Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday January 9, 2011

Happy Sunday, Everybody!!!

Have a great proactive day!

Have a great catch up day!


Smile Smile Smile Smile

tracy-la sunday check in

Good Sunday,

My plan for the day:

7:30 - 8 - read newspaper/coffee/relax

8 - 9:00 work on article/ check in / basics

9 - 12:00 Project R 

12-12:00 get ready for and drive to business meeting

1:00 - 2:00 Client meeting

2:00 - 3:30 - Drive home & supervise homework

4 pm - Haircut therapy

5:30 - 10  Admin matters / Dinner / Get ready for week


Reading for the day:


Use the Telephone

When we
join PA, we discover that we are not alone. We become part of a large
network of individuals who share a common problem, compulsive procrastinating, and who gain strength and support from each other. The
telephone is our lifeline. A phone conversation is a mini meeting, and
most of us find that we need several each day.

It is suggested
that we make at least three phone calls every day, in addition to
calling our sponsor. We call in times of temptation and difficulty,
and we also call when we have good news to share. A phone call may be a
means of preventing problems later in the day or it may be simply a
gesture of friendship and fellowship - keeping in touch.

Whatever the reason, the person called is helped as much as the caller.
The telephone call is a reminder that none of us is alone, that we have a
program, which sustains us, and that together we shall succeed.

May I not be too proud or too shy or too busy to use the telephone.

Adapted from From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters by Elisabeth L.
©1980, 1992 by Hazelden Foundation.


Journey 10:15 & updates

Happy Sunday!   Bad weather moving in to my area tonight so I gotta make some preparations in case we don't have electricity/water tomorrow.  Today I want to :

  • do two loads of laundry
  • do two loads of dishes
  • bathe dogs
  • clean bathrooms
  • fill up water containers
  • closet - finish going thru tee shirts
  • charge laptop
  • cook chicken for tonights dinner
  • make burritos for dinner
  • make chicken salad for tomorrow
  • review budget and see if I can afford to order HC this mth.
  • bath
  • pray and meditate

Off to finish the first load of laundry now!

Update 12:30  laundry is done, and I have all the water, containers, candles, etc., ready for the ice storm.  Next up:  dog baths. 

Update 2:30 dogs are clean, big bathroom is uber clean, and I'm clean.  Took a break for about 20 minutes. Now, cook chicken and do the dishes.

Update 7 pm dinner is done, now to make some chicken salad, then unload the dishwasher and reload it.  I don't want dirty dishes in the sink if the power goes out.  It is sleeting already and supposed to have sleet/freezing rain all night.  We'll be very lucky if we have power when we wake up!




Never have an ordinary day!  - Pepperidge Farm (lol)

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

3. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

4. Test blood sugar twice

5. Eat brunch

6. Eat dinner

7. Go to my mom's apartment

8. Take shower

9. Get dressed

10. Make bed

11. Wash dishes

12. Spiritual reading

13. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

14. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

15. Clear couch

16. Clear tables

17. Clear floor

18. Declutter 1,000 e-,mail

Thanks for letting me share