Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Made it through one more day with 2 teens. After school stuff , 15 yr old goes off to a coed overnite Bday party ...have things changed that much? Sent my husband to bring him home, just do not understand why he would think this is ok.
:) p
:) vid
:) mux2
:) din din
fund fol
:) p
:) read t
searching for "strength" yielded psalm 33 which contained this verse:
> But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear himps 33:18
knowing that no matter what, god has his eye on me, that comforted me greatly, and give me the strength to go on, take that next right action, and finish my task this day.
Vic 4/24
show up (done)
Made it through one more day with 2 teens. After school stuff , 15 yr old goes off to a coed overnite Bday party ...have things changed that much? Sent my husband to bring him home, just do not understand why he would think this is ok.
Did 3 hr paperwork sorting yesterday.
huma CI
What a joke I am sometimes. I'm starting at 715 pm tonight - no excuse for that.
Oh well, let me get going...
"It is never too late to be who you might have been" - George Eliot
"Fall seven times. Stand up eight." - Japanese proverb
CL daily overcoming
:) p
:) vid
:) mux2
:) din
dinfund fol
:) p
:) read t
searching for "strength" yielded psalm 33 which contained this verse:
> But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him ps 33:18
knowing that no matter what, god has his eye on me, that comforted me greatly, and give me the strength to go on, take that next right action, and finish my task this day.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
kromer 5pm CI
Where is everybody today?
I took most of the day off, which has been great. But it means I need to buckle down now.
First, I'm going to take 30 min and do as much as I can in lab. I want to get fellowship update submitted and maybe organize desk.
Then, I'm going to go home to do grocery shopping and laundry
Then, I need to spend an hour each working on diff EQ and biosensor reading.
In additional time I need to do something productive, but it can be either more diff EQ, more reading or organizing my closet.
Heading to chatbox now.