Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 28 October 2010

BC 10/28

Lucky thanks for the thread and lol at the cat pic!

Late ass check in today...

Work 8AM-5PM: 


-Update der [DONE]

-Finish reading CMO EIEC

-Write up project 3 EIEC 

After Work 5PM-Sleep: 

-Pay cc bills AE500/500PV

-Get financial plan for rest of month in order [DONE]

-Workout Bench [DONE]

-Workout Pullups [DONE]

-Workout Military Press [DONE]

-Workout Squat [DONE]

-Read business 101 thread [DONE]

-Sell computer case and cd d

-Calculate carryover and plan vacation days

-Review Comcast bill [DONE]

-Sell b gps

-Talk to R about Jb biz [DONE]

-Ask B to do dishes [DONE]

-Sweep floor [DONE]

-Text ppl about FF  [DONE]

-Get haircut [DONE]

hope4meandu checkin (5:00PM)

Thanks Lucky for the starter. Gratefully at the moment I am up-to-date with important volunteer project. Will it continue....??? I even rec'd an email from someone saying I shoudln't be the "go to" person because it needs to be timely & consistent (the person I used to be). Whatever, at least it's good for now. Feeling human (after being pretty sick) for the whole day today, so hopefully tonight will be:

-continue to answer emails
-meet YH for 8:30PM

Just also want to turn over that I'm suppposed to study with someone who is very unavailable, and I'm pretty lucky at the opportunity. Last week, I was too sick, and tonight due to not getting things done, don't think I can make it. Don't want to continue to blow this person off, or she might think...... Don't know if I can realistically do it though. Hope if I can't she won't give up on me.

May your day bring you happiness!!

♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's emotional & physical healing.♥

katia 10/28

I'm not sure why but I feel compelled to at least kind of say what's been going on, if anything because I have to keep it a secret to all but a few. I'm very pregnant by my first and only boyfriend who did some things he shouldn't have to me even though I miss him very much. No parent support, being pressured to give him up. Very stressed. Luckily I finally got the courage to see someone to talk about everything. But coming on here helps me get some things done, even if I'm woefully behind. Thanks for letting me share, not trying to get any attention, just thought it'd be easier to share with friends if necessary if I share somewhere somewhat anonymous. Thanks. List to follow.

Thank you Journey, RuthB, Hope4Meandu, and Vic :)

And anyone else who sent warm thoughts.

I really appreciate all the lovely supports. I love my son very much and I think I can make it work- luckily I've gotten the strength to seek out support, though there is alot to be done in little time. One step at a time.

Prayers are appreciated, ruthb :)

Just thanks very very much.


My prayers are with you. There are so many people who have been in your situation and I pray you get the help you need and is right for you. There is no shame or secret necessary here or anywhere. I pray you keep looking for your answers. There is so much help out there. Vic


I too feel safe to share here. Sending you prayers for you and your baby!! So many, surrounding your every action and thought. Please keep coming back and sharing with us!!

♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's emotional & physical healing.♥

Hang in there

katia, thanks for sharing.  May I pray for you and your little one?


Best of luck sweetie, you are going through a rough time!   I know you will make the right decision.  


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


Since it seemed strange to have something like "put dishes away" in the same post lol.

Things to do today
-PS #26
-Lesson Activity
-Either start lab or next lesson
-Appt #1
-Appt #2
-Call Y
-Mail Letter-Impt
-Put dishes away
-3 chapters in book
-Put away 10 items

Soooo much more but sooo exhausted. Thank you all :)

Didn't get my schoolwork done, but yesterday was really emotionally draining.

Let's change the day, Ian,

Let's change the day, Ian, by using tools that actually work. Here's my list:

» spot inventory (15 minutes tops)

» call sponsor 

» revise article

» take my kid to her taekwondo class

» quick daily report for client

» PA first step work - 1/2 hour 

Thursday - tracy-la checking in

My basics:

1. check in / showing up - Done

2. Gratitudes / Affirmation / Reading - Done 

I am flexible and open to change in every aspect of my life.

3. Check calendar - Done

4. Plan to Plan - Done

5.  Exercise - going for a run right after check in

6. In Box - Done  Timsheet - Done. Billing goal met 6.30.

Didn't meet admin goal of 1 hour. Add that onto a weekend time.

7. Reading excerpt (I retype and say aloud) 

"Meditation and Prayer." The 11th step asks us to meditate as a route to improving our conscious contact with the Universe/HP/God.  Meditation is different than worrying or obsessing. Obsession and worrying are fear connections.  Meditation means opening our mind and our spiritual energy to the Universe/HP/God connection.

In the busyness of our day and life, it may seem like a waste of time to slow down, to stop what we're doing, and take this kind of break. It is no more a waste of time than stopping to put gas in our car when the tank is almost empty. It is necessary, it is beneficial, and it saves time. In fact, meditation can create more time and energy than the moments we take to do it. 

Meditation and prayer are powerful recovery behaviors that work. We need to be patient.

Saw a quote today that says: Have patience with the Universe/HP/God; he/she/it has had patience with you all these yearsSmile

 But solutions are coming. They are already on the way, if we have done our part -- meditate/pray -- and then let the rest go. When our conscious contact with the Universe/HP/God improves, our subconscious contact will too. We will find ourselves increasingly tuned into the Universe/HP/God's harmony and will for us. We will find and maintain that soul connection, the Universe/HP/God connection.

Mediation/Prayer: Today, I will take a moment for meditation and prayer. [Doesn't matter if it's in morning, evening, coffee break, during a walk - that's our choice.] I will decide when and how long to do it. I am a child and creation of the Universe/HP/God -- a Higher Power who loves to listen and talk to me.

Dear Universe/HP/God   - help me let go of my fears about whether or not You hear an care. Help me know that You are there and that I am able to tap into that spiritual consciousness. 

Melodie Beattie adaption. 


Have a great day everyone. And thank for everyone's post. I am enjoying the sense of community, the recovery friendships and see how giving and receiving support helps all of us grow.


Goal - Daily 6 hrs billable time: Each smiley face = 1/2 hour



potential energy 1140


1. LS          2. JP            3. WG              

reports are overdue- I was supposed to stay home writing them today, but have avoided them for the past 4 hrs.  and managed to get a headache.  I am praying that I get through them. 

kromer 10:30 CI

A bit of a slow/late start this morning but I have done laundry, had prayer time, checked on expts and watched set up of Southern transfer.

I have a whole lot of work to get done today. 

Scheduled: tutoring 4-6, bible study 8:30-10:30

*Coverslip and look at slides (will do this soon)
*Understand Southern/probe protocol (working on this now)
*Work on mouse db/colony management. (will do this soon)
*Call BT, message BP, see ER

*Talk to TE about collaboration with MK

Other tasks:
*Look at splice forms
*Deal w/ email
*Go over conf. notes and figure out big take-homes
*Think about how to assess proportions
*Chart out RA project

OK, I'm going to start with trying to understand southern/probe protocol

Journey 10:30

Hectic morning!  I got up on time, and got to the gym earlier than usual although not quite as early as I want.  Traffic was horrendous but still got here on time.   My coworker called and asked me to lead her 9:30 meeting which just ended, and I have time to grab a cuppa before my next meeting.   I'll be back with a to do list, uh, soon!


You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy

Thursday CI with the Scribbler

I did better yesterday after trying hard not to overschedule.  A problem developed when a friend to whom I owe many favors asked me to help move something, which took a couple of hours. But I went back to the schedule, working top to bottom, when I could and managed to get most of my stuff done yesterday. I feel somewhat better and will try to do better today.I still feel I'm probably overscheduled, but all this stuff really needs to get done, it seems. We'll see.
  • get up at 6
  • make bed
  • exercise
  • coffee, paper
  • healthy breakfast
  • checkins


  • Update Quicken
  • Clean off desk
  • Add to music db
  • Do Graves intvw
  • Order PA
  • File outlook11 final
  • File social
  • Call 2 re: steal


  • Reply to Planet Profit
  • File 2 CIO
  • R tk by re: guitar
  • File 2 BN
  • Send refi check
  • Deposit $300
  • Return DI
  • Grocery shopping
  • P/U B at 4


  • P/U C at 5
  • Healthy dinner
  • Soccer practice
  • Watch World Series (?)
  • Work on song rewrites
  • Read, relax
  • D/o kids by 8:30
  • Bed by 10:30

Sammy :: ci 10/28/10

Haha, thanks for the starter, Lucky. This is how I'm feeling after my awful day yesterday. Time to kick some @$$!


Drawings to finish by 8am Friday:

- Still life #1

- Still life #2 

- Self Portrait

- Master Portrait 

- Reflections

- Landscape

Crazybug CI

Sank to the bottom yesterday and harmed special relationships in my life.

Picking myself back up today. Took the day off of work to try to manage some of the chaos in my personal affairs that are occupying a large part of my psyche and hindering work at the professional level.

Asking forgiveness from my HP and will be asking forgivness from my family this evening.  Asking myself for forgiveness and the ability to move on...


thank you all for being here.


Keep coming back and moving forward.  


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy

Vic 10-28-10

Show up (done) great  starter. Ask God to direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity,, dishonest or self-seeking motives.Thanks for being here.

Through believing that a Higher Power can help, a man or a woman formerly eaten up with raging fear, anger, shame, doubt, guilt, and frustration may become calm and begin to grow spiritually by focusing on doing some simple steps, going to meetings, reading the Big Book, and talking to a sponsor. This person is not alone; there are other caring brothers and sisters who really do understand because they are dealing with the same problems the newcomer has. The simple act of believing that a Higher Power can restore us to sanity leads us into a family and into a new life where we can begin to see and experience a little sanity.
- A Hunger for Healing, p. 35

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank Lucky for starting this trend.

Thing I have done

Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

Things I will do

1. Take a shower

2. Get dressed

3. Eat breakfast

4. Wash clothes

5. Go to see my therapist at 10:15 a.m.

6. Go to the political meeting at 1 p.m.

7. Eat lunch

8. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

9. Eat dinner

10. Make bed

11. Wash dishes

12. Post and send out Al-Anon literature

13. Write my paper

14. Go to the 8 p.m. face to face NA meeting

15. Send my September numbers to a couple of people for my PRG

16. Do my numbers for October

17. Do my DBT work.

18. Went grocery shopping

19. Put groceries away

20. Send paper to blackboard

Thanks for letting me share


wake up--->5h00



Serenity prayer

plan day

Luath housetraining

checkin--->8h00 (6h47)

barn chores

change clothes



check work email

ACA report

checkin---> 12h00 (12h39)


phone Mr McN



barn chores

supper at college

chekin--->20h00 (22h30)

Luath housetraining

Gratitude prayer





Carpe Diem

Rexroth Check In

Thanks for starting the thread Lucky.

Prayer and reflection
Tried phoning brother
Filled in form for access to blocked email account
Checked emails in unblocked account
Checked some of craft material from abroad

List and food shopping
Sort out craft stuff and store
Rinse and hang up white washing
Finish putting away travel stuff

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Update

Not doing very well today. I am tired and muddled from getting used to being in my own place again.

Food shopping - enough to manage
Emailed friend re meeting
Had another look at craft stuff and it is better I sort it properly before putting it away
Alarming letter from landlords saying that they propose to alter my tenancy agreement in a way that is probably illegal. I am not putting off acting on it as I need to think before action - as well as procrastination I sometimes react rather than think when I am angry or threatened

Washing which I had forgotten about
Try not to make any more mess

Regards a very muddled and tired Rexroth

Rexroth My day is not improving

Hung up washing to find that I had laundered my passport which was in a pocket in one of my shirts - this also leaves bits of wet paper all over the floor
Neighbour delivers mail which the mail service was supposed to keep secure - I can't find the contract
Neighbour also has attended meeting with landlords who do not know how they are to implement changes to the tenancy agreement but they are doing it by the end of November anyway
Out and bought some more food and eaten too much

I think it is time to stop pray and remember that all these things are resolvable when I am not so tired and muddled.


Rexroth Check Out

Phoned Mail service who apologise and say they will deliver any mail they have tomorrow which is when all of it should have been delivered and they will also enquire into what happened
Phoned Passport service and I need to get my form and photo countersigned and that is the only extra thing I need to do as I was going to get a new passport anyway
Read some of stuff from landlords and know what to do about it which is to wait until I have all the information
Put craft stuff away
A long phone chat on craft stuff with fellow craftsman who phoned me and I've agreed to write an article for the journal
Uploaded photos from travel onto laptop

Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Folks Rexroth

Welcome back, Rexroth!!

'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy

Thank you journey

Thank you journey and in view of my post above I'm wondering if I should have stayed away longer.

Regards Rexroth

Lucky CI

Up at 6
Check in
Get dressed for work
Walk dog


First thing – Unlock 3rd floor kitchen

First thing – Boardroom check

Post 11am (+ get box for W)

Check & send approved POs



Frank outgoing post & take to gate D for 4.30

4.45 – Recycling, shredding, tidy & plan

Own hol form/calendar

Make stationery inventory


Sort keys

Sort filing cabinet at gate D

Print everyone’s pics ½ postcard size & laminate

Undo tour guide access to 4th floor

Print report – anyone got in? (K to explain)

Sort G locker upstairs

Update locker key register – ppl in yellow have left

Give M medical forms

Email E
Sort tasklist on phone
Print vet form
£20 to D and set reminder

After work:
Walk dog
Clear kitchen
Email L
Bake gingerbread
Floss/brush teeth/wash face/moisturise
Tomorrow's list
Email task buddy
Check in
BED straight after check in

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