Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Zytex check-in 27-May

Yesterday was a day-long conference - very productive and no procrastination involved. But I felt it was a welcome excuse to get away from my desk and all the 'issues' accumulating there. So now I'm back and facing the resulting backlog.

Had a date last night (getting back into the social scene has been on my list) and it went well. Had to cross town this morning to get fresh clothes (silly me never planned for an over-night stay - just 'assumed' the date would go badly).

Still resisting the CR Documents. Its catch-22; I delayed producing them (nobody minded back then) and now they are 'late' - that fact is enough to trigger my procrastinating even more! 

Resisting some tasks concerning my team at work. Two people unhappy with my decisions. Have scheduled a team meeting later today to tackle some of the things I have been postponing. Dreading that meeting (no real reson why - just my general fear of conflict).

Fear is a big issue in my life today - so took time-out this morning to deal with that , do first 3 steps; hand it over and ask for help. Took the time to have a good breakfast with my daughter (visiting me on her way to an audition). Took a walk in my favourite park. Have set up a sketching assignment for tomorrow afternoon (returning to my creative work has also been on my list for ages).

So now its 10.00 and time to get started and do some work... 

CR Documents (make more progress)

Team Meeting (resolve open issues)

Timesheets for May (complete by 1700)

Budget Analysis (complete by 1700) 

Travel to Killaloe (leave 1700)

Plan 'Domestic' stuff for weekend (laundry mostly)

Plan Sunday (daughter moving appartment)

Respect, Paul


Gonna finish my book.

Gonna finish my book. Checking back in at 10.


Finally finished my book.

Finally finished my book. ><

Vic 5/27

 Show up (done) So grateful I could show up here even with all the turmoil going on in my life and not shut down. I am still "a player"(very beat up) and not a spectator in my life. My son found my cell phone, call most important person in my life right now- a PA person. Hope to keep on trucking until tommorrow. Thanks for being here.

Rexroth Check In and Out

Not well and seeing the dentist tomorrow. That's all.

Night Everyone

Scribbler checking in

Yesterday was not that great from a work productivity standpoint. I am spending too much time doing quitter's forum check-ins and reading and responding to others' posts. I may have bitten off too much quitting to chew. Before concluding that, however, I'm going to try to reduce the amount of time spent posting and reading. Here's my day:


  • Get up, drink coffee, read paper, water plant
  • do checkins
  • do PT exercises
  • grocery shopping
  • send query
  • Draft lowcost


  • Finish lowcost
  • Pickup kids from school
  • shuttle kids to swim practice


  • cook healthy meal
  • drop off kids by required time
  • music, read
  • bed by 11 p.m.

Last night was a disaster sleep-wise. I did the things I thought confidently would help me get a good night's sleep: exercise, eat a healthy dinner, chill with a book and music after attending my daughter's concert, go to bed at 11 p.m. Instead I was sleepless until 4 a.m. It's difficult to be confident about getting all this done when I'm almost sure to have overwhelming sleepiness later today. But I'm going to give it a shot and, if I absolutely have to nap, set a timer for no more than 25 minutes. Hope all are well. Scribbler

Agnus check in

Oh dear, I'm on a terrible work-binge cycle - haven't slept since 6:30am Wednesday except for nodding off over papers and keyboard a couple times in the last few hours.

I made a healthy decision to leave my office at 5:15 yesterday and attend my first ever sewing class, something I've wanted to do my whole life! Then I came home and worked like crazy trying to make up time for three work-related deadlines. Now I have a huge day but I definitely need at least a nap, feeling quite ill, cold and anxious.

hope you get some sleep Ag!

'Today you have the opportunity to handle those old situations in a completely new way.' -  Michael J. Emery

Crazybug 9:27am CI

Wasted over an hour this morning, but that's better than most mornings. I justified it because I was feeling headachy and anxious. 'Reading the online news will calm me down.' Hmmm...yeah right. It just makes me feel bad, partly because of the nature of news and partly because I know I was avoiding work. But, enough of that. I'm ready to get going on a productive day!


Here's my plan:

- Plan my work for the day - 15 min

- pay work bills

- process payroll

- run errands to PO and computer store

- Order supplies for office

- Work on IA in microbursts with rests between

- recap my day - 15 min


I'm ready to get going! Let's put on some tunes and get going.Cool

Journey 9 am vacation yay!

I'm on vacation the rest of the week.  Yesterday Mom and I went to the Botanical Gardens and had a great time!  It was a lot of walking and the sore foot was tired at the end of the day.   My mom is 80 and I had trouble keeping up with her lol.  But I can walk for extended periods of time again which is awesome.  Almost back to normal, or what passes for normal for me.  :grin:

So after the trip, I did zip/nothing/nada except make a quick dinner.   Today I want to be a bit more productive, and fit in some exercise in the form of swimming probably.

  • Swim or other exercise  DONE
  • Laundry STARTED   1 load folded, 1 load in the wash will dry and fold l8tr
  • Dinner and Dishes DONE
  • Check work email and start a couple of long-running copy jobs DONE
  • Review and update todo list   DONE
  • Finally fill out that SSA form and prepare it to mail.
  • 10 minutes of filing
  • Clean out car, I let stuff accumulate in there during my little injury just to avoid carrying it!
  • Organize kitchen junk drawer
  • Straighten & dust desk and bedroom
  • Vacuum Bedroom

10:30 taking a short break, then maybe swimming depending on DD's schedule.  If she's not ready to swim, I'll, uh, let's see, straighten & dust bedroom.

'Today you have the opportunity to handle those old situations in a completely new way.' -  Michael J. Emery

Kitty 7:55 CI

Today is an out-and-about day for me, including an appointment I have some (largely irrational) anxiety about.  So I have scaled back some of my other "nice to do" commitments for the day in an attempt to give myself some breathing room and not feel so overwhelmed.  

Last night I finally got some solid quiet time for reflection.  I came to a big decision about a recurring, unenjoyable task that is eating up a lot of time but, realistically, has little long- or short-term impact on my life. I'm better off not expending valuable time and energy on this when I have other things that are much more important, and will do a bare minimum to wrap it up.  Big step for me because I had to let go of pride in "doing well" in a particular area of my life that I am usually (and surprisingly) able to follow through on.  :)

Today I am a bit worried about not being able to fully commit to making phone CIs during the day, or even at the end of the day.  Since joining PA I have always made some.  So I will need to rely strongly on online check-ins to get me through.

  • PT/breakfast/shower
  • Prayers
  • 7:30CT PA Phone Meeting done!
  • Appointment with D
  • Lunch
  • Appointment with A
  • PT
  • Dinner
  • Date night!
  • Gratitude journal
  • Evening meditation

PE 9


An examination of PE....potential energy...pathetic energy...positive energy...

Today I choose positive!  I will climb mountains (of paper work)  I will part oceans (puppy housebreaking)  I will lead masses (host a play date)  I will realize the fruits of my labor (grocery shopping so we can eat)  I will dream (tend to daydream), I will hope (the law of attraction starts working before hitting rock bottom waiting it out) and... for the most important.....last but not least- I will (oh geeze-I am pulling a perfectionistic number and can't decide....I'll post this one later:).


1. reports 2. clean out car  3.  laundry 4. shop 5. org files 6.  call about car

Mama_Cat's picture

;-) Very cute, PE

Sweet post!

Hugs - MC 

super PE!

great vision for the day!

Success is not final, failure is not fatal

kromer 8:40 CI

Yesterday was rough (already had a lot of meetings/distractions, then the fire alarm went off TWICE in my I gave up work around 4:30 to go shopping. That needed to happen at some point, but it wasn't really urgent yesterday.)

Today is another tough day b/c it has lots of scheduled stuff.

Seminar 10-11
Lunch 11:45-1
Seminar 5:30-6:30 or 7

Fit among though, I'm going to put some tasks:
*Write out goals for end of summer (1-2 hrs)
*Class stuff (1 hr)
*Orders (1 hr)
*Do gene comparisons for VAD (2 hrs) (working on this now)
*Email about phenome sets (15 min)

*Laundry (1 hr)

If I have extra time, I'll work on deacon stuff and on brainstorming hi-throughput expts and/or  on preregistering. 

OK, I'm going to start w/ the gene comparisons for VAD b/c that's the hardest, but if I start getting bogged down in this I'll switch to something else. 

e's plan for May 27th, 2010

woke up, phone meeting, stretches, did teeth, washed face, made bed, straightened coffee table, found missing bra behind the couchEmbarassed.I am distracted by things this morning as I am really not awake yet. Before 9:30 check in: meds, breakfast,put away dishes, start laundry, get dressed. All do-able, if I get my butt off the couch. Ready, set, stand!


Success is not final, failure is not fatal

re: e's missing item

 Thass ok.  I found my missing kitchen scissors in the dirty clothes hamper!


'Today you have the opportunity to handle those old situations in a completely new way.' -  Michael J. Emery

e and jo are off the bus

lol, Jo! I can't tell if it is me getting older and not giving a hoot anymore, or if it is recovery, but I am not beating myself up anymore, but I just laugh at my ability to be oblivious. I had just come back from looking in the mirror and thinking how wonderful I was looking - and then I put on my reading glasses and gasped. I think God takes away our close vision so it soften's the view!

Success is not final, failure is not fatal

e's renewed plan for May 27th, 2010

Today is going well at the moment: goals were met for my 9:30 checkin. I am a little behind starting on my reading, but I took some time to plan my food for the rest of the day and to boil some eggs for tomorrow. Some of this food stuff is getting routine, which is a huge blessing.

It is now 10:18: I am going to read the article and then see what time it is. I have an 11:30 to meet and then work at 1:30, so time to bobble along.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal

tuffl CI

got to go on with what i didn't finish yesterday:



- 2 explain table

- 2 write down add arg (3s/e)

- read 1 + 2

- modify

- make one more table (A) + looked up & downloaded a tool i need for that



- check ol

- read 1

- modify 1

- write down add arg for 2



- w/u


email R


email S


start outline + main arg T


stefinle May 27 CI

Begin day with:


Bike ride

Walk with friend

Will see how these activities go and get back to CI later!

Good Morning

Now my sleep schedual is out of wack.  Finally fell asleep at about 2pm and woke up at 2am.  So I really need to get my list done today.  I do not want to keep falling.




email Lisa + put reminder on phones still have yet to do this, will ad reminder on my way to work Turns out teachers and advisors have the week off, so I wont be able to get in touch untill next week for the confirmation.  I will have to pay for school tommorry, but I can still get a full refund before June 14th.

work on cleaning living room closet


Work Ended up working till 5pm. Nothing wrong with making a bit more money.


Stop by other job and see if ad needs any adjustments

Stop by Lisa's office before 3:30

pick up scrips and clinic & and get them filled at store + pick up anything I need.


work out, do some heavy wieght lifting

eat a good sized meal

Finish cleaning out living room closet At this rate, I won't be able to finish tonight.

make adjustments to summer class scedual and add reminder in cell that tuition is due friday (full refund is allowed in two weeks)

work on a sketch and grab a beer

Lucky CI

Once again I don't know where my checking-in time went this morning...

Full makeup :)
Prayer time :)
Read :)

Tidy desk :)
Make work plan :)
Post letter and cc copies :)
D filing
E filing
(more tbd)

Take and upload photos
Cold turkey update :)

Email/facebook/lj/forum :)

After work:
Sort bike stuff
Dog face wash
Clear kitchen
Floss, brush teeth, wash face, moisturise
Tomorrow's list
Email report