Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Had a nice relaxed morning, now I'm settling down to work.
Main task for the day is to get teaching stuff done. That means:
*Finish going through old exams, email EF with relevant questions
*Choose a simple clustering dataset and try it out w/ expander (have made a little progress on this)
*Finish and post topics outline
*Prep review of struct det., secondary struct, comp protein design, struct comparison
*make and post some simple review questions on papers
If I have additional time I'd like to:
*Finish going through biosensor results
*PCR (did a little work on this)
*Pour gel
*Thaw cells
*Check on expt.
Have been on this site for a few weeks now- but my life still feels really disorganised. What I managed to do this week was to get my exercise routine in order but I have also procrastinated too much. Right now I feel very confused abotu where to start and what to do.
So I'm starting again by going through all my papers, e-mails, updating my calendar and making a new and more complete masterlist. I don't know how long this will take but I will not stop until I'm finished. So I really need the support from my HP and hopefully from you too.
The other thing on my list for today is to bake for church tomorrow.
Good job on organizing bookshelves and desk and also take a few minutes of down time to enjoy your tea.
Try not to get do discouraged. I think it is awesome that you have gotten an exercise routine in place.
Celebrate you small victories and keep chipping away at all the other stuff it will come, just keep taking those small steps. And if it seems to overwheleming break it down even more.
Up early after waking from bad dream
Bath and personal care
Got ready to go out to DA meeting and meeting afterwards
Checked emails
Posted info on travel site
Go to DA meeting and meeting afterwards
Some shopping on the way back
Went to DA meeting and meeting afterwards was cancelled. Home feeling a bit weak and have spent most of the rest of the day on my bed or on the web. This is not a good use of my time.
I do not feel too good about myself. I am at a place in my life where an effort would propel me forward and if I leave things I shall be moving backwards.
Write journal
Go to bed and go to sleep
kromer 12:30 CI
Had a nice relaxed morning, now I'm settling down to work.
Main task for the day is to get teaching stuff done. That means:
Finish going through old exams,email EF with relevant questions*Choose a simple clustering dataset and try it out w/ expander (have made a little progress on this)
Finish and post topics outline*
Prep review of struct det.,secondary struct,comp protein design,struct comparison*
make and post some simple review questions on papersIf I have additional time I'd like to:
*Finish going through biosensor results
*PCR (did a little work on this)
Pour gel*
Thaw cells*Check on expt.
OK, working on 1st task now.
kromer CO
Well, I didn't quite get through all my list, but I did pretty well. (particularly after a bad start)
Will try to get an early start tomorrow (and go to the PA mtg)
Good night, all!
Hope-Faith CI 4/17/10 Putting Forth My Best Effort
Fighting huge resistance today that has many faces.
Elisabet Check-in
Have been on this site for a few weeks now- but my life still feels really disorganised. What I managed to do this week was to get my exercise routine in order but I have also procrastinated too much. Right now I feel very confused abotu where to start and what to do.
So I'm starting again by going through all my papers, e-mails, updating my calendar and making a new and more complete masterlist. I don't know how long this will take but I will not stop until I'm finished. So I really need the support from my HP and hopefully from you too.
The other thing on my list for today is to bake for church tomorrow.
So - here I go...
Have gone through the bookshelves in my study. Almost finished with my desk. Am going to take a tea break now.
Good Job
Good job on organizing bookshelves and desk and also take a few minutes of down time to enjoy your tea.
Try not to get do discouraged. I think it is awesome that you have gotten an exercise routine in place.
Celebrate you small victories and keep chipping away at all the other stuff it will come, just keep taking those small steps. And if it seems to overwheleming break it down even more.
Good Luck and keep us update.
Thank you for the
Thank you for the encouragement! It means a lot!
Well done!
You are doing well!!!
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
Rexroth Check In
Up early after waking from bad dream
Bath and personal care
Got ready to go out to DA meeting and meeting afterwards
Checked emails
Posted info on travel site
Go to DA meeting and meeting afterwards
Some shopping on the way back
That for now
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Went to DA meeting and meeting afterwards was cancelled. Home feeling a bit weak and have spent most of the rest of the day on my bed or on the web. This is not a good use of my time.
I do not feel too good about myself. I am at a place in my life where an effort would propel me forward and if I leave things I shall be moving backwards.
Write journal
Go to bed and go to sleep
Night Folks
Helen's CI
Goal : Decorate living room
Morning routine:
Home Maintenance:
Home Improvement: