Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Good morning all.. My brain is off to a slow start this morning. Lots of 11:30 bedtime nights in a row are now adding up. The Coffee should kick in soon though. Even though my brain is a little behind the rest of me, I am accomplishing things and am excited about getting them done. On Milo's advice, I am giving fly lady another chance. Just not getting the emails and stuff. I'm mainly using her suggestions on how to clean effciently and to create my own routines. There is lots of good stuff there. I felt like since things around here are organized for the most part- in other words we don't have massive piles of stuff lying around and most everything has a place, I just needed some help creating routines to get things done. That's where I've been stuck. I'm creating a control journal A little at at time and having fun with that too. So things here are good. Haven't had time yet to CUOP, but hopefully will this afternoon. HOpe everyone is well. Thanks for the support!
Morning Routine:
MAde Bed
Start Laundry - Fly lady method
Breakfast for girls and I
DD3 dressed for Gymanstics
Laundry Flipped- whoah - before 9 am- now that's saying something.
To Do:
Shower/ Redress/ Look presentable
Afternoon Routine
Schedule Haircut for me and DD3
Thurs. Daily Chores
Work on Control Journal AFTER I do some daily chores.
I 'should' change my priorities too at the moment - take a break from the computer rather than CUOP - but I think I'm already rebelling against the 'should'. I even wrote 'choose to' in my own post, but underneath I knew it was a trick and it was really a 'should'!
(Oh dear, Sensible-Norm here. Procrastinator-Norm seems to be in charge again - can you tell? Thinks that everything I tell us is a trick. It really ~is~ for our own good if we take a break now and then get back to work, really!).
Try this. Think about all the various things you could be doing with your one-and-only life at this moment. Think about not only how enjoyable each possible activity is in the moment, but the future consequences of doing or not doing each activity. Which choices are more appealing, based on this full picture? Based on this, which do you want to do?
That's how I try talking myself into things, but I've never been very good at that delayed gratification thing. (Actually, ~some~times I can be very good at it, but I've not figured out what makes the difference).
I looked at my to-do list this morning, and it's pretty short! I feel like I'm actually getting ahead on stuff so that I'm not always responding to a last minute emergency. Let's see if I can continue to work ahead on stuff.
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
• Out of bed 6:40 (target 6:00)
• Ready for anything
• Feed DD0
• Breakfast
• Unload dishwasher
• Head to work
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan
• Time Sheets
I want To Do:
Work Routine
• Clear my head
• Specific plan for the day
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
>I feel like I'm actually getting ahead on stuff so that I'm not always responding to a last minute emergency.
Wow, I'm envious. I'm doing a lot better than I was doing, but I still have a huge backlog. I'd love to feel like I was caught up, let alone ahead. It must be a wonderful feeling.
...on what you are ignoring! ;) But even if there is a backlog somewhere, why not let yourself enjoy the being ahead part for today? If you get way ahead, maybe you can tackle something from the overwhelming pile, and then you will be ahead for the day AND getting caught up on the rest. :)
I was up at 8am, and checking email and catching up on posts for the last half hour. I woke up with a migraine again this morning. I need to go make some coffee - that should help the meds on their way to wherever they go.
When I woke up, I was dreaming about being in a library looking for some books about "time" that were reshelved by accident. I was very upset that I couldn't find them again. Weird.
The ex from 20 years ago who I contacted (as opposed to the ex from 30 years ago who contacted me) just wrote me a short email about calling later. Eh. I've lost interest already. :)
I think it's a good day to spend some solid time working on the programming. Not too much else going on and I anticipate fewer than usual interruptions (boss is away for a couple days). Plus it's getting towards the end of the week and I would LOVE to go into the weekend feeling like I accomplished something significant. I'll try to take at least 10 minutes off every hour so I don't get too burnt out.
At home... I keep worrying about the things I want to get done (outside) before winter but I have been holding them off so I can complete the kitchen. Should I start on them now or just keep working on the kitchen and perhaps leave some of that stuff in the spring? The kitchen is close. Maybe 1 or 2 weekends of work left... especially if I get help from dear Dad.
Things I chose to do so far today:
- Email caught up
Things I'd still like to do today:
- AM Meeting
- Programming
I'm off to bed now - it's a shame people start logging on as I'm shutting down!!!!!
Morning, pro & todayfirst!!!!!!!
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
- finished urgent part of job F and it's ready to test now. Also spent 15 minutes reviewing the rest of the job, which I will attend to next week.
- Investigated Job B and have an answer for the requestor (that he won't like beacuse I can't fix it. Too bad for him, hey? :P)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- wasted the rest of the time on god knows what, but I DID get some Froggy stuff done :)
- walked as fast as I could to car for the second little workout of the day
- picked DD up from DMIL & bought nappies on the way home
- got home and put both kids to bed
- ate dinner
- helped DH put away groceries when he gets home from shopping
- Reconciled and closed off September cashflow statement
- did dishes & shined sink
- kids bags packed/checked
- got bum-stuck-on-couch-in-front-of-TV affliction after finishing dinner.....
To Do: Evening
- rest of evening routine (wash face, brush & floss, lay out clothes, bed by 10:30)
Blown off:
- shower (couldn't be bothered)
- Spend some time on Presentation
- Pay car registration (it's not due till late next week anyway)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
Sigh! The day will be over soon. I'm a bit tired, but feeling happy overall (which is nice! :))
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
- finished urgent part of job F and it's ready to test now. Also spent 15 minutes reviewing the rest of the job, which I will attend to next week.
- Investigated Job B and have an answer for the requestor (that he won't like beacuse I can't fix it. Too bad for him, hey? :P)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- wasted the rest of the time on god knows what, but I DID get some Froggy stuff done :)
- walked as fast as I could to car for the second little workout of the day
- picked DD up from DMIL & bought nappies on the way home
- got home and put both kids to bed
To Do: Evening
- eat dinner (that's cooking now)
- help DH put away groceries when he gets home from shopping
- Pay car registration
- Reconcile and close off September cashflow statement
- Spend some time on Presentation
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, brush & floss, lay out clothes, pack kids bags, shine sink, bed by 10:30)
Blown off:
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
Don't beat yourself up over what you didn't do--celebrate how much you DID do. Then you'll be in a better mood to go at it again! And again, till done. (No fun to keep at it if we abuse ourselves whilst working at it!)
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
- finished urgent part of job F and it's ready to test now. Also spent 15 minutes reviewing the rest of the job, which I will attend to next week.
- Investigated Job B and have an answer for the requestor (that he won't like beacuse I can't fix it. Too bad for him, hey? :P)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- wasted the rest of the time on god knows what, but I DID get some Froggy stuff done :)
To Do:
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
- pick DD up from DMIL
- go home and put both kids to bed Evening
- TBA, but it will be some business work and the rest of my unpacking, I think (I haven't checked ACT! and I'm not on my PC now so can't yet)
- help DH put away groceries when he gets home from shopping
- eat some kind of dinner
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, brush & floss, lay out clothes, pack kids bags, shine sink, bed by 10:30)
Okay! All jobs done for the day (except I may have to put Job F on production if he signs off today, but that's only 10 minutes).
Now it's Frog Time. mind is ALREADY searching for distractions!!!!!!!
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
- finished urgent part of job F and it's ready to test now. Also spent 15 minutes reviewing the rest of the job, which I will attend to next week.
- Investigated Job B and have an answer for the requestor (that he won't like beacuse I can't fix it. Too bad for him, hey? :P)
To Do:
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
- pick DD up from DMIL
- go home and put both kids to bed Evening
- TBA, but it will be some business work and the rest of my unpacking, I think (I haven't checked ACT! and I'm not on my PC now so can't yet)
- help DH put away groceries when he gets home from shopping
- eat some kind of dinner
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, brush & floss, lay out clothes, pack kids bags, shine sink, bed by 10:30)
I might lay out my running gear tonight because this morning I woke at 6 before the kids did and I should have gotten up and gone for a run, but I didn't have it all out and ready to go, so I went back to sleep until 7ish when DS came in. Tonight I will in case I wake early. Even though I refuse to acknowledge it at the time (and I know this is familiar to pro at least and probably others), I feel so much better if I just get up instead of dozing off and on for another hour. Plus, I need to get another run in before the weekend if I can. I did one on Tuesday, and want to do two more before Sunday.
How about: "I feel so much better if I get up, so I MEANT to get up and go for a run, but then I CHOSE to go back to bed instead. Now I wish I had chosen differently, so tomorrow I will remember this, especially since I WANT to get in two more runs." :)
Hello. Yes, back from lunch, slider, but now you're in bed! :)
Have wasted a lot of the last 2-3 hours after a good start. But am back into it now.
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
To Do:
- Job B (at least spend 15 minutes investigating)
- Job F (1hr)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
I have gotten so much done already that I worry that I will have all afternoon for my frogs. I don't want to have time to do my frogs - I would rather have excuses to put them off. Sigh!!!
I have realised that I should do my frogs first thing like the book tells you to....but..........Nah!!!!!!!!!!! (donwanna!)
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
To Do:
- Job B (at least spend 15 minutes investigating)
- Job F (1hr)
- send a source doc to requestor to edit
- lunch
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
You've had about 3 hours since you last posted, probably had lunch. Probably finished those top three chores under To Do. And now: the frogs. Hope you are feeling so pleased with your accomplishments and so invigorated by a good lunch that sailing into them will be a breeze. Just think: a few good afternoons and they'll be GONE. All done! How good will THAT feel? Maybe you'll get quite a bit done on them today!!!!! Go, milo!
I don't have a lot of things on my plate today so it's an ideal time to tackle those frogs from my last role that are still hanging around. I have to get the frogs done by the end of next week when by boss gets back so I can pretend I got them done two weeks ago when they were due }:)
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
To Do:
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job B (at least spend 15 minutes investigating)
- Job C into production (10 mins)
- Job D changes into test (1hr)
- Job D changes into Prod (10 mins) if they sign off today
- Job E (15 mins)
- Job F (1hr)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
pro's CI - 9:55am
I need some new pictures on my ta-da/to-do lists. I'm getting tired of the ones I've been using.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
G-I-D 8:50 CI
Good morning all.. My brain is off to a slow start this morning. Lots of 11:30 bedtime nights in a row are now adding up. The Coffee should kick in soon though. Even though my brain is a little behind the rest of me, I am accomplishing things and am excited about getting them done. On Milo's advice, I am giving fly lady another chance. Just not getting the emails and stuff. I'm mainly using her suggestions on how to clean effciently and to create my own routines. There is lots of good stuff there. I felt like since things around here are organized for the most part- in other words we don't have massive piles of stuff lying around and most everything has a place, I just needed some help creating routines to get things done. That's where I've been stuck. I'm creating a control journal A little at at time and having fun with that too. So things here are good. Haven't had time yet to CUOP, but hopefully will this afternoon. HOpe everyone is well. Thanks for the support!
Morning Routine:
MAde Bed
Start Laundry - Fly lady method
Breakfast for girls and I
DD3 dressed for Gymanstics
Laundry Flipped- whoah - before 9 am- now that's saying something.
To Do:
Shower/ Redress/ Look presentable
Afternoon Routine
Schedule Haircut for me and DD3
Thurs. Daily Chores
Work on Control Journal AFTER I do some daily chores.
1Focus 9:09
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan
• Time Sheets
• Clear my head
• Specific plan for the day
I want To Do:
Work Plan
• Clear inbox
• Start new project F research
• Today’s to-do list
• Awareness Class
• Work on project MF
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
pro's CI - 8:50am
I'm going to move to the next Pilates level this morning (from Intro to Basic).
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
moving forward
Ah - migraine meds just kicked in. I can make up the bed without pain and nausea.
I spy
I see "back accounting" on your To-Do list. I was going to ask you about that today. I guess I don't have to.
it's on there!!
Look again - "Back Accounting" is on there. It's the single most important thing I have to do. It better be on there!
maybe I should move it up
I put it after lunch. Since it's Priority #1, I should move it to the morning.
Oh no - I'm hearing horrible things on the radio news about the effects of global warming in New York City. UGH!!!!
should patrol
That's what I meant
I see it there. :)
I moved it up
I moved Google Adwords to the "Rollover" section (not today), and put Accounting in the morning where it belongs.
Thanks for keeping me honest. :D
Its funny how that works
I was just trying to cheer you on and you felt like you should :P change your priorities. I love how the universe works.
should patrol
If that wasn't the appropriate context to use the word "should," then I don't know what is.
Subliminal Shoulds!
I 'should' change my priorities too at the moment - take a break from the computer rather than CUOP - but I think I'm already rebelling against the 'should'. I even wrote 'choose to' in my own post, but underneath I knew it was a trick and it was really a 'should'!
(Oh dear, Sensible-Norm here. Procrastinator-Norm seems to be in charge again - can you tell? Thinks that everything I tell us is a trick. It really ~is~ for our own good if we take a break now and then get back to work, really!).
What do you WANT to do?
Try this. Think about all the various things you could be doing with your one-and-only life at this moment. Think about not only how enjoyable each possible activity is in the moment, but the future consequences of doing or not doing each activity. Which choices are more appealing, based on this full picture? Based on this, which do you want to do?
Deferred wotsit
That's how I try talking myself into things, but I've never been very good at that delayed gratification thing. (Actually, ~some~times I can be very good at it, but I've not figured out what makes the difference).
visualization helps
I find that sitting quieting and vividly visualizing each scenario in as much detail as I can helps a lot with this.
oh duh
I just realized you said you SAW it, not that you DIDN'T SEE it. Duh.
In any case, focusing my attention on it did inspire me to move it up in my day. :)
1Focus 8:44
I looked at my to-do list this morning, and it's pretty short! I feel like I'm actually getting ahead on stuff so that I'm not always responding to a last minute emergency. Let's see if I can continue to work ahead on stuff.
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
• Out of bed 6:40 (target 6:00)
• Ready for anything
• Feed DD0
• Breakfast
• Unload dishwasher
• Head to work
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan
• Time Sheets
I want To Do:
Work Routine
• Clear my head
• Specific plan for the day
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
ahead on stuff!
>I feel like I'm actually getting ahead on stuff so that I'm not always responding to a last minute emergency.
Wow, I'm envious. I'm doing a lot better than I was doing, but I still have a huge backlog. I'd love to feel like I was caught up, let alone ahead. It must be a wonderful feeling.
I don't know
I just vented to my boss yesterday about how overwhelmed I was feeling. I don't know which is the real story :?
...on what you are ignoring! ;) But even if there is a backlog somewhere, why not let yourself enjoy the being ahead part for today? If you get way ahead, maybe you can tackle something from the overwhelming pile, and then you will be ahead for the day AND getting caught up on the rest. :)
Different perspective.
Thanks, Slider. You always see things from a perspective I don't find myself. That's why I love group discussions!
pro's first check-in - 8:30am
I was up at 8am, and checking email and catching up on posts for the last half hour. I woke up with a migraine again this morning. I need to go make some coffee - that should help the meds on their way to wherever they go.
When I woke up, I was dreaming about being in a library looking for some books about "time" that were reshelved by accident. I was very upset that I couldn't find them again. Weird.
The ex from 20 years ago who I contacted (as opposed to the ex from 30 years ago who contacted me) just wrote me a short email about calling later. Eh. I've lost interest already. :)
todayfirst 8:15 AM EST
I think it's a good day to spend some solid time working on the programming. Not too much else going on and I anticipate fewer than usual interruptions (boss is away for a couple days). Plus it's getting towards the end of the week and I would LOVE to go into the weekend feeling like I accomplished something significant. I'll try to take at least 10 minutes off every hour so I don't get too burnt out.
At home... I keep worrying about the things I want to get done (outside) before winter but I have been holding them off so I can complete the kitchen. Should I start on them now or just keep working on the kitchen and perhaps leave some of that stuff in the spring? The kitchen is close. Maybe 1 or 2 weekends of work left... especially if I get help from dear Dad.
Things I chose to do so far today:
- Email caught up
Things I'd still like to do today:
- AM Meeting
- Programming
I understand the dilemma
It never hurts to consciously re-evaluate, weighing the pros and cons of each. Good luck with that!
Milo 9:45pm (last CI)
I'm off to bed now - it's a shame people start logging on as I'm shutting down!!!!!
Morning, pro & todayfirst!!!!!!!
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
- finished urgent part of job F and it's ready to test now. Also spent 15 minutes reviewing the rest of the job, which I will attend to next week.
- Investigated Job B and have an answer for the requestor (that he won't like beacuse I can't fix it. Too bad for him, hey? :P)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- wasted the rest of the time on god knows what, but I DID get some Froggy stuff done :)
- walked as fast as I could to car for the second little workout of the day
- picked DD up from DMIL & bought nappies on the way home
- got home and put both kids to bed
- ate dinner
- helped DH put away groceries when he gets home from shopping
- Reconciled and closed off September cashflow statement
- did dishes & shined sink
- kids bags packed/checked
- got bum-stuck-on-couch-in-front-of-TV affliction after finishing dinner.....
To Do:
- rest of evening routine (wash face, brush & floss, lay out clothes, bed by 10:30)
Blown off:
- shower (couldn't be bothered)
- Spend some time on Presentation
- Pay car registration (it's not due till late next week anyway)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
good night
Sleep well Milo!
goodnight, Milo!!
Sorry I'm just missing you. Have a good sleep. I'm exhausted just reading your ta-da list - looks like you had a good day. :)
Milo 7:45pm
Sigh! The day will be over soon. I'm a bit tired, but feeling happy overall (which is nice! :))
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
- finished urgent part of job F and it's ready to test now. Also spent 15 minutes reviewing the rest of the job, which I will attend to next week.
- Investigated Job B and have an answer for the requestor (that he won't like beacuse I can't fix it. Too bad for him, hey? :P)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- wasted the rest of the time on god knows what, but I DID get some Froggy stuff done :)
- walked as fast as I could to car for the second little workout of the day
- picked DD up from DMIL & bought nappies on the way home
- got home and put both kids to bed
To Do:
- eat dinner (that's cooking now)
- help DH put away groceries when he gets home from shopping
- Pay car registration
- Reconcile and close off September cashflow statement
- Spend some time on Presentation
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, brush & floss, lay out clothes, pack kids bags, shine sink, bed by 10:30)
Blown off:
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
One frog whipped
Don't beat yourself up over what you didn't do--celebrate how much you DID do. Then you'll be in a better mood to go at it again! And again, till done. (No fun to keep at it if we abuse ourselves whilst working at it!)
Milo 5pm
Off home now!
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
- finished urgent part of job F and it's ready to test now. Also spent 15 minutes reviewing the rest of the job, which I will attend to next week.
- Investigated Job B and have an answer for the requestor (that he won't like beacuse I can't fix it. Too bad for him, hey? :P)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- wasted the rest of the time on god knows what, but I DID get some Froggy stuff done :)
To Do:
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
- pick DD up from DMIL
- go home and put both kids to bed
- TBA, but it will be some business work and the rest of my unpacking, I think (I haven't checked ACT! and I'm not on my PC now so can't yet)
- help DH put away groceries when he gets home from shopping
- eat some kind of dinner
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, brush & floss, lay out clothes, pack kids bags, shine sink, bed by 10:30)
Milo 3pm
Okay! All jobs done for the day (except I may have to put Job F on production if he signs off today, but that's only 10 minutes).
Now it's Frog Time. mind is ALREADY searching for distractions!!!!!!!
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
- finished urgent part of job F and it's ready to test now. Also spent 15 minutes reviewing the rest of the job, which I will attend to next week.
- Investigated Job B and have an answer for the requestor (that he won't like beacuse I can't fix it. Too bad for him, hey? :P)
To Do:
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
- pick DD up from DMIL
- go home and put both kids to bed
- TBA, but it will be some business work and the rest of my unpacking, I think (I haven't checked ACT! and I'm not on my PC now so can't yet)
- help DH put away groceries when he gets home from shopping
- eat some kind of dinner
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, brush & floss, lay out clothes, pack kids bags, shine sink, bed by 10:30)
I might lay out my running gear tonight because this morning I woke at 6 before the kids did and I should have gotten up and gone for a run, but I didn't have it all out and ready to go, so I went back to sleep until 7ish when DS came in. Tonight I will in case I wake early. Even though I refuse to acknowledge it at the time (and I know this is familiar to pro at least and probably others), I feel so much better if I just get up instead of dozing off and on for another hour. Plus, I need to get another run in before the weekend if I can. I did one on Tuesday, and want to do two more before Sunday.
Should patrol!
How about: "I feel so much better if I get up, so I MEANT to get up and go for a run, but then I CHOSE to go back to bed instead. Now I wish I had chosen differently, so tomorrow I will remember this, especially since I WANT to get in two more runs." :)
Milo 2pm
Hello. Yes, back from lunch, slider, but now you're in bed! :)
Have wasted a lot of the last 2-3 hours after a good start. But am back into it now.
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
- sent a source doc to requestor to edit
- had lunch
- started job F and found one part needs to be done urgently so am doing it now
To Do:
- Job B (at least spend 15 minutes investigating)
- Job F (1hr)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
Milo 10:30
I have gotten so much done already that I worry that I will have all afternoon for my frogs. I don't want to have time to do my frogs - I would rather have excuses to put them off. Sigh!!!
I have realised that I should do my frogs first thing like the book tells you to....but..........Nah!!!!!!!!!!! (donwanna!)
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job D chat to requestor and subsequently cancelled (20 mins)
- Job C into production (15 mins)
- Job E (10 mins)
To Do:
- Job B (at least spend 15 minutes investigating)
- Job F (1hr)
- send a source doc to requestor to edit
- lunch
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine
Back from lunch yet?
You've had about 3 hours since you last posted, probably had lunch. Probably finished those top three chores under To Do. And now: the frogs. Hope you are feeling so pleased with your accomplishments and so invigorated by a good lunch that sailing into them will be a breeze. Just think: a few good afternoons and they'll be GONE. All done! How good will THAT feel? Maybe you'll get quite a bit done on them today!!!!! Go, milo!
Milo 9:30am
I don't have a lot of things on my plate today so it's an ideal time to tackle those frogs from my last role that are still hanging around. I have to get the frogs done by the end of next week when by boss gets back so I can pretend I got them done two weeks ago when they were due }:)
Ta Da:
- Up (late)
- out the door (late, but I look good today so it was worth it ;))
- walked from DH's carpark to work to add to my exercise quota for the week :)
- ate breakfast at work (not biscuits!!!!)
- CUOP & chatted
To Do:
- Job A edits (10 mins)
- Job B (at least spend 15 minutes investigating)
- Job C into production (10 mins)
- Job D changes into test (1hr)
- Job D changes into Prod (10 mins) if they sign off today
- Job E (15 mins)
- Job F (1hr)
- ½ hour Frog 1 (more if time allows)
- ½ hour Frog 2 (more if time allows)
- Timesheets
- end of workday routine