Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday November 17, 2010
Visual Proof that Nothing is Impossible
I saw this on a blog yesterday, with the caption:
'Somehow as this root had grown, it had tunnelled right through a very solid rock.
What great visual proof that with time and perseverance, nothing is impossible!'
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Work 8AM-5PM:
-Read MS16 [DONE]
-Finish intro to project 3 fa
-Test func of project 3 board 1
-Test func of project 3 board 2
-Test func of project 3 board 3
After Work 5PM-Sleep:
-Go for a run
-Sell computer case
-Sell dvdrw drive
-Sell b gps
-Bring trash in
-Put up clean dishes [DONE]
-Review paid dir [DONE]
-Rec links
-print and sign contract [DONE]
-Setup office again
-Verify water bill paid
-Figure out how to backup site
Wednesday 17 November -- Late But Here!!!
Arise, Water, Groom, Dress, Breakfast, Coffee, Vits,Calendar,Drive2Office,PandoraOn, PAlogin,Clear Briefcase; Bills; Receipts;Desk;Messages;RechargePhone;;9amSayHelloERRAND:
Foreclosure Radar for Sara;CheckFrig8PM:
SupperLite; 3rdHerbs; DriveHome; Vits4Morrow; Clothes4Morrow;5amAlarm; LemonBoil;Bathe;AirOff; WindowOpen; LampOff; 3ThingsImGra8ful4; AskAQTHURSDAY 11/18:
5AM: Arise/EnergyEx/Water/Brew/PA/HerbsB4/Groom/Dress/Vits/Coffee/Calendar&Plans; Breakfast/HerbsAfter/Vits; Drive2Office/PandoraOn/PA/Calendar; Briefcase/Bills/Receipts/Desk; Hotsheets/Inventory/Blog; CameraUpload/RechargePhoneSupraCamera/ListingUpload; Gmail/Tickler/Inbox/OfficeCleanup/Email
AT HOME: Print MR Inventory List; Identify sales commissions; pics of kids onto thumb for Printefex; clear nonworking dvd's and rubbish;
9AM: SayHello, Messages, Expireds/ForeclosureRadar/FSBO's
Call that young-white-guy Apartment owner on behalf of Rick and ask for listing(s)
Discuss propertunities with agents ; Printed/Emailable Publicity Flier; Blog Post(s); Facebook Post
12NN: Drive/PA/1hrWorkout/Bathe/Groom/Dress/HerbsBefore; SurveyFrig/Lunch/HerbsAfter/PlanSupper&Tonight
Talk to Dolph and make a time to see him;
make a date w/ Sara; plan Christmas; plan Thanksgiving3PMTO8PM:
Walk2CitiBank; Activate card; determine if dba and merchant service is ok; Drop off at Printefex
Photos of office for Dr Lam; upload; email to Dr Lam
Link website to blog; Add IDX to website ; make website presentable to businesspeople and to homesellers
Set up new RE website and transfer url
AT HOME: review Dr Lam homework; Get back on schedule incl prospecting and Friday morning doorknocking; make hiking appt on FB; make appt w/ Julie; Call Mike R. about book mailing project
8PM: HerbsB4/SupperLite/DriveHome/HerbsAfter; Vits4Morrow/Clothes4Morrow/5amAlarm
10PM: LemonBoil/Bathe; AirOff/WindowOpen/LampOff/3ThingsImGra8ful4/AskAQ
FRIDAY 11/19
5AM: Arise/EnergyEx/Water/Brew/PA/HerbsB4/Groom/Dress/Vits/Coffee/Calendar&Plans; Breakfast/HerbsAfter/Vits; Drive2Office/PandoraOn/PA/Calendar; Briefcase/Bills/Receipts/Desk; Hotsheets/Inventory/Blog; CameraUpload/RechargePhoneSupraCamera/ListingUpload; Gmail/Tickler/Inbox/OfficeCleanup/Email
9AM: SayHello, Messages, Expireds/ForeclosureRadar/FSBO's
12NN: Drive/PA/1hrWorkout/Bathe/Groom/Dress/HerbsBefore; SurveyFrig/Lunch/HerbsAfter/PlanSupper&Tonight
Pick up at Printefex; Pix and posters onto walls; photographs for Dr Lam; upload pics; email to Dr Lam
8PM: HerbsB4/SupperLite/DriveHome/HerbsAfter; Vits4Morrow/Clothes4Morrow/5amAlarm
10PM: LemonBoil/Bathe; AirOff/WindowOpen/LampOff/3ThingsImGra8ful4/AskAQ
WEEKLIES-AT-HOME: Water Plants, N's
Create writing/editing/voiceover website and start taking orders
SUNDAY 11/21:
Read Mike R's book; Order PA book recommended by Daviknox
Schedule RioPlatense Spanish class or private lessons; House ready to entertain; Locate and prepare implements; Ready to travel; Plan visit to Uruguayan consulate
MONDAY 11/22:
"OpenHouse" at Office
Track down suit from Joseph Banks
TUESDAY 11/23:
Bring Christmas Cards from Home;
Count People sheets w/ mailing addies; Buy more Christmas Cards as needed
530pmMeet with Sean M to review status - annual review
Select DBA and URL for writing & narration
Identify newspaper to use
Address Christmas Cards
Inspired by Katelynn-Ann
With me it's alcohol, not weed. Just learned today that even though it gets me through some rough times, helps me tolerate some things for a while, still, afterward, the brick wall is still there, standing in my way. Better to use my mind to demolish, disassemble, climb over, etc
So thanks for the inspiration.
It's kind of inspiring to know that I could be inspiring. :D So thanks, and good luck! You can do it!
"Procrastination is like masturbation; in the end you're just screwing yourself"
New day, same s--t.
LOL I thought I changed my life for good yesterday, 'cause I stayed with the new-found resolve and had a great day all day (okay except for time-binging 2 hrs on the internet before bed...)
But today is a new struggle. Got into the office, but my best-laid plans are off track. OK. Time to turn my life 180 degrees around AGAIN TODAY!!
Thank you, Jester.
Thanks for articulating that. Me too.
;) Regards, Jester
Regards, Jester
findingaway check in
9.40 am Thursday here. Thanks for starting the thread lucky, and welcome back!
I enjoyed the posters posted earlier too, thanks!
Sometimes really wish I was in the same time zone as others - I'm an Australian - feels like when I get here everyone else's day is nearly over. Well, enough complaining!
I am very grateful for this forum and all the good things and people I do have in my life.
Today there are lots of little things to do:
GPS, get map files ready for tomorrowother stuff ready to going to office tomorrowbill for Ltimes/timesheetring AR re seminarHome
check weather forecastring J and T at lunchtimewash clothes (already on)pay Pwash dishes and prepare dinner at 4 pmmusic with L 7 pm?read email from G - phone call?watering?Hope this is not too ambitious, will see how I go. It was too much, which I really didn't cope well with. Something for me to look at.
kromer 1 CI
Man, a rough start today. My phone unexpectedly conked out yesterday, so I had to spend a couple hours getting it replaced (after finding out they couldn't fix it), so I didn't get into work until very late.
But so far I've (as well as getting the phone): done laundry, gotten stuff for my bike, checked on expts, had lunch, checked email (though not completed processing it), adn started making schedule for the week.
I have a work phone call at 2 today, so I need to prep for that.
Other tasks for today are:
*Take notes from conference call (will do this soon)
Finish making schedule for the week , finish processing email,organize non-teaching papers*Ask about key
*Map to pink (after working on this for a while, have decided that it makes sense to take a totally different approach that doesn't involve mapping to pink)
*deacon notes, send card, email SC*Go through papers on tubule sep. and return lib. books(working on this now)
I also really want to go to a workshop on grant writing today, but I'm not sure I can b/c I might need to talk to my boss during that time. We'll see.
Scribbler's Wednesday CI
get up at 6 (7:30, due to being out late)make bed
exercisecoffee, paper
Update QuickenClean off deskMusic marketingSend queryEmail 2 re: fitCall 2 re: designAfternoon
File BN postBike rideEvening
e's back to basic's Wednesday
Thanks to Lucky for the great starter: I want to hold on to that image today.
I have recently found out that my hands are screwed up from a variety of actions, and now the pain is extending towards my elbows. I have been told that I should not use my hands for the next 2-4 weeks, and am realizing that it is impossible. However, I am very very glad for this experience, because I have been largely responsible for handling all the housework lately and it is a God send to let others go up to the plate for that. I have a lot of guilt and shame about making others do work on my behalf, because I am, as a procrastinator, accused of not doing my share all the time, whether it is true or not. It is an opportunity for growth as I deal with the fallout of others responses and let them react how they react and realize that I have no control over their responses. I am getting to let go of the anxiety that goes with trying and hoping that I can control their responses. So for today, I am thankful and doing the best that I can to do other less 'handy' things.
for today: continue with COBRA and insurance issues. Plan for a visit to the consulate tomorrow to deal with military service issues. paperwork organization, bit by bit.
get to see my sponsor tonight, write up an amends as homework. get to the meeting tonight. plan dinner for others to cook.
one baby step at a time.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Lucky for starting this trend.
Things I have done today
1. Called a PA member2. Took showerThings I will do today
1. Cook and eat brunch2. Get dressed3. Make bed
4. Wash dishes5. Send out Al-Anon literature for today6. Look for bills
7. Eat dinner
8. Go to work at 5:30
9. Do numbers
10. Get sleep apnea stuff ready for tonight
11. Do hair12. Prayer and meditation
13. Go to workshop at 2 p.m.
Thanks for letting me share
Journey 11 am ci
After a nice relaxing day off yesterday, it's back to the salt mines today. I still feel tired, and will plan a short day today. I have been to the gym and started my to do list, read email and attended one conference call. I'm going to plan the rest of my day now, then change out of my sweaty gym clothes and work in the chat room for the rest of the day.
Have a productive and enjoyable day!
'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy
weds nov 17 check in by tracy-la
Good morning,
Checking in and showing up. Tough day yesterday. The present moment is all I have and yesterday reminded me why I'm here and grateful.
Basics: (1) check calendar - done; (2) reading - done; (3) gratitudes - done; (4) affirmations - done; (5) plan to plan - done.
Project P - 8:45 - 10:45 am
Bkfst 10:45 - 11:15; Project A - 11:15 - 11:30 Misc projects 11:30 - 2:00; Lunch 2-2:30; Project N 2:30 - 2:50; Pickup kid 2:50 -
Thoughts from my reading for today:
Disorganization or procrastination is a tendency that I will always have to counteract. When thinking of what action I want to take today, think about getting rid of unhelpful verbs that have a lot of baggage like "do", "plan", "prepare", "complete", etc.
Think of other action verbs like "improve", "solve", "enjoy" "invent", "launch", "create", "strengthen" that work with the kinesthetic learner inside me.
Today I will trust HP and the process, but I will take action to help myself feel better.
myy day 17
I'll try a different strategy today. I'll edit this post after every small task I've completed so please don't comment on this today.
work another 30 minutes-
hang laundry-
work another 30 minutes-
choose a project and work on it 30 minutes-
answer S-
check emailThis seems to work for now. Have to try again tomorrow.
Katelyn-Anne's Check-In
Okay, so I came to the conclusion last night that in order to be successful at stopping procrastination, I need to be honest with myself about what is and isn't working in my life. Smoking weed isn't working, it's just a tool and an excuse I use to continue procrastinating and avoiding the people in my life. So today is day one of my quitting smoking weed. Wish me luck!
To do:
-Shower (done)
-Breakfast (done)
-Meditate (done)
-buy milk
-grocery shopping
-Call mom
-Have screws in glasses tightened?
-Take down Halloween decorations
Good for you!
Just wanted to send a quick bit of encouragement re: your decision to stop smoking weed. That's a great decision!
Thanks a lot for the encouragement. It was a tough day yesterday, but I made it through. A big part of that was knowing that there were people here who were cheering me on.
"Procrastination is like masturbation; in the end you're just screwing yourself"
Hello! I am very thankful for the support from everyone here. I have had some really helpful insights. I think that my approach to helping my son, thus far, is doing exactly the opposite of what I intended. I have this standard of "do it right" so he wont struggle...won't have to deal with flaws (like me). But, I have to accept that he is much like me and has to exert far more effort achieve in areas of organization, timeliness and so on. So,here I am being that parent with perfectionistic expectations - creating a situation where rebellion and procrastination are the only escape.
To do
1. reports 2. a.b!! 3. scan and send paperwork!!
BTW- I think that achievement posters need to be more realistic. The ones that show a mountain climber at the top of the mountain just doesn't work for me. I would relate more to someone victoriously, climbing out of a hole...or out from under a rock... or bus....
BTW- I think that achievement posters need to be more realistic. The ones that show a mountain climber at the top of the mountain just doesn't work for me. I would relate more to someone victoriously, climbing out of a hole...or out from under a rock... or bus....
...or out of bed...there are some days that would be a nice encouraging picture...
That would be...perfect!
Yes, out of bed!!!
out of bed!
LOL @ journey! Or...
one of my favorites:
Inkstress Checking In
Thanks to Lucky for the thread starter.
I don't have a concrete to-do list yet but wanted to check in anyway. I think the main thing I want to accomplish today is going alongside my day and keeping up with it - not avoiding it and letting it pass me up so that I have to hurry to catch up with it later. Paperwork & phone calls at work, dishes & housework at home. Nothing major, just routine daily work that would be easy for someone else who doesn't struggle with procrastination. :)
Thanks to everyone who is here!
Vic 11/17
Show up (done). As my HP to direct my thinking. Try to get out of self.
Feeling very "small" . Have a court hearing today with a kid who shot my younger son point blank by surprise with a bb gun as he entered the car my older son was driving. My older son has to testify against his "friend". The kid's father is nuts and is angry with me for pressing charges, but my younger son was tramatized, I took him to the doctor for contusions, and I will not let it go my 15 yr old was "violated", and the kid who shot him thinks it is funny.
Somehow I feel like "I" will be blamed, the kid's father is going to "verbally abuse" me. my older son will side up with his "friend" that "there is more to this than I know" etc., etc. I have a very hard time standing up for myself, especially with confrontational people.I am an ACA where there was never any justice at home,so this is hard. My husband said "he has to work". I have delayed getting my things together.
I will check in later. Thanks for being here. I will ask for help from friends and pray and get there on time.
Thank you PA friends, just a quick update. I was able to "show up" on time and keep going through H.... as WC says in his poster. The boy changed his plea to "guilty" the magistrate saw right through him and the dad. I am emotionally drained. The dad wanted to show the magistrate the bb gun after we were dismissed, I guess in his mind it was not a real weapon,etc. lucky I had photos and dr. report, not to mention he ambushed my son. It was the best thing we could of ever done , my husband was able to take off work and he showed up, my son really believes how much he means to us now. Older son was loyal to his friend, and wanted to take part of the blame. I pray the truth of his "friends" and how they want to use him sinks in before it is too late. Thank you for your prayers and support and knowing I am not alone with feelings/ dealing with crazy people.
Lucky, it really was the perfect starter for today: proof that with time and perseverance, nothing is impossible!'
Well done!
You have put in some really important work in persisting and supporting your son.
Very happy for you that you had a good result today - your son certainly deserved justice.
I am also a mother of two (nearly)grown-up sons; only the younger one still lives with us. I look back and realize that I have been able to do many things to support my sons that I couldn't have done for myself, some have taken courage, but I am also grateful to them because doing these things has made me a stronger person. Now I have to be stronger for myself!
Wonderful, vic!
SO glad there was justice today!! I'm so happy for you that you were able to go through it and were rewarded with the right outcome. I'll pray re: your older son, too. Maybe this event will work toward a good outcome for him too, down the road.
vic love and prayers
Oh, I SO feel your pain and my heart goes out to you. I identify with having difficulty dealing with confrontational people and the contorted emotions that go along with that experience. Good for your for taking care of your son and yourself in such a difficult time. hugs, e
Success is not final, failure is not fatal
Thank you PA friends, your support means more than you know. Now get ready so I can get there on time. ck in later.
I have a hard time standing up for myself too, I overly avoid conflict. I admire you for standing up for your kid and wish you strength for this.
Just wanted to send my support your way. I hate having to deal with people who think they're okay and everyone else is not okay. Especially as I'm one of those "I'm not okay, but you're okay" people too. The conflicts of those two mindsets make it so hard when you KNOW you're in the right and they're the ones who are wrong!
Go get 'em! you are totally in the right IMO
'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer reflection
Bath and washed hair
Put on washing machine
Dealt with emails and post
Receive food order when it is delivered this afternoon, check and put it all away
Hang up washing when it is finished
Rest as I am still not well
If I have enough energy then some admin and craft work
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Above but only a very little admin and craft work
Also phoned landlord over sticking tap and almost blocked sink and they came out and fixed them. I was tempted to put it off and I'm glad I didn't.
Prayer and reflection
A little looking at the web
Bed and sleep
Night Folks
Lucky CI
Easing back into PA after another spate of avoiding it - how's everybody doing?
For today I'm just going to:
Check in :)
I find "showing up" at PA the key that unlocks the door to the previous "impossible place" to the "Nothing is impossible" place. Keep coming back. We need you and the "nothing is impossible thinking" here.
Welcome back Lucky
Welcome back Lucky and thanks for starting today's thread