Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

What I'm doing now

So I tried the just-take-the-paper-out-of-the-folder trick and marked off some things I need to do on this piece of paper.  It's more than I thought, which is scary!  But at least I know what I'm facing now...

 I have an exam to take this week, any time between Monday and Friday, but I'd like to get it done earlier rather than later -- like, Monday...

I don't know if I will be able to do that, but I'd like to.

 Then I also have a ten page paper to write, and I'd like to do a little bit of that every day rather than cramming it all at the last moment-ish or on the last day.  I find that whenever I do a little of something daily, I'm always thankful for the me that did the work that kept the final work I'm doing from being totally un-doable...


Anyway...  I'm struggling with facing the next tiny step and actually getting started... I'm about to open my notebook...


Okay, I've opened my notebook to where I need to begin studying.  I'm going to flip through my notes and get an idea of what's in there.

 Okay, I've done that now..


I am also avoiding listening to my voicemails right now, but I need to because I have an appointment to make with someone who left me a message and my voice mail box is also full, so no one else can leave messages if I don't listen.  I dialed my voicemail and hung up as a tiny step, but I need to actually listen to the messages...


Here I am.  Nervous!!!! ::barf::