Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 5 April 2010
Welcome to a new week! Let's make it as productive as possible!
Quick note: Due to time zones, I will most likely be starting the Check-In threads. So, if there is a picture or message you want to see on tomorrow's Check-in thread, please give it to me beforehand and I will put it up.
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I "locked" myself out of chat!
I "locked" myself out of chat because I left my browser open at home! Oh, well. I am continuing to go every so mildly nuts.
I do that all the time!
I have a sticky note above my desk at work saying "Close browser!!!" but even that doesn't always work...
Best of luck working w/out the chatbox :)
5 minute break
I'm now trying the "focus booster live" at
it's supposedly configurable (i think there's at least one bug), it uses the pomodoro timer concept... 25 minutes of work, followed by 5 minutes break, then back to work. So now I'm on break.
and it's almost up. I actually created a similar app a while back, with some different features.
Break's up.
5 minute break #2
Despite some flaws, focus booster seems to be working pretty well! About 3.5 minutes left... I'll get more tea
5 minute break #3
Checked the Cubs score. Weird start!
Last Pomodoro/Focus Booster session for now
This Pomodoro thingy has worked well for me today.
NewsFlash: The Cubs suck. But I'm a lifelong Cubs fan, and I'm sure this is the year they will win the World Series, just as confidently as I was last year and every year before that.
I will try to work more after dinner.
Go Braves!
THanks for the focus booster link! I'm trying it today.
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel
kromer 1 pm CO
Back from my weekend trip to visit my parents.
I have a half-day at work today, so I want to use it efficiently. First step is to make a schedule for the week. Then I'll be able to make a reasonable schedule for the day.
Update 1:30. Have a schedule for the week (working a little slowly, but at least I'm going)
I have some small tasks that I really want to get done (long list, but each of these are very short)
Mail taxes (will do this soon), do laundry,
email DP & TH & parents & brother, order tennis shoes,cancel flight,return library books, unpackThen, I have a few top-priority tasks:
*Work on pset grading (working on this now)
*Analyze RT data
And a couple of lower-priority things
*Prep recitation
*Finish going over pset
OK, I'm going to go get something caffeinated to keep me awake, then I'll work for a focused hour on pset grading, then I'll nail a few of the short tasks, then I'll figure out where to go from there.
Agnus almost noon, 6:05pm
G'mornin barely! I got up to watch the Shuttle launch after way too little sleep, and have kept going ever since, so already dragging. But glad to have completed my daily disciplines, pet care, some J-time, meds and vits sorted for the week, laundry, cleaning, and straighening a closet and a cupboard. MITs du jour:
OK, off to it. God help me!
agnus goes doh
just realized nobody else in my company is working today because of Easter.
tiptree 11 AM CI
- 1889: commit final tweaks
- test 1889
- integrate 1691
- test sess. arch. vs. db
- clean office
- pick up suit
- prep/mail check
- finish EA
- mail RD
- tax work
- 25 pp. of CMK
- 1 ch. of SA book
- M or C tutorial
- file 20 docs
- clear out inbox
- review solo
Rexroth Check In
It is early afternoon and I slept in this morning so am behind.
A lot of craft work
Bath and personal care
Spoke to friend on phone
Write up craft notes and finish up and tidy up
Wash up and clean up in kitchen
Hand wash scarf
Think balance in life - I tend to do a lot of one thing at a time ignoring others
Following above plan what is left of week
List shopping
Write journal
That will do for now
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Looked at film on laptop and so to bed.
Night Everyone
huma CI
Alrighty, I'm off to a decent start today. Let's keep moving!
AC proposalCC shippingpost officecall Joe @ RFconfirm appt with HRinvoice for BSSB quizmake sure Lisa is calledcheck transmission fluidcall crazy RWweb ads"It is never too late to be who you might have been" - George Eliot
"Fall seven times. Stand up eight." - Japanese proverb
Thanks for starting us out GSD! It's great to have the thread started early. I know you guys will be happy that I am not asking for the Tuesday Lady graphic rofl!
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel
Journey 8:45
Early to work today, as it's spring break and there was very little traffic! I'm very proud of myself that I mostly finished my federal taxes last night! I am missing two forms and I need to see if I can get them online today. I still need to do the state, print them out, and mail them, but I got a LOT done yesterday. I also did my budget for the month of April, which is sad :) I had some extra expenses last month which means I start out this month with NO extra money. But I can pay all my bills, and I have been thru times when I couldn't, so it's all good.
I've checked email and calendar, and I've been to the gym. Now it's time for coffee and cereal while I make my todolist. I have a looonnng meeting this afternoon so if I'm going to get anything done, it will be this morning. Have a productive and enjoyable day folks.!
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel
work -done
exercise routine -done
SL lesson 1A - done
stamps - done
lawn -done
Not bad. I did almost everything and what I didn't do was because of time constraints not procrastination.
Cambridge, MA face to face PA meeting
Good morning all!
For those of you in the Boston, MA area, don't forget - our face to face meeting is happening tonight, 7:30-9pm, in Cambridge, MA! :)
Day and Time: 7:30-9pm, every Monday night (except for holidays, due to location closing)
Address: First Church in Cambridge, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA
Room: The Choir Room
Directions / Public Transport:
Contact: ME, Mama_Cat! :)
OR, for more info, go to:
Thanks, and hope to see you there!
Have a productive day all!
Helen's Check in
Another lazy day...
Washing up
Buy rice, bread etc
Do finance thing
That was hard but I did it. Yay!
Lucky CI
Up by 8

Check in
Prayer time on
Prayer & visualisation over tasklist
Check alarm
Call Rush, swap product if open
Look for frog eye (I'm not making a potion! Dog chewed the eye off a cuddly frog)
Clear kitchen
Rat cage
Blog post
Writing plan
Start on ebay/amazon stuff
Start on computer appeal
Call bank
Get bike stuff ready inc map
Set alarm early
Charge phone
Bird feeder
Dog face wash
Clear kitchen
Tomorrow's list
Wash face/brush teeth - floss - clean contacts properly
Email report
Check in
Bed straight after check in!
Elisabet 8 am
1. Planning SpE2. Planning JE4
. Prayer/ meditation5. Exercise
6. Holiday planning7. Fskkassan
8. Correct test
9. Correct essays Sp
10. Visit grandmother11. contact Elin12. Prep tomorrows task list13.
declutter children's rooms14. Practise piano with daughter15. Ink.lista16. Tidy deskTo avoid procrastination: No radio, browsing, reading paper before 7.30 pm.
Today I'm also going to measure the amount of time for each task, to see whether my list is realistic or not.
strike's no stress check-in 8.04 am
Morning guys, I wish you a great day.
-book ticket
-mail a + b
-process insurance
-call doctor
-finished taxes
GetStuffDone CI
Timetable so far...
Total productive time: 310 mins :)
Total procrastinated time: 296 mins :(
PLAN for next few hours:
2.40: End lunch
2.40-3.00: Study
Hope-Faith CI 4/5/2010
GSD it is so good to have someone on a early time zone have the thread started in the am. I never have time in the am. So thank you bunches I am very greatful as I know everyone else is as well.
Clutter 2(biggie)
Paper work