Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Last night I went to sleep on the couch right after I ate - about 10:30pm - fully dressed, no bedtime routine, and sleep like a rock until 8am. That's 9.5 hours. I was really tired - don't know why I was so tired. I guess I'm still catching up on missed sleep.
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Building check, generated to-do items
• Take out wasps that hit D
• get septic handled for next week
• insert Project FI, made phone call
• call about project DA, made call must follow up
• Get lock project moving, it's in the mail
Evening Routine
• Help in kitchen
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores
• Clean up kitchen
• kids in bed
• Scoop catbox
• Office chores
Out of time:
• Grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to expand the department to-do list Blew Off:
Work Plan
• update PDSA
• call about project P
Evening Routine
• 30 minutes in garage
• Yoga
I want To Do:
• Early to bed (lights out 10:00pm)
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
• Breakfast for everyone
• Dressed and ready for the day
• Cleaned up breakfast mess/loaded dishwasher
• DD0 dressed and down for nap
• Cleaned up kitty mess in DD0’s room – ARGH –
• Emptied DD0’s garbage can BEFORE it overflowed
• Put new garbage bag in and can back together
• DD3 dressed and ready for gymnastics
• Go to gymnastics – (remember consign sale ticket for K.)(forgot ticket, will give it to her tomorrow a.m.)
• Quality time w/ DD3- Took kids to Mc D’s for lunch w/ K and her kids. They played on playground and had a great time.
• Come home- DD3 had so much fun at gymnastics and lunch she didn’t want to leave
• Cat got in car and I accidentally set off car alarm while he was in there. OOOO NOOO. He freaked. Poor thing. It was a little funny too though. }:)
• Kid’s down for naps
• Dinner
• Go to consignment sale… Woo hoo… Please let them buy all my stuff!
• Wal-Mart
• Home/bedtime routine
Blew off
• Fold towels/ put away
• Empty bathroom garbage cans
Decided I needed to rest again. I was hurting pretty bad when I got home from taking kids to gymnastics and lunch. I will put them on tomorrows list.
Well, my boss really has me in her sights at the moment and I've gotten a bunch of new tasks. Too late. They'll have to go on tomorrows list.
Things I chose to do so far today:
- Workout
- Resolve a support issue
- Install updates
- Wrapped up a few items from issue I worked on yesterday
- Project Y - Final update/review
- Project Y - Update docs
- Project Y - Burn the CD
- Started to draft document changes!
- Project Y - Final testing
- Source control task
- Prep for meeting
- Meeting
- Review commuter train schedule
Things I would still like to do:
- Complete Draft changes to document - as time permits
- Call m - tonight
- Install cabinet handles - tonight
I'm just out of want-to today. I've been moving pretty good all week, so I'm going to go easy on myself 8)
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Building check, generated to-do items
• Take out wasps that hit D
• get septic handled for next week
• insert Project FI, made phone call
• call about project DA, made call must follow up
• Get lock project moving, it's in the mail
Out of time:
• Grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to expand the department to-do list Blew Off:
Work Plan
• update PDSA
• call about project P
I want To Do:
Evening Routine
• Help in kitchen
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores (include kids)
• Clean up kitchen
• 30 minutes in garage
• Scoop catbox
• Office chores
• Early to bed (lights out 10:00pm)
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Building check, generated to-do items
• Take out wasps that hit D
• Get lock project moving
• get septic handled for next week
• insert Project FI, made phone call
I want To Do:
Work Plan
• Grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to add to the department to-do list
• call about project DA
• update PDSA
• call about project P
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
Oh, thank heavens. That went really well. I kept my cool and chose my battles. 8) Trying to get out of here now...
Last night: bedtime 12 am (target 11 pm)
This morning: wakeup 7:20 am (target 7 am)
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills/allergy meds
edit exec summary
print reusable paper
Frog 2b
monthly report (started)
fill out form and mail
LM jeff
work order
print stuff for meeting
Frog 6
Frog 7
To Do: demo review started
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style (10 min)
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
Frog 3
Frog 4
Frog 5
update grid
file photos
process emails (15 min)
Wilson windows? Call Kelly
update start/finish grid
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
A couple other tasks are slipping in today. This is typical and I need to deal with it (without getting so pissed) so I am adjusting my task list a bit. If they could hear the things I think, I would've been fired a long time ago! Thankfully, they can't ;)
Things I chose to do so far today:
- Workout
- Resolve a support issue
- Install updates
- Wrapped up a few items from issue I worked on yesterday
- Project Y - Final update/review
- Project Y - Update docs
- Project Y - Burn the CD
- Started to draft document changes!
Things I would still like to do:
- Project Y - Final testing
- Source control task
- Prep for meeting
- Meeting
- Review commuter train schedule
- Complete Draft changes to document - as time permits
What I have been willing to do so far:
--get up at 7:45 (LTG is 6:30, as it would be most efficient. But I don't like it so I resist.)
--Morning routine (skipped breakfast until after meting, but that was ok)
--was first to arrive at funeral home at 9 am
--facilitated meeting very well
--made follow-up calls to neighboring church for records pertaining to funeral
--shredded some consulting files that should have been shredded months ago
--cleaned out consulting notebook (all this was triggered by the fact that the church I had to call is the one I have been consulting with! I had to go into current file to get a phone number, so I cleared out old files)
--fed and played with kitty 20 minutes
--cuop 35 minutes and counting
What I choose to do now:
--blow off lunch at nursing home
--blow off monthly ministerial meeting at lunch that normally takes the place of nursing home lunch today
--call DH to look for Feline Pine cat litter in city
--call secretary re:funeral
--eat lunch at home
--work on my paper planner and master list and/or journal until 12:45
--drive to nursing home
--check mailbox and voice mail
--consider whether there is anything I am overlooking or putting off
--Froglet: find substitutes for worship services at nursing homes
--make reminder calls to others
--keep healing meditation at 2pm to half an hour
--look over readings for worship
--pick hymns for worship
--afternoon routine
--Frog: decide about ALzheimer's patients and talk to AD
--leave at 4:45 to go pick up communion cups
--get communion cups, go back to nursing home and put them up
--go home, organize kids to get their chores done
--Frog: figure out allowances
--discuss weekend plans (funeral upstages some of what was planned, figure out how to work around that)
--decide what we'll do for supper
--Frog: discuss with all renewing a weekly menu, items to include, dietary restrictions to observe for DH (and will we all observe them?
--kids begin bedtime routine at 9 pm, to bed BY 10:00
--me to bed by 10:30 (ok to read till 11:00)
Oh, Jeez. After having written all this, what I really feel like doing is just grabbing something to eat and reading a book until 12:45. This HAS to be demand resistance, because I am wanting to read when I need to figure something out, and I will be willing to work on personal stuff later when I am supposed to be doing nursing home stuff. I'm thinking of Mother Teresa: feel the ___________ and do it anyway. In this case, feel the compulsion to avoid, but do the task anyway. Hmm. I can make those phone calls at least.
Thanks for the feedback on my list. I got everything done except for the most important items- exercise, tax filing.
So my list for today is very short,because I must address the tax matters and respond to our kind uncle in DC by October 15. I have been in denial mode about this issue. HELP! I CAN'T FAIL.
Awhile back I was able to stare the ugly monster in the eye and get my taxes tended to by delegating to a CPA (I was 7 years behind). We still have stuff to figure out. Like whether or not we ever actually filed for 2005. I thought we did, but the CPA asked me whether or not we paid the $6000, and I am certain we did not! So we will take it one step at a time--we'll start with making sure 2005 is correct and handled, and we'll eat the elephant (elephants are just really big frogs, right? ;) ) one bite at a time. YOU have a plan. Face it and do one little thing at a time. Check it off. Smile, and breathe! Then on to the next. Atta boy/girl! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
Making some progress... I will feel so much better (I hope) when this lunch meeting is over.
Going to try a make a little progress on the demo review now.
Last night: bedtime 12 am (target 11 pm)
This morning: wakeup 7:20 am (target 7 am)
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills/allergy meds
edit exec summary
print reusable paper
Frog 2b
monthly report (started)
fill out form and mail
LM jeff
To Do:
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style (10 min)
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER demo review
print stuff for meeting
Frog 3
Frog 4
Frog 5
update grid
file photos
process emails (15 min)
Wilson windows? Call Kelly
update start/finish grid
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Building check, generated to-do items
I want To Do:
Work Plan
• Take out wasps that hit D
• Get lock project moving
• get septic handled for next week
• Grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to add to the department to-do list
• call about project DA
• update PDSA
• call about project P
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
Are any of the things on your list frogs? If so, best to get after them before they get any uglier, eh? Hope you wind up with a day you're proud of. It will make taking care of your One Focus items at home go so much better (and with G-I-D's back, y'all need a good day, don't you? Blessings of all kinds to you both!).
Morning, all. Really hoping to plow through some frogs and leave early today. Gotta get on the road.
Last night: bedtime 12 am (target 11 pm)
This morning: wakeup 7:20 am (target 7 am)
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills/allergy meds
edit exec summary
print reusable paper
To Do:
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style (10 min)
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
monthly report (started)
fill out form and mail
LM jeff
demo review
Frog 2b
Frog 3
Frog 4
Frog 5
update grid
file photos
process emails (15 min)
Wilson windows? Call Kelly
update start/finish grid
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
Yesterday was wierd. Started out doing ok, then really did nothing for a few hours, then felt better again after I got woken up by a
"crisis" I had to resolve. A lot of today's tasks are stuff I chose not to do yesterday.
Things I chose to do so far today:
- Workout :)
- Resolve a support issue
- Install updates
Things I would still like to do:
- Project Y - Final update/review
- Project Y - Final testing
- Project Y - Update docs
- Project Y - Burn the CD and be DONE with it
- Draft changes to document I'm avoiding - Start it today!!
- Source control task
- Look at report development - if time permits
I'm back from breakfast. Time to pack up and check out. I think I'm going to go hiking before doing all those other things because the day is going to cloud up.
On the other hand....
I guess I'll see. But right now, packing. Last time I left something in the bathroom. I'll try not to do that this time. :P
I just realized that I forgot to take my last two doses of pills yesterday, and almost forgot to take them this morning. When my routines are messed up, I don't remember anything. :(
Morning Routine
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan. D called in sick, got stung by a wasp late in the day yesterday. On the ear! He's hurting pretty bad this morning.
• Time Sheets
• Clear my head
• Specific plan for the day
I want To Do:
Work Plan
• Take out wasps that hit D
• Get lock project moving
• get septic handled for next week
• Building and grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to add to the department to-do list
• call about project DA
• update PDSA
• call about project P
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
Good morning all. YAY! it's thursday and like this morning's graphic said - Tomorrow shall be friday. I'm feeling better this morning- not as sore as yesterday and seem to be able to get a little more done at a stretch before having to sit down . Slept much better last night too, which helps.
Have a great day everyone!
• Breakfast for everyone
• Dressed and ready for the day
• Cleaned up breakfast mess/loaded dishwasher
• DD0 dressed and down for nap
• Cleaned up kitty mess in DD0’s room – ARGH –
• Emptied DD0’s garbage can BEFORE it overflowed
• Put new garbage bag in and can back together
• Quality time w/ DD3
• DD3 dressed and ready for gymnastics
• Go to gymnastics – (remember consign sale ticket for K.)
• Come home/lunch
• Kid’s down for naps
• Fold towels/ put away
• Empty bathroom garbage cans (Maybe- depends on how I'm feeling)
• Dinner
• Go to consignment sale… Woo hoo… Please let them buy all my stuff!
• Wal-Mart
• Home/bedtime routine
Have you seen the chiropracter, G-I-D? I hope you make sure nothing is compressed, cracked, or slipped! Hoepfully you're just bruised and sore. But I hope you'll check it out.
Took care of animals since I blew off last night
Morning Routine
• Out of bed 6:55 (target 6:00)
• Ready for anything
• Feed DD0 (DW took it on, no school today)
• Breakfast
• Unload dishwasher
• Head to work
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan. D called in sick, got stung by a wasp late in the day yesterday. On the ear! He's hurting pretty bad this morning.
• Time Sheets
I want To Do:
Work Routine
• Clear my head
• Specific plan for the day
Work Plan
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
I have a good husband - I talked him into doing the ironing while I 'worked' (ie, CUOP...not that there were any posts..& CI }:)).
I said I'll take over in half an hour, which I think is fair.
Ta Da:
- Up & dressed (showered last night)
- went for walk to stretch tired muscles (I went for a run yesterday for the first time in weeks. I beat my time heaps but am paying for it!!)
- brushed teeth, drank water
- played a quick game with DD
- breakfast
- got past invoice copies from MIT
- processed entire in-box (only took 17 minutes!)
- rang telstra re dodgy lines and the fax machine that keeps calling me (it calls me more than clients do!)
- load of washing on
- Followed up lead W B-F
- looked for jobs briefly (found one to apply for!)
- chased invoice due (KD)
- unpacked diswasher
- reviewed other flyer
- Rang (and emailed) AB about getting on her supplier list
- Follow-up leads (RB,PW)
- finished filling out one lot of insurance forms
- break for lunch
- hung out washing and put another load on
- rang E re speaking at seniors morning tea
- rang ATO re ITC entitlement
- talked to friend on phone (she called me, not the other way!)
- entertained DD for an hour & a half (DH STILL on the phone - since 3pm!)
- rang R re Seniors Month
- paid 2 bills
- updated cashflow statement (reconciled with bank statement. Found I was short - DH had been carrying a cheque from a client around for a week in his wallet - had forgottent to bank it for me)
- added all 13 new to-do's into ACT!
- added a couple of appointments for next week into ACT!
- bathed DD and read to her till DS got home (she misses him so had to wait for him) then put both to bed
- made dinner for DH and I (and ate it, of course)
- DH did the dishes
- Checked calendar for tomorrow (nothing on, thank goodness)
To Do: Evening
- rest of ironing
- shower and early to bed (ie, by 10pm)
Deferred: (not blown off! I overscheduled today so it's no surprise I didn't get them all done - and they were all the lowest priority for today)
- follow-up paper editor TB re editorial
- check out WIB conference
- ring photographer
- finish filling out insurance forms
- develop 'zones' for work for weekly plans
- Follow-up lead (JG - can't do this until 5:30 when she gets home)
- do wording for flyer
- start planning for trip (we are going away for the weekend)
Blown off:
- 15 minutes in zone, 5 minute room rescue (as usual - I don't know why I even bother puttign them on the list every day, I never do it!!)
- lay out my clothes, it's a trackies day tomorrow anyway as I'm just staying home packing, tidying and play with the kids.
- shining sink. Dishes are clean in the dishrack, I'm happy enough with that
- do 1/2hr of pilates before bed (even though I need it, I need sleep more right now :))
I have a plan for getting to bed on time AND getting the ironing done. I will have a shower while DH continues his bit...if he lets me get away with that }:).
Goodnight all!! I hope you have wonderful Thursdays. Norm - look forward to hearing from you soon, slider, I hope you feel better after posting your Big List. Pro, have a great hike. G-I-T, hope those aches are going away. scarlett - go get 'em! 1Focus, keep it up, you're doing awesome. Rexroth - hope you're still getting there. And all the others - go for it, you can do it!!!! (and Jester, come back!!!!!)
Bye!! (no, I'm not leaving for good, just felt like addressing everyone. It's not my last supper or anything :P)
I just got up. Feeling a little bleery. Need coffee. I'm looking forward to my hike today - very much! I end up on a mountain top at the end, and I have a favorite rock I sit on. :)
Finished my work day. DH (who finally turned up at 4:45!) and I tossed a coin and he's gone to get DS and I'm home with DD. He made her dinner, so I had time then to make a phone call. And the last 1/2 hour she's been playing happily beside me so I have still got some stuff done.
Ta Da:
- Up & dressed (showered last night)
- went for walk to stretch tired muscles (I went for a run yesterday for the first time in weeks. I beat my time heaps but am paying for it!!)
- brushed teeth, drank water
- played a quick game with DD
- breakfast
- got past invoice copies from MIT
- processed entire in-box (only took 17 minutes!)
- rang telstra re dodgy lines and the fax machine that keeps calling me (it calls me more than clients do!)
- load of washing on
- Followed up lead W B-F
- looked for jobs briefly (found one to apply for!)
- chased invoice due (KD)
- unpacked diswasher
- reviewed other flyer
- Rang (and emailed) AB about getting on her supplier list
- Follow-up leads (RB,PW)
- finished filling out one lot of insurance forms
- break for lunch
- hung out washing and put another load on
- ring E re speaking at seniors morning tea
- ring ATO re ITC entitlement
- talked to friend on phone (she called me, not the other way!)
- entertained DD for an hour & a half (DH STILL on the phone - since 3pm!)
- rang R re Seniors Month
- paid 2 bills
- updated cashflow statement (reconciled with bank statement. Found I was short - DH had been carrying a cheque from a client around for a week in his wallet - had forgottent to bank it for me)
- added all 13 new to-do's into ACT!
- added a couple of appointments for next week into ACT!
To Do: Evening
- bath DD and play with her till DS gets home then put both to bed
- make dinner for DH and I (and eat it, of course)
- dishes
- 15 minutes in zone, 5 minute room rescue
- ironing
- start planning for trip (we are going away for the weekend)
- do 1/2hr of pilates before bed (after that jog yesterday I realised I REALLY need to work on my pelvic floor! Nuff said!!!)
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, lay out clothes, shine sink, check calendar, early to bed as I'm quite tired)
Deferred: (not blown off! I overscheduled today so it's no surprise I didn't get them all done - and they were all the lowest priority for today)
- follow-up paper editor TB re editorial
- check out WIB conference
- ring photographer
- finish filling out insurance forms
- develop 'zones' for work for weekly plans
- Follow-up lead (JG - can't do this until 5:30 when she gets home)
- do wording for flyer
Off to bath DD now. She's practising writing next to me. She's so smart, she's only 3 and a half and she's writing letters. Last night she was even reading words (not so much by each letter's sound, but by recognising the whole word for the most part). So proud of her :).
You managed to do quite a bit of work for your business and work for your home, all while staying sane and enjoying DD. Even got to have some contact with a friend. That's a very well-rounded day! Awesome!
I think I've had a good day, even though I've hardly done a thing since 3pm. I will add my evening stuff on to my list now. I am not sure how my afernoon will pan out because DH and I haven't decided which one of us is going to collect DS (it's a 90 minute round-trip). Ideally it will be DH and he will take DD with him just before dinner so I can have some peace and DD and DS both eat dinner at DMILs }:). But I doubt it, as DH is tired, too, and if he agrees to go and get DS he will not want to take DD as well!!!!
Actually, it might be nice to spend at least 1/2 an hour alone with my thoughts, even if it's in the car...maybe I'll go and leave DD here with DH.
Ta Da:
- Up & dressed (showered last night)
- went for walk to stretch tired muscles (I went for a run yesterday for the first time in weeks. I beat my time heaps but am paying for it!!)
- brushed teeth, drank water
- played a quick game with DD
- breakfast
- got past invoice copies from MIT
- processed entire in-box (only took 17 minutes!)
- rang telstra re dodgy lines and the fax machine that keeps calling me (it calls me more than clients do!)
- load of washing on
- Followed up lead W B-F
- looked for jobs briefly (found one to apply for!)
- chased invoice due (KD)
- unpacked diswasher
- reviewed other flyer
- Rang (and emailed) AB about getting on her supplier list
- Follow-up leads (RB,PW)
- finished filling out one lot of insurance forms
- break for lunch
- hung out washing and put another load on
- ring E re speaking at seniors morning tea
- ring ATO re ITC entitlement
- talked to friend on phone (she called me, not the other way!)
- entertained DD for an hour & a half (DH STILL on the phone - since 3pm!)
To Do:
- Follow-up lead (JG - can't do this until 5:30 when she gets home)
- do wording for flyer
- ring R re Seniors Month
- do 1/2hr of pilates
- 15 minutes in zone, 5 minute room rescue
- pick up DS from DMIL Evening
- ironing
- start planning for trip (we are going away for the weekend)
- do some of the stuff still on today's list IF I feel like it
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, lay out clothes, shine sink, check calendar, early to bed as I'm quite tired)
Deferred: (not blown off! I overscheduled today so it's no surprise I didn't get them all done - and they were all the lowest priority for today)
- follow-up paper editor TB re editorial
- check out WIB conference
- ring photographer
- finish filling out insurance forms
- develop 'zones' for work for weekly plans
You know what the most annoying thing about today has been? I have achieved over 20 'tasks' today, yet managed to add another 13 to my to-do list during the day as well. Sigh! At least I didn't add 40, hey?
I am going to find DH and see why he's taking so long!!!!
Yes, pro, that was a virtual shout! I just stepped on another snake--IN MY KITCHEN! This time it seemed to be a rat snake, very small. Those always scare me because their markings are so much like rattlesnakes and copperheads. I was afraid to touch it but also afraid to let it get away (to hide somewhere unknown in my house), so I kept corraling it trying to get a good look. I finally saw that it had no rattles and was slender, and didn't have a pit viper head, so I caught it and took it to the other side of the road. In general, they're good to have around because they get rid of mice (though the farmers around here refer to them as chicken snakes and say they eat eggs and chicks), but it freaks me out that it was in the house. I mean, where did it come from? How did it get in? It's very small--are there more? Everybody else is sleeping and knows neither my panic nor my bravery in catching it and hauling it off, so I just had to fire up the computer and say it here! (And what's this weird thing I have going on with snakes lately????)
I stepped on the snake at 12:30 or so; DH found the laundry room door to the garage open around 11:00. Evidently DD left it open after tending to new kitten. So it was open for about an hour. I think that's how the snake got in--we've had them in the garage before. At least I like to think that's how it got in! :O
I am soooo glad we only have harmless snakes here... I keep telling DW that they eat bugs and we should be happy to have them (outside) but she's still not convinced!
Even better when they keep the mice down. We haven't had any in the house for 2 years now--there were tons before--since we had rat snakes in the garage then. The mice haven't come back. I'd MUCH rather let the snakes deal with them than set and empty mousetraps. I don't like dealing with poor dead mice. Poor dead mice in snake bellies don't concern me! ;)
Ta Da:
- Up & dressed (showered last night)
- went for walk to stretch tired muscles (I went for a run yesterday for the first time in weeks. I beat my time heaps but am paying for it!!)
- brushed teeth, drank water
- played a quick game with DD
- breakfast
- got past invoice copies from MIT
- processed entire in-box (only took 17 minutes!)
- rang telstra re dodgy lines and the fax machine that keeps calling me (it calls me more than clients do!)
- load of washing on
- Followed up lead W B-F
- looked for jobs briefly (found one to apply for!)
- chased invoice due (KD)
- unpacked diswasher
- reviewed other flyer
- Rang (and emailed) AB about getting on her supplier list
To Do:
- Follow-up leads (RB,PW,JG)
- develop 'zones' for work for weekly plans
- finish filling out insurance forms
- break for lunch and daily routine things (sweep, reboot laundry)
- do wording for flyer
- ring E re speaking at seniors morning tea
- ring R re Seniors Month
- follow-up paper editor TB re editorial
- ring ATO re ITC entitlement
- check out WIB conference
- ring photographer
- do 1/2hr of pilates
- 15 minutes in zone, 5 minute room rescue
- pick up DS from DMIL
I know you don't get much feedback near the end of your day. I'm still online, so I thought I'd just send you a little encouragement! You must be near the midafternoon slump. Hope you have done lots of the really vital stuff. Be kind to yourself, though, and take a refreshing break when you need to! Good luck with getting it all done before the kids are back--I know you'll want to spend some quality time with them!
DD is actually home today (DMIL can only handle one at a time - she's 70 and DFIL is 82 so having both of them is a bit tough on them), and DH has been on a conference call for an hour so I have been entertaining her and haven't got much done. But I have done well so the break wasn't too irritating. Plus she's adorable :)
I won't get it all done, but my list was very ambitious and I have been aware of that all day. I have only 1 thing left that is a high priority - the rest are medium-low ( a week they'll be high!!!) so I feel good!
pro's CI - 9:10pm
I'm back, hungry, headachy, and tired. Can't think about bedtime routine or doing anything at the moment except eat.
Last night I went to sleep on the couch right after I ate - about 10:30pm - fully dressed, no bedtime routine, and sleep like a rock until 8am. That's 9.5 hours. I was really tired - don't know why I was so tired. I guess I'm still catching up on missed sleep.
1Focus 7:42
Still not up for much this evening. To bed early!
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Building check, generated to-do items
• Take out wasps that hit D
• get septic handled for next week
• insert Project FI, made phone call
• call about project DA, made call must follow up
• Get lock project moving, it's in the mail
Evening Routine
• Help in kitchen
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores
• Clean up kitchen
• kids in bed
• Scoop catbox
• Office chores
Out of time:
• Grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to expand the department to-do list
Blew Off:
Work Plan
• update PDSA
• call about project P
Evening Routine
• 30 minutes in garage
• Yoga
I want To Do:
• Early to bed (lights out 10:00pm)
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
G-I-D CI 4:30
Hope everyone had a good morning and afternoon!
• Breakfast for everyone

• Dressed and ready for the day
• Cleaned up breakfast mess/loaded dishwasher
• DD0 dressed and down for nap
• Cleaned up kitty mess in DD0’s room – ARGH –
• Emptied DD0’s garbage can BEFORE it overflowed
• Put new garbage bag in and can back together
• DD3 dressed and ready for gymnastics
• Go to gymnastics – (remember consign sale ticket for K.)(forgot ticket, will give it to her tomorrow a.m.)
• Quality time w/ DD3- Took kids to Mc D’s for lunch w/ K and her kids. They played on playground and had a great time.
• Come home- DD3 had so much fun at gymnastics and lunch she didn’t want to leave
• Cat got in car and I accidentally set off car alarm while he was in there. OOOO NOOO. He freaked. Poor thing. It was a little funny too though. }:)
• Kid’s down for naps
• Dinner
• Go to consignment sale… Woo hoo… Please let them buy all my stuff!
• Wal-Mart
• Home/bedtime routine
Blew off
• Fold towels/ put away
• Empty bathroom garbage cans
Decided I needed to rest again. I was hurting pretty bad when I got home from taking kids to gymnastics and lunch. I will put them on tomorrows list.
todayfirst 4:25 PM EST
Well, my boss really has me in her sights at the moment and I've gotten a bunch of new tasks. Too late. They'll have to go on tomorrows list.
Things I chose to do so far today:
- Workout
- Resolve a support issue
- Install updates
- Wrapped up a few items from issue I worked on yesterday
- Project Y - Final update/review
- Project Y - Update docs
- Project Y - Burn the CD
- Started to draft document changes!
- Project Y - Final testing
- Source control task
- Prep for meeting
- Meeting
- Review commuter train schedule
Things I would still like to do:
- Complete Draft changes to document - as time permits
- Call m - tonight
- Install cabinet handles - tonight
1Focus 4:19
I'm just out of want-to today. I've been moving pretty good all week, so I'm going to go easy on myself 8)
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Building check, generated to-do items
• Take out wasps that hit D
• get septic handled for next week
• insert Project FI, made phone call
• call about project DA, made call must follow up
• Get lock project moving, it's in the mail
Out of time:
• Grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to expand the department to-do list
Blew Off:
Work Plan
• update PDSA
• call about project P
I want To Do:
Evening Routine
• Help in kitchen
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores (include kids)
• Clean up kitchen
• 30 minutes in garage
• Scoop catbox
• Office chores
• Early to bed (lights out 10:00pm)
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
1Focus 2:48
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Building check, generated to-do items
• Take out wasps that hit D
• Get lock project moving
• get septic handled for next week
• insert Project FI, made phone call
I want To Do:
Work Plan
• Grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to add to the department to-do list
• call about project DA
• update PDSA
• call about project P
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
scarlett CI 2:20 pm
Oh, thank heavens. That went really well. I kept my cool and chose my battles. 8) Trying to get out of here now...
Last night: bedtime 12 am (target 11 pm)
This morning: wakeup 7:20 am (target 7 am)
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills/allergy meds
edit exec summary
print reusable paper
Frog 2b
monthly report (started)
fill out form and mail
LM jeff
work order
print stuff for meeting
Frog 6
Frog 7
To Do:
demo review started
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style (10 min)
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
Frog 3
Frog 4
Frog 5
update grid
file photos
process emails (15 min)
Wilson windows? Call Kelly
update start/finish grid
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
Glad it went well!
I'm glad that went well for you!
scratch that
I need to go now. I'll have to come in on Sunday. If I knew how to make the barfy symbol, I would.
I know how you feel
todayfirst 1pm EST
A couple other tasks are slipping in today. This is typical and I need to deal with it (without getting so pissed) so I am adjusting my task list a bit. If they could hear the things I think, I would've been fired a long time ago! Thankfully, they can't ;)
Things I chose to do so far today:
- Workout
- Resolve a support issue
- Install updates
- Wrapped up a few items from issue I worked on yesterday
- Project Y - Final update/review
- Project Y - Update docs
- Project Y - Burn the CD
- Started to draft document changes!
Things I would still like to do:
- Project Y - Final testing
- Source control task
- Prep for meeting
- Meeting
- Review commuter train schedule
- Complete Draft changes to document - as time permits
Y move
Looks like your moving steadily through Project Y. Keep it up.
slider's CI 11:30 am
What I have been willing to do so far:
--get up at 7:45 (LTG is 6:30, as it would be most efficient. But I don't like it so I resist.)
--Morning routine (skipped breakfast until after meting, but that was ok)
--was first to arrive at funeral home at 9 am
--facilitated meeting very well
--made follow-up calls to neighboring church for records pertaining to funeral
--shredded some consulting files that should have been shredded months ago
--cleaned out consulting notebook (all this was triggered by the fact that the church I had to call is the one I have been consulting with! I had to go into current file to get a phone number, so I cleared out old files)
--fed and played with kitty 20 minutes
--cuop 35 minutes and counting
What I choose to do now:
--blow off lunch at nursing home
--blow off monthly ministerial meeting at lunch that normally takes the place of nursing home lunch today
--call DH to look for Feline Pine cat litter in city
--call secretary re:funeral
--eat lunch at home
--work on my paper planner and master list and/or journal until 12:45
--drive to nursing home
--check mailbox and voice mail
--consider whether there is anything I am overlooking or putting off
--Froglet: find substitutes for worship services at nursing homes
--make reminder calls to others
--keep healing meditation at 2pm to half an hour
--look over readings for worship
--pick hymns for worship
--afternoon routine
--Frog: decide about ALzheimer's patients and talk to AD
--leave at 4:45 to go pick up communion cups
--get communion cups, go back to nursing home and put them up
--go home, organize kids to get their chores done
--Frog: figure out allowances
--discuss weekend plans (funeral upstages some of what was planned, figure out how to work around that)
--decide what we'll do for supper
--Frog: discuss with all renewing a weekly menu, items to include, dietary restrictions to observe for DH (and will we all observe them?
--kids begin bedtime routine at 9 pm, to bed BY 10:00
--me to bed by 10:30 (ok to read till 11:00)
Oh, Jeez. After having written all this, what I really feel like doing is just grabbing something to eat and reading a book until 12:45. This HAS to be demand resistance, because I am wanting to read when I need to figure something out, and I will be willing to work on personal stuff later when I am supposed to be doing nursing home stuff. I'm thinking of Mother Teresa: feel the ___________ and do it anyway. In this case, feel the compulsion to avoid, but do the task anyway. Hmm. I can make those phone calls at least.
That's right
Focus on the first thing on your list and do it anyway.
DeeBo CI
Thanks for the feedback on my list. I got everything done except for the most important items- exercise, tax filing.
So my list for today is very short,because I must address the tax matters and respond to our kind uncle in DC by October 15. I have been in denial mode about this issue. HELP! I CAN'T FAIL.
to do:
Scared S....tless, DeeBo
Focus on the big ones
That's the right way to do it. When you get something like back taxes cleaned up, the rest of your life suddenly looks much easier.
Stick with it!!!!!
Awhile back I was able to stare the ugly monster in the eye and get my taxes tended to by delegating to a CPA (I was 7 years behind). We still have stuff to figure out. Like whether or not we ever actually filed for 2005. I thought we did, but the CPA asked me whether or not we paid the $6000, and I am certain we did not! So we will take it one step at a time--we'll start with making sure 2005 is correct and handled, and we'll eat the elephant (elephants are just really big frogs, right? ;) ) one bite at a time. YOU have a plan. Face it and do one little thing at a time. Check it off. Smile, and breathe! Then on to the next. Atta boy/girl! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
scarlett CI 11:35 am
Making some progress... I will feel so much better (I hope) when this lunch meeting is over.
Going to try a make a little progress on the demo review now.
Last night: bedtime 12 am (target 11 pm)
This morning: wakeup 7:20 am (target 7 am)
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills/allergy meds
edit exec summary
print reusable paper
Frog 2b
monthly report (started)
fill out form and mail
LM jeff
To Do:
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style (10 min)
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
demo review
print stuff for meeting
Frog 3
Frog 4
Frog 5
update grid
file photos
process emails (15 min)
Wilson windows? Call Kelly
update start/finish grid
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
sending you good vibes
Hope lunch meeting went well and you feel the weight off you! May the afternoon go smoothly and efficiently for you! Go get 'em, Scarlett!
1Focus 11:11
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Building check, generated to-do items
I want To Do:
Work Plan
• Take out wasps that hit D
• Get lock project moving
• get septic handled for next week
• Grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to add to the department to-do list
• call about project DA
• update PDSA
• call about project P
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
So far, so good
Are any of the things on your list frogs? If so, best to get after them before they get any uglier, eh? Hope you wind up with a day you're proud of. It will make taking care of your One Focus items at home go so much better (and with G-I-D's back, y'all need a good day, don't you? Blessings of all kinds to you both!).
I think project P is becoming a frog, but I'm a ways from my deadline. This other stuff is still higher priority.
scarlett CI 10:40 am
Morning, all. Really hoping to plow through some frogs and leave early today. Gotta get on the road.
Last night: bedtime 12 am (target 11 pm)
This morning: wakeup 7:20 am (target 7 am)
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills/allergy meds
edit exec summary
print reusable paper
To Do:
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style (10 min)
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
monthly report (started)
fill out form and mail
LM jeff
demo review
Frog 2b
Frog 3
Frog 4
Frog 5
update grid
file photos
process emails (15 min)
Wilson windows? Call Kelly
update start/finish grid
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
pro's CI - 10am
I'm packed (except for my computer) and ready to check out of the inn. I'll be offline until I'm back in New York.
Have a great day, everyone! :)
todayfirst 9:40 AM EST
Yesterday was wierd. Started out doing ok, then really did nothing for a few hours, then felt better again after I got woken up by a
"crisis" I had to resolve. A lot of today's tasks are stuff I chose not to do yesterday.
Things I chose to do so far today:
- Workout :)
- Resolve a support issue
- Install updates
Things I would still like to do:
- Project Y - Final update/review
- Project Y - Final testing
- Project Y - Update docs
- Project Y - Burn the CD and be DONE with it
- Draft changes to document I'm avoiding - Start it today!!
- Source control task
- Look at report development - if time permits
pro's CI - 9:40am
I'm back from breakfast. Time to pack up and check out. I think I'm going to go hiking before doing all those other things because the day is going to cloud up.
On the other hand....
I guess I'll see. But right now, packing. Last time I left something in the bathroom. I'll try not to do that this time. :P
also forgot....
I forgot to bring a fanny pack, which will make my hike a little less convenient. O)
I'm putting it on my "to bring" list now for next time.
forgot to take pills
I just realized that I forgot to take my last two doses of pills yesterday, and almost forgot to take them this morning. When my routines are messed up, I don't remember anything. :(
I'm the same way for me
When "stuff" gets in the way of my routines, I just kind of fall apart.
1Focus 9:25
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan. D called in sick, got stung by a wasp late in the day yesterday. On the ear! He's hurting pretty bad this morning.
• Time Sheets
• Clear my head
• Specific plan for the day
I want To Do:
Work Plan
• Take out wasps that hit D
• Get lock project moving
• get septic handled for next week
• Building and grounds check, haven't done in a while, need to add to the department to-do list
• call about project DA
• update PDSA
• call about project P
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
G-I-D 9:00 CI
Good morning all. YAY! it's thursday and like this morning's graphic said - Tomorrow shall be friday. I'm feeling better this morning- not as sore as yesterday and seem to be able to get a little more done at a stretch before having to sit down . Slept much better last night too, which helps.
Have a great day everyone!
• Breakfast for everyone
• Dressed and ready for the day
• Cleaned up breakfast mess/loaded dishwasher
• DD0 dressed and down for nap
• Cleaned up kitty mess in DD0’s room – ARGH –
• Emptied DD0’s garbage can BEFORE it overflowed
• Put new garbage bag in and can back together
• Quality time w/ DD3
• DD3 dressed and ready for gymnastics
• Go to gymnastics – (remember consign sale ticket for K.)
• Come home/lunch
• Kid’s down for naps
• Fold towels/ put away
• Empty bathroom garbage cans (Maybe- depends on how I'm feeling)
• Dinner
• Go to consignment sale… Woo hoo… Please let them buy all my stuff!
• Wal-Mart
• Home/bedtime routine
Blessings on your back
Have you seen the chiropracter, G-I-D? I hope you make sure nothing is compressed, cracked, or slipped! Hoepfully you're just bruised and sore. But I hope you'll check it out.
pro's CI - 8:55am
I managed to get dressed without dawdling. Tra-la! :)
Next on my to-do list:
Uplifting Day
Enjoy it, pro! It can fuel you for a long time.
1Focus 8:17
Proudly Accomplished:
Took care of animals since I blew off last night
Morning Routine
• Out of bed 6:55 (target 6:00)
• Ready for anything
• Feed DD0 (DW took it on, no school today)
• Breakfast
• Unload dishwasher
• Head to work
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan. D called in sick, got stung by a wasp late in the day yesterday. On the ear! He's hurting pretty bad this morning.
• Time Sheets
I want To Do:
Work Routine
• Clear my head
• Specific plan for the day
Work Plan
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Hang wall slats
pro's CI - 8:15am
Not much of a check-in today except to say GOOD MORNING!!
I won't be posting for most of today. After I have breakfast and pack up, I'll be offline until I get back to New York.
Have a great day, everyone!! :)
Milo - almost 9pm and last CI
I have a good husband - I talked him into doing the ironing while I 'worked' (ie, CUOP...not that there were any posts..& CI }:)).
I said I'll take over in half an hour, which I think is fair.
Ta Da:
- Up & dressed (showered last night)
- went for walk to stretch tired muscles (I went for a run yesterday for the first time in weeks. I beat my time heaps but am paying for it!!)
- brushed teeth, drank water
- played a quick game with DD
- breakfast
- got past invoice copies from MIT
- processed entire in-box (only took 17 minutes!)
- rang telstra re dodgy lines and the fax machine that keeps calling me (it calls me more than clients do!)
- load of washing on
- Followed up lead W B-F
- looked for jobs briefly (found one to apply for!)
- chased invoice due (KD)
- unpacked diswasher
- reviewed other flyer
- Rang (and emailed) AB about getting on her supplier list
- Follow-up leads (RB,PW)
- finished filling out one lot of insurance forms
- break for lunch
- hung out washing and put another load on
- rang E re speaking at seniors morning tea
- rang ATO re ITC entitlement
- talked to friend on phone (she called me, not the other way!)
- entertained DD for an hour & a half (DH STILL on the phone - since 3pm!)
- rang R re Seniors Month
- paid 2 bills
- updated cashflow statement (reconciled with bank statement. Found I was short - DH had been carrying a cheque from a client around for a week in his wallet - had forgottent to bank it for me)
- added all 13 new to-do's into ACT!
- added a couple of appointments for next week into ACT!
- bathed DD and read to her till DS got home (she misses him so had to wait for him) then put both to bed
- made dinner for DH and I (and ate it, of course)
- DH did the dishes
- Checked calendar for tomorrow (nothing on, thank goodness)
To Do:
- rest of ironing
- shower and early to bed (ie, by 10pm)
Deferred: (not blown off! I overscheduled today so it's no surprise I didn't get them all done - and they were all the lowest priority for today)
- follow-up paper editor TB re editorial
- check out WIB conference
- ring photographer
- finish filling out insurance forms
- develop 'zones' for work for weekly plans
- Follow-up lead (JG - can't do this until 5:30 when she gets home)
- do wording for flyer
- start planning for trip (we are going away for the weekend)
Blown off:
- 15 minutes in zone, 5 minute room rescue (as usual - I don't know why I even bother puttign them on the list every day, I never do it!!)
- lay out my clothes, it's a trackies day tomorrow anyway as I'm just staying home packing, tidying and play with the kids.
- shining sink. Dishes are clean in the dishrack, I'm happy enough with that
- do 1/2hr of pilates before bed (even though I need it, I need sleep more right now :))
I have a plan for getting to bed on time AND getting the ironing done. I will have a shower while DH continues his bit...if he lets me get away with that }:).
Goodnight all!! I hope you have wonderful Thursdays. Norm - look forward to hearing from you soon, slider, I hope you feel better after posting your Big List. Pro, have a great hike. G-I-T, hope those aches are going away. scarlett - go get 'em! 1Focus, keep it up, you're doing awesome. Rexroth - hope you're still getting there. And all the others - go for it, you can do it!!!! (and Jester, come back!!!!!)
Bye!! (no, I'm not leaving for good, just felt like addressing everyone. It's not my last supper or anything :P)
looking forward to hike
I just got up. Feeling a little bleery. Need coffee. I'm looking forward to my hike today - very much! I end up on a mountain top at the end, and I have a favorite rock I sit on. :)
Milo 6pm
Finished my work day. DH (who finally turned up at 4:45!) and I tossed a coin and he's gone to get DS and I'm home with DD. He made her dinner, so I had time then to make a phone call. And the last 1/2 hour she's been playing happily beside me so I have still got some stuff done.
Ta Da:
- Up & dressed (showered last night)
- went for walk to stretch tired muscles (I went for a run yesterday for the first time in weeks. I beat my time heaps but am paying for it!!)
- brushed teeth, drank water
- played a quick game with DD
- breakfast
- got past invoice copies from MIT
- processed entire in-box (only took 17 minutes!)
- rang telstra re dodgy lines and the fax machine that keeps calling me (it calls me more than clients do!)
- load of washing on
- Followed up lead W B-F
- looked for jobs briefly (found one to apply for!)
- chased invoice due (KD)
- unpacked diswasher
- reviewed other flyer
- Rang (and emailed) AB about getting on her supplier list
- Follow-up leads (RB,PW)
- finished filling out one lot of insurance forms
- break for lunch
- hung out washing and put another load on
- ring E re speaking at seniors morning tea
- ring ATO re ITC entitlement
- talked to friend on phone (she called me, not the other way!)
- entertained DD for an hour & a half (DH STILL on the phone - since 3pm!)
- rang R re Seniors Month
- paid 2 bills
- updated cashflow statement (reconciled with bank statement. Found I was short - DH had been carrying a cheque from a client around for a week in his wallet - had forgottent to bank it for me)
- added all 13 new to-do's into ACT!
- added a couple of appointments for next week into ACT!
To Do:
- bath DD and play with her till DS gets home then put both to bed
- make dinner for DH and I (and eat it, of course)
- dishes
- 15 minutes in zone, 5 minute room rescue
- ironing
- start planning for trip (we are going away for the weekend)
- do 1/2hr of pilates before bed (after that jog yesterday I realised I REALLY need to work on my pelvic floor! Nuff said!!!)
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, lay out clothes, shine sink, check calendar, early to bed as I'm quite tired)
Deferred: (not blown off! I overscheduled today so it's no surprise I didn't get them all done - and they were all the lowest priority for today)
- follow-up paper editor TB re editorial
- check out WIB conference
- ring photographer
- finish filling out insurance forms
- develop 'zones' for work for weekly plans
- Follow-up lead (JG - can't do this until 5:30 when she gets home)
- do wording for flyer
Off to bath DD now. She's practising writing next to me. She's so smart, she's only 3 and a half and she's writing letters. Last night she was even reading words (not so much by each letter's sound, but by recognising the whole word for the most part). So proud of her :).
Phenomenal job!
You managed to do quite a bit of work for your business and work for your home, all while staying sane and enjoying DD. Even got to have some contact with a friend. That's a very well-rounded day! Awesome!
Milo 4:30pm
I think I've had a good day, even though I've hardly done a thing since 3pm. I will add my evening stuff on to my list now. I am not sure how my afernoon will pan out because DH and I haven't decided which one of us is going to collect DS (it's a 90 minute round-trip). Ideally it will be DH and he will take DD with him just before dinner so I can have some peace and DD and DS both eat dinner at DMILs }:). But I doubt it, as DH is tired, too, and if he agrees to go and get DS he will not want to take DD as well!!!!
Actually, it might be nice to spend at least 1/2 an hour alone with my thoughts, even if it's in the car...maybe I'll go and leave DD here with DH.
Ta Da:
- Up & dressed (showered last night)
- went for walk to stretch tired muscles (I went for a run yesterday for the first time in weeks. I beat my time heaps but am paying for it!!)
- brushed teeth, drank water
- played a quick game with DD
- breakfast
- got past invoice copies from MIT
- processed entire in-box (only took 17 minutes!)
- rang telstra re dodgy lines and the fax machine that keeps calling me (it calls me more than clients do!)
- load of washing on
- Followed up lead W B-F
- looked for jobs briefly (found one to apply for!)
- chased invoice due (KD)
- unpacked diswasher
- reviewed other flyer
- Rang (and emailed) AB about getting on her supplier list
- Follow-up leads (RB,PW)
- finished filling out one lot of insurance forms
- break for lunch
- hung out washing and put another load on
- ring E re speaking at seniors morning tea
- ring ATO re ITC entitlement
- talked to friend on phone (she called me, not the other way!)
- entertained DD for an hour & a half (DH STILL on the phone - since 3pm!)
To Do:
- Follow-up lead (JG - can't do this until 5:30 when she gets home)
- do wording for flyer
- ring R re Seniors Month
- do 1/2hr of pilates
- 15 minutes in zone, 5 minute room rescue
- pick up DS from DMIL
- ironing
- start planning for trip (we are going away for the weekend)
- do some of the stuff still on today's list IF I feel like it
- evening routine (shower as it's a home day tomorrow, lay out clothes, shine sink, check calendar, early to bed as I'm quite tired)
Deferred: (not blown off! I overscheduled today so it's no surprise I didn't get them all done - and they were all the lowest priority for today)
- follow-up paper editor TB re editorial
- check out WIB conference
- ring photographer
- finish filling out insurance forms
- develop 'zones' for work for weekly plans
You know what the most annoying thing about today has been? I have achieved over 20 'tasks' today, yet managed to add another 13 to my to-do list during the day as well. Sigh! At least I didn't add 40, hey?
I am going to find DH and see why he's taking so long!!!!
Yes, pro, that was a virtual shout! I just stepped on another snake--IN MY KITCHEN! This time it seemed to be a rat snake, very small. Those always scare me because their markings are so much like rattlesnakes and copperheads. I was afraid to touch it but also afraid to let it get away (to hide somewhere unknown in my house), so I kept corraling it trying to get a good look. I finally saw that it had no rattles and was slender, and didn't have a pit viper head, so I caught it and took it to the other side of the road. In general, they're good to have around because they get rid of mice (though the farmers around here refer to them as chicken snakes and say they eat eggs and chicks), but it freaks me out that it was in the house. I mean, where did it come from? How did it get in? It's very small--are there more? Everybody else is sleeping and knows neither my panic nor my bravery in catching it and hauling it off, so I just had to fire up the computer and say it here! (And what's this weird thing I have going on with snakes lately????)
Ha--maybe they're helpers!
The last snake I had, after all, eats only frogs!!!!! :lol: (Maybe rat snakes eat them, too. I certainly haven't been lately!)
One mystery solved
I stepped on the snake at 12:30 or so; DH found the laundry room door to the garage open around 11:00. Evidently DD left it open after tending to new kitten. So it was open for about an hour. I think that's how the snake got in--we've had them in the garage before. At least I like to think that's how it got in! :O
I am soooo glad we only have harmless snakes here... I keep telling DW that they eat bugs and we should be happy to have them (outside) but she's still not convinced!
Snakes are cool
Even better when they keep the mice down. We haven't had any in the house for 2 years now--there were tons before--since we had rat snakes in the garage then. The mice haven't come back. I'd MUCH rather let the snakes deal with them than set and empty mousetraps. I don't like dealing with poor dead mice. Poor dead mice in snake bellies don't concern me! ;)
Milo 1pm
Getting slower....
Ta Da:
- Up & dressed (showered last night)
- went for walk to stretch tired muscles (I went for a run yesterday for the first time in weeks. I beat my time heaps but am paying for it!!)
- brushed teeth, drank water
- played a quick game with DD
- breakfast
- got past invoice copies from MIT
- processed entire in-box (only took 17 minutes!)
- rang telstra re dodgy lines and the fax machine that keeps calling me (it calls me more than clients do!)
- load of washing on
- Followed up lead W B-F
- looked for jobs briefly (found one to apply for!)
- chased invoice due (KD)
- unpacked diswasher
- reviewed other flyer
- Rang (and emailed) AB about getting on her supplier list
To Do:
- Follow-up leads (RB,PW,JG)
- develop 'zones' for work for weekly plans
- finish filling out insurance forms
- break for lunch and daily routine things (sweep, reboot laundry)
- do wording for flyer
- ring E re speaking at seniors morning tea
- ring R re Seniors Month
- follow-up paper editor TB re editorial
- ring ATO re ITC entitlement
- check out WIB conference
- ring photographer
- do 1/2hr of pilates
- 15 minutes in zone, 5 minute room rescue
- pick up DS from DMIL
Keep at the crucial stuff!!!! (Cheering you on!)
I know you don't get much feedback near the end of your day. I'm still online, so I thought I'd just send you a little encouragement! You must be near the midafternoon slump. Hope you have done lots of the really vital stuff. Be kind to yourself, though, and take a refreshing break when you need to! Good luck with getting it all done before the kids are back--I know you'll want to spend some quality time with them!
Thanks so much slider, you're so caring :).
DD is actually home today (DMIL can only handle one at a time - she's 70 and DFIL is 82 so having both of them is a bit tough on them), and DH has been on a conference call for an hour so I have been entertaining her and haven't got much done. But I have done well so the break wasn't too irritating. Plus she's adorable :)
I won't get it all done, but my list was very ambitious and I have been aware of that all day. I have only 1 thing left that is a high priority - the rest are medium-low ( a week they'll be high!!!) so I feel good!