Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Its already Tuesday, 4.51 pm at my place but i wish to continue here on this thread as I am first timer. Almost half my day is gone and its been the worse day till now. I want to change that a bit and get things done.
I want to (i am not using have to) complete the following tasks today and will log in at night before i sleep to check in (listing them based on priority) :
Complete PIDC assignment and get it printed for submission tom
Complete field report
Call S and P and say sorry
Shower and Get Dressed!!!
Wont write too many in my overambition. Wish me goodluck. The assignments are overdue by a day and its going to take convincing my profs to accept them!
Its already Tuesday, 4.51 pm at my place but i wish to continue here on this thread as I am first timer. Almost half my day is gone and its been the worse day till now. I want to change that a bit and get things done.
I want to (i am not using have to) complete the following tasks today and will log in at night before i sleep to check in (listing them based on priority) :
Complete PIDC assignment and get it printed for submission tom (done)
Complete field report (DONE..with a lot of help from everyone in the chat group!)
oh-today...oh oh oh I am thankful for yesterday and tomorrow- today was not one of my favorites.
1. cancel reservation 2. contract to A. 3. call c. 1
4. call c.2 5. underwrtiter? call 6. pack 7. make a list tonight for tomorrow so I know what i am doing 8. touch base w/ m so she knows what we r doing and x. in plan
Didn't do anything I said I would do on Friday or Sunday. Didn't work out once last week. I'm also procrastinating with my volunteer work I'm doing for an organization I so much want to be a part of. Hate myself so much right now.
So depressed, did nothing but watch tv yesterday. Just feel like sitting and crying and staring out into space.
-after take care of my girl - log on here.
-laundry 1 or 2 loads (can't put off anymore)
-clean kitchen floor
-step meeting tonight
-work out 10 minutes
-need to clean out kitchen cabinets
-clean bathroom
My boss' emails are messed up and last week, I got a virus and fear it might be because of that. Also, knew his email was frozen last week. Should have taken care of it last week.
Take good care all!!
♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's healing.♥
Good morning, group! Ooops, make that afternoon - way afternoon! That should tell you what kind of Monday i'm having already lol! Trying not to let anxiety get on top and slow me down today (about J's procedure tomorrow, with another potentially scary prognosis). Still have miles to go before I sleep!
GM promo DONE!
book hotel by hospital for tonight
ask neighbor to pet-sit
cancel team call today
read GM stuff, id approach
draft GM narrative
order GM ppt
do July reports, share with team
review 4 data sets and synch with priors
listen to 3 presentations and take notes
finish 4 contract briefs
Leave for hospital by 4pm - some work can be done enroute but no working past 6pm today, and no work commitments for tomorrow
KEEP on list for later scheduling:
read the fin APs report from KT
read KT IN report
read Mi email
read nrc newsletter
folo up etp
ap resources note and signoff
get complete with 3fers
call arnp for folo up
deal with the fsa thing
Got through yesterday's three-hour music show without actually dying, although it was close at times. Today marks 101 days since I last played a computer game. Computer games have to be ranked among the all-time worst time-destroyers. I'm glad to be free of them, after spending 21 years of off-and-on obsession. Today:
A little late this morning. So far have had breakfast and quiet time.
MITs for today:
*Call X and F
*Outline of prelim expts (have a very rough version of this, but still have a bunch of gaps to fill)
Other core tasks:
*Finish reading, write summary (working on this now)
*Schedule for the week
*Return library books
*Talk to/email friends
Lower priority:
*Finish qc, send reminder emails, make presentation
*Talk to Y lab
*Deal w/ emails, ref mgmt
*Nail for belts
OK, going to start w/ the outline of prelim expts. Heading to chatbox now.
Good morning! I got the gym at 6:10, which was five minutes earlier than Friday, but still needs to improve. I was at my desk at 8:40, and I want to be here by 8:30! But, still not too shabby.
Back shortly with coffee and todo list.
'A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.' - Elbert Hubbard
Show up (done) Need to check son;s cyber school stuff, I let it go and I think he did too, I thought he should face the consequences, but now I feel guilty and afraid to look, since I signed him up for summer school, I feel guilty that he did not do it.
Love the starter. By showing up at PA significant spans of recovery have been achieved. Stress is reinforced with PA and planning to show up at PA or my arch would fall down.
My first Check-IN
Its already Tuesday, 4.51 pm at my place but i wish to continue here on this thread as I am first timer. Almost half my day is gone and its been the worse day till now. I want to change that a bit and get things done.
I want to (i am not using have to) complete the following tasks today and will log in at night before i sleep to check in (listing them based on priority) :
Wont write too many in my overambition. Wish me goodluck. The assignments are overdue by a day and its going to take convincing my profs to accept them!
Its already Tuesday, 4.51
Its already Tuesday, 4.51 pm at my place but i wish to continue here on this thread as I am first timer. Almost half my day is gone and its been the worse day till now. I want to change that a bit and get things done.
I want to (i am not using have to) complete the following tasks today and will log in at night before i sleep to check in (listing them based on priority) :
Welcome Consciously!
'A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.' - Elbert Hubbard
potential energy 645
oh-today...oh oh oh I am thankful for yesterday and tomorrow- today was not one of my favorites.
cancel reservation2.contract to A.3. call c. 14. call c.2 5. underwrtiter? call 6.
pack7.make a list tonight for tomorrow so I know what i am doing8.touch base w/ m so she knows what we r doing and x. in plan9 finish c...
9. get groceries
10 drop library books
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I did today
1. Got dressed2. Went and got a mammogram3. Exercised4. Took a napThings I plan to do today
1. Post and put out Al-Anon literature for today2. Prepare and Eat dinner3. Cut onions4. Take shower5. Get dressed6. Put suntan lotion on7. Make bed8. Wash dishes
9. Get sleep apnea stuff ready for tonight
10. Work on my Step
11. Go to workThat's all I have
hope4meandu checkin (2:03PM)
Hi All,
Didn't do anything I said I would do on Friday or Sunday. Didn't work out once last week. I'm also procrastinating with my volunteer work I'm doing for an organization I so much want to be a part of. Hate myself so much right now.
So depressed, did nothing but watch tv yesterday. Just feel like sitting and crying and staring out into space.
-after take care of my girl - log on here.
-laundry 1 or 2 loads (can't put off anymore)
-clean kitchen floor
-step meeting tonight
-work out 10 minutes
-need to clean out kitchen cabinets
-clean bathroom
My boss' emails are messed up and last week, I got a virus and fear it might be because of that. Also, knew his email was frozen last week. Should have taken care of it last week.
Take good care all!!
♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's healing.♥
Thank you for sharing, we are still showing up and that is a miracle.Remember, this too shall pass and you are not alone. Your PA friend, Vic
Thanks so much ((vic)) felt your support - kindest prayers
♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's healing.♥
Prayers on their way
♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's healing.♥
Prayers on their way.
Agnus checking in
Good morning, group! Ooops, make that afternoon - way afternoon! That should tell you what kind of Monday i'm having already lol! Trying not to let anxiety get on top and slow me down today (about J's procedure tomorrow, with another potentially scary prognosis). Still have miles to go before I sleep!
KEEP on list for later scheduling:
read KT IN report
read Mi email
read nrc newsletter
folo up etp
ap resources note and signoff
get complete with 3fers
call arnp for folo up
deal with the fsa thing
ScottY CI
scripture studyprayercause code projectOPG worktax work
$acct updatebank - billspractice vcwrite on O blogMonday Morning Coming Down On The Scribbler
Got through yesterday's three-hour music show without actually dying, although it was close at times. Today marks 101 days since I last played a computer game. Computer games have to be ranked among the all-time worst time-destroyers. I'm glad to be free of them, after spending 21 years of off-and-on obsession. Today:
get up by 7coffee, paper, water plantshealthy breakfastcheckinsMorning
QueryUpdate MySpacereturn PAget stringsPay bookerAfternoon
Healthy lunchFile password articleDo 4 CIOCall 2 re: Food10Evening
kromer 9:20 CI
A little late this morning. So far have had breakfast and quiet time.
MITs for today:
Call Xand F*Outline of prelim expts (have a very rough version of this, but still have a bunch of gaps to fill)
Other core tasks:
*Finish reading, write summary (working on this now)
Schedule for the week*Cooking
*Return library books
Talk to/email friendsLower priority:
*Finish qc, send reminder emails, make presentation
Talk to Y lab*Deal w/ emails, ref mgmt
*Nail for belts
OK, going to start w/ the outline of prelim expts. Heading to chatbox now.
Journey - hey it's 8/9/10
Good morning! I got the gym at 6:10, which was five minutes earlier than Friday, but still needs to improve. I was at my desk at 8:40, and I want to be here by 8:30! But, still not too shabby.
Back shortly with coffee and todo list.
'A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.' - Elbert Hubbard
Journey 10:30 the list
GymPlanningQuiet TimeAllow 1 hour for unplanned stuff - dang, shoulda been more like 3 hours today lolfinish C7 installs - 7 and 8 of 8report problem with 1 installclose requestSet up meeting with STm meeting - rem m.contest and h. contest - take bookTm officer's meeting (yuck)take vitaminsadded - redo the problem installadded - check F's scriptadded - s/w installJo
'A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.' - Elbert Hubbard
Vic 8/9
Love the starter. By showing up at PA significant spans of recovery have been achieved. Stress is reinforced with PA and planning to show up at PA or my arch would fall down.
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer and reflection
Got ready to go out for walk and changed mind
Dealt with emails
Tidied up washed up etc
Washed fleece
Keep on tidying up and organising
Deal with mail
and that is about it
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Above and various other small bits - I feel that I am in a place where I have to keep running to stay where I am.
Plan tomorrow
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
Night Folks Rexroth
List for today:
1. Iron
. Send an email to JP3. Gym
4. Grocerry shopping.5. SEND Resume to WINERAC6. start preparing the MA and Phd applications.
7. SEND in the ICAS forms.