Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
First Things First
Can anyone tell me what they thought of First Things First? Also, any other of Covey's books?
I didn't used to be a procrastinator, until I had two back to back life altering events, that sadly took place in the workplace I loved. I am trying to get my vision back.
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Looks like you registered twice, and you're using the Neshema_1 username. I'll delete the other one (Neshema1).
I loved this book
I can't believe I forgot to post a review of this one, because I've talked about it many times in the forum.
This was a very important book for me in dealing with my procrastination. It's a good companion book for "Getting Things Done" - my second most useful book in this area. "Getting Things Done" helps you to organize your life and do things more efficiently, but "First Things First" helps you to figure out what to do.
When I first started seriously working on my procrastination and posting in this forum, I found myself in the odd position of being willing to work, but unable to figure out how to prioritize my to-do list. Everything seemed of equal importance to me, and there were not enough hours in the day to do it all done. This made me feel very overwhelmed, and I'd end up doing nothing because I couldn't figure out where to start. I read "First Things First" to help me with this, and it helped a great deal.
I also have "7 Habits". That's also a good book, but it's a hard read - really pedantic. I couldn't get through it the first time. "First Things First" contains basically the same information, but more focused on this one all-important "habit", and it's easier to read.
Audio Book
I listened to the audio book. I enjoyed it but it didn't have much impact on me - probably because I wasn't able to put any of it into practice at the time.
I loved '7 Habits', and ~did~ find that helpful - particularly the imagery about the goose that lays the golden egg (our 'production capability' is the goose, and 'production' is the egg - we need to nurture the goose or we don't get any eggs!). Personally I found it an easy read, but I was really ready for it which makes a difference. I'd like to go over it again and use it this time to reflect a bit more on the different roles in my life. At the time I read it, it did seem far too removed from the nitty gritty of just getting things done in my life - it was more of a 'where am I going in life?' sort of thing for me then - but I think I'm ready now to make that link.
I tried reading "7 Habits" again after reading "First Things First" and I still found it boring beyond endurance after the first 100 pages or so. I can get through the first few chapters (including the part about the goose), but then it gets so pedantic I'm bored silly and want to read anything else. It didn't have to do with whether I was ready for the info - it had to do with the writing. Happily, much the same info was in "First Things First" so I didn't miss anything.
Maybe I would have done better with "7 Habits" in audio form (I believe these are usually abridged).
Boring books
LOL, 'The Now Habit' does that to me! :D
I found myself in the odd position of being willing to work, but unable to figure out how to prioritize my to-do list. Everything seemed of equal importance to me, and there were not enough hours in the day to do it all done. This made me feel very overwhelmed, and I'd end up doing nothing because I couldn't figure out where to start.
Oh wow, this is totally me. Sounds like I might want to check this book out.
okay first, yes, I
okay first, yes, I accidentally registered twice! So, I guess I am motivated to do something! Yes, please delete my other name.
Thansk for all the replies. I am getting back on track already. Seems I just had to face what I didn't want to face. I was reading first things first, and that seemed much more interesting than 7 Habits. So, I guess I am not alone there. I also got the Too Perfect, how depressing. A lot of it is true, but what a downer! I am into regaining my vision. I think part of it is like exercise...just do it.
As for The Now Habit, I was thinking of getting that one, but it sounds like there are other prefereable books, right?
Thanks for the help.
Bookending and all that kind of stuff would never work for me. I just did my calendar in outlook and set up reminders. I have to feel I have a vision. It is really existential, not behavioral, for me.
Behavioral vs Existential
I find that in practice there is rarely any difference.
Welcome to the boards, I hope you find the tools found here to be very useful.