Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Weekend Madness 4-9-2010 through 4-11-2010


The 'weekend madness' threads are for anyone who has a crazy busy weekend planned...

  to post their plans,


make progress updates,

celebrate success

and cheer each other on like mad.


We use loads of graphics and generally make it a party atmosphere.


It REALLY works. 

Are you ready, people? LET'S GO!

tiptree CI

-- 1691 demoable
-- 1889 big image bug fixed
XX laundry
-- clear out inbox
-- read 25 pp. of AT
-- read 25 pp. of O'Reilly book
-- review bug items
-- update work todo list
-- read about H**
-- clean office
-- taxes -- print forms and do a rough estimate
-- mail check

Vic 4-10-10

 Ready to party.... My computer was down before, and all day was up and down with personality issues in the family.

 I decided I refuse to let anyone spoil my happiness .................. so I left and joined the party, I don't care if it is a work party.

1. fill out 2 on line rebates.

2, fill out form and check to register.


vic Weekend madness sun nite

Well I did not as productive as I hoped, but  I need to stay positive. Things I did not do were:

1. I did not pick up a substance, drink or food.(food not perfect but not binging)

2. I did not have any arguments with anyone. I really really worked at self pity, anger and resentments.

3. Got a "behind the wheel" driver instructior for my son because he does not want to learn the rules of the road with me.

4. Food shopping and cooked. House sort of tidy.

5. Cleaned bathroom  and did washm clean up some bd rm.

6. Son won both soccer games today.and scored in both.

I need to walk in early am and not wait- until nite and not go. this is bad.

I checked in and did not shut down ) a miracle)

I guess at one time I would have considered the weekend to be a miracle, I need to do babysteps with more. There was some "reason" for delay of son's school work due to schedule changes to be discovered tommorrow.

have a good nite. I am going to get sleep.


Walked yesterday.


Vic's weekend madness


You are cool! You did well. Bravo! 


Welcom to the party Vic


Lucky progress check 1 10.4.10

Weeeell... I've done the shopping and part of the house clean, and did indeed have a lovely break by the river :) but now the housemate's boyfriend has cancelled at the last minute because of work! So she'll want my company this evening/tomorrow instead of leaving me to do productive things while she does couple things... I need to look at my tasklist and work out what still needs doing and what I can still do, but right now I'm having an energy crash and falling asleep in my chair!

Well, I'm going to put the washing up away, wipe the kitchen surfaces and see if I can find this spider she claims is living in the bathroom, and then come back and review the situation :)

Edit: Done (spider was a whopper!) and I'm feeling more awake and going to do some writing.

Hope-Faith Weekend

  1. AM Routine  
  2. AM Task  
  3. Prime Wall
  4. 30 mins organize c
  5. 60 mins DD's R
  6. Van Carpet - Doors - Ceiling
  7. Mop
  8. Cabbage
  9. Speech
  10. Work 7.5
  11. PM Routine
  12. PM Task


It is a struggle

I am struggling but I am going to push past this. I have not worked this hard to let it just fall apart.

AM Routine is now in progress

:blush: I have not even made coffee yet at it is almost lunch time -- so that is my first task


Still Struggling but Putting My Best Foot Forward


  1. Coffe
  2. Clothes folded
  3. Breakfast dishes cleaned up


  1. E-mail

In one of the e-mails that I read someone had this scripture at the top of their e-mail. I want to be diligent.

The Christian who is lazy has many desires but can never satisfy them but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." (Proverbs 13:4)
  1. Financials
  2. Control Journal and Calendar


TA DA and TO DO 2

Sets of 3's 


  1. E-mail
  2. Financials
  3. Control Journal and Calendar


  1. Pick up DD
  2. S/S
  3. W


TA DA and TO DO 3

Next Sets of 3's 


  1. Pick up DD
  2. S/S
  3. W


  1. Lunch
  2. AM Task -- Habit
  3. AM Task -- Pic


TA DA and TO DO 4

Next Sets of 3's 


  1. Lunch
  2. AM Task -- Habit
  3. AM Task -- Pic



  1. Taxes/paperwork
  2. Digital Files
  3. Goats


TA DA and TO DO 5


  1. Taxes/paperwork
  2. Digital Files
  3. Goats


  1. Wallpaper
  2. Utility Room
  3. Break 10 min


TA DA and TO DO 6


  1. Wallpaper
  2. Utility Room
  3. Break 10 min


  1. Setup a plan for work stuff
  2. Van carpet
  3. Get weeds out of area for Cabbage Plant


TA DA and TO DO 7


  1. Setup a plan for work stuff
  2. Van carpet
  3. Get weeds out of area for Cabbage Plant


  1. 15 min work stuff
  2. Clean up and get ready to cook supper 15
  3. Vaccume Van Carpet


TA DA and TO DO 8


  1. 15 min work stuff
  2. Clean up and get ready to cook supper 15
  3. Vaccume Van Carpet 


  1. Supper
  2. Clean up from supper
  3. PM Routine



TA DA and TO DO 9


  1. Supper
  2. Clean up from supper
  3. PM Routine


  1. 15 min work stuff
  2. 15 min work stuff
  3. 15 min work stuff


TA DA - So much activity



You rock! 

Party for GSD

GDS you have completed 9 sections WOW you are way past due for a  party post





You are a star!


Well done


GetStuffDone Weekend

I have a very busy weekend...I plan to finish revising Economics (the textbook is 576 pages) Surprised

So...everytime I finish a section, I'm going to have a mini-party here!

Chapter 1 Section 1;

Chapter 2 Section 1; Chapter 2 Section 2; Chapter 2 Section 3i; Chapter 2 Section 3ii; Chapter 2 Section 3iii; Chapter 2 Section 4;

Chapter 3 Section 1; Chapter 3 Section 2; Chapter 3 Section 3; Chapter 3 Section 4; Chapter 3 Section 5; Chapter 3 Section 6; Chapter 3 Section 7; Chapter 3 Section 8;

Chapter 4 Section 1; Chapter 4 Section 2; Chapter 4 Section 3; Chapter 4 Section 4; Chapter 4 Section 5; Chapter 4 Section 6; Chapter 4 Section 7;

Chapter 5 Section 1; Chapter 5 Section 2; Chapter 5 Section 3; Chapter 5 Section 4;

Thanks, Hope-Faith, for putting this thread up!

Lucky plan for the weekend

Thanks, hope-faith - great to see this showing up again!

Today I'm doing shopping and a quick house clean in preparation for another visit - and yes, I WILL be attempting to clean the rat cage again... :) (no defeatism - I will be DOING the rat cage :)

Tomorrow I'm going over to the neighbours' for an hour for my cleaning job and I'd really like to make a good start on, if not finish, my online booksale and computer appeal. The housemate has her boyfriend over all weekend so it's a good excuse for me to stay out of the way and get stuff done.

Non-tasky things I'd like to do this weekend if time: Spend some time chilling by the river, and watch 'The Sound of Music' (well, I've put the idea in my head now... see today's threadstarter!)


WOW I want to come and spend time by the river too. It sounds so nice an relaxing.

Have a great time



Helen's Saturday

I have been procrastinating about getting a job BIG TIME. This is because, well I am not sure exactly but  I am scared silly about interviews. I have had anxiety issues in the past and I guess I am still recovering. I am virtually there but interviews are very stressful, more stressful than doing an actual job, and I fear that stress will somehow get to me. I really need a job, virtually any old job would do right now. Not getting a job is self sabotage and it really is time for me to stop. This is the big one for me. 

 I had a bit of a breakthrough last week, (thanks for the chat Mamma Cat). I realised that this particular  procrastination is like a black hole. I avoid taking steps to job hunt and it affects other areas.  I avoid other tasks which ensures always have other procrastinations to focus on and worry about so I don't have to face the big one. 

Today I am going on a NLP workshop. It is 6am and I am preparing to don my interview clothes (matching boots, gloves, handbag and portfolio don't ya knowTongue out) and sling myself across London by public transport. I will be spending the day learning about NLP techniques to 'create instant rapport' and having mock interviews and feedback. Over the next few days I will polish my CV until it shines and spend a few hours in the library. They have a good few books about CVs and interview techniques. Then I shall do the rounds of the temp agencies as well as taking other steps to get my CV under the noses of the decision makers.

Now that I have taken decisive action by tackling the thorniest issue  it has freed me up to stop procrastinating about other things. 

I will report back later.


Interview practise...

The course was really useful. The idea behind using NLP for interviews is to find out what your interviewer is like and get them to like you by being like them. This is done by mirroring, using language form these for types; visual (I saw that...), kinesthetic (I feel that...), logical (I implemented step 1, step 2...), auditory (when I heard that...).

You need to get your interviewer talking and find out what type of personality they have. then talk in the same way. You can divide their personality types into one of four using a pared down Myers Briggs personality profile (Google it if interested) . Are they focused on being dutiful and follow procedures, are they logical and inventive, are they action-orientated or are they idealists?

Sounds easy but I think it needs practising.  

The feedback from mock interviews were really really useful.  I say um a lot, really a lot. I had no idea. This might be difficult to change.I will take a tape recorder with me when I sign up for temp work at the agencies this week and play back their interviews. I might well find someone to give me a mock interview when I am invited to an interview for a job I want for more practise.

I took the day off on Sunday but instead of just watching DVDs I did a lot of internet research and tidied up my computer filing system and bookmarks. A small thing but I now feel much more focused now my files are organised and it is simple to find everything. I have One Note which is part of Office 2007 and I also learnt how to use that.



WOW Helen sounds like you have super awesome plan in place.

Smiley Super Awesome Plan Dance




Helen, GOOD LUCK!and WELL DONE for achieving this breakthrough and taking action! Hope it goes really well - I'm interested in NLP myself so I'd love to hear about it :)