Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday March 23, 2011

first check in




call tent man done

call miriam to catch up when im over her way pickin up tent done

dishes n kitchen tidy



**Question- how do i 'rule out' that which is done?

11th_hour CI 6:40pm

Last night I considered extending my bedtime (what's an extra 15 minutes?...)  Instead, exactly at 11:00 I turned out the lights!  I woke up early and didn't have to rush before work.  Got to work on time again too!  At work though, AGAIN I did not accomplish my main objective (or even attempt it).  Tomorrow is another day...  Try again, HARDER!!

Thanks to Hypatia for starting this thread with adorable photo! It reminds me that I need to be gentle with myself and with others.
* Spring out of bed at 7:00  WOO HOO!! "lights out" last night @ 11:00pm
* Make the bed
* Call J before work (WAS HOME!  talked 7:15-7:45)
* Eat breakfast (Special K)
* Take multivitamin and fish oil tabs
* Pack healthy lunch
* Take out trash
* Get to work on time 
Be very productive at work, focusing on my PROJECT
I worked on anything BUT project (was on my mind all day)  
* Eat lunch
* Buy milk after work
* Eat dinner
* Drink lots of water
* Call J with info
* Watch just 1 hour of tv/Hulu/Veetle
* Read from "The WORD among us"
* Bed by 11:00 pm

"Father, I want to talk to you as Jeremiah did.  Let me hear your voice and experience your presence today."

Yay for you 11th_hour

Yay for your early start ! Well done!

hope4meandu day 2

Thanks Hypatia, love the starter!!

K, today I will look on the net for vets, dog/animal places in my area and go in and ask if I can volunteer.

Today I will wash the kitchen floor and make try to make chicken a new way.

Today I called in sick again. Will mention tomorrow to hopefully find someone who can come in spur of the moment, when I won't be there, they don't pay me when I'm not, so at least they'll have someone. I can't be counted on and it's not fair to them.

Call the woman back that I gave help to with her dog, maybe.

Wishing you all blessings and miracles!!

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥


-Grade Midterms

-Record presentation of Midterm Feedback

-Grade twenty assignments for HR and create marking guide

Journey noon

Working from home today. Have the house to myself for the first time since my daughter moved out. Not having too much trouble staying on task today because I had two meetings this morning and two meetings this afternoon. Now I need to get some of my on-call duties done before the next meeting starts. I will not have much time to work on my project today, as on-call duty takes precedence, but I will get to it if I can. See you later!


Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent. Maxwell Maltz

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank Hypatia for starting this trend.

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

3. Went to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

4. Put potatoes in the oven to cook for my brunch

5. Had prayer and meditation in the morning

Things I will do today

1. Prayer and meditation in the evening

2. Finish Chapter 10

3. Took my mid-term test

4. Eat brunch

5. Eat dinner

6. Wash dishes

7. Clear the chair and spray the chair

8. Clear the couch and spray the couch

9. Send three Al-Anon e-mail for today

10. Put some clothes away 

11. Get some clothes ready to wash

12. Take shower

13. Get dressed

14. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

15. Do numbers

Thanks for letting me share


For 3/23


-Time Grid
-Prep for Day
-Morning Prayer
-Morning Email/News Check
-Afternoon Email/News Check
-Evening Email/News Check
-Daily Water
-Wash Dishes
-Take Out Trash
-Make Bed
-Clean Room
-20 Items
-Evening Prayer

-Daily Hours
-Article 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
-Blog Post
-File T Papers
-Check CC Emails

-Email Draft
-Statement Revision
-Call School
-Article Brainstorm

check-in 3/23

I am much closer to my big project deadline but still far from done. I have been doing a pretty good job staying on track but it's a big project with unrealistic amounts to be done. Sometimes it's easy for me to blame myself. That doesn't seem to fit this time. This makes it almost worse. I'm facing my lack of control. Wanting to give up and catastrophize before it's even over. Too familiar sh@t. I'll fake being hopeful, confident and enjoying the process.

-stay conscious
-keep starting and forget about how many steps yet to the summit



Scribbler's Hump Day CI 10 a.m.

Weird day yesterday. I never get off the dime on my big project, which is now late. But I'll try again today. Onward....


  • Get up at 6 
  • Make bed
  • Exercise
  • Coffee, paper
  • Healthy breakfast
  • Checkins
  • Sightreading


  • Update Quicken 
  • Draft new11
  • Send new11 FC
  • File new11 draft


  • Lunch w/B
  • Draft pricehike
  • Music marketing - make flyers, post flyers
  • Call 1 re: cruise
  • Call 1 re: govtexit
  • Work on taxes
  • Pay for meds order
  • Send query
  • Run


  • Healthy dinner
  • Rehearse w/R
  • Read, relax
  • Bed by 10:30

kromer 10:40 CI

OK, little disorganized today (as I have been a lot this week :P ), but I'm in lab and I've been to meeting.

ok, so for today I need to:
*Check on expts
*CA parser and other lists + email
*Email teacher, eucomm, about AP day, deacon emails
*photos for staging
*Finish data entry

Then leave work by 5 to go home. Once I get home:
*Bike shop
*Read 1.5 papers
*clean out 100 emails

OK, I'm going to start with checking on expts and finishing data entry. 

Late check-in - better late than never

Completed all my "to do's" yesterday, except for billing client.


11:00 to 11:45 - Listen to IFL audio

11:45 - log into webinar, finish at 1:30 pm

1:30 to 2:00 pm - Lunch

2:00 - 4:00 pm - Web search for trigger points for freelance clients

4:00 - 5:00 pm - Run

5:00 - 6:15 pm - Read book "Selling to big companies"

6:15 pm - 6:30 pm - Get ready for political meeting

6:30 pm to 7:15 pm - Go to meeting by public transit

7:15 pm to 8:40 pm - Political meeting (not sure when it's finished)

9:00 pm to 11:00 pm - Relax!

Make to do list for Thursday and post on Thursday morning.


a better night's sleep . . .

and so, a better day ahead :-)

Today's list:
- early meeting
- print off readings for tomorrow's class
- do more research for last assignment for class
- desk yoga
- walk home
- do readings for tomorrow's class
- physio


Thanks, Hypatia, for getting us started.

- CT test import

- Proposal for JC

- Delivery to D

- NI analysis

- Phone call to Jamie



Thanks for the lovely thread starter Hypatia

OK it is 11:03

Goal - 4 hours work 

Work competed 1 hours 40 mins 


Buy tickets  

Call D 

Teeth/Floss/Interdental/ Mouthwash (10 mins)

To do 

CI (10 mins) 

Bathroom (20 mins) 


Tidy living room

Tidy bedroom

Washing up

Clean kitchen 40 mins

Tidy hall 20 mins 


 Teeth/Floss/Interdental/ Mouthwash (10 mins)


Lunch (40 mins) 

Yoga 5 pm 

Meeting 7:30pm 



Call J 

Cancel Saturday ?  

I think I got it right this time.

OK, I think I've started the thread correctly this time.

My secretary has just come in saying I'm being asked for a report I should have done several weeks ago. :(

today's plan

  • do urgent report Done by 10am
  • finish yesterday's report - nearly!
  • do report on this morning's work
  • file papers from yesterday's meeting


Still not doing well.  I did a load of other things people wanted urgently, which maybe should have been on my list in the first place, but then my list items don't get done. 

One success at home I'm pleased to say.  I've completed 10 change of address notifications (we moved house 3 months ago).  Lots of other things I haven't done, and my husband is nagging me for them, but  I've made a start!