Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

I'm new. Hoping to see the light......


I'm in AA-NA Recovery for 16 years. My life is wonderful. However, I use
procrastination as a fix, it's one of the final fading embers of my addiction. Yes,
I FIX on procrastination. In other words I know I'm doing it, sometimes do
it deliberately, and because I am in control of mostly small things, it
gives me a brief buzz.

More seriously I have a phobia about having dates in my diary that are too
far in the future, or too densely packed. I'd make a terrible dentist or
lawyer or anyone who needed to see a number of people in a single day. Such
a day would feel great once I got into it, but in the week leading up to a
full week of appointments or fixtures I want to 'set myself free'.

So I am living in the moment, and of course I do have to put things in my
diary to live in society, but I am becoming addicted to cancelling important
engagements if I can. Sometimes I don't know I'm going to cancel until the
last minute.

I can always find good reasons why to cancel. What is tough is justifying to
myself why I set up a series of challenging scheduled meetings or travel in
the first place. I work in a team of people a lot of the time, and they are
always suffering because I won't tell them what is in my mind. So I tell
them I am PREPARING, or PLANNING, and they will have to wait. This is
unfair. They have lives to live, and they need to know when I am available
to work with them, so they can be free to do other things. Working with me
is what they want to do most, and is most lucrative for them. I like working
with them too, but my other work is enjoyable and lucrative too, but more
solitary. It seems I want to hold the cards. More control?

I've looked at the web site and I think this is going to be big. Such a
great idea, and I've already seen so much helpful stuff. I am a huge fan of
Recovery in all aspects of my life. 

Thanks Pro, for getting this together,


Welcome Lightman!

"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel

Welcome Lightman

I am about a week new here myself and also in AA for a few years. I can relate to your inability to be able to make long term plans. The program taught me a day at time so I really freak when someone ask me to make plans for the future. Again welcome may we both find what we are looking for here.

Thanks Stefinie

I am 65 years old, and told my counsellor I am looking forward to doing some of the things that when I was 30 I told myself I could do when I had more time. I even procrastinate about those wonderful things - like reading War & Peace or learning a language. She told me to stay in the day. It's really so simple isn't it? Important though to be kind to ourselves as well. This new fellowship offers a new way to examine how I can be hard on myself: unless I climb a mountain I am useless. Not true of course. One day, one step, at a time. If I have a bad day, best to just start a new one.