Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday January 18, 2011

Happy Tuesday, Everybody!

Have a great proactive day!


Smile Smile Smile Smile


 lennon, thanks for starting the thread!

Work 8AM-5PM: 

-Figure out fix for low

-Test low r

-Test high r

-Test add c 

-Complete cnn changes

After Work 5PM-Sleep: 

-Make pro/con chart I talked about with J


-Document stuff for insurance

-followup with mom about acctn

-find and print 3 personal tax documents 

-reread saying no article

-reread ng contract article

-find receipts for printer 

-Clear room to put mattresses in garage

-put up j's mirror

-move mattress to garage

-get j's check

-give j ls 

-add everything to q

-transfer 700 to b 

-call boa about hel

-call wf about hel

-get bus dc + p

-buy tabs for file folders 

-check statement 

-get 2011 calendars

-move luggage and boxes to attic 

fudoshin: DAY ONE 1:34pm

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 



I know that I cannot get high on anything.  Or it's life down the toilet drain for me.So right now I'm going to the university bookstore to read the reading for today and go to class. It's about all I can do to show up for myself. 


I'm making a pledge to quit using the dating site(s) and Facebook for 90 days.  I had written this on my 43things account, but I wrote that I wanted to avoid dating sites for a full six months, so I think 90 days is reasonable for a dating site.  I also have a penchant for looking at and stalking this one person, which has prevented me from sanity.  Just all out stalking this person has been all out crazy.   For the past few days I have visited his profile, even though I'm not actually on the dating site.  So part of my whole thing with quitting dating sites is also quitting stalking people's profiles that I've tried to date in the past.  If I accidentally load a dating site, b/c I accidentally clicked on something obviously that doesn't count.  You can hardly hang a cat on the Internet without hitting a dating site ad.  Intention is everything.

Crazybug CI

Though I had an 'open' week last week, I got nothing done.  I'm feeling the pinch today. How have I coped with it this morning? A little bit of 'doing' defined tasks. A LOT of sort of task related 'research'.  Got to stop that now. It' won't help me do what needs to be done.


- Order supplies (easy)

- Finish revision of proposal (scary)

- make decision on tech stuff and communicate to company (decisions are always uncomfortable for me)


The proposal is what has gotten me all worked up right now.  Will have to take it in small steps.

sending out good thoughts to all who are here...


UPDATE: urg. floundering and stalling!!!  I am so wishy washy on choosing a format for the proposal. Guess I'll go to the chat box and see if I can at least stay focused for the next hour and a half.

clement ci

10:56 todo:
:) MF
:) 11:43 pray
:) 12:09 TC
:) email
:) 12:33 DP
:) IN
:) 1:51 TX

perhaps complete surrender to god is seeing myself in the third person.

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint - Isa 40:31, KJV

A person never appreciates food like when he is starving. A person never appreciates God like when hi is absent.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

mediabat audacity

audacity -- coincidence. i just used that for the first time last week. I was very happy with it. More to come with it this week.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb


Yeah. I need it to edit some music for an audition. It's good to hear that you have a good experience with it. And it's free!

mediabat 1/18

Yesterday was okay. I procrastinated for one hour before bed though. 


  1. Revision
  2. Finish essay


  1. Learn more about Audacity
  2. Read driver's manual
  3. Buy gifts 


Vic 1/18/11

 Show up (done) Not the greatest day for outdoor fun, but I can still show up in PA.

Thanks Tracy-la, Great meditations. I love being reminded of choices. I have a choice, if the first choice doesn;t work, I always can try another choice. If nothing works, I can choose to think that it was not wasted effort but a way to learn what does not work.I can choose to not give up by just showing up.

Last nite chat box helped me at 9pm. This morning wanted to pick up where I left off but did not work that way. Now will choose to try things that may help.

Thanks for being here PA (ers).

quotes inspirational tracy-la

first, thanks so much for posting those quotes (today and in the past). they inspired me today.

second, i assume those are from AA proper and you've substituted procrastination language. If so, i am floored at how closely it fits. Really, truly, just change the 'drug' and it's exactly the same. this confirms even more my already strong belief that it is the addictive personality that is the problem, not whatever that personality happens to use as its 'drug'.

3rd, that focus today on how our life begins with one choice, to procrastinate or not. then we build a life on that. I can't believe i've never thot about it that way, but i haven't. But thanks to your post, now i have. That seems so simple, so profound, to true, so helpful. First choice, procrastinate, or not. Choose not. Now all my choices are open to me. Choose to procrastinate, and all my options are severely restricted, distorted. wow.

4th, our 'drug' of choice does affect things. First of all, alcohol is a chemical addition. And it actively destroys the body physically. we do not have that with our drug, procrastination, and i thank god for that. it is truly a blessing for us.

but one of the advantages of alcohol is you can abstain. You can vow to never take another drink each morning and keep following that. We can't abstain from "doing things" or surfing the internet or reading news sites or books or having hobbies. we need "goof off time" in our lives, diversions, unscheduled down time, etc. Our situation is more similar to overeaters, debtors, sexaholics anonymous in that we cant abstain, but have to actively manage our addiction hour by hour, day by day. it's a matter of degree.

so, as u can see, your post generated a lot of activity in my mind. thanks!

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

Hi Clement, Yes a number

Hi Clement,

Yes a number of them are adapted from the posts for overeaters anon., AA, codependents anon. It's true that this addictive thinking is different than alcohol (esp when you define "abstaining") but I thought I'd adapt where I can. And how do we realize what are triggers are and when we've crossed the line to compulsive procrastination?

I am still new to program and it's taken me these past 6 months of working it to realize how deep the issues are and why it takes so long to make these changes. I am hopeful but want to remember how much I want a life and the real work it will take on the underlying issues that are at the core.

Clement I also thought I'd look at gamblers anon when I have time since that seems to have some similarities: time distortion. Putting off things today and thinking I'll just work all night or all weekend to get it doneand "catch up" is like gambling with time. So I'll see what literature there is there and add that to my toolkit :0

Your email is helpful to me as well and I appreciate the thoughts and comments. Changing my way of thinking is key.

Take care,

Tuesday with the Scribbler

  • get up at 6 (yes! made it today.)
  • make bed
  • exercise
  • sweeps
  • coffee, paper
  • healthy breakfast
  • checkins

OK, all preps completed. Now to the meat of the day:


  • Update Quicken
  • Music marketing - reply to DFW venues
  • Draft multiunit
  • Deliver Meals on Wheels


  • Healthy lunch
  • Draft multiunit
  • Send multiunit fact-checking
  • Revise BN post
  • Do 2 CIO
  • File multiunit final edit (?)
  • Send est tax payment


  • Help RB w/fence
  • Read screenplay
  • Healthy dinner
  • Bed by 10:30

tuesday tracy-la

Good day,

 Yesterday was alright. Worked at home due to holiday and got a fair amount done while kids were gone. Once they were back it was a different story. I realize that working around the kids (even though they're 11, 11 and 15 and not babies) will mean that I will get little done so the late afternoon evening was shot as soon as everyone was home. Was a good reminder that I need to be mindful of my environment and not expect to get office work done at home with 3 kids.


Basics: check calendar; gratitudes; affirmation; reading; exercise; bill/clear email for day before; plan to plan.


Reading for day:


Abstain or Compulsively Procrastinate

For the compulsive procrastinator, there is always one primary choice to be
made. Will I abstain or will I compulsively procrastinate? For us, there is nothing in
between. If we have done hundreds of projects or if we have reached and
are maintaining our goals for getting things done, the choice is still the same. It is
the key decision we make many, many times each day.

We are free at each moment to choose which we will do. There is no magic, which
will make us, abstains, and there is no force, which can compel us to put off tasks we want to get done with sometimes mind numbing activities like spending time on the Internet, reading, watching TV and doing things we do not need to do. The choice is ours alone.

No one graduates from PA. There is no point at which one can say, "This is it.
I've got it made now." We are always aware of the fact that we are
compulsive procrastinator and are always one act away from a procrastination binge. When we
remember that abstaining or 
procrastinating is our primary choice, then
other decisions become easier. To abstain is to choose life. To
compulsively procrastinate
is to choose death.

May I maintain constant awareness of my primary choice.

Adapted From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations


P.A. Thought for the Day

The new life can't be built in a day. We have to take the program slowly, a
little at a time. Our subconscious minds have to be reeducated. We have
to learn to think differently. We have to get used to nonprocrastinating thinking
instead of procrastinating thinking. Any one who tries it knows that the old
procrastinating thinking is apt to come back on us when we least expect it.
Building a new life is a slow process, but it can be done if we really
follow the P.A. program. Am I building a new life on the foundation of
abstaining from compulsive procrastination? 

Adapted From Twenty-Four Hours a Day


Journey 9:30 & updates

Happy Tuesday, it's my Monday <yawn>

I got up at 5:10 and was at the gym at 6:35 (my goal is 6:15).   I barely made it to work on time but here I am.   I've read email, checked calendar (it is empty - NO meeting today yay).   Now I will make my todo list and then have some coffee as a reward.  I know that I want to mail my request to Vital Records, since I finally got a money order over the weekend.   (I meant to do this months ago!).   I also want to create my change requests and plan for the upgrade to QA and production, and start preparing for my 'on-call' week which is coming up next week. 

Update 1 pm.  Well, I've been busy but not doing what I planned.   An issue arose on the system that I upgraded last week, so I had to take care of that.   No, getting back to the tod list.  I'll triage what's left and decide what I can realistically get done this afternoon.   I had planned to do the change requests next, but I need to determine if that is really the most valuable use of my time.   Going to plan the afternoon now, do one task and then have a snack.  

Update 4:30  I did work on the change requests, and it took longer than it should have because this is something new for me and I wasn't sure exactly how to do it . . . so it took a while to actually face up to it and get it done.   Now I'm going to spend 30 minutes reading about some other things I gotta learn how to do!


Never have an ordinary day!  - Pepperidge Farm (lol)

kromer 8:40 CI

Today I need to:
*Do last few bits of prep for lab mtg (RARE scanning, proofreading)
*Give lab mtg, notes afterwards
*2 more hrs of seminars

*Schedule for the week (working on this now)
*Check on expts
*Email about odd job opportunirty (will do this soon)
*Clean out backpack
(will do this soon)
*Prayer time 
(will do this soonish)
*Talk to TE

OK, starting with the last bits of prep

katia 1/18

Whoa I'm on here so early lol!

Things to do today-
-#1 #2 #3 sets supplements
-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
-LLL meeting
-Email tutor mentor

-Look at math problems yay! I completed half of the assignment (due next week!)
-Read Aristophanes
-Think about what to write paper about
-Write down ideas for paper

-Wash/Make bottles
-Put Connor's laundry away! lol
-Clean coffee table/nightstand

It's early, so I'm not quite clear on what needs to be done (haven't even been to class yet). So we will see.

1/18 Check-in

Thanks Lennon for starting today's forum post.

Prep for Day
Make Bed
Clean Desk
Clean Room
Take out trash
Prep for Bed
Article 1 (S, P, D, S)
Article 2 (S, P, D, S)
Article 3 (S, P, D, S)

Article 4 (S, P, D, S)
Article 5 (S, P, D, S)
Article 6 (S, P, D, S)
Article 7 (S, P, D, S)
Draft First BP
News (15min, 1, 2, 3, 4)
Go to the Library
Finish First PS Draft
Finish JC Application Draft
Get Library Card
FF (15min 1, 2, 3, 4)
TV (30min 1, 2, 3, 4)
NP (15min 1, 2, 3, 4)
BI (15min 1, 2, 3, 4)

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

3. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

4. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

5. Test my blood sugar twice

6. Eat brunch

7. Declutter 1,000 e-mail

8. Eat dinner

9. Take shower

10. Get dressed

11. Make bed

12. Wash dishes

13. Go to the Vocational group at 11 a.m.

14. Post Al-Anon literature for tomorrow

15. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

16. Go to the Internship at 1 p.m.

17. Finish reading Chapter 1

18. Write down tomorrow's list on this website

19. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

20. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

21. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

22. Do hair

23. Renew library books

24. Get a library book

Thanks for letting me share

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

3. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

4. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

5. Test my blood sugar twice

6. Eat breakfast

7. Eat lunch

8. Eat dinner

9. Take shower

10. Get dressed

11. Make bed

12. Wash dishes

13. Go to the Vocational group at 11 a.m.

14. Go to the PA Check-in

15. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

16. Go to the Internship at 1 p.m.

17. Finish reading Chapter 1

18. Print out some work for the Internship

19. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

20. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

21. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

22. Do hair

Thanks for letting me share