Mama_Cat's Summer School Projects

Hello there -
here be my summer goals for school:
1) GET R&E COMPLETE--find original paper and copy, print out any other related papers, write up intro/explanation, give to TM, follow up.
2) GET CAPSTONE COMPLETE--write and send to EW.
3) GET CA COMPLETE--write and send to EW.
4) GENERATE FUNDS FOR OUTSTANDING BILL--make money via DW & PS, E-ing, RW-ing, and WC-ing.
5) GET CP COMPLETE--finish and send to prof.
My goal is to get my capstone paper done by the end of this month. It only has to be 15 pages. In order to do this I will need to:
- Review my sources and points of view by Weds, July 14
- Write a first draft by Sunday, July 25
- Edit, revise, & do references by July 30
- Submit July 31
- Login to post comments
August 12/13
Hello, work done yesterday. Spent 4 hours actively procrastinating. (Funny way to say it! lol)
Although I am NOT excited about the thought that this may become updates of my failures, only; although my desire is for this "Special Projects" log to include not ONLY my experience, but ALSO strength and hope...I know it's also important for me to remain honest.
Not in a, "Oh, jeez, I did something wrong and I have to tell on myself" sort of way, but in a, "Oh, yeah - I was doing really well...and then I backslid." (Does that make sense?) Sheesh!
It's a little hard not to be scared this morning. To keep the fear of last night's procrastination bender at bay. When I do not produce, I immediately start projecting and catastrophizing--"OH NO, it's all downhill now!" I have lots of experience not only thinking that, but also doing that, too, so - it's a challenge, to yank myself away from that dark thinking, negative place in my head. Ah well.
Today is a new day, and I am relating to it as such. I am consistently most productive in the morning, and I will take advantage of this fact for the next few hours now. In addition, I will pray. Because, really - I'd like the help.
Wishing all productive days!
Yours in fellowship - MC
August 12/13--Addendum
So, my intention for this morning:
Write. Just write. Don't over think it, don't make it perfect, don't even think about the entirety of the project it's for.
Just write - like I'm doing it, just 'cuz. Just 'cuz I can. Lie to myself, in a way--"There IS no big scary project! I'm just writing for no reason at all. Just because I can."
August 9--Little freaked out
I have been moving along swimmingly with reading and reviewing my sources. Definitely behind the schedule I set for myself when I first posted this, but - still moving forward.
Now, however, I am at the point where it's time to start writing, and...I'm scared. And feeling out of control. And afraid it'll all go down the tubes now. At the same time, I am also trying to be patient and gentle with myself, while not letting myself fall into the abyss of self-perpetuating pain and morass.
Most of all, I think - I'm just scared. Completing my undergrad is really, really important to me. And, I've been doing so well lately - I don't want to lose it all or screw it all up! :P
Anyway - thanks for reading.
Hope all are having productive days, and wonderful summers!
In fellowship - MC
August 10--FINALLY!
Yesterday, thank the Lord and Little Fishies, I FINALLY started writing.
Jeez Louise.
Although I'm tempted to say self-negating things about how long it took, I'll choose instead to be self-congratulatory. That will help me move forward more, I believe.
So - yay me! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Now--spending an hour this a.m. continuing with writing before having to get ready, and head out.
Hope all are doing well with their tasks -
(( MC ))
well done indeed --- and the right approach to thinking well of it, too
BTW you missed one icon -- must have fallen off...let me put it back on the table
Yay Mamacat!
'A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.' - Elbert Hubbard
Thanks Jo :)
Appreciate the warm sentiment and support!
Very much.
Wishing you well -MC
July 30--recap of work
Hi procrastination-peeps!
My work on my paper has been ok. More than once I've planned to "do work" only to, instead, fritter away precious time.
And, more than once, I have gotten only 30 mins of work done--instead of the couple of hours I'd planned to do.
And, more than once, I've gotten up the next day and started over, despite. And, some of THOSE days, I've gotten quite a bit of work done. So, it's been a bit stop and go. However, it's still going. :) And that, for me, is the most important piece.
When I first started participating around 8 months ago, I was trying to finish a paper that was due by the end of the month then. I didn't finish the paper, my work was sporadic, and I spent two full weeks in lockdown avoidance - doing nothing but sitting at the computer. When I wasn't getting work done, I wasn't letting myself do anything else, either. So painful.
The biggest difference I see this time is that that experience of taking myself hostage is not at play. I get up from the computer and move on - whether I've been productive, or not. The other thing I see is that I'm just not getting freaked out the way I did before when I haven't been productive. I seem to have built up some resilience around it, and - as someone said to me in one of the PA phone meetings, "Tomorrow's a new, different day. What has happened (or not happened) today has NOTHING to do with tomorrow."
This has become a little bit of a motto for me.
Have about two hours to work this morning. Got work done last night. And over the weekend, possibly Sunday, I will look for the paperwork I need to get my transfer credits handled and find the papers needed to get credit for my R&E course. Will hand those (all) in by Thurs a.m. :)
Thanks for reading, and wishing all productive days -
every nite I would actually visualize putting all my 10th step junk for the day in a garbage bag, my HP driving the truck to pick it up, and every nite was gabage nite, HP would even imaginge that HP would recycle the garbage- the one day at a time thing really works.
One day at a time, you say?
Of course! How perfect!
I hadn't even realized I was applying the "One day at a time" principle.
Silly me! :P
I also love the image of the HP garbage collector, and every night being garbage night. Very cool.
Thanks for the support Vic -
Big hug to you. :)
July 29--Success, slow but sure :)
So - one of the things I did NOT put on my to-do list was to get my QR stuff evaluated for the purpose of getting credit for the class.
Well - my oversight because, guess what boys and girls (drumroll please), it is now COMPLETE!!!
This means that, rather than having to take the class again, including register, pay for it, and do a bunch MORE work (after already having DONE a ton of work), the whole thing is now handled, completed, and on my student record - with a high grade, to boot. Woot, woot, woot!
Now, it has taken me, like - four years to complete this. Really. Long, convoluted story, but - I persevered. And little David-me triumphed over the twin Goliaths of procrastination and resignation in one fell sweep. Yippee.
NOW - still more work to do. AND - currently off to do it.
Thanks for checking in, and hoping this finds all well, productive, and recovering.
In fellowship - MC
& ONwards to July 30th!
Even if I am currently not that well, not all that productive, and very unsure if I am even recovering, I must say, your success is our success, too, so thanks for letting us [me] be a part of that through P.A., I say selfishly.
Speaking of selfish:
July 22--Checking in
hubby and I left the state to visit family for a week. Prepping swallowed up everything, blotting out the sun and certainly eliminating getting any homwork done! :(
However...while away on vacay I reviewed one of the books I am using, and got a bunch of good quotes for my paper. I did this, mind you - WHILE ON VACATION! (How cool is that?!?!?!)
Also, I just e-mailed the other professor the info to evaluate for my QR class. As I usually avoid doing this sort of thing as long as humanly possible (too long, actually), this is a big, huge, great wonderful thing. YAY me! I expect the prof will deem the work sufficient. If she does want me to do any work, I think it'll be minimal. So - this is awesome!
Thanks for reading and checking in on my progress!
Best of luck to all on their projects, big and small.
Hugs - MC
July 10--Attempt 1
OK, so--as soon as I planned to start working on my paper, I started procrastinating.
As SOON as I planned to start. I mean, really. Ah, well.
Procrastinated at home--t.v., video games, etc.
Left to work with hubby at coffee shop, and procrastinated there, too. More video games.
All told, maybe, er--5 hours of procrastination. :(
Going to stop now. Go home and walk the pup. Perhaps I'll try again later, or - maybe - even tomorrow. :)
Back then -
My midnight view
Hi MC: I must congratulate you (yep, that's certainly the right word) on these items:
1. setting goal(s)
2. understanding the specific nature of the task(s)
3. being mindful of your on-going approach to it (even if on the video box)
4. working an alternative with a productive, necessary activity (going home)
Sound like you ARE beginning good progress!
((( Now how's that for a very positive approach to how Sat. went?! ))) Keep on it!