Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

~ It is 11:38 pm and amazingly I finished everything on the list :) I am so happy but a bit afraid that the momentum might be gone tomorrow. I highly recommend the article by  Steve Pavlina about getting up in the morning when the alarm clock goes off. I will apply it again tomorrow and see if it works. Just as he says, turn off your consciousness and turn it into a habit. Good luck y'all!

My list for today (after I get up):

(1.) Wake up on time (done)

(2.) Meet with X(done)

(3.) Meet with Y(done)

(4.) Work on HWK (done)

(5.) Read my magazine (done)

(6.) Go to gym(done)

(7.) Do laundry (done)

(8.) Cook(done)

Long list to start November, but I'd be so proud with myself if I go through it tomorrow.  I will try Steve Pavlina's approach on getting up when your alarm goes off. 


Back from long weekend


Getting back into some sort of scheduling after a long weekend away. But really enjoyed my break!

Yesterday was home but didn't do paid work. Did cleaning, cooking, laundry, worked with my son on his resume Smile Didn't turn my computer on.

Resolved on work issue which had been a problem for some time on Friday before we left.  Smile

Will go for bike ride (exercise) soon even though it is kind of late - 9.35 am. Done

Some non-work things I need to complete today:

  • online banking
  • return things to J
  • shops and bank
  • phone L and M
  • finish making bread

And work:

  • keep on track with report work, just keep going! Avoid perfectionism. 12.50 pm check-in, about 1 hour done on report. 8.30 pm.

Did about 1 more hour, did waste some time but a lot better than some days. Can see that the domestic/personal tasks took up a lot of the day, also need to start earlier in the morning.

Need to go to sleep earlier! this is my resolve for today.

  • phone J and A

Thanks to all of you here, hope everyone's day is going well now!


My Day Today

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Ate breakfast

3. Went to the podiatriast at 9 a.m.

4. Got the material from Goodwill

5. Took a long nap

6. Took shower

7. Got dressed

6. Had silent prayer in the morning on the bus

Things I will do today

1. Post and send Al-Anon literature for today

2. Prayer and meditation in the evening

3. Vote

4. Wash clothes for my mother

5. Make bed

6. Wash dishes

7. Clear couch

8. Clear tables

9. Clear floor

10. Open and go through mail

11. Call a PA member

12. Call my DA Sponsor.

11. Do numbers

Thanks for letting me share.

katia 11/2

Had a lovely morning :) But sooo much to do. I'd be crazy if I said I wasn't terrified about everything- lots of issues with parents.

I do get to vote for the first time, even if I've been 18 for a few years now. One instance of procrastination getting squashed I suppose :P

-Copy PS #28 into notebook
-Read Ch. 11 Sect 7-10
-Notes Ch. 11 Sect 7-10
-Reading Quiz
-Make study list
-Look up laptop charger/where to buy
-15 min tidying up
-Put dishes away
-Call Y back
-More online research

tuesday nov 2 tracy-la check in

Hi Everyone~

1. Check in - Show-Up - Done

2.  Daily Goals (met yesterday) Billing 6.0 - Timesheet 

3. Reading

4. Exercise

Read about interesting idea for constructing methods of "touching time" rather than checklists.  A lot of time management systems are 1-dimensional, stagnant. The lined pads, to do lists and dayplanner capture tasks and freeze them onto papers. But our lives are often very dynamic with priorities always changing and learning styles are kinesthetic.  Conventional time management tools can be ill-suited.

 Ideas this book has: (1) using multicompartment file folder with NOW on left panel and NOT NOW on right panel. Put things to do on sticky notes and put in panel. Then third panel in inside called VERY SOON. Then 4th panel called PARKING.

Once sticky note from NOW panel is done, it's replaced with a note from VERY SOON panel.

If a new task needs space on NOW, a different NOW must be downgraded to VERY SOON -- otherwise new task goes to VERY SOON.  When task from VERY SOON is done, a task from PARKING moves to VERY SOON.

Theory behind this? From conventional time mgt pt of view, NOW and VERY SOON are ambiguous. This is what appeals to certain people (like me perhaps) because they are NOT calendar oriented. They are not daily, weekly or monthly. Because certain people (like me perhaps) are unable to be realistic about how much we can accomplish daily or weekly, the panels frame our time physically. You cannot add more than a panel will hold.

We may enjoy moving the sticky notes around.

Other methods of "touching time" --

(2) using flash cards from index cards which can be shuffled and handled (will write about later in more details) 

(3) Lego models or blocks with sticky notes on them  that can be stacked

(4) Post-It makes a calendar (although it is weekly where you write in days) and you can put in Post-It notes. I have tried it but think I'll go to the NOW, VERY SOON AND PARKING and add TELEPHONE CALLS and EMAILS or other daily tasks.

(5) and _______________ whatever works for us.  Imagination and knowing ourselves may be the best tools in coming up with things that work.

As creative as we are...I think we can come up with kinesthetic, dynamic ways that will work better for us. I am not a linear thinker which is what makes me good at what I do -- so why should it be no surprise that typical "to do" lists aren't successful for me?

 Just more tools to add to our wonderful program. 

Best, Tracy 



sorry for double posting. it was odd and i can't delete.


tuesday nov 2 tracy-la check in

Hi Everyone~

1. Check in - Show-Up - Done

2.  Daily Goals (met yesterday) Billing 6.0 - Timesheet 

3. Reading

4. Exercise

Read about interesting idea for constructing methods of "touching time" rather than checklists.  A lot of time management systems are 1-dimensional, stagnant. The lined pads, to do lists and dayplanner capture tasks and freeze them onto papers. But our lives are often very dynamic with priorities always changing and learning styles are kinesthetic.  Conventional time management tools can be ill-suited.

 Ideas this book has: (1) using multicompartment file folder with NOW on left panel and NOT NOW on right panel. Put things to do on sticky notes and put in panel. Then third panel in inside called VERY SOON. Then 4th panel called PARKING.

Once sticky note from NOW panel is done, it's replaced with a note from VERY SOON panel.

If a new task needs space on NOW, a different NOW must be downgraded to VERY SOON -- otherwise new task goes to VERY SOON.  When task from VERY SOON is done, a task from PARKING moves to VERY SOON.

Theory behind this? From conventional time mgt pt of view, NOW and VERY SOON are ambiguous. This is what appeals to certain people (like me perhaps) because they are NOT calendar oriented. They are not daily, weekly or monthly. Because certain people (like me perhaps) are unable to be realistic about how much we can accomplish daily or weekly, the panels frame our time physically. You cannot add more than a panel will hold.

We may enjoy moving the sticky notes around.

Other methods of "touching time" --

(2) using flash cards from index cards which can be shuffled and handled (will write about later in more details) 

(3) Lego models or blocks with sticky notes on them  that can be stacked

(4) Post-It makes a calendar (although it is weekly where you write in days) and you can put in Post-It notes. I have tried it but think I'll go to the NOW, VERY SOON AND PARKING and add TELEPHONE CALLS and EMAILS or other daily tasks.

(5) and _______________ whatever works for us.  Imagination and knowing ourselves may be the best tools in coming up with things that work.

As creative as we are...I think we can come up with kinesthetic, dynamic ways that will work better for us. I am not a linear thinker which is what makes me good at what I do -- so why should it be no surprise that typical "to do" lists aren't successful for me?

 Just more tools to add to our wonderful program. 

Best, Tracy 



Windows 7 Sticky Notes

I do this on my Windows 7 desktop (work life only) :

Create sticky notes (under all programs/accessories) on my desktop and arrange them so I can see the first line on each, with them stacked in order of importance.  I can pull one to the top with a click, when switching tasks.  I can only do one thing at a time, so the one on top is my NOW task, with notes about the plan of attack.

I have a sticky off to the side where I list my tasks for the day/next day.

And one more sticky lists the business days of the week, with my target start and end times and notes about evening activities.

Thx Ruth - wil try it!!



Thanks for sharing this with us. Could you tell us what the book is that the ideas are from?

I can see it might help cut across some chronic patterns for me, especially where I don't feel like I'm progressing even when I am.

Saves on re-writing lists too!

Book is "Conquering Chronic Disorganization" by Judith Kolberg

I bought this book 3 years ago for my best friend's college prof husband who is a clutterer and warehouse shopper. I looked at it -- thought it didn't apply to me since I don't appear to be "chronically disorganized".  

Then I found it in a bookcase the other day, skimmed it now that I have an open mind and see my backlogged to do lists (even if I have a clean organized house) & loved the approach.

She recognizes certain people don't respond well to trad'l time management tools and that you need to figure out your learning and work style. And she says that trad'l organizing tools which act like "once and for all" tools is a MYTH because we all do not organize the same way.

Organizing like all behaviors is very complex phenomenon (involves the way neurological info is processed; sociological factors such as exposure to and integration of organizing factors; and psychological factors).  

Kolberg has a website too, just google her name. 

I will try the Windows 7 Sticky Notes. Great idea!  


Thanks tracy-la


Will follow up. Could be helpful for me.

Vic 11/2

  Show up (done)

Ask God to direct my  thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity , dishonest or self-seeking motives.

Grateful that this prayer is really working. Did not wake with a positive mood. Dental work yesterday required surgery and more dental work to come. Woke with headache, pain and could not focus on anything. In the past, it would have been a great reason to shut down and continue my negativity consciously  or unconsciously. Then, I thought , well at least I can "show up" on PA, so when I got on line, the article below popped out at me. (see below) Just what I needed, thanks HP. So my 1st step, as always, seems to be "showing up" and connecting in PA. Thanks for being here.

Studies show that positive employees outperform negative employees in terms of productivity, sales, energy levels, turnover rates and healthcare costs. According to Shawn Achor, Harvard researcher and author of "The Happiness Advantage," optimistic sales people outperform their pessimistic counterparts by up to 37%. In fact, the benefits can be seen across industries and job functions. Doctors with a positive mindset are 50% more accurate when making diagnoses than those that are negative.Today, a few forward-thinking companies are investing in the happiness of their employees to drive innovation and boost productivity.

Ian's list and daily renewal, 11.2

A number of items here are carry-overs from yesterday; in the end I only managed about 2 productive hours yesterday. Hope to give myself to my program today, and I choose to trust that doing so will bring a better day. 
- client #2: timeline revisions
- client #2: deliver sketch plan for the page of new content assigned to me yesterday
- client #2: book NYC trip
DONE - client #2: send questions about trip, pay agreement, and invoice schedule of new assignment
DONE - research travel arrangements for NYC trip
- client #1: daily report (MUST DO)
- client #1: invoice  (MUST DO)
- client #1: prototype of by-topic analytics (maybe)
- client #1: weekly analytics report (maybe)
DONE - prayer
DONE - daily renewal
- meditation
DONE - journaling
- follow the Big Book directions, pp 84, 86-88
- bring everything to the light in the PA chatbox.
- call 1
- call 2
- call 3
- exercise
- phone meeting
- 1/2 hour stepwork (15 minutes step 1; 15 minutes or more of Step 2 reading)
- readings
- vote
- take matt/meg to airport @ 2:45
- pick up theo at 5
- cook dinner
- bathe kids

Tuesday CI for the Scribbler

  • get up at 6
  • make bed
  • exercise
  • coffee, paper
  • healthy breakfast
  • checkins


  • Update Quicken
  • Clean off desk
  • Call 1 re: taxbill
  • Send music email
  • File BN post
  • Do 2 CIO //
  • Deliver Meals on Wheels


  • Bank deposit
  • Healthy lunch
  • Reply to Planet Profit
  • Send music email
  • Send query


  • Healthy dinner
  • Take down Halloween decorations
  • Work on song rewrites
  • Practice w/PA
  • Read, relax
  • Bed by 10:30

kromer 9:30 CI

So far I've had prayer time, spent a couple hours passing out flyers at polling place, warmed up from flyering.

I have a meeting 10-12, and another meeting 2-3. I need to go vote (probably at 3)

Other than that, MITs are:
*Work on smf plan
*c.m (will do this soon)
*Look at 2 slides
*DNA extraction and clean-up(need to work on this now)

Other tasks are:
*Talk to M, notes on Southern protocol (will do this soon)
*K and D intron/exon counts
*Look at 2 more slides

OK, need to quickly go check on a few expts before mtg. 

Journey 9:30 and speaking of bad days . ..

I am *really* not in the mood to work this week at all!    I went to vote this morning instead of going to the gym, and of course I'm glad I did  but it feels like day didn't start out right.  It's cloudy and dreary, I'm totally stressed about my top project and I have a meeting about it in one hour, and I left my lunch in the car which is three blocks away.   But let's get with it anyway eh? 

I've read email and checked my calendar.   I have a social thing at lunch today - it's a Diwali party that the Indian folks are putting on - I work in IT so we have lots and lots of people here from India.  I'm looking forward to it but I'm really an introverted person so that kind of stuff is a little stressful for me too.  

AND WHY DID I VOLUNTEER for yet another social event on Friday?   It's a "fall festival" , sort of a general purpose holiday lunch for the department.   Well, I know why I volunteered, I figure it's a good networking event and they are also collecting money for my fave charity, the Atlanta Community Food Bank.   But after having a family get together on Sunday, a party with *strangers* today and the stupid carnival on Friday, I'm gonna be a wreck lol.    I will have to lock myself in a room and be alone for a week.

Well, I feel better after venting.  Thanks for listening Tongue out.  Off to make todo list now. 


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


Even though I'm a 'stranger' too I'm giving you a big hug because I totally relate! :)  I helped co-host a large neighborhood party over the weekend, I've had a visitor at the house for four days, taught a boy scout troup last night and am hosting a large event that lasts all weekend starting Friday. This morning I am feeling incredible unfocused and distractable. Your post made a light bulb go off in my head realizing that I'm seeking escape! 

 I guess I owe you a big thank you for helping me see and realize what's going on in my whacky brain today.  Sometimes taking 15 minutes in my car meditating outside really helps to settle me down from 'people overload'. I may have to escape for a hot bath this evening and leave care of the kiddo to my DH.

Here's to hoping you find some peaceful alone time this day!

"I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once." - Jennifer Unlimited

thanks CB

Calgon, take me away!


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy

Crazybug CI

Gave myself a little too much slack this morning. One day I will realize that I am not responsible enough at this moment to resist wandering off on useless paths, so should put my blinders on when it's time for work and not exploring time.

Today I have some important tasks to make progress on:

- call about ins. (first must draft questions/concerns)

- bookkeeping tasks

- draft tm stuff and email

- order acq labels

- draft 3 cards for review


“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted”  David Bly 

BC 11/2

Laura, thanks for starting the thread!

Work 8AM-5PM: 

-Finish copying graphics to project 3 der [DONE]

-Finishing intro to project 3 der [DONE]

-Finish analysis of project 3 der [DONE]

-Finish conclusion of project 3 der [DONE]

-Finish formatting for project 3 der

-Writeup quick testp [DONE]

After Work 5PM-Sleep: 

-Go for a run

-Sell computer case

-Sell dvdrw drive 

-Sell b gps 

-Read 100 pgs GTOG 

Rexroth Check In

Up prayer and reflection
Wash up everything
Bath wash hair and trim off most of explorers beard leaving a formal short business one
Phone friend and suggest meeting to sort both our problems out - he is happy that I assist in sorting his problem out and is otherwas confused - my responsibility as in the past I have given and sometimes wasted my time with him
Written and posted letter confirming meeting to discuss hospital complaint
Checked to see if Hotmail have moved any further forward in resolving my problems with them

Put on washing machine
Hang up dry washing only it isn't dry
Check files and phone advocate
Rest - I have been awake since 4.30
Wash rest of bits from trip abroad
Read and write journal and check todo lists
and I have plenty else to do

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Update

Most of above but I still have more to do
In addition at last got into my email account and went through over 500 emails and sorted them all out
Made up a strong password for my email account which might stop anyone getting access again

At the moment I can clearly see what I have to do and I could do with some more energy to get it done

Rest and a little tidy
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

and so to bed

Night Everyone


Tuesday November 2nd

Vote Smile

Move desktop to new reception area 

Propose rent reduction to landlord

Make 25 new action calls

Prepare for trainng of fng's

myy day 2

Small things again. Will make a big difference in the long run though :)

- met my billable work quota (||)
- took care of my home by doing chores (||)
- took care of me with a quick minimum workout (|)

I had a good day :)