Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sorry guys, I don't know how to get or put in pretty pictures!


Sam my cat came to see what I was doing while I was perusing site posts and to save my keyboard from being 'tap-danced' on, he is now perched up on my shoulder; which is nice and warm! Here in Queensland we've just gotton rid of horrible summer heat! I love winter! Mind you, the coldest we get is about 5 degrees celcius. Daughter no. 2 (12y.o) wants to live in Tassie (Tasmania). She was very surprised, a couple of years ago, to learn (finally) that Tasmania is actually part of Australia! (How embarassing!) I suppose it is a bit of a national joke.

Rexroth Check In and Out

This is all I can manage today



Hope things are better soon.

glad to know


glad to know I'm not the only one who has those days.

tomorrow or the next day will be better.



checkin: day80 :12:04pm

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 


This is the 80th day that I have followed through with the following:

  • 90 days away from dating sites and facebook
  • 90 days of not stalking people's profiles of people I've tried to date in the past
  • 90 days of not stalking people online that I've tried to date in
    the past. (I am now back on day 43 for this).
  • No Internet chat, aside from employment or twelve-step.  This
    includes not stalking people on AIM or other chat networks, whom I've
    tried to date in the past. (I'm on day 8
    of this.)
  • 56 days of exercise: on day 1 of this.

clement success

i guess recovery works. God does guide.

today i had my yearly performance review, and for the first time ever it did NOT list under Areas for Development something along the lines of "work more efficiently" or "timely delivery" or something like that. Might have well have all said over these years, "recover from the addiction of compulsive procrastination" cuz that was what it always was.

I asked my boss about that and he said he did consider it but he did see improvement this year and so didnt feel it was worth mentioning.

well, what do you think of that?!

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

yay clem!

You're an inspiration to keep on keepin' on!


Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent. Maxwell Maltz

Mama_Cat's picture

Double, triple, quadruple YAY!

Good for you clement!

Recovery is possible.

Congratulations to you. So great.

Wishing you the best - MC

"[People] need to be connected to each other. Courage comes out of relationship; it doesn’t come out of willpower." Peter Block, author of Servant Leadership: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest.


Yay for your success, clement!


Thinkin of you, hope.


And Fudoshin, yes we live in Queensland, no we don't enjoy the heat so we'd love to live somewhere cooler.



(Clement) Fantastic

Fantastic - you should be very proud of that.



Nice!  way to go!



great article:


So happy for you ((((Clement))))!!!!!!!

Clapping loudly too!!!

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥

katia 4.7

The 7th? Wow.

Connor had an Infant Massage Class today. I know, I know, how stressed can an infant be. But it was soooo affordable and the only class he wasn't too young for and he liked it! And it's one more great way to bond with him. :)

I'm having a really hard time with my math hw. I think I will let the prof know that I am struggling to get it all done since I have circumstances that prevent me from working on it all the time.

Things to do today-
-Vitamins & #1 #2 #3
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
-As much math as I *can* do
-Email prof
-addresses on thank you notes
-Nightime routine-dishes/clothes/mybag/bottles

I'm not really sure what else! It's foggy, home all day. . .hrmm

-I have 18 problems left :/


Work 8AM-5PM: 

-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)

-Deal with 1 issue [DONE]

-Deal with 2 issues [DONE]

-Deal with 3 issues [DONE]

-Deal with 4 issues 

-Deal with 5 issues

-Deal with 6 issues 

-Deal with 7 issues 

-Deal with 8 issues 

-Deal with 9 issues 

-Deal with 10 issues  

After Work 5PM-Sleep:

-Document stuff for insurance

-order postcard thank you cards

-finish spreadsheet of c products 

-fix hole in garage


-make key copy

-buy more contacts 

Grinding away

11:59 AM: I have done much better lately with getting to work earlier. Rather than
struggling to get in by 9 AM, and usually arriving substantially later, I
have slowly come in progressively earlier after being admonished for my late arrivals. My goal now is 8 AM. I am
not there yet, but I was here at 8:06 today, so I am getting close.

It's now been a month since beginning the work tracking in 15 minute increments. Although my supervisors asked me to do it, they haven't asked to review it, and I am not sure what gives. Nonetheless, since it seems to help me, and satisfies some of my OCD tendencies, I am still at it. It is hard to have to account for the whole day, and if I don't update continuously, it is easy to lose track of time, which is a fundamental issue for me.

So, today I have 11 cases of varying complexity I need to study and prepare reports for. At least 1 cannot be handled in 30 minutes, my personal benchmark, so I will need to allot 2 periods. At least 1 other will require additional information or consultation and can't be wrapped up today. That's okay, though. The goal is to launch in at 12:15 PM and spend 12 x 30 minutes working on these and see how I do. If I don't take breaks, I should be wrap up for today by 6:15 PM. However, I will need to get lunch, maybe a break or two. But, let's see if I can wrap by 7:30 PM, allowing a little time for personal study at the end of the day.

Back to report.

So I planned the work, tried to work the plan. Had a couple of unexpected surprise cases that needed to be handled ASAP and turned out to be quite compicated. Overall, did pretty well, getting to 8 of the 12 plus the 2 surprise cases. Unfortunately, didn't finish up until 10 PM. But it is still progress.

Positive thoughts for Hope

I am sorry to hear that, Hope. I send you positive thoughts as you sort through and find the best path for yourself. Peace to you.

hope for hope

very sad news, hope4meandu. Praying for you and your spouse. May god show you the way forward.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

hugs for ((hope))

Putting this up here so you can cross everything off your list :)

Sending hugs and nice thoughts and hoping everything works out one way or another.


(and I will reply to your PM, we ARE on a procrastination forum though lol)

re: Hope

Praying for the best for you Hope


Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent. Maxwell Maltz

Thanks (((jo))) much appreciated!!!

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥

Appreciate your kind words of support ((((((4change))))

Sorry, messed up your check-in Scribbler, wasn't thinking.

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥

Jo is tempted . . .

to reply to the Scribbler's new post just for meanness.

Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent. Maxwell Maltz

Scribbler's Thursday CI, The Remake 9:26 a.m

Somebody mentioned to me what a big difference having a coach had made
in her business life. I'm thinking of looking into it, because I need
guidance. I've been doing this freelance journalism a long time, I'm not
bad at it, I work at it and thanks to PA and posting here am quite
productive lately, but I'm not making enough money to pay my bills. I
need to work smarter, but I'm not clear about how to do that. My friends
and family don't understand the business, and are possibly
over-inclined to agree with me. I need somebody who knows what they are
talking about and is willing and able to tell me I am wrong when
appropriate. So that's on the list today. I need to find a coach who'll
trade for writing services, but that should be easy. When I think of all
the obstacles (many of them self-inflicted, admittedly) that I have
overcome in my life, it's maddening to find myself unable to get
movement on this very important one. But I seem to want to give up
sometimes just when one more try will produce success. So this is one
more try. (It'll likely take a lot more one-more-trys, but we'll see.)


  • Get up at 6 (Does 4:30 count? Couldn't seem to get back to sleep)
  • Make bed
  • Exercise
  • Coffee, paper
  • Check-ins
  • Healthy breakfast
  • Sightreading practice


  • Update Quicken
  • Query - BN, P
  • Music marketing
  • Look for coach
  • Get 2 more insurance quotes
  • Invoice BN
  • S/u trash piece


  • Healthy lunch
  • Shop for groceries
  • Do 1 BN - M3
  • Work on taxes
  • P/U B at 2:45
  • Work on taxes


  • P/u C at 5
  • Take B to soccer
  • Run - hills
  • P/u B at soccer
  • Health dinner
  • Fun w/kids
  • D/o kids by 8;30
  • Rehearse for competition
  • Read, relax
  • Bed by 10:30

hope4meandu day 4 here; day 11 at work

Thanks Sal & Sam for the starter!!!

My husband and I think reached the conclusion that we need to part. I realize now that this isn't a cut & dry situation for either of us. I'm used to being a person who, when it's time to go, I go and don't look back. This is hard, with many feelings. Now I have to find a way to get health insurance, pay rent, get an apartment, etc., on $12.00 an hour with no benefits - LOL.

My mission today is to get Goldie pain meds. I'm also praying to find him a vet who won't overcharge & very much undercharge, he needs lots of medical care.

To do:
-contact pharmacy on what over the counter I can sprinkle in his food to cut pain. YAY!!
-confirm 5/8 appt. w/groomer & let F know too
-call B
-call Liz
-continue to try and find cheap cat carrier YAY!!
-brush teeth before bed
-praying for willingness to exercise
-buy towels, pillow for Goldie
-call North Shore Animal League
-appt. for Goldie w/my vet Tues. a.m.

Prayers & blessings to everyone today!!

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥


I hope everything works out for the best with you and your husband, whatever you finally decide.

Still doing counselling with my husband, not always an easy process, i know. The good part for me is gaining more insight into myself.

Congratulations on your record number of days at work!

Journey 9:30

I was on time to work today!:shocked: I'm back on track to getting up and out the door earlier. I still want to improve, but being on time is a good start.

I've been to the gym, read email, and I'm attending a conference call now. As soon as the conference call ends, I'll grab a cup of coffee and get to work on the todo list for the day.


Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent. Maxwell Maltz

Vic 4/7/11

Show up (done) Lots of stress happening, but the first step for me is to not shut down, I have learned this in pa and it a promise of the program.

some daily thoughts:

Stressed spelled backward is desserts.

Handle every stressful situation like a dog...
Pee on it and walk away!!!

LOL ((vic))!!!

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥



Lets keep it simple again...

1.  clean off the desk :) well- i cleaned the trash off and shuffle things around

Here we go! 

 things i've done other than clean my desk:

  1. handled 2  walk-in issues
  2. sent  1 important email
  3. had a great lunch
  4. started on another urgent issue and finished it
  5. resolving vacation planning w/family
  6. enter mucho authorizations

sometimes walk-in stuff can derail me...i think that's one of the major contributing factors to my overall work procrastination problems. Keeping at it!

 chanelling my demand resistance (which is at myself, lol) to getting a bunch of other stuff done today.  it's more like a to don't list.



great article:


Scribbler's Thursday CI 6:24 a.m.

Somebody mentioned to me what a big difference having a coach had made in her business life. I'm thinking of looking into it, because I need guidance. I've been doing this freelance journalism a long time, I'm not bad at it, I work at it and thanks to PA and posting here am quite productive lately, but I'm not making enough money to pay my bills. I need to work smarter, but I'm not clear about how to do that. My friends and family don't understand the business, and are possibly over-inclined to agree with me. I need somebody who knows what they are talking about and is willing and able to tell me I am wrong when appropriate. So that's on the list today. I need to find a coach who'll trade for writing services, but that should be easy. When I think of all the obstacles (many of them self-inflicted, admittedly) that I have overcome in my life, it's maddening to find myself unable to get movement on this very important one. But I seem to want to give up sometimes just when one more try will produce success. So this is one more try. (It'll likely take a lot more one-more-trys, but we'll see.)


  • Get up at 6 (Does 4:30 count? Couldn't seem to get back to sleep)
  • Make bed
  • Exercise
  • Coffee, paper
  • Check-ins
  • Healthy breakfast
  • Sightreading practice


  • Update Quicken
  • Query - BN, P
  • Music marketing
  • Look for coach
  • Get 2 more insurance quotes
  • Invoice BN
  • S/u trash piece


  • Healthy lunch
  • Shop for groceries
  • Do 1 BN - M3
  • Work on taxes
  • P/U B at 2:45
  • Work on taxes


  • P/u C at 5
  • Take B to soccer
  • Run - hills
  • P/u B at soccer
  • Health dinner
  • Fun w/kids
  • D/o kids by 8;30
  • Rehearse for competition
  • Read, relax
  • Bed by 10:30

Woo Hoo ((Scribbler)), much luck & success

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank 1968sal for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 7:00 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Prayer and meditation

3. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

4. Finish typing my paper for my leadership class

5. Do the corrections on the quizzes for my leadership class

6. Eat brunch

7. Take shower

8. Get dressed

9. Make bed

10. Wash dishes

11. Test blood sugar twice

12. Declutter apartment for 15 minutes

13. Do numbers

14. Go to the Internship at 1 p.m.

15. Print papers

16. Type the minutes

17. Type the Thank You letter to the counselor

18. Eat dinner

19. Go to the 8 p.m. face to face NA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

Findingaway check in

10.05 Thursday

Thanks for starting us Sal. 

A bit all over the place with my lists today, need to catch up from travelling and being in Melbourne yesterday. Some priorities are phone calls (work and social), emails, exercises, dishes, banking, preparation for tomorrow. But want to do some billable hours, too.

I am falling down on getting out of bed early enough, making time for meditiation and doing some longer term planning. Also going to bed too late and reading novels addictively. I need to set up better routines for myself again.

Some happy news: Yesterday I met with my (recently left home) son for dinner and to go to a public meeting we both wanted to attend.

Sal's 7/4/11 CI

  • show up
  • breakfast
  • go to atm
  • dishes DID HALF
  • laundry: empty, fix plumbing, chucked out stuff
  • washing
  • call mechanic
  • leave at 1pm for dentist
  • pm fs

Looks like I can't do the laundry cos it's raining.
(Did the laundry later in the arvo.)

cost of procrastination

Last night I crossed off the 'laundry' entry. This was an enormous mental/emotional task; something that should have been done months ago and if it were done months ago would not have been so traumatic. So here's my confession:

The laundry (which is outside, round the back of the house) was knee deep in clothing and linen needing to be washed. But when the pipes under the wash tub broke and water flooded the laundry, it became ankle deep and after 2 weeks mouldy and smelly. 

So yesterday I yanked all of it out onto the grass and went through to see if anything was worth salvaging. End result: one small pile of salvagable and 6 full (heavy) bin bags of unsalvagable which then filled the 'wheelie bin'. Among the unsalvagable were some items that were special to me, and realising that I could not save them but had to throw them out was heartbreaking.

So  where did all this 'stuff' come from? It was a mixture of some everyday items and heaps of clothing and linen from boxes I had recently emptied.

And why did I have heaps of boxes with heaps of 'stuff' in them? Before I left my husband (3 years ago), my abilty to take care of the house had dimished markedly (due to his emotional abuse of me; I was in 'zombie' mode a lot of the time). Whenever he knew visitors were about to stop by he would help clean up by grabbing 'stuff' and throwing it angrily into the back room and closing the door. (It was very important to him to be seen as 'perfect'.) Well, I knew he was getting close to the point of throwing everything from the back room into the garbage. This made me feel panic for two reasons: 1. I was raised with a waste not, want not constitution and 2. There were some items that were special to me among it all, such as baby things that I wanted to include in a 'growing-up memories' gift box to give to my daughters when they were older.

So I packed it all in moving boxes and only recently unpacked it. (Unpacking the boxes was another major procrastinated chore.)

So, the cost of procrastination here:

  • Lots of clothing and linen completely ruined and wasted.
  • Heartache over the loss of some special items
  • Painful embarrassment that my daughters have had to do their washing in such a pigsty.
  • Painful embarrassment when some friends had seen the laundry recently when they turned up to mow my lawn unexpectedly and voluntarily. 


I still have a verandah and a spare room full of 'stuff' that needs sorting (deciding what I want to keep and what needs throwing out or to charity). 



Sal, thanks for sharing this

I can really relate to this and really appreciate your honesty in sharing it. 

I had some family items that sat in a tin trunk outside; some damaged from a shed fire we had, but some OK. I put off sorting them and storing them properly for years. Then last December the trunk was among items that got soaked in our flood. Some of the items that survived the fire were then ruined or damaged further in the flood (can you believe this?). It was very painful finally sorting through them, but at least by then I had admitted to my procrastination and knew I had to do it SOON. I am really ashamed of this whole episode and still do not have full insight into what was going on, although I do know there are patterns of hoarding stuff and procrastination going back to my father and grandmother.

I allow strong feelings to get caught up with objects in ways I still don't fully understand.

Hope you don't mind me raving on in your post.

Findingaway, thank YOU for sharing!

Thankyou so much for your honesty! When you spoke about your 'trunk' it reminded me of something else I procrastinated about:

When my mum immigrated to Australia from Holland in 1952, she had all her belongings packed into 3 large trunks. During my growing up years I have memories of these trunks being used for storage and mum kept them in good condition all this time.  But when mum moved into the nursing home before she died, I did some cleaning up at her place and moved the trunks outside but didn't move them back inside till months later. By that time they were completely ruined by the weather. They WERE basically antiques!

So again the cost of procrastinating:

  • pain from waste
  • pain from 'letting mum down'
  • pain from embarrassment

So sorry to hear you were affected by the floods. We live in an area that was affected by the flood but our house wasn't affected.

Sal's 8/4/11 CI


  •  CI
  • dishes
  • clean off bed
  • install cpap next to bed
  • mowingHALF
  • buy mower fuel
  • clean off comp desk
  • fix drawer on comp desk

Actually did ALL the dishes instead of stopping half way. Ususlly when I get to the part where some dishes need to soak for 5 mins before scrubbing I will sit down, then distraction and procrastination set in. This time I consciously thought to myself, "I will dry the clean dishes in the rack and put them away then go back to the dishes soaking." So that and the thought that I could post my progress (as unimportant and pathetic as it is being excited about finishing the dishes is in 'the grand scheme of things' is) helped me complete this job.