Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.


Hi all :D

I've been procrastinating since I was 11 that was 10 years ago. It's always been a problem for me but even if I waited until the last minute my assignments always got top marks and I always passed my tests. Now I'm a student at university cramming is not as effective as it used to be and I decided (months ago) that I needed to change. I tried to-do lists, cutting out internet time, leech block ( firefox add on to block websites) and what ever I cut out I always find some other time waster to replace it with.I even procrastinated trying to find a way to stop procrasting. I was feeling super frustrated when I found this site so God willing it will help me change for the better. I already read a few of the articles and they are so spot on. the whole concept of time binging is so true. I'd have some academic work to do and instead I'd spend hours and hours drawing or surfing the internet (the number of irrrelevant wikipedia articles I've read is ridiculous) and then I can't stand to read school work for more than a few minutes. Anyway thanks for reading my little rant and I hope to be knocking around here more often in future.


this site helped me out a lot in college and has been helping me out in grad school too. Hope that it will be helpful for you too!

good to have you here!

Pro3rd - I only wish I had found this site at age 21.  Maybe it would have made the next  (MANY) years of college and graduate school much less painful. 

I hope you keep coming back and that you find some tools that can help you along the way toward your vision of positive progress.


Re: welcome

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :D I am so glad I found this site. I was trying the 'break your work up into 15 minute periods' thing today and it felt great to actually be productive for a change. I did faff around a bit after lunch but there has been an improvement.

((welcome Pro3rd))

Any improvement is cause for gratitude and congratulations. Any slipback is cause to keep returning. Despair not. Forge ahead. WELCOME TO YOU.

Mama_Cat's picture

Welcome Pro3rd

We're glad to have you.

You are totally in the right place. We've ALL been there.

There are lots of routes to recovering from compulsive procrastination. Here on this forum you'll find the tools ( ), the Chatbox (a favorite of mine - ) and even times listed for phone and online meetings ( ).

Personally, I find making personal connections helps me immensely, so I'm a big phone meeting person. This has helped me find others to call when I am most stuck.

But the Chatbox also provides a wonderful, albeit less direct, line to help and support, as well.

Wishing you well in your endeavors!

Keep coming back!

Yours in recovery - MC

"[People] need to be connected to each other. Courage comes out of relationship; it doesn’t come out of willpower." Peter Block, author of Servant Leadership: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest.

Welcome Pro3!

'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy