Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday, 17 April, 2011

Sunday, 17th April, 2011

Welcome to recovery !

finding a way check in

10.45 am Monday

Thanks for the starter movingalong. Have had a few days away, finding it hard getting started again, still not all unpacked.

I will call the person who hasn't called me back AGAIN; I really do need an answer. And I will call someone else too.

I have done my lists; I will go for a bike ride before lunch and I will do at least 2 hours work on my report today plus the other jobs on the list.

Made the calls and felt much better for it even though the outcome was disappointing. Most jobs done. Now I need to GO TO BED - not good at this. I think I will give myself permission to finish my unpacking tomorrow if I go to bed NOW.

Vic 4/17/11

Show up (done_

Working on reframing my thoughts:

  1. Replace Your Thoughts With More Positive Thoughts Have you even been to a hospital and noticed that the nurses often ask people about their 'discomfort' rather than their 'pain'? That's reframing in action. If the patient is in searing pain, the term 'discomfort' becomes annoying and seems to reflect a disconnect in understanding, but if the pain is mild, reframing it as 'discomfort' can actually minimize the experience of pain for many patients. This is a useful reframing trick that we can all put into practice. When you're looking at something negative, see if you can change your self talk to use less strong, less negative emotions. When you're looking at a potentially stressful situation, see if you can view it as a challenge vs. a threat. Look for the 'gift' in each situation, and see if you can see your stressors on the more positive edge of reality: see them in a way that still fits the facts of your situation, but that is less negative and more optimistic and positive.


That's the gist of reframing, and you can do it as often as you'd like. Most people are surprised at what a big impact reframing can have on their experience of stress--changing the way you look at your life can truly change your life!

Pyrotecher CI Sun 17 Apr 2011

Check-In at 3:00 pm

To do: 

1.  Taxes
2.  Taxes
3.  Taxes
4.  Taxes
5.  Taxes
6.  Taxes
7.  Taxes
8.  Taxes
9.  Taxes
10. Taxes

Yes, basically same list as my last check-in on Fri 4/15/2011. I've been working on these off and on since but haven't actually completed any one form. Got an afternoon to focus and need to take advantage of it. If I can do that, I will be much happier tomorrow when all of it is due.

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of."
Benjamin Franklin

Rexroth Check In and Out

Worked all day on complaint and associated matters, did not go to church and am sorry. This evening I have almost finished and I am grateful for that. I can't have it all ways.

A little tidy
Write journal
Plan week
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Everyone


OK, I'm procrastinating

OK, I'm procrastinating already. Wasting time online. To put off deciding the order of what I'm going to do today.

The most important thing is getting my apartment clean, especially my kitchen, so I can cook again. No more internet until that's done!

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend.

Things I have done today

1. Washed dishes

2. Got medicine ready for the next two weeks

3. Had morning prayer

Things I will do today

1. Send out Al-Anon literature for today

2. Take shower

3. Get dressed

4. Eat brunch

5. Have evening prayer

6. Go to a religious meeting at 2 p.m.

7. Read my material

8. Write my bibliography

9. Start my paper

10. Finish part of my portfolio

11. Finish my final chapter

12. Do chapter 18-20 in the textbook

13. Write questions for tonight's meeting

14. Post Al-Anon literature for the rest of the week

15. Make bed

16. Wash dishes

17. Eat dinner

18. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

19. Do numbers

20. Test my blood sugar twice

21. Go to the remaining PA meeting at 4 p.m.

22. Go to the 7 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

tracy-la sun april 17

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. ~Henry Ward Beecher

READING: Awareness, Acceptance and Action

“The Three A’s” can be an extremely powerful tool in coming to terms with our procrastination addiction.

The first part of this tool is Awareness.

We shatter our denial by becoming aware of our feelings and the nature of
our disease. We do this by listening at meetings and identifying with
other members’ feelings and experiences.

As our contact with others who have similar issues increases and our willingness to
participate in our recovery increases, we find that our awareness also

The temptation to take action at this point is strong.
Yet, it is wise for us to wait until we truly know what it is we are
trying to change!

Acceptance comes when we are willing to admit our feelings and experiences to ourselves and others.

After this admission, we see that we are accepted by other members just as we
are. From this and by simply allowing ourselves to stay with our
feelings, we learn how to accept our feelings and experiences without
judgment. Finally, we learn how to Accept ourselves.

Once we know and accept who we are, our Actions flow naturally. It becomes easier to see how our old behavior hurts us and we learn new ways of taking care of ourselves.



1.  EXERCISE. Exercise at 6 am during week / 7 am weekends / if can't
meet schedule times, schedule other times.  [ran today];

2.  1st 30 MIN OF DAY. Spend first 30 min of day on one of my top 6 tasks (before or just after am exercise);

3.  6 MIT.  Review or write down my 6 most important tasks 

4.  CALENDAR. Check calendar AM (mine) (kids) / send email or text reminders if needed / add to master case list;

4.a.  PREPARE FOR NEXT DAY. Check calendar PM / send email or text reminders if needed / add tasks to master case list;

5.  CONTROL FLOW OF DAY. Check voicemail & return calls at scheduled times: 6 am / 9:30 am / 11:30 am / 4:30 pm / 7:30 pm /write down calls or tasks in master list

6.  USE TIMER AND TRACK TIME DURING DAY.  IF NEEDED CHECK IN HOURLY AT PA. Check in at PA at 5 am / 6am / 7 am / 8 am / 9
am / 10 am / 11 am / 12 pm / 1 pm /  2 pm / 3 pm / 4 pm /  5 pm / 6 pm /
7 pm / 8 pm / 9 pm / 10 pm 

7. TIMESHEET/IN BOX.  Timesheet for day before & empty email in box

8.  PA BASICS Checking in; support calls(1x); affirmations; gratitudes; reading; positive recording 15-20 min; journal (mental mind bank)

9. MASTER CASE LIST.  Review and add tasks to master case list at end of day. Do top 6 list for next day

10. NO INTERNET (except PA/certain worksites) from 6 am to 8 pm week / 7 am to 7 pm weekends

Affirmations (said aloud as well):

I choose to show up and start my top 6 tasks, 15
to 30 minutes at a time. I complete my top 6 tasks -- in 15 to 30 minute
periods. If I feel any pain or discomfort while working on these tasks, I
embrace the pain or feeling the pain while I do these tasks.

I know that if I have that old feeling of pain or
anxiety while I am working on my top 6  tasks- I will embrace and love that
pain since it means that I am doing something important.

And remember . . . if I am feeling
resistance or "shame" or "screwed up" or if I procrastinated at
something lately, it's probably just the Dynamics of Human Change doing
its checks & balances . . . I am going to keep going!

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone,

katia 4.18

movingalong, those are excellent goals. I hope I can get come fresh air too, it has been SOOO windy I worry about taking the baby out.

And seeing you reminds me of meetings and how I don't go to them. I swear I wish I could, but I'm swamped. If I am truly struggling though I will.

I've decided to stop actively focusing on catching up on math hw and first focus on the things that are currently due so that I don't miss out on points. We'll see how that goes.

Things to do today
-Vitamins & #1 #2 #3
-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10?
-Go to att store
-Go to health store
-Deal with parking ticket
-Friday's math hw for wed
-Last two quant subsets
-quant online quiz #2
-Finish reading bio article #1
-Finish reading bio article #2
-Multiple choice for bio quiz (maybe)
-Clean parts only took me a week longer than it should have
-Put some of Connor's laundry away
-Movie with long distance friend

WOW i did really badly today. Mostly because the trip out took alot longer than it should have as I needed to go to a different location.

Embarrassed, harnessing that to kick butt tomorrow.

movingalong's Sunday choices

Hello all.

I'm still plodding along, imperfectly.

Today I choose to:

  • have spiritual time
  • care for myself
  • care for my pets
  • laugh
  • work on taxes
  • rest
  • go to 12step meetings
  • get some fresh air

-- movingalong

12step PA mtg in "meeting chatbox" Sunday3:30PM NewYork Daylight

These are traditional 12step meetings, held in the "meeting chatbox".
All are welcome.

YearRound GMT/UTC: Sundays 7:30 PM Standard Time

London England: Saturdays and Sundays, 8:30 PM Summer Time
(British Daylight Saving Time = British Summer Time)

Paris France: Saturdays and Sundays, 9:30 PM l'heure d'été
(French Daylight Saving Time = l'heure d'été)

New Zealand: Sundays and Mondays, 7:30 AM Standard Time

Sydney Australia: Sundays and Mondays, 5:30 AM Standard Time

New York: Saturdays and Sundays, 3:30 PM Daylight Saving Time

For help entering/finding the meeting room, see this link:
