Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Breakfast Lunch
------------- Prep for Day Make Bed Clean Desk Clean Room Dishes
Prep for Bed
-------------- DM, pgs. 62-82
News (15 min blocks,x4)
Call P
Message H
Apply for Library Card
---------------- Submit Article 1 Submit Article 2 Submit Article 3 Submit Article 4 Submit Article 5
Research Article 1
Research Article 2
Research Article 3
Research Article 4
Research Article 5
--------------- FitDeck
Draft First BP
Draft Academic Resume
make bed
healthy breakfast
start dishes
start laundry
go to bank work on LB site
email LB
break (read one chapter for fun!) work on radio spots
work on bios catch up on email shower
teach lessons dinner quality time with spouse
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
This is the 15th day that I have followed through with the following:
I'm making a pledge to quit using the dating site(s) and Facebook for
90 days. I had written this on my 43things account, but I wrote that I
wanted to avoid dating sites for a full six months, so I think 90 days
is reasonable for a dating site. I also have a penchant for looking at
and stalking certain people repeatedly on the dating website and online,
which has prevented me from sanity. Just all out stalking certain
people has been all out crazy; if I'm not stalking one person, it's
another person. During times I've tried to quit the dating site before, I
have visited people's dating profiles, even while not registered on the
dating site. So part of my whole thing with quitting dating sites is
also quitting stalking people's profiles that I've tried to date in the
past. If I accidentally load a dating site, b/c I accidentally clicked
on something obviously that doesn't count. You can hardly hang a cat on
the Internet without hitting a dating site ad. Intention is
In other words:
90 days away from dating sites and facebook
90 days of not stalking people's profiles of people I've tried to date in the past
and I'd like to add: 90 days of not stalking people online that
I've tried to
date in the past, which includes trying to IM them. (I am now back on
day 11 for this, as I emailed someone Sunday 1/23, searched for his
address online after seeing him IRL, and then emailed him to inform him
I saw him, and then consequently renewed his request to date me).
I realize/recognize that guy has nothing to do with whether or
not I get my projects done which is all about me and my work in the PA
program. My monies did come in for my loan funding. I will sell my
books back and I have dropped the
course I'm not going to take. I got the paperwork that I need for
my disabled student testing. I finished the work I had to do by Monday! Yay! And I put my life in the hands of the Higher Power for
the rest of the stuff. I know my HP will direct me
in the right way; I ask the HP to take over every aspect of my life and guide
me to do what I must in order to be successful. I am willing to let go of anything that isn't good for me, in order to be present for myself. I just want to be
willing to do what I need to do for myself.
I need to get done the following today:
* topo homework
* read Essay on Criticism, parts 1 and 2
*study for French exam
*run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute X 10 + 6 minutes of biking + stretches
I realized today was going to be a make-due off plan type of day because of Snowmagedon that's sweeping thru town. Kids and hubby have a snowday so I'm planning to enjoy some family time!! My oldest son is grounded at home, had to resched hit flight back home - so YAY! for an extra day with him!!! LOL!
finish turtle's habitat
finish new desk/turtle stand for my office
make new Weight Watchers register for the week (lost .6lb last week)
start re-making my 3x5 card organizing box to help with my day to day
finish clearing off bedroom couch
clean dryer top and get cat's food area setup
run credit card from yesterday's business
FILE RECEIPTS from yesterday's business
start donation box for the 2.10 pickup date
have kids clean kitchen started
have a dinner plan before 4pm
find my book that I was reading still looking
spend 15min turning dayplanner into a brainbook
add 10 things that remind me of the old me to the donation box, let them make someone else happy!! Only 2 things, but I started!!
Actually, I did get to bed very early last night and I'm feeling more rested today but I'm annoyed with myself today. I signed up to attend a Diversity Council thing here at Large Corporation so I HAD to be at work at 8:30 so I could get to the meeting at 9:00 in another building. I got up at 5:15, and then dawdled for half an hour on my blackberry in the bathroom! DOH! silly me, then I had to rush, got to gym at 6:35 and had to cut my workout short so I could get to the office early. I'm really bad at mornings, when I'm still sleepy I have a tendency to make bad decisions. I will have to think about ways to improve this . . .I'm happy that I'm getting up on time but I have to learn to get busy in the morning instead of dawdling. If anyone has ideas I'd love to hear them!
Anyway, I did make it to the meeting and it was very interesting, and now I'm in the office making my todo list. I need coffee.
Never have an ordinary day! - Pepperidge Farm (lol)
having a written out plan for the morning (i.e. a morning routine a la 'Fly Lady') can be helpful...however I've never gotten that far! LOL! :grin:
Seriously, though, I've been playing around alot with the idea that discipline is really an illusion, that what we truly need is the correct motivation (i.e. a reward that's meaningful to us - for some it's internal, for some it's external). So maybe you could put your blackberry and book by your front door or wherever you usually exit each day, when you've finished your morning routine successfully, you can then goof off (as a reward) until it's time to go. Alternatively you can set up a meaningful but small reward for successfully completing the morning routine in a set amount of time or without playing.
Small rewards for me are things like making really good coffee in the morning vs. the cheap floor sweepings that we usually use. Buying a silly magazine, or racking up points for a bigger reward such as a dinner out or a movie are some other things that have 'motivated' me.
Just some thoughts on the theory that I'm testing. I'm on day 1 of a 28 day 'experiment' to see if it will be a successful process for me. I'll let you know how it goes. Day one was a success so far!
I'll try that! I can't think in the mornings, so maybe if I have a step by step list posted on my mirror (right next to the 'take your pill' note lol) that would help. It would seem silly to have a list like 'put on clothes' 'brush teeth' hahah but it might work!
Never have an ordinary day! - Pepperidge Farm (lol)
The funny thing is that it still feels rewarding to check off an item even as silly as 'put on clothes'! It's amazing to me how we can 'dupe' our minds sometimes! :grin:
Just telling yourself to get through that list of simple tasks has a reward at the end (not in the middle!) can be a good gentle push of a sleepy brain. Good luck to you!
I HATE mornings. Hate them. Alot. I was up and I'm like "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUDDDDGGGGGEEEE. . . .". :P
It might be silly advice and DOH advice because you probably do these things anyway, but I always feel better once I am dressed, teeth brushed, and my hair is up in a ponytail. Less groggy. So I try to do those things first instead of running around in pajamas. Idk.
I also try to wake up a little earlier than I get up so I have like 15 minutes to sit in bed and go "*&^%&^*&&R%#@*&%#!!!!" And get a gameplan together.
If anything I hate mornings and completely empathize.
I go into the bathroom to get dressed and then I . . . don't. This may be TMI lol but I have a novel and the blackberry in there and I sit and read. I need to keep those things out of sight until I'm actually dressed. There's plenty of time for reading and playing games in the evenings. Since, you know, I don't have a baby to take care of
Never have an ordinary day! - Pepperidge Farm (lol)
((CLEMENT)) with you all the way, prayers & more prayers coming!! ((INHOTWATER)) welcome!! Please keep coming and sharing!! ((FIREFLY)) Understand perfectly, feel for you!! May your prayers be answered!!
Last night couldn't fit in a to do, and it wasn't procrastinating, so I'm okay about it and I sent out resumes.
Uh oh, looks like I need to self-generate work, ugh!!
-get tracking number for Yoffee's meds (pls HP meds show up today)
-since Yoffee's meds won't be in any time soon, is there an over the counter I can give?
-call Dr. re: meds and/or call pharmacy
-transfer Yoffee's records over
-get directions to Sunday
I was very nervous about getting my document task to the point where I could start working with someone else, and didn’t know when he was coming back.Today I found out he won’t be back until next week, so big sigh of relief.I must watch out that I don’t choose to kick back and slack off now that the pressure is off.I had a fairly productive day yesterday, partly driven by that concern.
I would rather have a steady, productive day based on, well, what?I want to say not based on fear, but I don’t know what to replace it with!How about integrity and trustworthiness as an employee, and concern for the customers who will use the deliverable.They need it done and in their hands, they don’t need it to be perfect.Ultimately my goal is to do all things for God, but that seems too abstract to get my head around it.
Scared about the document task itself, need to keep taking one small bite at a time.
Finish marking up the run-up for comparison in docs 1 & 2
Compare equipment setup in docs 1 & 2
Note that summary sections will be appropriate, but do not start that effort yet!
Allow myself to take a lunch break
Eliminate easy and obvious overview sections in docs 0, 1 & 2
Evaluate figures in docs 0, 1 & 2
Break down remaining overview tasks into manageable chunks (keep in mind scope of each doc)
God, please help me to remain on-task today and to do good work.Let it be for Your glory.
Missed conference call because I forgot I'm not Eastern time anymore. . .but there's another one later I can join.
-Vitamins -#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 -Conference call 1-130 -Skim manual before conference call -Make advisor appt -Call OBGYN -Email other prof
-Start math hw (figure out # problems later) -Set up new pump -Figure out what the reading assignment is -3 tutoring sessions
-Clean all the parts that will be returned
(sections 66-88 and 139-146 is the assignment for thurs)
Well part of it is I am most always running on adrenaline as I have an 11 week old son and eventually lack of sleep/energy catches up with you. But you are only human.
So when that happens, I only get done what ABSOLUTELY has to get done (ie. leave hw to do on the bus, skim the reading instead) or get done things that if you put them off would create more issues later (ie. leaving dishes out without rinsing and having to scrub them later). Also I do a run through of what I need to squeeze in the next day and think about what order I should do things in.
Then I eat something and go to sleep. I can't just stay up all night doing hw and then nap after class due to my situation. And it's hard to get things done when you are extremely tired and hungry.
Lastly, it's ok to have an off day, just as long as it doesn't affect the next day. It's like golf. You can still get a great score with some bad strokes, but NOT if you are like "OMG that last one SUCKED". If that makes sense.
I hope this helps? I'm still feeling pretty meh over some personal stuff, and still pretty exhausted but yeah.
Rough start to this morning. Need to take a few deep breaths and step back to refocus.
In an attempt to improve my accountability I set up some goals with my DH last night for the month of Feb. I set up the system to test my hypothesis that discipline is an illusion and that motivation (whatever form it takes for that individual) is what counts.
I seek the strength from my HP today to help me along the way.
I wish all here strength and positive forward progress as well.
"DISCIPLINE is remembering what you want."
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."---Helen Keller
Update: Didn't do great on staying on task at work, but I made a HUGE break through on something that I have been paralyzed about for over two years now.
Have been thinking a lot about demand resistance today and have decided to title my daily 'to do' list my 'Want to do' list. Unfortunately, part of my problem is avoiding the effort of making the list at all. Will try to check in tomorrow with a concrete set of goals for the day.
2/1 Check-In
Prep for DayMake BedClean DeskClean RoomDishesPrep for Bed
DM, pgs. 62-82News (15 min blocks,x4)
Call P
Message H
Apply for Library Card
Submit Article 1Submit Article 2Submit Article 3Submit Article 4Submit Article 5Research Article 1
Research Article 2
Research Article 3
Research Article 4
Research Article 5
Draft First BP
Draft Academic Resume
Scribbler's Tuesday CI
get up at 6make bedexercisesweeps
coffee, paperhealthy breakfast
CD call re: cruiseUpdate QuickenMusic marketing - send 5 emailsDeliver Meals on WheelsAfternoon
Healthy lunchSend Tx Hwy outlineCall 2 re: investorsInvoice BNCall re: databreachContact Lonestar re: hearingDo 2 CIOEvening
February 1st already?
make bedhealthy breakfast
start dishes
start laundry
go to bank
work on LB siteemail LB
break (read one chapter for fun!)
work on radio spotswork on bios
catch up on emailshowerteach lessons
dinnerquality time with spouse
fudoshin: day 15: 9:23am
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
This is the 15th day that I have followed through with the following:
I'm making a pledge to quit using the dating site(s) and Facebook for
90 days. I had written this on my 43things account, but I wrote that I
wanted to avoid dating sites for a full six months, so I think 90 days
is reasonable for a dating site. I also have a penchant for looking at
and stalking certain people repeatedly on the dating website and online,
which has prevented me from sanity. Just all out stalking certain
people has been all out crazy; if I'm not stalking one person, it's
another person. During times I've tried to quit the dating site before, I
have visited people's dating profiles, even while not registered on the
dating site. So part of my whole thing with quitting dating sites is
also quitting stalking people's profiles that I've tried to date in the
past. If I accidentally load a dating site, b/c I accidentally clicked
on something obviously that doesn't count. You can hardly hang a cat on
the Internet without hitting a dating site ad. Intention is
In other words:
I've tried to
date in the past, which includes trying to IM them. (I am now back on
day 11 for this, as I emailed someone Sunday 1/23, searched for his
address online after seeing him IRL, and then emailed him to inform him
I saw him, and then consequently renewed his request to date me).
I realize/recognize that guy has nothing to do with whether or
not I get my projects done which is all about me and my work in the PA
program. My monies did come in for my loan funding. I will sell my
books back and I have dropped the
course I'm not going to take. I got the paperwork that I need for
my disabled student testing. I finished the work I had to do by Monday! Yay! And I put my life in the hands of the Higher Power for
the rest of the stuff. I know my HP will direct me
in the right way; I ask the HP to take over every aspect of my life and guide
me to do what I must in order to be successful. I am willing to let go of anything that isn't good for me, in order to be present for myself. I just want to be
willing to do what I need to do for myself.
I need to get done the following today:
* topo homework
* read Essay on Criticism, parts 1 and 2
*study for French exam
*run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute X 10 + 6 minutes of biking + stretches
clement ci
bad start. feel guilty. almost imobile. working on it.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
I hope your day has improved. Wishing you peace.
clement ci 2
thanks katia and help4meandu and crazybug!!
have to pull trigger. change done. now time to release it. i hesitate, avoid, distract. Why.
Oh. i need prayer.
action plan materialized: pray mantras, read bible, pull trigger
i am reminded: a man never appreciates his need for food as when he is starving. a man never appreciates his need for god as when god is absent.
reading today was the beatitutdes. A true blessing to me.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese pro
Feeling meh as well, hang in there! <3
Vic 2/1/11
Show up (done) Wow, February, pretty soon spring............ days are getting longer.
In "surrender" mode today. Feels wierd, guess I need to do it more.
Thanks for being here.
InHotWater 2.1
I realized today was going to be a make-due off plan type of day because of Snowmagedon that's sweeping thru town. Kids and hubby have a snowday so I'm planning to enjoy some family time!! My oldest son is grounded at home, had to resched hit flight back home - so YAY! for an extra day with him!!! LOL!
finish turtle's habitatfinish new desk/turtle stand for my officemake new Weight Watchers register for the week (lost .6lb last week)finish clearing off bedroom couchrun credit card from yesterday's businessstart donation box for the 2.10 pickup datehave a dinner plan before 4pmspend 15min turning dayplanner into a brainbookScribbler's Tuesday CI
get up at 6make bedexercisesweeps
coffee, paperhealthy breakfast
CD call re: cruiseUpdate QuickenMusic marketing - send 5 emailsDeliver Meals on WheelsAfternoon
re: checked off every task!
That feels great doesn't it?
Never have an ordinary day! - Pepperidge Farm (lol)
Sure does
Last night I was carrying firewood from the front to the back of the house at about 9:30 p.m., but it was worth it to get them all checked off.
Journey 10:30 and still annoyed
Actually, I did get to bed very early last night and I'm feeling more rested today but I'm annoyed with myself today. I signed up to attend a Diversity Council thing here at Large Corporation so I HAD to be at work at 8:30 so I could get to the meeting at 9:00 in another building. I got up at 5:15, and then dawdled for half an hour on my blackberry in the bathroom! DOH! silly me, then I had to rush, got to gym at 6:35 and had to cut my workout short so I could get to the office early. I'm really bad at mornings, when I'm still sleepy I have a tendency to make bad decisions. I will have to think about ways to improve this . . .I'm happy that I'm getting up on time but I have to learn to get busy in the morning instead of dawdling. If anyone has ideas I'd love to hear them!
Anyway, I did make it to the meeting and it was very interesting, and now I'm in the office making my todo list. I need coffee.
Never have an ordinary day! - Pepperidge Farm (lol)
I've heard that...
having a written out plan for the morning (i.e. a morning routine a la 'Fly Lady') can be helpful...however I've never gotten that far! LOL! :grin:
Seriously, though, I've been playing around alot with the idea that discipline is really an illusion, that what we truly need is the correct motivation (i.e. a reward that's meaningful to us - for some it's internal, for some it's external). So maybe you could put your blackberry and book by your front door or wherever you usually exit each day, when you've finished your morning routine successfully, you can then goof off (as a reward) until it's time to go. Alternatively you can set up a meaningful but small reward for successfully completing the morning routine in a set amount of time or without playing.
Small rewards for me are things like making really good coffee in the morning vs. the cheap floor sweepings that we usually use. Buying a silly magazine, or racking up points for a bigger reward such as a dinner out or a movie are some other things that have 'motivated' me.
Just some thoughts on the theory that I'm testing. I'm on day 1 of a 28 day 'experiment' to see if it will be a successful process for me. I'll let you know how it goes. Day one was a success so far!
Good luck to you and hugs!
I'll try that! I can't think in the mornings, so maybe if I have a step by step list posted on my mirror (right next to the 'take your pill' note lol) that would help. It would seem silly to have a list like 'put on clothes' 'brush teeth' hahah but it might work!
Never have an ordinary day! - Pepperidge Farm (lol)
Brain silliness
The funny thing is that it still feels rewarding to check off an item even as silly as 'put on clothes'! It's amazing to me how we can 'dupe' our minds sometimes! :grin:
Just telling yourself to get through that list of simple tasks has a reward at the end (not in the middle!) can be a good gentle push of a sleepy brain. Good luck to you!
I HATE mornings. Hate them. Alot. I was up and I'm like "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUDDDDGGGGGEEEE. . . .". :P
It might be silly advice and DOH advice because you probably do these things anyway, but I always feel better once I am dressed, teeth brushed, and my hair is up in a ponytail. Less groggy. So I try to do those things first instead of running around in pajamas. Idk.
I also try to wake up a little earlier than I get up so I have like 15 minutes to sit in bed and go "*&^%&^*&&R%#@*&%#!!!!" And get a gameplan together.
If anything I hate mornings and completely empathize.
I hate mornings too!
I go into the bathroom to get dressed and then I . . . don't. This may be TMI lol but I have a novel and the blackberry in there and I sit and read. I need to keep those things out of sight until I'm actually dressed. There's plenty of time for reading and playing games in the evenings. Since, you know, I don't have a baby to take care of
Never have an ordinary day! - Pepperidge Farm (lol)
hope4meandu checkin (10:25AM)
Hi All!! Thanks lennon for the start!!!
((CLEMENT)) with you all the way, prayers & more prayers coming!!
((INHOTWATER)) welcome!! Please keep coming and sharing!!
((FIREFLY)) Understand perfectly, feel for you!! May your prayers be answered!!
Last night couldn't fit in a to do, and it wasn't procrastinating, so I'm okay about it and I sent out resumes.
Uh oh, looks like I need to self-generate work, ugh!!
get tracking number for Yoffee's meds (pls HP meds show up today)-
since Yoffee's meds won't be in any time soon, is there an over the counter I can give?-
call Dr. re: meds and/or call pharmacy-transfer Yoffee's records over
get directions to SundayTonight:
-send resumes
-wash rug
-clean birdcage
Wishing you all a non-procrastinating and happy day!!!
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Firefly 2/1/11
I was very nervous about getting my document task to the point where I could start working with someone else, and didn’t know when he was coming back. Today I found out he won’t be back until next week, so big sigh of relief. I must watch out that I don’t choose to kick back and slack off now that the pressure is off. I had a fairly productive day yesterday, partly driven by that concern.
I would rather have a steady, productive day based on, well, what? I want to say not based on fear, but I don’t know what to replace it with! How about integrity and trustworthiness as an employee, and concern for the customers who will use the deliverable. They need it done and in their hands, they don’t need it to be perfect. Ultimately my goal is to do all things for God, but that seems too abstract to get my head around it.
Scared about the document task itself, need to keep taking one small bite at a time.
Finish marking up the run-up for comparison in docs 1 & 2Note that summary sections will be appropriate, but do not start that effort yet!Allow myself to take a lunch breakGod, please help me to remain on-task today and to do good work. Let it be for Your glory.
Mediabat 2/1 7.15 AM
Do the washingRead driver's manualRefill Pete's phonecompleted tasks/ total tasks: 8/10
Success rate: 100%
katia 2/1
Had a rough night last night. . .I was doing awesome and just crashed.
Expecting a very big snow storm (blizzard?) so I'm very worried about having Connor and I home on time.
Need to spell it out this morning because I'm worried about leaving promptly.
Things to do-
-Make daycare bottles
-Run dishwasher
-Connor dressed
-His bag
-My bag
-#1#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8-Conference call 1-130
-Skim manual before conference call
-Make advisor appt
So far
Missed conference call because I forgot I'm not Eastern time anymore. . .but there's another one later I can join.
-Vitamins-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7#8-Conference call 1-130-Skim manual before conference call-Make advisor appt-Call OBGYN-Email other prof-Start math hw (figure out # problems later)
-Set up new pump-Figure out what the reading assignment is-3 tutoring sessions-Clean all the parts that will be returned
(sections 66-88 and 139-146 is the assignment for thurs)
How do you normally deal with your crashes Katia?
re Crashes
Hi Mediabat!
Well part of it is I am most always running on adrenaline as I have an 11 week old son and eventually lack of sleep/energy catches up with you. But you are only human.
So when that happens, I only get done what ABSOLUTELY has to get done (ie. leave hw to do on the bus, skim the reading instead) or get done things that if you put them off would create more issues later (ie. leaving dishes out without rinsing and having to scrub them later). Also I do a run through of what I need to squeeze in the next day and think about what order I should do things in.
Then I eat something and go to sleep. I can't just stay up all night doing hw and then nap after class due to my situation. And it's hard to get things done when you are extremely tired and hungry.
Lastly, it's ok to have an off day, just as long as it doesn't affect the next day. It's like golf. You can still get a great score with some bad strokes, but NOT if you are like "OMG that last one SUCKED". If that makes sense.
I hope this helps? I'm still feeling pretty meh over some personal stuff, and still pretty exhausted but yeah.
Thank you
Yeah that helps
Thank you and good luck. Your life sounds hectic!
VF, thanks for starting the thread!
Work 8AM-5PM:
-Figure out fix for low
-Test low r
-Test high r
-Test add c
-Call v [DONE]
-read 1 er doc [DONE]
-read 2 er doc [DONE]
-read 3 er doc [DONE]
-read 4 er doc [DONE]
-read 5 er doc [DONE]
-read 6 er doc [DONE]
-choose lp conn [DONE]
-Go to c meeting [DONE]
After Work 5PM-Sleep:
-Document stuff for insurance
-followup with mom about acctn
-find and print 3 personal tax documents
-double check qb
-prepare weedwacker for warranty
-take 8 from RI
-tally up b expenses and make sure all have been paid out
-buy meat, fruit [DONE]
-pump tires
-get oil change
Crazybug CI
Rough start to this morning. Need to take a few deep breaths and step back to refocus.
In an attempt to improve my accountability I set up some goals with my DH last night for the month of Feb. I set up the system to test my hypothesis that discipline is an illusion and that motivation (whatever form it takes for that individual) is what counts.
I seek the strength from my HP today to help me along the way.
I wish all here strength and positive forward progress as well.
"DISCIPLINE is remembering what you want."
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."---Helen Keller
Update: Didn't do great on staying on task at work, but I made a HUGE break through on something that I have been paralyzed about for over two years now.
Have been thinking a lot about demand resistance today and have decided to title my daily 'to do' list my 'Want to do' list. Unfortunately, part of my problem is avoiding the effort of making the list at all. Will try to check in tomorrow with a concrete set of goals for the day.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Take shower2. Get dressed3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting4. Go file my taxes5. Go to the Vocational group at 11 a.m.6. Go to my Internship at 1 p.m.7. Go to my mother's apartment to get food
8. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting9. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
10. Make bed
11. Wash dishes
12. Eat brunch13. Eat dinner14. Do numbers
15. Do hair
16. Test my blood sugar twice
17. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
18. Send out Al-Anon literature for todayThanks for letting me share