Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Yes, it's 6:41pm on Monday evening here in California, and I am opening up the Tuesday thread. Why? Because as far as *I* am concerned, it's now officially Tuesday. So there. Too early? Don't do this again? Just let me know. But right now, let me start this new day off, and fire the opening shot. Thanks, gang.
Pretty graphic added by pro.
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JestRight - 8:55pm - Closing Bookend
Will adjust hours a bit for tomorrow. Got to build in progress, not just treading water.
Finances, NetSpend, MailOut
Want-To’s (AM)
Want-To's (PM)
Odometer, Unload, DeForward; BORKey; Undress
Herbs, BachWaters, Breakfast, Vits
Gymbag, Hankie, Cards, Clothes; Mail; Trash
ClearDesk@Home, ToHome, Receipts
Personals, Reading
BootUp, CoffeeOn, Khoong, TBN, SplashFace/Comb, Creflo
AMHerbalTea, PourCoffee, Feet, Bed
Icebox (HerbalTea, Breakfast, Vits); GurdjieffMeditation
Deodorant, SuitUp, Cell, BORKey
CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen, Forward, Load
Drive2Office, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions, Call Mom
ToOffice, Vits, Breakfast, NNHerbalTea, PlanLunch, LUNCH, 9amCALLS, Messages, Followup from Lunch meeting, ClearDailyEmail
Drive to 430pmGym
Took down pictures of Miss LS from walls and refrigerator
Desk at home cleared of anything business-related - just for recreation, creative stuff, health stuff, and household stuff from now on.
Found 8 or 10 interesting books next to recycling bin.
Blew off Harry about the old voiceover script he expected me to have archived for him. I am noone's secretary, and the world can damn well learn that. (More I want to say on this subject, but Pro likes it clean.)
Counseled Ernesto about being proactive - and may end up following some of my own advice.
Looks like I woke up about 2 1/2 hours late this morning. I will avoid any radical changes for tomorrow's plan, just try to relax earlier, and get up on time.
If I pick up 2 hours of being proactive in the middle of the day ("Want-To's") that should be progress.
We'll see.
The reason I got up late is that I didnt sleep till the wee hours, and therefore adjusted the alarm forward.
Tonight I got some exercise, and ate at a reasonable hour. I'll take more drugs to sleep if needed, and get up and going no matter what. If I still dont sleep, and am tired during the day, I'll keep putting an earlier bedtime until this works.
pro's CI - 11:15pm
pro's CI - 10:30pm
pro's CI - 9:30pm
Still sitting here - don't know why. Must stand up and start bedtime routine!! This is not the time to start reading a magazine.
pro's CI - 9pm
I need to start my bedtime routine soon, but I'm in the middle of something in my program and I'm afraid I'm going to forget what I'm doing. But I'm not going to time binge - I just need to get to a good stopping place.
Stopping place
Make sure it's a really good stopping place }:)
I read you should stop right in the middle of things
The psychologist whose name I always forget who did the research on procrastination recommended stopping in the middle of things - even stopping in the middle of writing a sentence. Never go past the planned time with the idea of finding a "good stopping place". He was the one who coined the term "time bingeing", and recognized it as one of the causes of procrastination.
"Never go past the planned time with the idea of finding a 'good stopping place'. "
stopping time is now
I know, I'm heading down the slippery slope. Stopping time is now!
Motivation: Remembering how completely crappy I felt for several days after I time binged last week and abandoned my routines.
1Focus 8:41
Blew off:
• Feed DD0(out of bed late, got to the dishes instead)
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
Grocery shopping on the way home
Evening Routine
• Help in kitchen
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores (include kids)
• Clean up kitchen (DW beat me to it)
• Scoop catbox
I want To Do:
• Office chores
• Early to bed (lights out 10:00pm)
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
• Stay on top of "always" list
gettin it done 8:00 p.m. Last CI
DD3 and I had a pretty decent day considering her mood and my mood. There was only one time that I called DH and told him I was ready "to throw her out the window".... but we worked it out and noone went out the window.
I did maange to get dinner cooked
the dishes done and kitchen mostly cleaned
Picked up most of the Living room
Took the recyling out and put it out for the garbage man.
So long for tonight. Hope everyone has a great one.
"There was only one time that I called DH and told him I was ready "to throw her out the window"
Our own private reality show
good night!
I hope you sleep well and feel better tomorrow.
JestRight - 4:14pm - Interim CI
Finances, NetSpend, MailOut
Want-To’s (AM)
Want-To's (PM)
Odometer, Unload, DeForward; BORKey; Undress
Herbs, BachWaters, Breakfast, Vits
Gymbag, Hankie, Cards, Clothes; Mail; Trash
ClearDesk@Home, ToHome, Receipts
Personals, Reading
BootUp, CoffeeOn, Khoong, TBN, SplashFace/Comb, Creflo
AMHerbalTea, PourCoffee, Feet, Bed
Icebox (HerbalTea, Breakfast, Vits); GurdjieffMeditation
Deodorant, SuitUp, Cell, BORKey
CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen, Forward, Load
Drive2Office, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions, Call Mom
ToOffice, Vits, Breakfast, NNHerbalTea, PlanLunch, LUNCH, 9amCALLS, Messages, Followup from Lunch meeting, ClearDailyEmail
Took down pictures of Miss LS from walls and refrigerator
Desk at home cleared of anything business-related - just for recreation, creative stuff, health stuff, and household stuff from now on.
Found 8 or 10 interesting books next to recycling bin
Drive to 430pmGym’n’Swim OR TrailWorkout OR HealthAppt
pro's CI - 6:10pm
There's a meeting at 6:45pm that I like and usually go to, but I also would like to continue working, my favorite TV show is on tonight (House) so I'm losing another hour, plus I got a late start today because I had to read the Pilates intro stuff before doing the exercises. It's supposed to rain - perhaps that tips the scales towards staying home and working? No... I really want to go. I'm going to go. It will mean I'm done working for today, but that's okay. I tend to time-binge when I'm programming, and that's not healthy. I need to stick to my routines. I have another 20 minutes or so before I leave for the meeting, so I can work a little more if I want.
Time bingeing... bad. Good choice on stopping work for the day like the rest of us ;)
I'm tipping towards it...
Must be careful. I was programming during the commercials while watching House, and now I don't want to stop. I should give myself five minutes to reach a stopping point.
Wait - you know what? I can stop now. BEDTIME ROUTINE TIME!!
I like the reasoning.
1Focus 5:00
Blew off:
• Feed DD0(out of bed late, got to the dishes instead)
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• one on one training(man, training people takes forever )
• misc stuff
• prepare for committee meeting tomorrow
• 4:00 meeting
I want To Do:
Grocery shopping on the way home
Evening Routine
• Help in kitchen
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores (include kids)
• Clean up kitchen
• Scoop catbox
• Office chores
• Early to bed (lights out 10:00pm)
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
• Stay on top of "always" list
unclosed tag alert
You forgot to close your "green" tag - board turned green there for a minute. I fixed it. :)
JestRight - 1:46pm - Interim CI
EDITORIAL COMMENT: No want-to's will be done today. At least it's crystal clear now what's going on.. The "crush" of daily living, of being at the right place at the right time, suited up and showing up, seems to be a fulltime job for me. No time for actual accomplishment, work, or service! At least this schedule format makes clear what is happening.
Odometer, Unload, DeForward; BORKey; Undress
Herbs, BachWaters, Breakfast, Vits
Gymbag, Hankie, Cards, Clothes; Mail; Trash
ClearDesk@Home, ToHome, Receipts
9PM TO 1030PM
Personals, Reading
BootUp, CoffeeOn, Khoong, TBN, SplashFace/Comb, Creflo
AMHerbalTea, PourCoffee, Feet, Bed
Icebox (HerbalTea, Breakfast, Vits); GurdjieffMeditation
Deodorant, SuitUp, Cell, BORKey
CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen, Forward, Load
Drive2Office, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions, Call Mom
ToOffice, Vits, Breakfast, NNHerbalTea, PlanLunch, LUNCH
Took down pictures of Miss LS from walls and refrigerator
Desk at home cleared of anything business-related - just for recreation, creative stuff, health stuff, and household stuff from now on.
Found 8 or 10 interesting books next to recycling bin
Followup from Lunch meeting
9amCALLS, Messages, ClearDailyEmail, Contacts
Finances, NetSpend, MailOut
Drive to 430pmGym’n’Swim OR TrailWorkout OR HealthAppt
prioritizing the "to do"
You wrote in another message about how hard you found it to figure out WHAT to do. Me, too!! That has been one of the most difficult things for me. I realized, once I became willing to stop procrastinating, that a major reason I procrastinated was that I was clueless how to manage my time. It really is a skill, and it was one I didn't have going into this.
The two books I've read that helped the most were "First Things First" by Stephen Covey, and "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. Covey's book is more big picture - talks about how to prioritize. Allen's book gives great tips on how to be more efficient so you can get done what you've decided needs getting done.
I've had to work very hard at this. I was totally at sea at first, but I'm feeling much more solid about it now. The hardest part about it is that no one can help you with this - only you know what's important to you. Sometimes I wished someone would just tell me what to do each step of the way because I couldn't figure it out, but no one can do this for you. You have to figure it out for yourself, and you CAN do it!
Watch me.
Did read the excerpts of GTD which appear elsewhere - on this site, I think. I agree it was HOW, not WHAT. Good stuff, but my core issue for today.
Will google Covey and take a look.
Everybody please watch me on this issue.
read the whole books
Excerpts aren't enough. Get these books from the library and read them through. The Covey book has some introspection exercises that take a long time to do but are very worthwhile.
I read these books in the morning while I was eating breakfast (if you were wondering when you'd find time to do this). It was a priority for me because my life has been a shambles, and I badly want to get it back on track.
pro's CI - 4:40pm
Still thinking about how I'd like to have something to eat, but now I may actually be hungry. I didn't have much for lunch.
pro's CI - 3:30pm
I've begun working on the programming. I'm finding it sad, in addition to being very complicated. Writing this program was a big achievement, and now I'm dismantling what I built - or rather, scaling it down significantly. I'm no longer going to be using a lot of the functionality I spent so long programming. I don't doubt it's the right move, it's just a move that comes with a lot of sadness. Also fear, since as I said before, it's my only source of income right now, however inadequate.
As soon as I finish this, I will be under a lot of pressure to get current on my finances, and then get some sort of income going, hopefully from some form of self-employment. I need to get current on my finances first because I have no clue how much I need to live, and I sort of need to know that before looking for work.
My doctor called back, and she's calling in my prescription, thank goodness. I'm going to be without pills for several days - might be a week or more, if the mail order pharmacy is slow. That's a bit scary because you're not supposed to stop this medication cold turkey. I should have refilled this earlier. I thought about it a few weeks ago but it was too soon, and then I forgot about it. I should have put a reminder in Outlook.
not a bad idea
"I need to get current on my finances first because I have no clue how much I need to live, and I sort of need to know that before looking for work"
i need to do that too, i suppose,now that you mentionit.
1Focus 2:32
Blew off:
• Feed DD0(out of bed late, got to the dishes instead)
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• one on one training(man, training people takes forever :()
I want To Do:
Work Plan:
• misc stuff
• prepare for committee meeting tomorrow
• 4:00 meeting
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
• Stay on top of "always" list
training people
I don't enjoy training people. I don't have a lot of patience. I'm very quick myself, and I can't figure out what people don't understand. People have suggested to me that I do computer consulting (help people with their computer problems). I have the technical skills to do that (and then some), but not the temperament. It would drive me nuts.
pro's CI - 2:05pm
I'm going to start work on the programming to shift my business over. I'd like to finish that today.
wanting to eat when I tackle something hard
For some reason, when I start work on something challenging, I want to eat something - as though it will somehow help me to do the job. I think somewhere in my subconscious I think I don't have it "in me" to do it, so I want to bring something outside of me into me to make me "enough". I realize that makes no logical sense, but it makes some sort of strange emotional sense to me. (I probably sound utterly nuts.)
No way can I give into this neurotic desire to eat to work because I'm already the heaviest I've ever been in my life and getting heavier. It's this AGE thing. I'm not eating differently - my body is processing it differently.
Bach Flower Essences
Ever tried them? They can be found in health food stores and such. All they are is distilled plant essences preserved in a little alcohol. Only a few drops a day are used. They harmonize a person's feelings in a metaphysical way. It just occurred to me that they would be super for eliminating the desire to eat for every reason that is not physical hunger--all the emotions that people stuff down or, conversely, attempt to bolster. The Flower Essences make the true feelings more apparant and easier to work through, while also keeping them from being too volatile. The bottles are only an ounce or two. The drops are totally harmless, even if you drink the whole bottle. The best way to use them is to put just a couple of drops in a big glass or bottle (or pitcher) of water, and drink the water throughout the day. It changes your emotional vibrations to a less jagged, fragmented, or stuck state. (As in what Dr. Emoto does with water in the movie "What the Bleep.") I have some friends who are recovering alcoholics who use them with no problem. They see it as medicinal and spiritual and have no desire to just drink the essences. For others, in different places emotionally, it might be different. I'm glad they came to mind--I used to use them regularly and somehow I got out of the habit. I WANT to get back in the practice of taking them daily, so thanks for triggering this thought, pro, even if my suggestion doesn't appeal to you. Some of you might like to try them. It's best, in getting started, to either read some of the display literature or talk to a representative if the store has one, to figure out which essences are appropriate for the feelings you are having. There are some other brands besides Bach, including some desert flower essences made in the US. But in any situation of panic, shock, fear, or pain, there's always the special blend, Bach Flower Essences Rescue Remedy. I will go mix some up right now--I can't believe I forgot all about my flower essences! (I also use essential oils with good effect, and I have been ignoring them lately, too. No wonder things have been harder the last few months!)
and by the way...
Some alcoholics would drink the bottle. I was really more of a pothead than an alcoholic (though I abused alcohol, too). In any case, I don't have a tendency to abuse things like this. One of my migraine medicines has codeine in it, and I've never abused that. But I know of many people who have gone out after taking pain killers. My migraines are so terrible that the thought of not being able to take the rescue meds scares me - I'd never abuse the medication because then I couldn't take it and I'd have to suffer that horrible pain.
Flower Remedies
Official Bach websites (you'll have to try them out, I don't have time to check them all out right now.)
I started with Bach, and now use several of the flower essences from FES Quintessentials (the second company Slider mentioned). This company is California based, and has added bach-style remedies based on desert southwest flowers.
This company ALSO offers all the original Bach remedies (all plants found in England, I think).
FES is continuing to experiment with new flowers, with the help of independent practitioners.
These remedies are harmless, as Slider stated, and are the most powerful agent for change I have ever experienced. They work on an emotional/vibrational level, and have no physical effects at all.
I know quite a bit about the fowers, but it wouldnt hurt to just try them on your own.
Good luck.
Yay! Thanks for the info!
I had forgotten the name of the US company. I'm happy to have the other sites, too. I visited the FES site right away and downloaded some of the info from their site. [Note to Milo--I put it in a binder right away, thanks to you! (I found a deep green one, which is the color of the heart chakra's light, which correlates to healing and new growth. In fact, the chakra system may be part of my new filing scheme.)] And there are some essences that would be excellent for procrastination and for time-binging, even for perfectionism! Read through the site to learn more! Paste: (JestRight left out a w)
never heard of that
Do you have a URL where I can read more about it? I've never heard of this.
i'm familar with that
familiar with the "outside input needed" reflex. for me, it could be coffee, cognac,prozac or valium, or a human presence, or an email from a friend. never thought about it stemming from a belief in one's own inadequacy.
okay -- to paraphrase dan akroyd in "tommy boy." -- we've pinpointed the problem. thats step two. now step two is, what are we going to do about it?
difficulty in focus
I have ADD issues right now in doing this programming. I'm almost out of medication and I didn't take any pills today because I'm afraid I'm going to experience withdrawal before the refill finally arrives (especially since my creepy doctor hassled me about something rather than calling in the prescription yesterday - I sure hope she did it today). I think I'm going to take a pill now, despite withdrawal fears, because I'm finding it hard to focus and I need to get this done. I also have Adderall, but I don't want to take that. It's so late in the day that if I take it now I'll have trouble sleeping. Also, Adderall has a bad side effect for me.
JestRight - 11:02am Interim CI
Was getting depressed, so I had to take a little time to email a female or two. Fence or no fence, this rooster wants in.
Odometer, Unload, DeForward; BORKey; Undress
Herbs, BachWaters, Breakfast, Vits
Gymbag, Hankie, Cards, Clothes; Mail; Trash
ClearDesk@Home, ToHome, Receipts
9PM TO 1030PM
Personals, Reading
BootUp, CoffeeOn, Khoong, TBN, SplashFace/Comb, Creflo
AMHerbalTea, PourCoffee, Feet, Bed
CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen, Forward, Load
Took down pictures of Miss LS from walls and refrigerator
Took social stuff out of briefcase and filed it in desk
Desk at home cleared of anything business-related - just for recreation, creative stuff, health stuff, and household stuff from now on.
Found 8 or 10 interesting books next to recycling bin
Icebox (HerbalTea, Breakfast, Vits); GurdjieffMeditation
Deodorant, SuitUp, Cell, BORKey
Drive2Office, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions, Call Mom
ClearDesk@Office, ToOffice, Contacts
Finances, NetSpend, MailOut
PlanFun, PlanLunch
Vits, Breakfast, 9amCALLS, Messages, ClearDailyEmail
Vits, NNHerbalTea, LUNCH
Drive to 430pmGym’n’Swim OR TrailWorkout OR HealthAppt
Gettin it done 1:00 p.m.
Well the girls are off to bed and so that's where I'm headed too.
Maybe I will feel better after my nap.. I sure hope so. I really want to stay up and do some needlepoint and watch tv or something but I know I need to rest so that is what I will do.
As it stands now, I am planning on cooking a super easy dinner but that's about it.
pro's CI - 12:50pm
pro's CI - 11:50am
Doing the Pilates this morning took a long time because I had to read the introductory material first. I'm not usually that good about following instructions, but this time I'm going to because the rationale makes sense to me. I'm fairly fit so the intro routine is easy for me, but the books say the benefit is in the details and the perfection of form, and you should do the introductory routine for at least a few weeks before moving on, so I'll do that. Tomorrow when I do it again it will take me less time.
I'm glad I did this this morning, though it took a lot of time. I don't know if Pilates will deliver on what it promises to deliver, but a lot of people think it works, so I will give it a chance by fully committing to it. That book "Too Perfect" talks about how people like me have difficulty committing to things and I certainly do, so I'm consciously choosing to do this.
I weighed myself this morning, and my weight is up another 2-3 pounds. This is positively bizarre. I am not eating differently than I have in the past. It's my freakin' AGE that's causing this gain. I turn 50, and suddenly my weight starts to balloon out of control. I need to change the way I've been eating for years if I don't want to become fat. This age-related weight gain thing is freaky and upsetting. I don't like the way I look or feel.
It's been hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I need to start eating less than I did when I was younger if I want to maintain the same weight. I have a tendency to deny any fact I don't like. But I've got to accept this and adjust myself to reality or my reality will become increasingly unpleasant.
My plan was to go outside for a walk after I finish my Pilates so I don't get antsy when I'm working, and I think I'll do that. I want to start having protein shakes for lunch and salads for dinner. I'll go get my dinner salad now (from the salad bar).
JestRight - 8:50am - Interim CI
Odometer, Unload, DeForward; BORKey; Undress
Herbs, BachWaters, Breakfast, Vits
Gymbag, Hankie, Cards, Clothes; Mail; Trash
ClearDesk@Home, ToHome, Receipts
9PM TO 1030PM
Personals, Reading
BootUp, CoffeeOn, Khoong, TBN, SplashFace/Comb, Creflo
Took down pictures of Miss LS from walls and refrigerator
Took social stuff out of briefcase and filed it in desk
Found 8 or 10 interesting books next to recycling bin
Desk at home cleared of anything business-related - just for recreation, creative stuff, health stuff, and household stuff from now on.
AMHerbalTea, PourCoffee, Feet, Bed
Icebox (HerbalTea, Breakfast, Vits); GurdjieffMeditation
Deodorant, SuitUp, Cell, BORKey
CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen, Forward, Load
Drive2Office, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions, Call Mom
ClearDesk@Office, ToOffice, Contacts
Finances, NetSpend, MailOut
PlanFun, PlanLunch
Vits, Breakfast, 9amCALLS, Messages, ClearDailyEmail
Vits, NNHerbalTea, LUNCH
Drive to 430pmGym’n’Swim OR TrailWorkout OR HealthAppt
Gettin it done CI 9:20 a.m.
Well gang todays goal is simply to survive. I am still sick and feeling rotten. DD3 woke up cranky, and is somewhat better now, but not much. Not a good day for her to be cranky and whiny... Mommy is cranky and whiny... not a good
So anyhow, my goals today are:
1. just take care of the kids and their needs as well as I can in my current cold- med induced state of being.
2. while Performing #1, watch my temper and remember to "push my patience button" as we tell DD3 . Since I'm not feelng well, I am a little quick tempered and way short on patience.
3. Rest and not worry about what needs to get done today.
anything that gets done on top of that will just be icing on the cake.
sorry you're not feeling well!
...and you still have to work. When you're a mother, you don't get any days off.
Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for the well wishes
Sometimes if it's super bad, DH stays home from work with the kids, but that's usually only if it was the stomach yuck or something like that. But you are right, sometimes ya gotta just suck it up and go on thru it. Thank God for cold meds.
If I still feel like this tomorrow, I'm going to the doctor. Made an appt yeaterday for DD0 to go in tomorrow, but she seems better now, so I can have her appt and be well by the weekend. I kinda figure if there is something out there than can kick this cold's butt then I want it. LOL.
1Focus 8:28
Blew off:
• Feed DD0(out of bed late, got to the dishes instead)
Proudly Accomplished:
Morning Routine
• Out of bed 7:00 (target 6:00)
• Ready for anything
• Breakfast
• Unload dishwasher
• Head to work
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan
• Time Sheets
• Clear my head
• Specific plan for the day
I want To Do:
Work Plan:
• one on one training
• misc stuff
• prepare for committee meeting tomorrow
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
• Stay on top of "always" list
"Blew off:
• Feed DD0(out of bed late, got to the dishes instead)" I guess gettin-it-done didn't blow it off, eh? ;) Just struck me as a funny entry!