Having Trouble Calling My Mom. Eeek! What Do I Say?
My birthday was at the end of August. My Mother lives rather far away, so she mailed me my birthday present. It was an absolutely lovely present, and I should have called her right away to thank her...but I didn't. She sent me an email at the end of September, because she was worried I didn't get the gift. I still didn't call her. She called and left a message on my phone last week, and she sounded very hurt. I still haven't called her. I've thought about it everyday since my birthday, but I haven't done it. At first it was just procrastination, me putting it off until a more "convenient" time, but now it's just fear. I mean, what can I possibly say to her that would make it okay that I never just simply picked up the phone and said thanks? I feel so terrible, and I have no idea what to say to her when I do call her. It is really stressing me out, and getting in the way of me trying to accomplish the other things I need to get done. I don't feel like I can call her unless I have something planned to say, some sort of excuse or apology that isn't going to hurt her feelings, but I've got nothing. Any help?
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Just tell the truth, I imagine your mom knows you better than you think! Just say what you just said to us - it was a lovely gift and you've been meaning to call her every day and just kept putting it off. And a couple of 'I love you's will help too lol.
And for some motivation - 'bookend' it here, either by posting that you are going to call your mom, and then posting again to say you did it -or do it in the chat room. Many of us have trouble with phone calls!
'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy
Thanks So Much!
Thank you so much. I called her, I told her I was sorry for procrastinating, and that it was a wonderful gift, and she wasn't even mad! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. Now to go tackle the rest of my day!
"Procrastination is like masturbation; in the end you're just screwing yourself"
@ Katelyn-Anne
Good Job!
'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy