Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Saturday, May 22nd, 2010
"What Happens in Vagueness, Stays in Vagueness! Time for me to get out of Vagueness" - Vic
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Only have 20 pages
Only have 20 pages left.
Wow, reading took a lot longer than I thought it would.
I plan to finish the next 20 pages and journal for an hour. Will check in at 12 AM.
For the next 3 hours (till
For the next 3 hours (till 10:30), I will be finishing my book Religion of the Soul by Thomas Moore. Three hours is an upper limit. I may need less than that.
kromer 10:20 CI
So far I've gotten caught up on sleep, had breakfast and prayer time.
I have a pretty busy day--a mix of chores and work.
Clean bathroom*
Clean out closet*Call/email mini-parish
Fix bike tireWork:
*Extract and clean up DNA, start PCR (started)
*Finish EA's project(working on this during gaps in DNA extraction)
If I have more time I can:
*Start organizing papers in lab
*Start analyzing biosensor data.
For fun, I will:
Go to classmate's party
OK, I'll start with the bike tire. Back when that's done. After bike tire, I'lldo other chores, go into lab and work there.
No work today. Bosses
No work today. Bosses called it off. Also no school work for once. Free to do anything I want all weekend. :)
stop by store
tidy place up+ closets Wow. I never knew how unorganized and dirty my place was untill I looked under my bed and through my cabnets. I still got a lot of cleaning and organizing to do. Probably won't be done for another on that painting I never finished
look into summer plans again, possibly plan vacation Never got around to this
work out
After all that is done, I'll do whatever. Go out have some drinks, watch a movie, dancing,ectr
Vic 5/21
Show up (done).
A couple of good ones I heard that also stick were and I don;t know who wrote them:
A woman picked up at her daughter's wedding after 25 years sobrity. She said she never planned to pick up, but "SHE DID NOT PLAN NOT TO PICK UP". tHAT STICKS BECAUSE my disease is conning, baffling powerful.
Planning is not "automatic" for me, I jsut need to admit that and start the next 3 things, microburts, etc. whatever works. Showing up here is always "something" goes with step 7 Humbly ask him to remove our shortcomings. and it does say that God gives grace to the humble, which is what I need, his grace- boy do I need it because "I" can't depend on me.
Stefinle CI May 22, 2010
Warmer weather seems to bring new procrastination problems as I want to be out doors playing,visiting, running, just out!
Check In:
Eat yogurt
take vitamins
Read meditaion
work on time today
go let libby outside or walk her around square.
come home and clean space
take a break go to Y
fill out paper work needed for school
work on steps
read recovery material
Journey 9 am
Happy Saturday! Kids are coming for dinner, so I gotta get busy and get groceries, visit mom, and get the house reasonably presentable. Later!
'Today you have the opportunity to handle those old situations in a completely new way.' - Michael J. Emery
Rexroth Check In - Thanks e and thanks
Thanks e and thanks vic
Up prayer reflection
Check emails and phone
Get ready and go out to DA meeting
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Update
Out to DA meeting shared and gained a lot from the meeting
Down to Penticostal Festival in Central London - disappointing and came home early
Dealt with letter from solicitor
Phoned friend and listened to her for a while - this was very hard for me and also very important for me
Rested and looked at programme on web
Finished grocery order and arranged delivery for Monday
Put dry washing away
Write journal
Take it easy - over the last week or so many things have been settled or are well on their way to being settled
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Above and chatted with friend on expeditions to far away places. He seems to be more concerned with safety than I am which is a change.
Night Everyone
Helen's CI
Great opener Vic. The fog is really starting to lift for me. I am become more productive, less stressed. I plan my main tasks every week and make a day plan at the beginning of the day.
Finish covering letter.
Get CV out to jobs * 7
Deadline extension DONE
Study plan
Study sectors
Assignment - Make plan
Interview practice
GSD Check In
Most important
Conjugation of all verbs
Memorize all essays
Memorize all worksheets
Go through syllabus (2)
Less important
Paper 1 of all years
Go through textbooks
Memorize vocabulary from 2 books
Vocabulary from other places
e's plan for May 22nd
Tomorrow is a busy day. I found that the few times I have my act together to plan the night before, I am in much better shape.
up at 7:30, shower, meds, writing
8:30 breakfast with sponsor
9:30 meeting
11:00 post office
12:30 phone meeting
If I get to keep the car I would like to exchange C's bathing suit, clothes to Macy's, paper source, pick up vacuum bags, milk, oj, ice cream, scallions, orzo? A1
get C to phone store to check out phone.
finish shrimp salad for supper
pack for sleep clinic
work on NCC stuff
and to bed!
Success is not final, failure is not fatal
Elina, Sat.
To do:
- Breakfast, coffee, e-mails, reply too, social networks.
-12 step meditations, prayers, other routines.
-Call /write Mum, and M, write K.
-Lunch, clean up in kitchen, sort papers from last week.
In recovery,
Elina :)
-When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes ~ Oprah Windfrey