Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday February 28, 2011


Welcome to the start of a new week! Wishing you all the very best with your endeavours.

tiptree CI 11:52 PM

next 24 hours:

1) clock 8 hours
2) clear out 5 items and flag as testable
3) clean kitchen
4) pay bills/mail check
5) read 25 pp. work-related book
6) read 25 pp. TS
7) exercise

watch movie or practice guitar when above all done

tuesday check-in 3/1


The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next.
—Ursula LeGuin

The world around us changes constantly. Trees turn from green to beautiful
shades of yellow, orange, and brown in the fall. Yet, even if we watched
the trees carefully, every minute of the day, we could not actually see
the colors change. Change requires time, preparation, and patience.

To make the changes we want, we need to let go of unhealthy but
comfortable patterns that we're stuck in, the way the trees let their
colors change and finally let go of their leaves altogether. We can't
have total change right now, no matter how much we want it. It's
important to accept both who we are now and who we are becoming. Just as
the tree trusts without question that its leaves will grow and lets go
of them when the time comes, we can believe in our own power to grow and
let go of our accomplishments when the time is right.

When we do, we can be assured that our lives will blossom again, like trees in the spring coming to life after a cold winter.

Do I have any new blossoms today?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations



MY BASICS: checking in; support calls (1x); affirmation; gratitudes; reading; check calendar; plan to plan; email my 6 most important tasks; voicemail;
exercise #1; manage A; manage D; use timesheet and timer




Thanks for the post leavinghome!

Work 8AM-5PM: 

-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)

-review pinouts

-PY AI-5

-PY AI-6

-choose 10 cn 

-get h ordered

-get l ordered

-get f ordered

After Work 5PM-Sleep:

-Document stuff for insurance

-followup with mom about acctn

-find and print 6 personal tax documents

-prepare weedwacker for warranty

-check payout for b expenses

-get oil change 

-remove disc items

-order postcard thank you cards

-start spreadsheet of c products

-shine shoes 

-update price correction for e 


-buy new light bulbs

-email b

-transfer b money 

-make sure seo book forum sub canceled 

Thank you for starting

Thank you for starting Findingaway. What a colorful Monday!

  1. Get a haircut
  2. Buy glossy printing paper
  3. Practice saxophone
  4. Buy food
  5. Do some homework 2 hrs minimum

  1. Clean the bathroom
  2. Read driver's manual
  3. Look for a new place
  4. Look for a job
  5. Resume writing

30 min maximum on MM

MSS 2/28

Clean dishes, take out trash, drop off check, and move printer out of car

Prepare tonight's lecture

At 4:30, get materials ready for 5pm meeting with students

After lecture, read lit review, cross out redundant sections, insert MA + JDRM + COR section

Draft (perfection not necessary) new framework

*Last two are the hardest

the end

I guess the last two are a "no".  Oh well.

katia 2/28

Connor is not feeling very well, so the main focus is making sure he feels better and has all the snuggles he needs.

But there's things to do if I find the time.

Things to do
-Vitamins & #1 #2 #3 #4
-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
-Read 3 sections of Aristotle
-Read 3 sections of Aristotle
-Read 2 sections of Aristotle
-Read 2 sections of Aristotle
-Put dishes away
-3 math problems from this week
-3 math problems from this week
-2 math problems from this week
-Order MMPSB

kromer 11 CI

A late CI but I've already done laundry and done a bunch of work on MP lists.

Still have this feeling that I'll never catch up...but I'm working on a 6-year degree, of course I have an "infinite" amount of work. My job is to do as much as I can every day

So, trying to give myself a reasonable list:
*Collect samples, check on expts
*finish and send out mp lists
send out nature and science results 
*clean bench and start digestion (working on this now)
*cooking for the week (will do this soon)

*schedule for the week
*get organized for open house (have started this)

If I have more time I'll work on n.g. and on fafsa training, but I don't need to. 

OK, starting with nature and science results

READING: Conserving


Conserving Resources

In this fight against compulsive procrastinating, we need all the strength we
can muster. We can learn to conserve our energy for what is important,
rather than wasting it on non-essential activities.

An extra hour of sleep may do more for our program than an hour spent
reading a novel or watching television. We have to guard against
compulsive overactivity as well as compulsive procrastinating. Often, we have as much trouble stopping working on a project as we do starting a project.  We may tend to push
too hard to complete something which can just as well wait until
tomorrow and get sleep deprived. If we are tired the next day, we are less able to resist the old habit of procrastination.

Conserving our resources often means saying no to people and activities, which
drain them unnecessarily. Only we ourselves, with the guidance of our
Higher Power, can decide how best to use the strength and energy we
We can also take care of our
bodies is to nurture the most valuable physical resource we have.

Teach me to conserve the resources You have given me.

Adapted From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations



MY BASICS: checking in; support calls (1x); affirmation; gratitudes; reading; check calendar; plan to plan; email my 3 most important tasks; voicemail;
exercise #1; manage A; manage D; use timesheet and timer; if I feel a setback or need immediate mood repair -- I will do exercise #2 


I project value through my actions and words.

I trust that everything is exactly as it is meant to be.

Every time I feel that procrastination feeling, I know what I am doing is important.

Every time I feel that old procrastination feeling, I know I'm ready for a breakthrough.

Every time I feel that old procrastination feeling, I use the wisdom of my life experiences to take action.

Life's occasional challenges make me stronger.

I set my mind to things and then I complete them.

Taking action is fulfilling because I'm living the life I want to live.

I visualize all the positive outcomes my actions are bringing me.

Just get started. Where, when and on what can I start?

If I feel that old procrastination feeling, I remember I may not feel overly enthused to get started and that's okay why should I assume I will always be enthusiastic?

I focus on what it feels like to finish a task.

I love my life.

I stay put. I will not give in to wanting to "feel good" in the short
term. If I feel fear or anxiety, I will focus on my large inner landscape of
curiousity, my drive to succeed, my interests, etc which are much larger
than my fears. I remember that "Feeling good now comes at a cost." 

Every time I feel that old procrastination feeling, I remember there are only 8,760 hours in the year. 

Every time I feel that old procrastination feeling, I remember I won't feel more like doing it tomorrow either.

re: conserving resources

Thanks, Tracy-la. I needed to hear that today. It's too late for me to conserve today, but I could have done that over the weekend. Lesson learned, I hope.

tks tracy-la


hope4meandu day 29

Thanks findingaway for the pretty starter!!

Coming to terms that this might be Yoffee's last snow. I'm crying everywhere at any time. Truthfully, I did not give her a good enough life. She spent it suffering and I need more time to make it up to her.

Have to call to get help with snowy. A neighbor gave me a number of someone who might be his owner and I can't call these people knowing that they could be the cause of his broken bones and bad condition. So I will call a rescue place I know and ask for advice.

Update: spoke to Bobbi about snowy, she said call from a phone that they can't find you and tell them you'd like to help find their dog and get as much info as possible. She said in all her years of rescue, 8 out of 10 owners, have harmed their dogs or worse after giving them back. She is also willing to, if he has a chip, to change it bring it into her place and once the dog is brought in to a shelter, I can legally adopt him. Looked on-line for the people from flyer, IT'S NOT SNOWY, THANK YOU G-D!!!!

Thankfully, cleaned last night a lot because snowy had the runs. Can't keep him, Yoffee needs her rest or is he just what she needs or am I being delusional so I can keep him to soften my pain and I'm crazy about him.

To do:
-call Bobbi re: snowy
-talk to Dr. F about Yoffee and what I can do to help her
-clean 1/2 hour to 45 minutes
-do spreadsheet for what I spend
-email contact about a job for husband

Grateful to you all and HP that my job for now, isn't so bad, and that's a good change.


Wishing you all a day full of blessings!!

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone one online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank findingaway for starting this trend.

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

3. Went to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

Things I will do today

1. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

2. Take shower

3. Get dressed

4. Test my blood sugar twice

5. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

6. Eat brunch

7. Eat dinner

8. Go to the religious meeting at 12:45

9. Finish my First Step in DA

10. Call my CLA Sponsor

11. Finish my First Step in Al-Anon

12. Read and finish Chapter 7

13. Start my Resume

14. Start my Portfolio

15. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

16. Go to my mother's apartment to get food

17. Call my CLA Sponsor

Thanks for letting me share

Kicking off the Scribbler's week 7:55 a.m.

The show Saturday went pretty well. I had a dozen people show up and booked two repeat shows, both on Saturdays which is nice. I think I rehearsed about enough. I'm going to work now on adding three new songs. I have now four shows in the next three weeks, and five in the next four weeks plus a couple of days. Music is going pretty well then, and I'm enjoying and hope to profit from the singing lessons I've been taking.

Writing, not as well. I have been checking off all or nearly all my daily tasks on a consistent basis, but I'm still not getting enough writing done. I left a sizable sum of money on the table this month because I didn't completely fulfill a contract. That burns. The obvious answer is to put more tasks on my daily list. So...


  • Get up at 6 (6:45)
  • Make bed
  • Exercise (couldn't face it after running 5 miles yesterday, maybe later)
  • Coffee, paper
  • Healthy breakfast
  • Sightreading
  • Check-ins


  • Update Quicken
  • Music marketing
  • Meet plumber(Only $60! It was just adjusting a valve.)
  • Send query
  • Do 3 CIO /


  • Lunchw/B
  • Call 1 re: cruise
  • Do 1 BN
  • Taxes - 1/2 hr
  • File investors
  • Meet R for happy hour
  • Healthy dinner
  • Fun w/R
  • Bed by 10:30

Back to routine

Good Morning All!

We had weekend company and hosted friends over Saturday night in conjunction with their visit, so I pretty much let everything go and focused on that/them.

I DID pack up my swimming stuff last night so it was ready to go this morning. But it's pouring rain right now. If it's still like that after work, I may postpone swimming till tomorrow.

- powerpoint set up (still not done) for assignment
- swimming (if it's not raining after work)
- type/print budget for Dave, broken down with bill payments and transfer amounts to each account
- physio before bed

Vic 2/28/11

Show up (done), basics, (done) walk, self care

New chapter today- put older son out of cyber and back in public school.all unfolded by HP,last week, so much paperwork,  he was happy on Fri., gives me time back to work on my stuff. My younger son is easier to cyber school, he likes to learn and cooperates. New dog gets me out and going. It would not been so easy to do if I did not have my "showing up" consistency in PA. Learning so much about procratination. The more I learn, the more I see how this issue is not as isolated as I had once thought.  Together we can do what we could never do alone.

pm update 6:30pm "Felt good" this morning, but once again miscalculated time things sometimes take. But that is ok, I really want to shut down, but I did not. My new schedule was not the "geographic cure" I thought it would be, I am still me and need to surrender to the process of recovery, again, I am grateful that things were better and that I still have the desire to stop procrastinating. Like the butterfly, it takes as long as it takes to be in the cacoon.


A different approach?

Today and for ONE DAY ONLY I am trying some reverse psychology on myself. I will stay in bed all day. I may sleep, read, eat, clean my teeth and bathe, and watch TV. I MUST NOT do any work at all on anything I usually procrastinate about. I MUST NOT feel guilty. One day (only one day) of total guilt free procrastination. No blame or self-recrimination. 
Already I am frustrated that I can't study today and I am a little bored.
 Tomorow I set new goals. 3 hours of productive work particularly those difficult procrastination tasks. I will increase that by 20 mins a day. 
I will post to let you know how I am getting on all this week.

re: a different approach

It seems counter-intuitive but it might work.   If you read the book THE NOW HABIT  you'll find Dr. Fiore recommends the same course of action.   I found that once I started allowing myself some guilt-free breaks I was much more able to work during work time, knowing that a break was coming whether or not I deserved it.  

We won't be afraid of being sweet to ourselves.  - Her Space Holiday

Journey 7:30 & update

got to work at 7 . . .but now I'm kinda vegging . . .going to get a cup of coffee and make my todo list for the day.   

Update 9:15 todo list done, email done, calendar checked.   I have gotten back in to the habit of setting MITs (most important tasks) for the day and I think that is helping me focus on the important things, especially since I have no looming deadlines at work to force me to focus.   I use Remember the Milk for my todo list and I finally learned how to use tags so it's easy to set MITs now.   

The first thing I need to do is plan for my dentist appointment tomorrow morning. I'm wavering about whether to try to use the dentist appt to wangle a second work from home day this week, or whether to go to the gym in the morning and try to get showered and get to the dentist by 8 and then drive to work, or whether to just sleep in in the morning, get to the dentist at 8, drove in to work and then leave early for the gym anyway.   I'm not good at these decisions  :P.   Regardless, I need to put it on my calendar and send out an email about being late in the am.  I'll do that, then spend 10 minutes or less making the decision about the gym.   Whatever I decide will be fine, and I'll stick with the decision I make and not second guess it. 

Does anybody else agonize over these simple decisions lol? 

Update 9:36:  ok, I'm going to go to the gym early.  I can easily get there by 6:15, hit the shower by 7:15, and be at the dentist before 8.  It should take me 20 minutes tops to get from gym to dentist. I said I'd be at work by 10:00, so I can take my time after the dentist and get breakfast and run some errands if I want, or even take a 30 minute nap in my car!

Now I'm going to work on this weekend's install for an hour. 


We won't be afraid of being sweet to ourselves.  - Her Space Holiday

(journey re simple decisions)

I can really relate to this. Thanks for sharing it so honestly! I do think you're right about sticking with the decision once it's made, too.

I can get quite down on myself when these sort of plans and decisions take a lot of time, somehow I feel I should be able to make all decisions in an instant. Still working towards that happy medium i.e. it's OK to take some time sorting out my plans and day-to-day movements.

re: simple decisions

Thanks findingaway! 

"I'm tired of pretending I'm not a total freaking rock star from Mars." - Charlie Sheen

mondays are HARD

i will try again this monday, however, to do the work of recovery.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

day 28

big struggle today, but gonna do my best to get through it.

read 1+1+1+1+1 easy

go to library 1 + 1 + 1 easy 

last eds for proj r = 1 stressy

printing for proj r = 1 stressy

travel time = 1.5 hrs ugh 

project bi




r4 + 4

r5 + 5

r6 + 6


r7 + 7

r8 + 8

r9 + 9

r10 + 10




get basic grocery set

throw in dark laundry 

do something fun and relaxing



Finding a way check in

10.30 am

Things I want to do:

  • phone ZM
  • phone NW
  • phone GS
  • review work lists and priorities - part done

These feel scary.

Fell down on these, it's the old feelings and fears of failure striking again. Did recover enough to make one call, which will make the others easier tomorrow (I hope).

I will mix them up with some easier but necessary tasks:

  • complaint to EWOV
  • fix mobile plan - tried twice
  • pay bills
  • email JA
  • timesheet
  • housework x 3
  • swimming 

Thank you everyone for this forum.