education/reading plan for the year. include daily newsletters, maths basic to advanced, economics, Tehnical analysis theory
  • How am i going to track this? I could put the plan into outlook reading plan calander and then see if i want to track it using